HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-1-22, Page 8ratl EXETER ' IME5.ADVQCATE ,d,ll13AXt '. 220d,. 1925 1 bone 16w` BLE WILL BUY When they oee good boxiest staple Merchandise : at worth -the - Money prices suets as we are offering during ,Tanuary, the stock- taking tockta•1dng rnontli.. 1).o• not ;miss this opportunity, to buy goods that. yott are really in need of at a read saving over:: ordinary prices. Remnants, Ends and Odd Lots In taking stock we have come across many remnants and ends of flannelettes, prints, ginghams, towelling:, factory and bleached cotton, chintz, also, silks, erepes, flannel, serge5 and dress mater- ials of all kinds if you can make use of any of these we con prom- ise you a real bargain, Many odd lots of, wool caps, gloves, stock- ings,, underwearand shoes all at stock taking bargain prices. That New Winter Coat You had promised yourself a new coat this winter but some- '. how you have put off buying. Now is your opportunitybecause for any ladies', ; girl's, child's man's or boy's winter coat left in stock we are prepared to accept a ridiculously low price, Seale of our very best coats are still unsold, come in and, see what a bar- gain we can offer you. • Groceries! Groceries! Quality tide highest, prices, aslow as the lowest. Our Special Mixed Tea .;59c..alb ar-Ehsty Cheese 25c. M. Kellogg's Corn; Flakes .... 10c Shredded Wheat .. 2 pkgs 25c 5 lbs., Quality Oatmeal for 25c. 3 pkgs. Ammonia Powder 25c Med.-Polished hdle brooms 69c Good light Brooms 49c 7 cakes Castile Soap .. 25c Royal Yeast Oakes .... 5c pkg. 3. Jelly. Powders 25e 2 lbs. seedless raisins for 25c Large tin Pink Salmon 15c Large tin Red Salmon 25c Large Maple Leaf Salmon 35c Special Coffee.............. 40c Ib. B choice Dairyutter ...,36e lb. Small Carnation Milk . 6c Lux - Lux Lux. 11c Grape Nuts pkg. 18c Large Carnation Milk .. 12%c 3 Palm Olive Soap 25c Large Muscatel Raisins 17 %c Puffed Wheat;; pkg.',' 14c Bran Flakes 2 pkgs. 25c i/ tin Pink Salmon 10e % tin Red Salmon, • 15c tin Maple Leaf Salmon 19c Tasty Cheese 25c lb. Crispy Soda Biscuits"15c pk. Large Box. Matches 10c Special Cocoa 15c ib. A. Ste 7 • Stock -Taking Bargains in Furniture i Our furniture is, the very newest that can:' be had anywhere. ,[ Come in and look it over. We have some great stock -taking bar- gains. 1 Lowest Prices Latest°fesi ns Best Service E'tiardiner • FUNERAL DIRECTORS Day and Night Service 3P>43RA HOUSE,BLOCK, PHONE, 767, Night only` 74W Exeter Markets, Market xe in t., • 'Ue ' timo'wing: 11 the report of the Exeter Market corrected- eery Wednesday, Wheat, $1:63 . Oats, .60c,; Barley, .90e Manitoba Flour, $5..80. 'Pastry Flour, $5.00. Fainly Flour, $5:00. I'eecl Flour $2.2$ Bran,$1:70 Short$1.25 Butter 3.50. Creamery Butter 41e Eggs; Extras 60c. )33ggs, Seconds 350. Lard 20e Hogs, Selects ,11c, Hogs. thick smooth 10c. f Men's Store Phone 81w 'Men's Store FakeAdvantgeo Dull Time 14, WE, .ARE NOW OFFERING " SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN OUR MADE - TO - MEASURE CLOTHaa ING. • IF YOU ARE THINKING!.. OF PtJRCIIASING A NEW SUIT NOW IS TUB TIME AS OUR SPECIAL OFFER. MEANS AG if" SAVING TO YOU. ANYONE WITH CLOTH OF a, THEIR OWN WILL DO WELTa ,r.:•. TO HAVE IT MADE'UP DURING : s THE SLACK SEASON: 4, Big 9 Reductionds Stilts an in all Overcoats r,= Our , e SeG Stockd.. H. i F'r ees B 5.v e Buying We Can Tali r : etits: Out . a'i ld ter .,• 4 ...*•*ui. 4s•**.er*** 04046. LOt1CAs, C Zvi lr paosaxnutAN ola ,d„iii!ll l iiliNllil INillll tlll iii lllilllMl Ili!l IlNllM ii MllilliliiillNlllliillCiii i! ! ! ! ! 111 l1 illi III(lill 1 11! 1 ' 11 ii I 1 ! i! illllll ii! 1 MM 1 !. 14 •R,av, ;Fannie ►Ci 't, B,A., 21Yi'ultyter. -R ; ,0 a.w,-- Sunda:? Set 0o1 and Bible • 11 a m las 'h0 Shadow of the 0* oee.". NTE The Minister 7 pan. -"Cheering for the lfing,,r ice= 52 THESE PRICES GOOD UNTIL f FEBRUARY `1st The Minister. asaEl$ mum mwritoDI9T annum . Rev. W. 17. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor W. R, Goulding, A.T.O.M. Organist and Choir Leader 10:15 -Morning 0110s• 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worshil+. "The Heart'' Or of 'Newman. - Load; Newman. -Load; Kindly Light." 3a00 pan. -•.Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m.--"Iilacape for .thy Life," Everybody Welcome, SPECIAL NOTICE Trivitt Memorial Church Sale still, continues for another' week at Mrs. Yeo's with the addition of Wrapperettes and all yarns. Mr, Frank. Boyle spent Monday in London. Mr. W. W. Tainan is renovating his tailor shop.. Mrs. Wm. Jones of Regina is visiting with Mr. and " Mrs. Thos. Holden: Mrs. McAvoy has been confined to her bed for several days through, illness. ' Dr. A. R. Kinsman is able td -be around again after being laid up for a few days. Mr. J. G. Dow, shipped a load of horses to Montreal on Thursday last and another on Monday. Miss Ida Blatchford is spending a few days in Detroit, the guest of her cousin, Miss. M. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Becker, of New Hamburg spent, the week end with Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Browning. Several from town attended the funeral of the late Merton Macguire son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mcguire of McGillivray. The scarcity of water in the coin - unity is becoming more acute each week. In many cases cattle have to be driven long distances to water. Mrs. R. Linklater of Goderich, spent ,the week end with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Francis Blatch- ford and sister, Mrs. W. H. Wood. Mrs. Jas. Pedlar, who has been visiting with. Mr. and Mrs. John Pedlar for two weeks, left Saturday evening for her home in. Pigeon, Mich. A_ hockey team from Mr. Howard's room in the public school go to Hen, sail to -night (Wednesday) to play a game with the Hensall public. school. Mr. John Blatchford, who will move to Toronto shortly, has rent- ed his dwelling to Mr. Wm. Stat- ham, -who will take possession March first next. Dr. J.H. Browning, of Emerson, Man.., has been_ visiting the Pacific Coast and is at present taking a post graduate course in one of the New York hospitals. Master William Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson, celebrat- ed his seventh birthday Monday by entertaining a number of his young friends. Everyone had a very' jolly' time. Miss Olive Quance of Toronto, is visiting with relatives and friends in town. Miss Quance has recently branched out in the millinery busi- ness for herself in Toronto and is doing well: The many friends of Mr. Ronald W4twei' will regret to know that he has. been fly' for the past three weeks ,an 'the Stratford Hospital. It :isex- pected he will undergo an operation in the course of a"few days. Mr, • Roger Norchcott, of Hay Tp., is at present in a very low state of health, suffering from a very` severe attack of heart trouble. Owing to his advanced age it is feared his. trouble may prove serious. Seaforth Methodist Church nar- rowly' escaped being destroyed by. fire on Monday of last week. The caretaker found that the fire from the furnace had spread 'to the floor and had been smouldering for some time. ,The Imany friends here of Mrs.' John J, Knight, wife of a former Exeter -station agent, will regret to knowthat she is confined to her bed at ,her hone in ;Hamilton suffer- ing from a broken leg, the result of. an accident. '- Mr. and Mrs. Moses Amy, Mr. and Mrs. P. Coates, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kestle, Mr. Ed. Kestle, Mrs. E. A. Amy, Mrs.. Jeffery Fisher and Mr. Chas. Fisher were at Brinsley on Monday attending the funeral of the ]ate Mrs. Thos. Trevethick. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Neaman were called to London 1Vlonday owing to the death of the former's mother, Mrs.. Wm. Heanlan, who , passed a- wayix461 Hess of s 1 following an months; The deceased was a prom- inent worker, in the Dundas Centre Methodist church' having taught, Sun- day school there for more than 20 years The funeral was held Wed- nesday" • afternoon, interment at 'Mount, Pleasant cemetery, TRI] LIECTIJWII WAGON LOADS OF GOLD Will be given. in James St. Church, Monday nighty Feb 2nd under the auspices of the Ladies Aid. John D, teller has thousands of wagon leads bf geld. " M'Ost of us would be antis-: Pied' with -only 'one. That Wouldbe a ' inxllion ,dollars.' Tf you Waal to k,itow 06,,Seoret; of getting ity•,tbe . O f, zir 'et' lI7Ee' af'its quest, the ,. y 146 . its dieet inert' ' ite . ac•lft lesaide iitflu- lnee and para1 t1hg^ poiuer of iti;;4,ha' happinessit creates, the evil it pib- yoltes; and then the high, heights ,of. Satiefaetien in, the fields, of shining #ldid•• that .arc. closo around us .and .,nolo thrfti:i,tg than the:': ondeaiand ItIond:yko. Come and See, Rev. A. A, Trumper, L. Th., Rector. 11 a.m.-"The Life and Living Apostles of. Jesus Christ." 7 p.m."Good Master what shall I do to Inherit Eternal Life?" Powells. Bazaar Plain Price Store Good News to Edison Phonograph owners and people who are intend- ing to ec,uip their home with "a Musical outfit. We have just re- ceived word from the Edison Com- pany that they are now prepared to turn out the''NEW White. Label re- cords in almostendless quantities. The records now • are smooth as oil without the Scratch that used to be so disagreeable. ,If you have- not heard the New records, then there is a real treat in store for you. With an . •EDISON inthe home, you are always sure ofimusic, you are not de- pending on theair, or blaming static batteries or bulbs if you want an en- core. you can have it,: if you want to ask the neighbors in for a Musicale, you are sure that , y"ou can give it and are sure of your programme. You do not have to make excuses for what you want and cannot get. The Edison is a perfect Phonograph. : It has beenproven in Exeter, by direct comparison with the living artist, on different occasions. Let us show you a good Phonograph outfit at aright price. FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIA.LS:, 30 only Violet Cupsand Saucers, Kerniiss shape, footed„ and plain, to clear ' 3 for $1.00, regular price 70c. each. Nest eggs, Mendets' cotton, gloves and more of those 1pxetiy cream jugs all sizes. All parties who have booked acre- age for peas and corn butrhave.not as '-yet signed contracts, kindly ,,ar- range to do so immediately as . we are having difficulty",,'Tiolding this acreage open.S EXETER CANNING FACTORY MONA • WARNING -The Trustees of. S. S. No. 2, Usbcfrlie 'ghee' i ming that if such acts are repeated as took place during -: the holidays, : action will be taken as parties arc known. r ?.'. NINON FOR SALE-. A pair of serviceable second hand ' bed Sleighs. Price .reasonable.-WM. WARD. We offer many lines of Merchandise that we must clear to make room for the new Spring Goods. These are all Special Prices , Ladies' Coats Reduced 8 only Flannel Dresses. Men's Overcoats Redac. 0n1y' a.few left at real bargain Regular $10.00. Sale Price $4.75. Regular $35, Sale Price $27,50 • prices egular. R $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $17,E0 6 bilk and Serge Dresses Regular $25. Sale Price $18.60 $22. Sale Price $16.50 E DOG LOST Blue Tick, black ears, with collar and ' Sarnia tag No. 110. Return to Ed. Anderson;' Exeter. Any person I retaining this dog after • this notice will be prosecuted Mr. Franklin Delbridgp's hand is improving slowly. He,'" had to have it lanced again on Tuesday Financial Statement of the EXETER HORTICULTURAL SOC'Y Year Ending Dec: 31st, 1924 Receipts < To balance on hand as per last annual report :.. ..$ 258.19 To Legislative - grant;, $ 80• Municipal grant $25`' ....... 105.00 To members' ' subscriptions, for year ending Dec31st 1924, $214,.Donatio 5 $6 220.00 To members' subscriptions s paid in advance for -1 925 9.00 To. Prize moneys retained for - membership fees for 1925 8.00. To Plate collection at flower Show ' 60.15 To Sale of seeds, flowers, etc: 80.18 To Bank interest and 2 Horticulturists i... 9.36 $'749.88' All Wool Hose 2 pr. $1.25 • Fine all wool Ladies' Hose in = Fawn and Sand Shades. Regular value $1,00 and $1.50, Sale price 2 pair for $1.25. moor Expenditure By cash paid ,up to Deo. 31 for prizes awarded at ex- hibition held in 1924 ..i...$ 39.26 By cash paid for prizes awarded in'previous 'Y'Years and hitherto unpaid. , 1.25. B y cash for prizes for lawns and gardens` 5.00' By rent; lighting, etc. i ....i..,r • 6.80 By amount spent by society on civic iinproveinerlt :. '117,901 By meetings Or:lectures for diseuseian d1 Horticultural subjects20.00 By iort culturalperiodical's 13.60 D y purchase seeds & plants 298.463,1 B3` Printing and ad,ertr'sfng , 52,95 Pv working , expenses 7,92 "IOdiftr e $w63.d'0,': Balance . 186.88 749.88 J oliif it i x . Wm Ward 3' '' I. Wad os ,. a. FI et' A,utlirytors { President J.1(. Staxtbttry (Sec'y'Treas, t i Regular $15,00. Sa1e. Price $0.75. Linen Towelling 18c. For hand or tea towels, extra. good quality, only 200 yds. Reg- ular 25c. a yard. ;'Sale price 180. Men's Mitts all at R educed Prices ▪ Men's Buck Mitts' Reg. $1.75. Reduced to $1.50 E Men's Horse Hide Reg. $1.0.0. Reduced ,to 75c. Men's Horse Hide Reg. $1.25, Reduced to $X,00 MEM Factory Cotton 3 6 -in. wide fine, even weave and good weight, Regular 25e. Take what you want. Sale Price 10 yards $2.25. Flannelette Blankets Large size, extra weight. Buy what you need at this very low price. . • Sale Price Per Pair $2,60. Bos Sweaiers Regular ular $2.00and $2.25 values nes All Wool in all sizes Sale Price each $1.50. A real Bargain Staples Reduced =.35c Prints, Sale Price 30c. 30c Prints, Sale Price 25c. 35c Galateas, Sale Price 30c. Ar▪ oma aniNiny Ladies'Clothtop Rubbers Regular $1.75 value. Sizes 2% and 3 only. Sale Price per pair 50c. Flannelette Reduced 40c. Sale Price 35c. 35c Sale Price. 30c. 25c. Sale Price , 20c. r Coates 200 yds. Cotton Spools Regular 9c. Sale Price 7c. New Wall Paper 4 patterns. new Wall . Papers. Priced only for this sale at per roll :...10c. Men's All Wool Pants Made from good 'Tweeds. Reg- ular $5.00. Sale Price ....$3.65 25 pairs Ladies' Shoes Sizes 2 to 4. All high tops. Values to "$5.00 • Sale Price $1.98 outhcc'tt Bros. omnrd 711111111111111111111191111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111N!111111111111111111111111111.10MiMtNfNitttilllllltillittilitiM ilNIMii i INTIM IN TILE PUBLIC EYE REPAIRS We are now prepared to do all kinds of repairs on broken frames, whereas before, we had to send them to London or elsewhere: HEAVY SHELL FRAMES TO • - YOUR OWN LENSES, WHITE YOU WAIT, $3.00. SPECTACLES, LARGE LENSES, $1,$0 and UP: Dr. John Ward 0OHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHONE 70 NOTICE Notice is ` hereby given that the annual meeting of the members of the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall, Farquhar, on Monday, February 2nd, 1925, at .1 p.tn., for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Auditors for the past year, and for the election of two Directors and two Auditors, and for any other. business in the interests of the Com- pany. The Directors whose term of of- fice expires but who are eligible for re-election are: J. T. Allison and Robert Norris. Farquhar, January 8th, 1925. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary. FARM FOR SALE Lot 11, Con, 2, Tp. of Hay, County of Huron. This is s. valuable farm, well :built upon and well drained and fenced. Conveniently' located as to churches, schools, markets. For fur- ther particulars apply to Isaac R. Exeter, Carling, Barrister &c., Ont" Piano Tuning - Anyone wishing their piano tuned by experienced tuner, please' phone 161, Exeter,. ,, C -COKE AND INSURANCE YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED' E. J. CI-IRIST1E OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns Great Bargains in Furnit re during , 15 the next two months R. N. ROWE EMBALMER- AND. FUNERAL"' :-DIRECTOR PHONE 20W i PHONE 209 W. R .Goulding A..1'. C. M. Organist and ' Choirmaster : James St. Methodist, Church. Teacher of Piano,; Vocal and The-, ory; Instructor of.,Musicinthe Public Schools. TERMS MODERATE Box 57, Exeter. CLEANING, PRESSING and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE • TO FIT YOU 7ANDf. YOUR/POCKET WORK• CALLED'. FOR AND DE- LIVERED. , , -AND O ELLIOTT,,T..JOHNS ARTHUR WEER. Auctioneer R:.,R, No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auct€tmeer for Huron Co. Farm anti stock",'saie', a specialty FTORSSALT✓ i 4 EXCNANES('r k,,FOR ,F. I have a number' of Drivers and A D I Work Horses that ,1 ri.l1` se]1' „ ar ,rias-. cliang •e, FRANK TAY1r,OR, Exeter. Nothing 'but the best parts that money Wfl buy go into our sets. r" That accounts :. for, file sal o fori of their Performance' anal refinement' of tone. Thin with very r. easonable price, gives its satisfied customers. Call and be 'convinced. Sb G. SANDERS JAMES 1 T. is i!l.'LI>1Tl±iB , . d, a. oM4 rs'#4 far IIr • S'afeti • ; i Zor B,lade Sharpened .Can make) sill r%6 ED -;GE DOUBLE EDGE 4#a: O E T Perfect• Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLIC, Druggist HIDBS WANTED',' 1'Ve' pay higlaegt Cash Price for. Hides.. -Fivers" "Ment' Market. • { TENDERS 146 O7Cli cMtYNICXPA7G PRINTING " Fxoterf 3ainuary 13; 1425.. Tenders will be received np`., o 7 .p.m. Monday, January ; 26th, 1 J'.25f for= the Miui.icipal printing. A.ny `ten - .der not necessarily accepted. ll Or r y da JOS. SENI:0li,, Clerk. i'qx' Sths.--1 et iving nx,a;re, ' years old,-ciuletiand • reliable; •_LO.cly's drive ver. ,Apply atm. N. -Ratcliffe. • Lot 7, N°.T;R Telephone 178 SPRA'Y'I±iD - Fr r t, ' th.a : irdtnjses• of the undersigned; •Con. 1':l; 'MrtGiIli.'- ray,"red, two, year' old steer. Notify 3.'L, Anlbs,' It, It. No. 2, Ailsa Craig, ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Coma - Gy of Huron. Correspondence arranget ments for sales can be made by calk ing up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. 1. R. CARDING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Insurance, Office, Carling Block. Main St. Exeter G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON. Graduate of the Royal College et Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Unk versity of Toronto. - Late District 'Dental Officer, Milt... tart' District Number • Oae, London,' Ont., Main Office, Main St. Exeter, Ont, Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 s.m. to 5.30, p.m. Office hours at ZURICH ONT., Twine only, at 10.00 o'clock a.m. to 6.0* o'clock p.m. Phone 79. A. Ii,. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office --McDonnell's ba1ee Cables an John St. Phone calls receive premed attention. Phone 26w Wood for Sale A QUANTITY OF DRY WOOD FOR SALE 11. Bagshaw Phone SSW, TRY US Cochrane Machine n Works Ford motors reground, fitted wfitk Pistons, Complete $16..00 Every' make of. Car Motor.and Enginea re-. ground with Pistons Complete to fit,<: also Tractors. FA11MS, So13, SALE+ --&"few choioll: farms in the Ttiwnsh'ipe et tlsborni Tuekersmith'; and Hibbert: " 00ot, buildings and ;we11:1oCated`as to roar% keta. Priced right, Apply to Thoed' Camoron,'Auct, Box 154, Exeter. LRNEST ELI..AOT • CONvistAN Clan •, ` , ]NI JI'Cl. MGR . CLASS INVESTMENTS (Trustee Investments) Beori ng interest rest at 51/a" per cent. INSURANCE Office: Main Exeter,, n t. On D II.,0.. FletchertI4M.C.G.. ,, Meniber t 4f, the College of Pb3'' 4iritins. slid • 6tri eonh'/ of ,Oritar'io. a lrl ,a R , o r' we t .. ititgar . Storey, Main street, Plume, 0 tkto -4-