HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1995-03-15, Page 67Form Progress '96'-Psgs FA i ' I *' yy y f f � 4 ` {� v• nS (� -�I c 7 s ,,,. :F;., 4. •..�.. � /..... 9 �:.. �;� ....,��i i�h. ��4....��q'►.... - � � w. 9 ;�1.v,4�1,v ./��/�;� if,44',��, ', ,, ` v �ri�,•f,�'p4�4�y�f4,,'�,' '� ��/i,/�,j4ii44����y�M��i,�y��i����fsb�,`i4�i n�i. i, i �i �i �i-�i �i �i.�i �i �i-/i �i.�i �i �i.�i.�i �i.�i �i.�i �i �i.�i �i4i.�i.�i4,Yi7i,Sr.�.,,tiYi4i.4y�i i �i.�i.�i,�i.4.�•y4��i.4.�i;�q'�� �i.�a4.4.�i.� Hikers tour will promote the image of farming •flrom page 8A and other members include Public Health Nurse Margaret DeBoer, Dianne Aitken, on behalf of the Huron County Health Unit, Jane Muegge on behalf of OMAFRA, John Rodges, George Thompson and Phyllis Ramer. The involvement of the Health Unit is interesting in a project with such an agricultural twist. Feagan, a health promotion consultant, admits some people ask, why is the health unit involved? A rural health survey identified four main rural health issues to be addressed: 1. Health and safety (the Health Unit held well -water testing nights, people were taught how to safely . wander clothes, hazards of pesti- cides, etc.). 2. Stress management. The survey revealed that many farm people feel isolated and 20 per cent of those surveyed said they had no one they could turn to confide in and seek help. A workshop on communica- tion and the human aspects of farming is being held at the end of March with Dr. Ron . Hanson, a Professor of Agribusiness at the University of Nebraska. 3. Managing change. Encouraging healthy communities and helping individuals with decision-making and dealing with change. 4. Promoting the image of farming. Creating a positive self-image for farmers. The proposal for a Fann Hikers Tour came from the fourth chal- lenge posed by the survey. It was decided that off -farm people should Cattlemen elect new president Harvey Graham a cattleman from the Durham East region was named 1995 president of the Ontario Cattlemen's Association, last month. Graham and his wife Joan have farmed for 38 years near Blackstock. They have three children, Cheryl, Mark and Robert. Mark is also a partner in their farming operation that includes a cow -calf herd, a feed- lot and a cash crop business of corn and oats. All calves are finished and additional calves are bought locally. In total, between 400 - 500 head of cattle are finished each year. Graham is active in his com- munity and in the beef industry. He's a past municipal councillor. In the mid-1980s, he began to participate in local cattlemen activities. Involvement with the OCA started in 1989 when he became a provincial director. Five years ago he became a member of the provincial executive committee, and cur- rently sits on the national executive committee and Canada Beef Improvement and Beef Improvement Ontario. oe exposed to what goes on in a fann setting. There is also a health promotion through the trail hiking through Bannockburn. There are already enough pres- sures working on a family farm...let alone the added pressure of com- munication breakdowns. The Huron County Rural Health Coordinating Committee is address- ing the need for good communica- tion in farm families with a work- shop featuring Dr. Ron Hanson, a speaker on relationships between family members working together on a farm. He is a Professor of Farm Management and Agricultural Finance in the Department of Agri- culture Economics at the University of Nebraska. Sheryl Feagan, chairperson of the Rural Health Coordinating Commit- tee, said the workshops deal with communication and conflict resol- CHECK THESE EARLY BIRD SPECIALS ON A GREAT SELECTION OF USED FARM EQUIPMENT John Deere 2955 TRACTOR 85 h.p., .M.F.W.D., Air, Hi - Low, New Rubber, 2,745 hrs., Local Trade! SHARP! TRACTORS JD 4955 2, 150 hrs., 20.8 x 42 radial, axle duals Like New AC 'CA' tractor, 72' Woods mower Coming MF 165/MF 90 loader, hyd. bucket, multi power Coming MF 255 50 hp, 2,300 hrs., 16.9 x 28 MF 236 loader Good Mech. IH 574 52 hp, 16.9 x 30, 8 speed, newer Frey loader Just Arrived Hesston 140-90 cab, air, MFWD, 1988, 123 hp 528,900. MANURE SPREADERS Patz 3200 gal. liquid, 16.5 x 16.1 tires Coming NI 245 tandem, upper beater 54,800. JD 450 hydra push 16.5 x 16.1. 540 pto Good Cond. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT John Deere 7000 12 RN PLANTER Hyd., Front Fold, Insect, New 250 Monitor, Completely Rebuilt, (Dry Fert. Available). $27,800. H 5100 - 18 x 7 Grain Drill, Fen , G.B. SHARP JD 7200 - 8RN, insect, liq. fen., pop. mon., corn planter CLEAN JD 8300 - Drill, 23 run, DD, DFt, G.S. LIO. FERT. Hyd. end pull planter transport to fit JD 7000 or 7200 8 RN planter • 5850. JD 6000 Hi -Cycle. 60' boom, markers, elect. controls, monitor, loaded...1991 MODEL Precision 750 gal., 12.5 L tandem, 60' boom ELEC. COND. Nuhn 8' single auger snowblower GOOD CONDITION JD 724 Mulch Finisher, 5 bar harrow, tandem - 24 FEET JD 1010 40' cult., 5 section, tandem/tandem CLEAN '12.4 x 38 Tires w/wheels, fits utility tractors - 51,475.- 12.4 1,475:12.4 x 46 Kleber Tires on Unverferth wheels, fits JD Tractors _ 53,475. IH 4500 28- cult. w/Salford double rolling harrows 55,875. S.F.M. Combination harrow, 34', 1 yr. old . 52,975. CALL FOR DETAILS ON OUR LARGE SELECTION OF USED COMBINES, GRAIN & CORN HEADS Your John Deere Circle of Excellence Dealer OPEN 8 am -6 pm Sat., 8 am -5:30 pm 5 MILES NORTH OF MITCHELL AT BORNHOLM •[ l(x *Tr Ml.n •IY Iminim. "" Staiumc 7t utions. A farm health survey showed that many farm people are feeling stress and have no one to turn to, said Feagan. The first workshop takes place at the Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre in Brussels on Wednesday, March 22 at 7:30. The second seminar takes place in Holmesville at the Goderich Town- ship Community Centre on Thurs- day, March 23 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The third workshop takes place at the Mitchell Community Centre on Friday, March 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The workshop is funded, in pari, by the Ontario Agricultural Training Institute. For information on any one of the Huron workshops contact the Huron County Health Unit at (519) 482- 3416 or 1-800-265-5184. For infor- mation on the Mitchell workshop contact Zoe Keen at the. Perth Dis- trict Health Unit at (519) 271-7600. EARLY BIRDS PAY LESS GET MOWER SPECIALS ON USED LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT! John Deere ts% STX LAWN TRACTOR 12.5 h.p., 5 speed 38" Mower LIKE NEW! J.D. 14 PT, 21' cut, 5 mulching mower. h DEMO M.F. 114 LTX LIKE NEW rh., hyd. s1 drive, 42" mower.9 75. TURF-TRAK 12/40, 4 wheel steer, 6 sp., 40' mower, $A7 low hrs. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 5. J.D. 111 LATE MODEL hydro, 11 h.p., 36" mower. 1,300. J.D. 212, 12 h.p., 46' mower, variator drive, with rear tiller '2,150. FORD YT16, 16 h.p., 5 speed; 42' mower '925. FORD YT16, 16 h.p., 5 speed, 42' mower. Sharp! `1,895. CUB -CADET 1810, 18 h.p., hydro, 44' mower, 5 yr. old. Sharp.. '2,850. J.D. 56, Rear Engine Rider '195. J.D. 214, 14 h.p., 46' mower, 3 pt. hitch att., rebuilt engine '2,275. LOAD HOG, Heavy Duty Utility Cart '145. CALL PETER VAN HERK ON THESE OR OTHER USED MACHINES Your John Deere Cade or Excellence Dealer 411111IL J )NN i1E E'iF OPEN 8 am -6 pm Sat., 8 am -5:30 pm OIMNIMM•I al .1; } COOT' NU 11 l •IY 5 MILES NORTH OF MITCHELL AT BORNHOLM FARM EQUIPMENT (1988) LTD. Il 101111 xnwncntE 4 7-22.5<'