HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-1-22, Page 5THE EX..ETER TIMES -ADVOCATE flllllli 111 L II will111111111 f oohs (111111 it II Illi 0.01 lIIIIIIM lllllll l,[0 ..0!il lllf11f10 Ii.01111011111f llllllllf 1111 811111 N II i N 0�f. ��_OL.� NMIII�� I �. A .e ,r v 91 J Kea r � �t f' I III III! !! flll�� IIIIIIIlII II I II 1l11111I1111111111III! ! 1 6 11 Illfll 1 it 1111111! (11111 I ell ! I I f i 1 �i �� I I � Illilllll 1111 11 I I i Ifl1 III 11111 I � ll��f�11��Iil! 11 I l �I NENSAL 1. Are You DYssatisfk d?, DoBetterTr Training you want a a� eta command a Bigger' Salary WRITE TO School of Oomnn-erice. Clinton; Ontario FOR PARTICULARS REGARD/NG CLASSES. FOR STUDENTS ,COMING DAILY BY TRAIN .. EXTRA TUITION given because of short school day COURSES. Stenographic -- Commercial -- Secretarial . Special Courses ,WINTER TERM BEGINS MONDAY, JANUARY 5trh,,..1925. M. A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, ' BeF 'WARD, B.A: Vice Principal ; .';Brinci al • p , r Principal ' May neer at Ar • .Cil S Y E Aim, Time: Wish to to the people zwis„announcep le p of Hensel]. and surrounding` country that I; have opened up .a tailor shop here and I am now ready to take orders. Any customers having, their own cloth, ',I 'would be 'pleased to make 'it •up for theca. I cut, fiteand make tlien in my shop. Cleaning, pressing and repairing done. All week:' guara nteed.' James MacDougall,... Hensall DR.A.' .... IR L. M C.C.- 1Vl(� . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 70 . HENS•t1LL DF � T ILLORAN PROl<T 00, KILLORAN & :HOLMES. ::Barristors, &c. Office on` the Square, 2nd .door from Hamiltog St., Goderich. Private funds taeloan at lowest rates. W. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran, D. E. 'Holmes Mr. Holmes will be - in Hensall :eery ,Friday from :9 ,•until. 6. > '� 9a... 7— EC DR. J . T.. PECK C • Graduate of Facuity of:Medis Medicine, , McGill University, Montreal; Member. •i College of Physieiang,an_ d Surgeons of ' Ontario; ' Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada; Post 'Graduate Medical staff e. of Resident -Medical of Weather iieneral Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; Office, 3 doors, est of. Post 'Office. Phone.56,'Hensall, Ontario. The etructed aide property, toria Stanbury, ro ce Property i P r Resden For Sale undersigned have"' been . in- to sell Lot 261 on the north of Richmond St., Hensail, the of ;the ` late Catharine Vic- Smith. ,Applyto ' Gladinan and Hensall' and •Exeter. �. . ER AUCTIONEER T10NE OSCAR 13L PP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au - _ School, Special course taken in Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,) iHerchandise, .lteai: Estate, Farm pales, etc. Rates In keeping with *revelling ' prices. •Satisfaction., as - fared,, write Oscar Moen, Zurich, • or wire 1.8-93, Zurich. " • NOTICE that gainst late leman, December forwaed' to the .AND GIVEN: the. tribute only then Dated day NOTICE that gainst pASSMORE, trsborne, day ed to Wen the AND• CCelVilar the tribute ipsriy tires 1?e,teel day Notice to Creditors. T r„ ,r..1.nl 1., 1 :,.1.,,, IS u' HEREBY-' . -GIVEN., all persons having, cleains' a- the estate `of JOHN KEYS, of the village of •Hensall, 'gent- •who died the 1st 'day of 1924, are required . to their`clainise duly pro^ en, the undersigned, , on or before 9th day of February, 1925. NOTICE • IS FURTHER That after this said date, Executors • will :proceed.' to dis- the estate, having regard to the claims of which they' shall have notice. ' at Exeter, this Nineteenth of'January, 1925 GLADMAN & STANBtRY Solicitors for Executors Notice to Creditors. IS HEREBY • GIVEN all persons having claims a- the estate of MARGARET late of the Township of widow, who died on the 6 ,of November, 1924„ are requir- forward t`lieir'claime, duly pro - to the undersigned, on or before 9th day of February', 1925. -NOTICE IS.FURTHER That after this• said date, t ecxltorie will proceed to disc the estate, •having : regard to the ciairee of Willett . they , ellen ha't' notice, at Exeter, thio Nineteenth of January, 1925 - - : GLADIVLAN &` STTANI3IIR•Y > oliciter•s' for l xeeutors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS , HEREBY GIVEN that all `.persons, ha,'ing claims a- gainst the >estate of ROBERT MAW HINNEY,, late,of,;the,Village of Eke ter, baggage .toaster, , yelp :'died on the `3rd' day of Janu;aey,- 1925, are re- quired to•' forward; their claims, duly coven to the u dee i on r s red o 'be- fore n. g {• fore the 9th day.,of February, 1925, AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN: '•'rhe te'e'ter this , said date, the , Executors' 'will proceed to : dis- tribute. the- -estate, !saving regard only to ,the claims . of .wleich ' they then shall have 'notice. Dated at Exeter,' this Nineteenth day of'J`anuery; .10P'5 GLADMAN & STANBURY - Solicitors fir Exee tors NOTICE TO 'CREDITORSO R NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all person's having claims a- - gainst the estate .of SAMUEL. L'. W. M ADG] , late` of the Township. of Us borne,;, farmer, •:who;. died con the ,12th :day of November, 1924, are 'requir-. ed to: forward their claims,: duly pro- ven to theeurndersigned, 'on or, before the ,9th day:of February, 1925. AND NOTICE IS - FURTHER GIVEN: That''after,:,this said date, the. Executr'ix ,will proceed to dis=, tribute the estate-' having regard'. only to the claims oe= which she', then shall have ,notice " - Dated at t Exeter, this' . Ni neteerith day of January 1925 STANBURY TA� ` URY ' B Solicitors for Executrix - NOTICE TO :CREDITORS NOTICE' N IS:' HEREBY ..GIVEN, that all persone having claims a- gainst he estate of. JAMES McGRE- GOR, late of the Township of Tuck, ersmith, farmer, who died on the80 day of November; : • 1924, are re- quired to forward' their' claims, duly proven to.. tiie undersigned, on or be- fore the 9th day of February, 1925. AND i NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN/' That after ,thjs said -.date, the Executors will proceed :to,, dis- tribute the estate, having regard only to the, claims' of ,which :they. then shall have. notice. •- Dated at <Exetes ;;: this " ,Nineteenth. day of January, ,1925 GLADMAN' & '.STANBURY Solicitors for Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HERE,EY GIVEN that all persons having claims:a- gainst the estate of ROBERT_'B. MC - LEAN, late of the Toinehip of -:Stan- ley, farmer, who died on, the --8th day of August, .1.924, are recluj ed to for , ward theireic'iaiu ,- duly I p1 ove r to the,under signed, on or befilre t e"9th •~i flay of February, 1925., • Mr. Orville Twitchell Itas installed a radio outfit. Mr, Ernest Shaddock spent the: week -end in Clinton. Mrs. E. Rennie and Mr. S. Rannie spent Tuesdaylast in London. Miss Helen Swan " is at 'present nursing a patient at' Zurich. Mr. T. C. Joynt is this week on a business trip to Detroit and'Tora'ii- Miss, Johnston and Miss Scarlett were visitors in :London on Saturday of last week. There's a hockey match in Exeter on Friday night, Exeter vs. Goderieh . Don't miss it. Mr.: Hugh McDonald leaves on Saturday.fer Stratford Where he has secured a good position, Miss 23arveY , of Exeter i : ere. waiting on her: aunt, Mrs Richard Blatchford who is seriously'."ill , • Mr. and Mrs. K. Gordon, of South= weld,recently a fear a y y spentti' ,d�S .the guest of- Mr'." and Mrs, Armstrong. ,. Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Donaldson of for Tee } te•" s va i inex•Iy . residents . of Hensall visited in town on :Monday. Mr. Cecil Hudson of Detroit' is visiting his parents - 'r. and Mrs. George Hudson. and •other relatives. "The First Day in Eternity"' wilI be the pastor's subject en the Metho- dist church for Sunday evening. next. Don't forget the dance (new time) in thetown to n hall- on Friday ev n g • e t -n ; Music by the London Harpers. Plan to attend. • The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Henry are please to see her able to be' out again after her recent ill - Exeter Public School hockey team played a. game on the Hensall rink on Wednesday evening with the local school team. The Committee of the Charity Dance extend to all the patrons their thanks for the hearty supportthey contributed toward the successful evening. The Mission Band of the Method- ist church are ,preparing) for an en tertainment to be given in the church in the- near future. . Fuller announcements later. At a - recent meeting of the Hen - salt salt 'Board , of'' Trade the following officers' were elected for the current year:—President, James Bojithron, Vice Pres., Albert Whiteside;.' Treas. Mr. J. L. Meek; ` Sec'y, Garnet`•Case; iAuditors; Mr. Q. A. McDonell and 1Vl'r: A. L. Case. ` .. - On Monday 'evening of this week a sextet of local hockiests staged a game on the Hensall rink with the Chiselleurst aggregation. -The game,. 'was keenly contested although the score resulted in:a win for Hensall 9-3. The fact that the tallies, agai- nst the visitorswas.' so. many is larg- ely due to the fact, that their goalie was decidedly "o:le color." The game went the full 60.minutes or More and although somewhat tough at times, proved very interesting to the spectators. The• Young Peoples'. League of the Methodist church h eld its regular meeting on Monday evening. and was very ably` presided over by '_Miss Viola. -Higgins, the' newly :elected President. A very interesting and helpful • address was' •given by . Mr. Knipe on the subject of "Friend- ship." ' ship. ,Readinge were given. "by Miss Hattie Whiteside and Miss Nora Follick and •an instrumental . by Miss Gladys -Luker. Tuesday evening saw the close of a very spirited campaign, among the m`enibers of Carmel church regard- ing church union. Voting has been going on now for ,some time but was concluded': Tuesday evening and when the ballots were counted it was found.that there were 189 for union and"175 against, making a majority of 14 in- favor of church. union. We; understand that' Rev J. A. McConnell, who for several wears llae,. beep. ,pastor of ,,several church,' intends ` noving to Toronto' n,: the near future At- the .vestry; meeting, of St., Paul's church, .tlte following' officers ;were, elected for,1925:, B. C. Ed- wards,,Peoples Warden G. C. Petty Ministers Warden; A. L..Case, Sec'y- Treas.;-L. Clark, delegate to Synod; G. C. Petty, lay.. deligate to Synod; Miss Gladys Petty, organist; Mrs. E. Drummond, assistant- organist; A.; L. Case, vestry clerk; Mrs, 'Mauililson, Garnet Case, auditors; Wm, Fee, G. Armstrong; G. M. Case, L. Clark, A. L. Case, G. 0.,.Petty, B. C. Edwards, church council; G. C. Petty, • repre- sentative Cemetery Board. CALDWELL=SARATR-AS•NUPTI TSS The home of Mr, and Mrs. Simon Sararas of Hibbert was 'the scene of a very pretty wedding on Satin. - ay, January 17th, when their. aughter• Edsra Magclel.in.a, was unit ed in marriage. to: Mr. Wnr. J. Cald- well- of Tuekeiesmi.th. The ceremony was: performed at' 11 o'clock by Rev. A. Sinclair of Honsall• : The bride was given away by her father, Miss Clara Sararas and Mr. Harry Cald- well attended the young eotipie; and Miss Dorjs Sararas acted as +flower•: girl.. •After a, -Anility .luncheon the happy• couple took elle train et Seae orth for', Toronto. On their re - urn they will reside in Tucker - mitt, AND NOTICE IS FURTY3fli GIVEN: That after this said date, the'Executors will proceed to ,dis- tribute the estate, having regard only to the , claims of which they then shall have notice. ' Dated at. Exete}', this Nineteenth clay of January, 1925 GLADMAN Kc STANI3URY Solicitors for Executors CHISELHfURST Jas. Squires of his sister,Mrs. ulay. Wm. Colwell, of er9n11t11 was 11111 Saturday January Edna Sararas, daughter .Simon Sararas Hibbert. A the home of Mrs, i3eder on Tuesday werepresent e evening spent • ..�E���xT�I rid iVlre. • W, . Ssiel -with, Willies t s wee , , y' Mie l'�lorertCe 1e11 e Miss :i of f Granton, spent the week end with her r'rie>',icl, Miss IVlarguerite Aldsworth. ,,,We are sorry to say th,at.MVlr. Rog- er" Northcott is Oil the stick list' at preeent, Mr.Woodham, visited T. Harvie, last ,Mos Mr. the 2nd con. of Tuck`ted in'mar-, riage on •17th to d Miss of Mr. d and Mrs of the 10th con. ofreception was held atthe • groom's sister, when about 175and a very enjoyabl IVIre a 1, of .Exeter•, t Visited m• Nortlrcott, tbi l - s • Little girl: Does the stork brim; the babied.from the z o? Mother; S guess cso;. Little' Glrl: He Mreust have stopped at the monkey cage', Tor for ours, . DASHWOOE r. 1. 3:, Cowen, L. D. S. D.O.S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick's Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday, MAIN OFFICE Hartleib's Block — Dashwood, Ont. Rey. E. J. Bruer is attending con- fereace rn London this week.. Mrs, P. Humble. of Sarnia spent a' few clays with her.sister, Mrs, R. Goetz, ' Miss Dorothy Fritz of Zurich Is visiting her cousin, Mrs, Grace .Kel- lerman Messrs J. C. Reid and J. Wein made a business trip` to Chatham on Thursday. Miss Nelda and Reta Fasseld had their tonsils removed last week. A very snappy game cif :hockey was played ,on the local rink between Zurich and" Dashwood on Thursday evening. The visitors were defeat- ed by e score 8 to 4. On Thurs- day evening there will be a game between Crediton and Dashwood, CRFDITON IVlr. Lorne -Drier has returned to Hanover 'after visiting here. Mr. Mose Faist is able" to be around again :after being . confirmed g g to his home for a week with sickness. Mr. Norman Holtzman has re- turned to Detroit after visiting Mrs, Geo. Holtzman for a couple of wee! Mrs.' L. Wein visited W in Dashwooti oven` the week end at the home' of her son. Mr. -John Sweitzer is very RI at present. Mr. Godfrey Nicholson has the flax mill in operation p n again after •being idle a week on account of -a broken shaft. ' The result of the hockey game be- tween Alerts of Exeter and , Creditou teams was 6 to 4 in favor`. of Cred- iton. Quite•agame was played. .Quite a„number from Crediton at- tended the , funeral of IVirs. John. Trevethick at Brinsley on Monday. Mrf'' Wm.•- Yearly has been quite ill the past week but is doing nicely again. The fine home of Mr..Garnet_Hill. three-quarters of a mile south of the village had a narrow escape from burning_ on Sunday morning caused. by an over Treated - chimney, the joist in the attic had caught fire when first noticed but was exting- uished without Much damage . The neighbors -responded :to the alarm and •were on .hand in"case it should spread,• Mr. Chas: •`E Iber disposed of his farm west of Crediton' last week to Mr. Win.' Swartz of the same con- "e'eseion,. ` ' "The Pillar of,Prayer". will be the subject next Sunday evening' in. the Methodist church. Illustrated lecture on Monday ;evening,:', subject "With a.' Missionary,in.China.'•' No admis- sion, 'silver egllbetion, special evan gelistic services through' the week. Everybody welcome. • A report .of the Aaron Presbyterial and', several other items had to be omitted this week. SHIPKA Quite a number from here have sold their beans at Hensall, Mrs. Geo. LaWson and son, who have been .visiting with, her sister, Mrs. Albertg Keyes, is leaving this week for , her home in Saskatoon, Sask.'- Fa 1 hreturnedre Miss Verdes iso d , as to her home in : Dashwood. Quarterly service will,be held in the, ahereb nn Suit y evening, :Jan M2.:h t , 1 0 1 0 .---0 0 1 1 1 Mr. and Vire. E. Keyes called on relatives. in Parkhill .on Saturday. •The shooting matell. was a st�1ei1- did:sueeess. M. Sweitzer find Shenk ,yere captains the score was as ollnws: 5' Sweitzer 0 F. Kerr 0 1 0 1 14,1 1 1 1 1.5 H, Shenk 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 10 1-6 N. Shenk 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0-8 23, Sheelc 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0.5 C. Dinney 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1, 0-6 S. McEachen 01101 00 0 11-5 Simon Ratz 1 0 0 1 0 1-1 0 0 1-5 M. Sweitzer's side won with flying colors, Mr. and Mrs. S. Schroeder of Saskatoon, Sask., were visitors around the burg, •Mr. Nelson Shenk, our family' butcher is busy those das''s.. John McPhee is staging an old- time dance in the hall here, Friday evening, Lunch served at seven in the morning. Wedding bells will soon be ringing around here. Stop;, look, and see. 'LOCALS Rev. Geo. T. Watts of London, occupied the James St. pulpit on Sunday, delivering two splendid ser- mons that were much appreciated by the congregations:: The contest for the Wardership of the county of Huron this year Neill be between ii. F. Klapp, Reeve` of I -Tay Tp. and Chas: Robinson, Reeve of Colborne Tp. The Liberals will have' • the -choosing of the Warden this year. • A. very enjoyable •evening was spent by .the sneinber e. of: the Caves;' Presbyterian Young Peoples' Guild on Thursday evening Jan. 15th when their social evening took the form of a hike with two groups one under the leadership of Rev. Jas, Foote and the other under Mr. Jas. Jeckell. The first took for their route Andrew St. to Huron and up to Main while the second took .:William to Huron -and- both grous met at Main and Huron and proceeded together back to the Church and on arrival there a very appetizing 'repast was :served. CAVEN W.M.S. ELECT OFFICERS The Women's Missionary Society of Caven Presbyterian church have elected the following officers ' for 1925: President, Mrs. Thos. Camer- on; First Vice, Mrs. Graham; Second Vice, Mess Kinsman; Secretary,, Miss Jeckell; Treasurer, Mrs. Bawden; Stranger's Sec'y, Mrs.'` , Manson; Supply, Secy, Miss Connor; Hoslie- Helpers Sec'y, Mrs. Fowler; Library Sec'y, Mrs. Horton; Pianist, - Mrs. Foote. The reports of the various departments showed- that - active work had been done in. 1924. The membership roll numbers 29, with 28 Home Helpers, The total givings for the year amounted to $255.34. - IVrayor J. A. Gregory; of the city - of ' ityof North' Battleford, in the Province of Saskatchewan, spent Saturday in town in connection with the winding up of his late father's estate and in- cidentily renewing old acquaintances with his old friends. Mr. Gre or in addition o h' g •yto is civic duties, is President of, the Saskatchewan-. Co-operative Creamer- ies, Ltd., a large enterprise;., largely financed and fostered by the Pro-- vincial Goverhment:for the purpose of marketing . the products of the fanners in a Co-operative way. This company underwent a re -organiza- tion a year ago as result of which Mr. Gregory was elected President. Since then production has been in- creased enormously and fresh mar- kets have been found and new plants have been taken over in Winnipeg and other centres: As a result of investigation the Oriental and Bri- tish Columbia marketshave been utilized, as -well as the ,,British and American.- Mr. Gregory is now returning fromOttawaand Montreal on a bus- iness trip and left Saturday evening for Brantford to visit his sister prior to returning. cENTRALIA Mrs xl. Frey is yiszting fora con- pio rof,weeks with iter, sister in Bob- cayageon• Mrs. Scandrett,, 04 l elgra-re is vis iting at the home ctf Jeer' sister Mrs; A. Brooks. Miss TVI;, iVMAllister, of ,IIegsali is visiting with Mrs. E. Anderson, Cen- tralia. Mrs. W. Bowden spent the week- end end visiting at the hprne of leer mo- ther in London,. ` Death of James Mitchell—Death has claimed anotli i; of the most highly esteemed ; and worthy resi- dents of this district, in the . person of James 'Mitchell, a ,life long resi- dent of Stephen Tp. wile died at his home on the 3rd Con, on Tuesday, January , 20, at the age of 75 yefi,rs, 8 mouths„ and 19 days. Mr. , Mit- chell had been failing health for sev- eral years but was no worse than usual until a week ago Sunday when he was compelled to take his bed, suffering from kidney trouble and his condition gave ;evidence of leis approaching dissolution{ Deceasece was born, in the Township of Dere- ington, but cause to this district 72 Years ago, and has been a continu- ous resident ever since; He was s kind neighbor, honest and obliging and respected by everybody, why knew him. About 45 years ago he Married Jane Moulton, by whom- he is survived together with five sons and one daughter—Bert and Earl or Kindersley, Sask> ,Hector and Her- man at1 elam , Mee, Robt. Cunning- ham; 117cGillivary and Frank of the Peace River District; also one bro- ther Thomas, . of Usborne and two sisters Mrs. Geo_ Foster, er, o£ Byron, rind Mrs. Thos. O'Neil, of Iiderton. Mr,. Mitchell was a consistent and faithful 1 member, .of , the Methodist church and a etauncli: conservative. The funeral takes place to. the Exe- ter Cemetery, to-daye:Thursday, (intended The,M,S9: cele J their mo:r meeting eta. the ° "t4RJi en Tirul,o a)ternootl. orf ,t, w'eelc. Ateo, tx 'te> it was des,i cd to )i 1 ;= 1 ng servhn of the churl,,.� Mr, and er=N."Aller ``°' 19ti; of shine /spent Tdesda y": "li 61 Mrs. Albert Gunning, Mr, stay Parkinson is con -vale oing after being confined to , house for some time with ,a saver Ca 1 . SUICISHIf•IE Mr. Theron Creeryt,,spent Friday- , in London. Miss Gertie P syne w o has speat. the past. few .weeks with it her sister Mrs. Fowler, s•eturntd° to her home in Bluevale • o "Saturday. The W.M. � held their. n ir. mo ably ` meeting on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. F; Brock.' Little Miss Marian Fawley spent the past week with :;'Tier grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. Francis of Fuller- ton . Mr. George Jacques spent part of last week in' London attending the Dairymaii's Contention. Mr. andT Mrs. Clarence Fletcher visited Mr, and Mrs. H. Hodgins of Saintsbu Satu d• �y, on ray GRAND.BEND Mr. Cyrus Green • is in Sarnia on business this week. • i Mr, Ware Oliver of St. Marys visit- ed here for a few day's during the week. , ` The ice harvest -his begun and a goodly number are storing it for the summer. 'A large quantity of wood is •also being hauledin from the flats. v' DIED IINA LSA.A2 • RAI There :.- G G— died in 4.0.sa. Craig on Sunday, Jan. 11th, a Termer well-known resident of this ,locality, in' the person of Mary Jane Disjardine, at the age. of 67 years. The deeeased had been an emplo'ee of the Munroe House at Ailsa Grigg for the past five years and had ;enjoyed good health up to within a';week of her demise,' when she was ''taken 'down. and gradually sank till- ±,the end came. Her hus- band, David Disjardlie, predeceased her about 12 years. She leaves two daughters', Mrs. Roy Stibbins, ; South of the ,Bend and -Annie of Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Disjardine spent most of her"life on the B. Line, Con. 19, Stephen." The;, funeral took place here do Tuesday, but owing to the bad roads the hearse could not get through and the remains had to be. brought through in a sleigh. The bereaved relatives -have the sym- pathy of all. You can get your •. • � share One Canadian Dept. Store receives an average of 19000 telephone orders in. one day p —many ofthem by.Long o n g Distance.- - ma Thereare aper stores in s -smaller towns that receive as large a of g percentage orders by telephone. e' h s No -;natter ow m Il your ` • establishment maybe,you tel e4 get your share •of to e- hyou or= trade --- � if g Pone le i .A. . anise � to handle t and a•.' make a determined effort to get Ifou are one of those an- i Y bitious merchants who re- alize that business by doing 1=,t l.. telephone is only at the be- ginning of a big expanciox — count on our hearty , co. operation. Each New Subscriber Adds to the Value of Your Telephone , CHOICp of the right flour has a good deal to do with baking sticcess—whether i,t's.kor pies, cakes, biscuits or bread. "Victory" Flour will give you 'perfect satisfaction in every baking need. It's milled from. the finest Western wheat by great mills vv'ith a daily capacity of 8,000 ' barrels. Choose i'`Victory" Flour for success in baking. Dominion Flour Mills, Limited Brantford Montreal Special Prices to i.htrouce �" ESELLF R WE o LESS td '� ■ MII SELDOPL