The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-1-29, Page 3Ater
A Scoutmaster
o c u m
Following a recent visit to. `flings-
ville, Scontmas•ter C. V. Strevett of
the First I3order Cities :Troop address`=
ed to the local paper a letter which is
se applicable to dozens of 'other towns
and villages in Ontario that we re-
produce it fully here: e.
"Dear. Mr. Editor: I had the lionor
last week to attend the meeting of the
troop recently formed in your town
and had the pleasure of initiating
thirtyfive boys into the Boy Scout
Movement. I was informed while
there that there are a lot more boys
anxious to become Scouts, but the
trouble is there are no men to take
up the work, Now, sir, it is to the
parents of boys and to men whp have
time to spare that I would address this `,
"first, tto fat orso; boys tween the ages a 12 and 1$, niay T,
aslr'this question? Do you know your
son? .By that'1 'mean, do you know
the company he keeps, do you know his
secrets, have you made a.chum of him,
or is he afraid of you? . Fiave you ever.
The name
Red Rose" has been a
► quality for 30: years
ATEAftis good toil
The ORANGE PEKOE is extra fid. Try it !
'Provincial Board of Health, Ontario.
Dr, Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat-
tere through this column. Address him at Spading house, Spadina
Crescent, Toronto.
he h f b be- A correspondent inquires • about
asthma. She . says she has been:
troubled with it for twenty years and
has tried all kinds of treatments, in-
cluding patent medicines.
The great trouble in advising treat-
ment for asthma is that it is not one
disease but several.; Because one man
given a thought to his future - outside !is benefited by a certain line of treat
his education? Have: you ever tried ment, it does not :follow that the
to make his chums yours? Have''You .treatment. will apply to . every indi
ere^ sat and talked to him in a chummy. vidual.' The proper plan is to make a
careful study of each case, and have it
way and; tried to see what he does and
made before the disease has plbgress-
where he; goes•, when You are not pre-. ed too far. Consequently there is no
sent? Fathers> of boyls, ,make chums one treatment that a lien to all cases.
of your sons and see"what will; happen.'' What helps one asthmatic is of no
� p
No• doubt you, as a father, have a few service to the next. For instance, by
night&'to yourself; if you have,tiask having his nose treated, one man will
yourboy to bring you a Scout book, find great relief, another receives no
read it and see• -what spleasure ydu get benefit' from nose "treatment, but gets
ment see the pleasure relief by going to -a dry climate, where
out of the move p the throat and chest secretions dry up.
you can give other boys besides your Again,'there is a class of people who
own and I feel :sure that you Will be benefit greatly by changing to a vege-
repaid for tile time -and trouble you. tariandiet,. leaving o•ut meats, milk,
take in their work. eggs and similar articles of dietwhich
"Now a word to men who are not are rich in amino -acids. Some author -
fathers but who have timeon their ities -hold the opinion that asthma is
hands of an evening and could devote associated with fermentation of the
betterment 6f the -stomach: with the resulting irirtation
that time to theand perhaps inflammation. It would.
"'Men of to -morrow, I : feel sure that thus appear that the eating of ser -
fn the town of Kingsville` (and in every tain foods and certain combinations of
other town, too, for that matter), there food might have a ver decided effect
must be:: some men who .are, interested in. increasing or .decreasin the S xn p -
g y p
in boys and who witha little persua- toms . of asthma. For instance, the
sion, could be induced -to take up the eating of starches and sugars in 'ex
a ork' of build cessive amounts tends toproduce fer-
ing'good citizens, it is not a military
movement, and' no man "need feel
ashamed to have the name Sdoltmas
ter"tacked to his mine.
"In your town there, are boys who
ire looking for: a leader. I trust .this
letter will be' read by some men' who
will be willing to give the boys some
of their 'spare time. I know •that once
work is under'takena-the• boy'sa won't
let. the` leader quit—nor will they want
to—it is so interesting. What is want
ed is real red-blooded men who' will
read the Scout!books.-. These can be
obtained from Scout Headquarters in
"I am- certain that once the;work is
started in- earnest, it will.not only be
good for the boys themselves but for
the community at large. The scholars
will benefit, the public will benefit and
the several little incidents of life that
at times are annoyance: to the public.
will disappear. I hear somebody ask
`Why'? The answer is that the Scout -
movement does it. It teaches the boy
to be manly, teaches him 'to help
',others, teaches him. to. do a good turn
every day, and above all, it • teaches
him to respect his elders.
"Now, Mr. Editor, please don't think
2 am: 'Scout crazy or that this iso all
a anew 'thing to me, • I have been in
the game for the past fifteen years in
this country; - aw the first troop that
was ever tented in South Africa`inorte
than twenty years ago and know what
'alike done fon; my own., ons
"Thanking you for the space in ad-
vance and assuring you -that the Scout
movement iso the beet thing in- the
world for boys, ,.
Yours very truly,.
Scoetmaster, 1st Border.Cities Ts oop,
Windsor, Ont."
Hearing With the Tongue?
People who are quite deaf cannot
enjoy wireless at the present time, put
science is malting such rapid .strides
that it seems likely that this difficulty
will soon be.overcome, and that those
who are permanetly deaf may, after
.practice,, be able to receive wireless.
messages by 'tasting them with the
At least, What a number 'of
scientists are aiming at just now.
'These -scientists;:employ° an -ordinary
wireless receiver containing three
valves, and in place of the usual head-
phones or loud -speaker :they have two
eaitablyshaped pieces of silver or cop-
per, which are separated from each
other by means of a strip of ebonite.
These are placed in the mouth of a
deaf person. so; that they rest comfort-
ably over the tongue.
.A. spark transmitting apparatus was
used, and each dot or dash'sent out
by wireless excited a strong metallic
taste in the mouth of thedeafperson.
This is easily understandable, bocaue,
instead of the received signals being
made to actuate a pair of headphones
or a loudospeaker, they were passed'
on the insulated silver plates le the
mouth of the deaf person, and eaoh im-
pulse of cttrrent made its p res nc
e e
,known by" moans of a characteristic
Scout work; this is w
: ivdr `.,•vial rad_ shoe is made from
gall; skin,
mentation in the stomach and intes-
tines, and it is not by any means im-
probable that the irritation caused by
thefermentationof the stomach might
extend to the lining mucous mem-
brane of the lungs.
In all asthmatic conditions, there-
truyied Plumes.
the wee .•a NenfitMother
Who labora?a.'tei make a home,
And then stye lay down contented
Till all ber dear babes bed coxae.
And, when by 1),er side they nested,
So helpless agid weak and small,
The world was enriched by a match-
less love --
.A, love -that it:rpassee all.
Ile was radiant sol st
H e
axg r, �.
He jeweled the' dark old • tree;
Ile sang to his mate in rapture
A song ut',the ,gay and free;
No cloud marred, his life's horizon,
He knew neither fear nor
But only that day chases siiv're night
And that •sunshine succeeds cool
She Is a dainty'lady,
Is satin and rare old lace,
But her beautiful form and features.
But mirror her soul's disgrace,
For over her fair white shoulders
Is hanging the mother's hide,
And the bright' glossy wing in her
burnished hair,
Was torn from the singer's side.
.-Geraldine E. Lyster..
1'�T�, �t � 0OABA€€ Y
The winter season is a hard one on
the baby. - He is more or less 'confined
fore, it .would be wise to omit from to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms, It
the• diet all .pies and pastry, sugars is so often stormy that the mother
and starchy foods, including: bread. So does not get lain out in the fresh air
it would seem that first and foremost{.as often as she should.' He catches
the thing to do 3n trying to effect 'a i:colds which rack his little system
cure for asthma, or at least bring, his stomach' and bowels get out of
order arid he becomes peevish and
cross. To guard against this the
mother shpuld `keep a box of Baby's.
Own Tablets in the house. They regu
late the stomach and bowels and break
up colds. They 'are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents- a box
from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
about relief from it, is to try and get
at the root cause. Why did the asthma.
start in the first place? What were
the conditions associated with its ap-
pearanee. Hadthe patient a persist-
ent cough with loss of weight for some
time previous to the onset of the
asthmatic condition? This is • importer
ant to know because many eases of
bronchial asthma are In reality con-
sumption. Some cases are due to
heart disease, some to Bright's dis-
ease, .some to growths in the nose.
What must be -done is to find out if
there is a curable cause and then to
cure it. Cases of asthma which have
no•apparent cause are about as hard
to treat as any disease that affects
Climate seems to help niore eases
than anything •else, but even this fails
sometimes and only palliative treat-
ment can be resorted to. The so-called
asthma cures, seldom do good, and if
taken indiscriminately may do harm.
Some often lead to drug habits:
Banking by Mail
The .security. afforded by the Province ::of Ontario
Savings . Office, together with the ' facilities extended . by
every, Post Office in Canada and other countries, make it
possile for everyone to deposit their savingsin this institu,;
tion. Interest is allowed, compounded half -yearly, with full
checking privileges.
The' confidence the rural communities have shown .in
e Is indicated b . the large increase ` in de-
posits; which are; now over $20,000,000.
dresourcesof the
i � "secured by the entire •
All deposits. are
Province of Ontario.
should be made b : Post Office money order,
Remittances y
bank cheque; express order or registered letter, and should
be addressed to your nearest Branch, where they will receive
prompt attention.
Province of Ontario Sams Office
Toronto Branch Offices:
Bay and Adelaide Ste. • Cdr. University and Dundas Ste.
619 Danforth Avenue.
Other Branches at
Hamilton, 8t. Catharines;' St Mary's, Pembroke,
Brantford, ' Woodstock, Owen Sound, Ottawa,
Seaforth . Walkerton, Newmarket and Aylmer.
Many a time olio would give
much to be able to lay his lianas
on directions for :preparing a
spraying mixture, a ration for
laying hens or for doing alhun-
dred and ono other kinds of
work about which ho has :read.'
A propel:system of preserving
and:filsng pezrphlets• would meat
such a need at all times, Such
a 'system hes been deviled by:.
the:. Department of Agriculture
at Ottawa. It is fully e:i p laine'
In "TI -IE ru xcA"ro1`3'S:
INDEX BOOB" in which the
pamphlets' of the Donartraent
Post Offl j,„. .
4`t . 10'01l
and other documents may be re-
corded in classified fashion.
To receive the INDEX
#OE slid a' LIST OF F1 EE
AMPPILETS on ell farming
pied; `li in. this slip and re-
m it post free to:
The Publications Sranc t
Department of Agriculture
Ottawa, Ont.
When Deep Sea Denizens
Take Forty Winks.
Having no eyelids, fish do not ap-
pear to sleep. That they rest as regu-
larly as
egu-larlyas human beings was the opinion
of Aristotle over two thousand years
ago, and recent observations have cot -
firmed his view.
Among marine fish, the wrasse con-
ger 'eel, dory, dogfish, bass, and all flat
fish sleep periodically resting usually
on the bottom of the sea.
Being exceedingly: light sleepers, it
it difficult toobserve the nocturnal.
habits offish in aquariums, for the.
slightest increase in light arouses
them. The salt -water blackfish, or
tautog, is au exception. Lying on its
side with its mouth open, the tautog
is an exceedingly sound sleeper. As
it settles down to slumber faint stripes
and spots of bl4elx appear all- over its
body, which. give -'the impression that
it has changed its clothes.
Changing Their Color.
More noticeable still are the varia-
tione in color of the common scup or
porgy. When bedtime comes it takes
a surprisingly short time to don a.
nightdress. Clothed .in .silvery grey.
when awake, the :fishdescends among
the seaweeds when drows,iess comes.
Stripes of darker grey or brown appear
almost immediately, and very -soon it
is not easy to distinguish the sluggard
from its surroundings.
As a 'quick -change artist, however,
the parrot fish has few equals. Swim-
ming about in the tropical waters, the
parrot fish is a clear turquoise:. green hitherto been absolutely smooth and
during the daytime. Finding a quiet unwrinkled, a faint network of lines
nook among the stones and weeds, its is beginning to appear. Their habitual
color fades to a dull olive. Further expressions, instead of being alert and
changes go on whilst it sleeps. 'Num- intelligent, have become mechanical'
and placid.
-E ,; °'
They Give New Vitality—and more
A -Circus Trick
This is .en :old-time circus trick
which, in other days was performed
in front of the Bide -show as a
sample of the wonders to be seen.
within. The performer took two
pieces of tape and tied them around
his neck. After a long. but shock-
ingly incorrect explanation of "how
it was done," he pulled the :tapes.
and they seemily passed through
his neck.
The two tapes were doubled and
the centers tied' together by a frail
piece of thread (Fig. 1.). The per-
former held his hand over the
point where the tapes were tied to-
gether and the tapes appeared to
be side by side and without prep-
aration. When he put the tapes
around his neck, his -collar hid the
junction of the tapes or he care-
fully kept his face to the spectators.
Taking the ends A and G he tied -
them `together close to his neck.
The ends B and D were tied close
to .his neck, also. When he grasped
the tape and gave them a vigorous
pull, the thread broke and the tape
came away. Because of the method
of tying, the appearance of the
tape was then exactly as if it had
been aroundhis neck.
(Oiip this out and pante it, with
other of the aeries, in a. scrapbook.)
Wireless Wrinkles.
Women are in fear of developing
"wireless wrinkles."
Concentration night after night by.
the fireside listening ,closely to the
sounds coming from the loud speaked
or sittingwithearphones jammed
agai,ist the ears is likely to give wo-
men a "radio" face.
The attain of trying to catch every
word of wireless broadcast constantly
puckers the lines arcuud the woman's
forehead and draws more lines around
the sides of the mouth. '
Women who have been untiring lis-
teners for -months are beginning to
notice that where their faces have
erous reddish brown spots eppear on
its body.
Placed in an aquarium" having a
plain green bottom„ :the parrot fish re-
tains its coat of green and does not
put on night clothes._ But if a few
Iarge stones are dropped into the
aquarium, corresponding blotches ap-
pear on the sleeping fish.'`
IS This Your Hobby, Collect-
ing Music?
now is it that more people do not.
take up as a hobby' the collecting of -
music? Maxiy people collect books,
pictures, and stamps, with a view to
retaining these against all time. Not
many dothis with music. Why, not
start collecting classical music, songs.
of good quality, and dance pieces
both old and new publications, and
also old scores?
Think :how interesting to PIesont
day dance lovers would be a series of
bound volumes ef' the dance music
since 1900 to the present day," The
idea could be carried further and
periods could be particularized
when dances are held. .As an example,
What could be called "the 1906 dente"
could be given, when every iteni
should consist of dance music in 1906(
Then again think, how useful suck
collections of music would be to oar
children and their Children, Standard
pieces of music such as we all as
children have to.,.learn, - would always
be in the music cabinet. Pamela could
see when she was learning a Grleg
sonata just' where her mother had dif-
ficulty by the marking on' the page.
Such collections of music .would' be
exceedinglyvaluable'--•as valuable as
any libraries,
Cotton materials ', with the appear-
ance and ,feel of weel are being made
in Germany. They take dyes well,
And are already popular with women
for sports clothing,
or Every iii— rnard'e Liniment.
Length 'o R pe.
Willie -"Pa sent me for a piece of
rope like this."
Shopman "How much does he
"Just enough
to the fence."
to reach fromthe goat
When girls ;becoree breathless, 1,0n$ui4 aid pale, Pete
eats should core i?)'oriillt stotx, ,tor delnyeategMl etalalttethIrdrilk
girl In her "teens” ,cannot develop int robust, .Iwpli ,
Womanhood without abundant, 'rich red biped In her veinii,
and It is the leek of .thio thea le they great trouble with
most girls. They grow' anaemic. itapressed and 'weak, With
no appetite, and no interest in life.
Every anasinlo girl who is, struggling in, womanhood in,
a prior ;state of health, can end splendid, vigorous health,
with glowing cheeks And sparbling eyes, in Dr, Willienue
finis Pllis. For these pills not only increase the supply of
x;els, real blood; • they create ,appetite, relieve the weary
back and limbs, restore Pull ' and ehexm,
and so transrarmn pale, anaemic girls into robust, happy
So if you are anaemic, let Dr, Will :roe' Pink 1'illlr
help you as they did Muse Clara Cheslook, High Fails, Que.,
who says: --''Before I•to•ok Dr. Williams' Pink .Pine I was
pale, bloodless and badly run down, The least exertion
would tire me and .my appetite was fickle. A short treat -
Anent with Dr. Wiiliafas' Pink Pills has changed allthis
and I am now enjoying the hest of health, for which you
,have my sincere. thanks,"
pare pf Battery.
Never allow the solution in your
storage battery to get below the level
of the plates. Inspect the battery.lre-
q,uently and add chemically pure
water, This water may be obtained
at a drug store and Is known as d4s-
tilled water. Some Fane' may be In a
position to do the job themselves.
Pay your out -of town accounts by'
Dominion Express Money Orders.
Foot Rests for Plowman.
A German inventor has designed a
small portable plow which is Worked
with foot rests upon which the farmer
stands: •
For First Ald—Minard's Liniment.
Speaking of Birds.
Visitor—"I notice . a sign outside
that says you want a man to retail im-
ported 'canaries."
Manager—"Yes, •are you iooldng for
the job?"
Visitor—"No, I just wanted to know
how the canaries lost their tails.
Tortoise ranging in size from less
than 1 in. wide to 2% feet in diameter
are to be bought' in London.
• have bought their farina; in Wssiarn
Canada from the. Canadian Pacific. A
remarkable Fact. Think! There is a
reason. The large area of our hold-
ings affording choice of location gad of
land to suit every farming need. Fair
' price, fair contract, and fair dealing
combined with abundant fertility of
soil, good climate- and social condi-
tions make farm life there . desirable'
and .attractive. Thousands more will
select their farm from aur virgin lands, •
from our improved farms, and with
t some capital and determination to
I work, can make a hdme and pay for
it. Write for our booklet, "The Prairie
• Provinces of •Canada," and leaflet, 1
"Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L ..
Norwood, Land Agent. Canadian Pacific
Railway, Desk W., 'Windsor' Station, t
Montreal; Que.
"Ideal Writer Playground
Only-2 Daysfron Newyork
Sailings Twice Weekly
Leaving N.Y. Wed. anti Sat.
Via Palatial, Twin -Screw,
Oi1-Burning Steam era
Landing Passengereat HamiltonDock
For tllustrafed Booklets Write
34 Whitehall Street • New Yodr City
or Any Local Tourist Agent
If you are weak, thin and nervous,
let your druggist supply you with
Bistro -Phosphate: It is guaranteed to
increase weight and strength and re-
stare energy, vigor and nerve force.
Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical
Co., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont.
Insist on
Unless you see the "Bayer' Cross" on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe
by millionsandprescribed-by physicians 24 years for
Colds Headache
Pain Neuralgia.
Toothache Lumbago,
Neuritis Rheumatism
Accept tnly" Bayer" asks which contains proven directions.
Handy "Beyer" boxes or12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 109' --Druggists.
Aspirin is the trade nark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manu:faebtre of li alteatetic--
ncideafec et Saito/Wield Bell (Acetyl 'Salicylic Acid, "A. S. 4.."). While It is Welt known
Aspirin means Payer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablet*of 73a
a9eri: r' C7on�lfunq will 1a, ,)tamlied With their general, trade iliilttt, the "eater Com,'
• Classified Advertisements
wanted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria
Street, Toronto,
da.�7 VanWinckel, 1399 Lansdowne.A,.ve.,
McCreery, Chatham, Ont.
italian Daily Paper In London.
L'eco d' Italia,• which has been pub-
lished in London in Italian weekly..
during the past five years, is to be-
come a daily paper,
We are interested In obtaining
particulars to the Wilson Publishing
Company, 73 West Adelaide Street,
Toronto, Ontario.
Best for Coughs and Colds
Minards gives quick relief for,
coughs and 'colds, grippe, influenza,
etc. Madame J -Edmond Poitras, of
Faubourg, St. Jean Bte., Quebec, is
only one of hundreds who highly'
recommend it, She writes . as fol-
lows ;
"After having tried several Syrups
and rubbing lotions for cough I .con,,'
eider that Minard's alone .given
satisfaction. I also value it for
warts, which. I have quickly re-
moved with Minard'sl'
Abundant Hair
Cared icura
Shampoos 8
p with Cuticura.,Soari,preceded
by light applications of Cuticura Oint.
ment to the scalp skin, da much to
cleanse the scalp of dandruff, allay itch
ing• and irritation, stimulate the circula-
tion and promote the healthy condition
necessary to produce a'Iukunant 'growth
Satapls• Sash Free by Matt. Address Caned1an
Depot: '•Catioura, P. 0, Box, 2616, 142oatroal"
Prue Soap26e. Oietmeat26 andS6a. Talcum 25e.
•` Try our new Shaving Stick.
Relieved by Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound
F Verdun, Montreal, Quebec. — "lane
one of thousands who have taken Lydia
E. Pinkham's. Vegetable Compound and
I have great faith in it. I can safely
say it has relieved my troubles and I
shall never be without a bottle of it int
my house. Since my last baby was
born I suffered from pains and baekaehe
and would feel so tired T. could not do
anything in my home. Since I have
been taking the Vegetable Compound
and Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine'
I feel so different. I recommend it tel
all my friends and hope twill cure othe
women who are sufferingfrom the trou
hies I had.,, —Mrs. Txos. H. Gnu
$21 Evelyn Street, Verdun, Montreal, 1
Lydia h;. Pin'kham's Vegetable Conk`
pound is a dependable medicine for thel
new mother. It is prepared from roota
and herbs, contains no harmful drugs
and can' be taken by the nursing mother„.
Its worth in restoring' the mother to
normal health and strength is tolda ain
and again ill just ;such letters as -Mrs.
Gardner writes.
A recent canvass of women Users of
the Vegetable Compound shows that
98 out of every 100 worsen taking thee
Medicine are : benefited by it, They
yand and tell u, so, Snob evidence or>.•i
titteens to call It a dependable medic"Ali+
for wonmen.� it la for sale by drtxgg ate"
eyerywher.u. « ,
i53. a Ne