HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-1-22, Page 4T IE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE; How Many Objects m This c a •;::: a.. , d6 tire With Start tart the Letter "P"? The above picture contains a man er; of.Object 'beginning with the letter "P". Just take a good honk at, the pio . e—there all sorts of stings . that ='begin with the. letter "I""—"puppy", "pumpkin", "paddle", "puree', eto. Nothing is .hidden; you don't have to turn the picture upsidecrown. 1I'a&e o• list of ail the objects in the picture the names. of "Kblelh:begin with the letter "'P". "Ilifve the whole family join in --see who can find the meet. Don't': riiss- any. Fifty cashprizes'`wvi1T be awarded for the fifty nest lista of words 'submitted. The answer having the largest and nearest . correct list of visible objects shown in the picture. starting' With theiletter "P" will be awarded first prize; second best, second prize, ete. J . •; :11 Yom and 014 Join in .the Fun; 9 The Mail and Empire announces : to; day , another puzzle game in which all can•partcci-' .pate—from the tiniest child to grmndfather`and grandmother. Ni object is so shall but 'that the poorest eyesight can see it. It is a test of,: skill. Your ability to find P" words deter- mines the prize you win. Right after snippet this evening, gather all the members of :y(our:.... family together; give each of them a pencil • t and sheet of paper—and see who can find be most "P -Words". You 'viii. be surprised. • to . find how large a . list of words you can'rget with a few minutes' study. Bit dowgn NOW and try-it—Then,tryinyourand foil' the big prizes. Observe These Rules it "v n C 1. Auc man, wv m n or child who lives r 9s ,lot a maiden of. To nto, and -who is n e rq m ember employ of The 11 and ki Fire, or m oy emto ers iamtlY, May submit an ane e rs 7£ Ix,' AIL answers must b mailer; by Tobraarl and addressed to . A. i..eirtgomery, guzzle 58 Baaogd nAard be writteno vsit eao only. and jinni red eonsecutnye 9id0; , owrite your Lull name and address n the up right band corner. if g you desire to writeltnY else, use a separate sheet. 4. Only such words as appear In tho Ii:nglish D.. _ ,Diary wilt be counted. Doof use obsolete words. re the plural is used, 'the etngnlar eanntlt be wanted, said vice versa. 5. Words of the same spelling can be Used,only ,.., Vqi eep econ thoggh a ed ty d aigaate different obieets 4t futtdes, or parts of ob ecte or artictes. .Alt object or artiele can be named only once. 6. Do not nae hyphenated or compound words, or - any words formed by the combluation of two or more complete words, -wiser* elteh word in itselfobject -ds tun 7. The answer having the largest and nearest c9r- rect net of name of visible objects and articles irk the picture thathbegs with .the letter "1" be awarded 'First Prize, etc. Neatness, style or litandwrtting have no bearing neon deciding tho An numbo of people may co-operate in answer - y r F P r to Ite Puzzle, but only one size will be awarded ig one household; nor will prizes be awarded to of any group where two or more luiv° has one y g'r t D rLtogether. t wo n ,. in the event of a.tlo for any prize offered, the amount of each prize will be awarded to each participant. e Subscriptions (both new and reneivaI), 'payable vance at $5.00 per year by mall in Canada, or r year envered by carrier „boy in 'ilamllton„ ... a the . for,, t • or inqualifying,e d ovan Em o ted. i3awv u a rI tion «Th i4) aft d acn e L. subscription to e rap $ c's fn one lE be,•. .. w eat . r s: v Ira e $ibOb notate ..'swards, at lens,, one new subscrlirtilrn an$5.00 by ni0.il' in Canada, of 10.00 delivered.by. Cattier boy in inti'' b Bent iris i amilton; you still receive ?$fi00, instead of tae; fourth prize, n who' tuns not btt .. g' Mali arni Sri Pirve abon -n Sze = 360 -..so 'Porti,. (See coo .:.column 'of 1 A llifigu , fifth prize $ and 1 ( s rata roeeaving Ire Mon and Empire since January' 16,1x`, figures in prize iist.} '• receive the same coaisideratioc r 12. es answers win, red o he Or, if your answer wins FIRST, Sr.COND or TIIIItD re mid6 of whether or net a subscription „ T . ,Prize, and you have sent in :twvo Seurly .,subscriptions to The stud E Ira is rcpt iii, Ata ' carefullyveil- I4iselT and Empire (one raenv'and one renewal or two new sub. 13. Alt new ie subscriptions swan' da- , 'yi na>rer. Candidates marking old seri ,tuna), you will receive $1,000 in place ef,$35;,foitrtlt prize, . tied ri Uo nuzzle a subscriptions as new will posltiveIy forfeit 'Clic, credit„. SG ; ;lift$ prize: $300; and so tortir. • (See third column" of, of melt enbstrIptions as unalifying for the iwhaerninm figures in prize list.) norms :stewards. Iiow is that for a liberal: offer? , Out, LOOlt, titer° arethree 14.''""hrce prominent Toronto citizens, t'ar'p;; no slices prizes. Therefore, ;if you stand' I"IRSr, SEC()ND,,, D•, or qptt,i nptection wItit The Alan and E trpir°, trill be 140'• Minn. and have sent In two yearly subscriptions at $5,00 'a decide the winners, and •, year cacti b mail or: i,00 delivered by ,darner boy in llama- ported to art sib 3odge6 to d nen r $ Si'! lists agree to.itLr.uPt ton : nue ne'iw• and one ren°wval'nr'tivo.ndwr):i yon will win b. ,000: it he. decision 01 Feuding in their st,,. , f the po's'e'' of the jni[ites as final and conUTubtvo. .it:taicesS.but two yearly subscriptions at .ytG:00'n Srart'arh (ono' 1 Th Judges win meet on Sfebruar•y iSth,y stirs. , 'ne;v and one renewal' or two new) to°,liiallf - for the bit; $1.000 The j g t lir prize w•i innero and rurrrct i.st _ :7exrxt•,tu: Absolutely, that is the maximum. Yuri can do this wi•[tIr'. of o rtla en of v win bepublished in The Mall and Empire as Ylttle effort. Vow, own subscriirt3on can conn,, We can also take pi1eeirly e , sitbser i unfairly thereafter as possible. P 1oiws to, start at. any future date. Just mark on your L SRNT rl x :O i order i 'ten vete want the paper to start And Nye will not xnm IG JII ii,9 LARGE PYCxIGic1 EST. F mance'delivery until you say. xtl,dv ssr. a.. ' a ::c , MAIL and E7'✓IP.IRE e n :lite~,•e inCara ada by ,5'xzPp4c3"a aora Rates—Payable a fi rl..,e• ' ' .Y Alan ia .at1 Pet Year. J " Delivered b% Carrier ,fsoy in . Iafniltoii Gi Lo adorn, $6 Per Year Rural Route This:oPCer ape -ilea tlt5 to Rural Route. rato nt:as well as subscribersliving in c it ies and towns, you are already receiving. The aiaii silEmpire, your subscription present e;tlira.tirfn. Send in a yearly subscriTrtion at. i • , will: be extended i:t•o:;n its p>< . . 1 1 Cl Ibf I'2 , a r ,r p prizes, g5•b0 and qualify Tor the •br>; ii S1. a4. R iontgoiirler$, AIL 1 'I + Di3`i` . PuzzleManager,CANADA Dept. i, TllE PRIZES Winning Answers will ; receive the fifty cash "''itprizes according W the table below: ' Prize it No',,Prize if One prize if Tao. Subscriptions Subscription Subscriptions are Sent. is sent. pre sent. st Prize..... $35 $500 $1,000 2nd :Prize... ' 35 500 1,000' , 3rd' Prize:. , 35 500 - : ; :1,000 ,4th. Prize.... ' 25 250 500 -5th Prize....' 20 :.150 300 '6th Priize....' 15 100 200 Ith. Prize... ` 10 75 150 8th Prize.... 8 50 ' 100 9th Prize.... 6 30 60 10th Prize. ; 5 25 50 11th Prize. 4 20 40 12th Prize.. 3 15 30 13th to 20th rizea inclusive .. 2 10 20 21st to • SptL Prizes inclusive 1.59 7.50" i5 In the . event of a tie for any prize' offered., the dial sinoant of such prize will be paid to each tied partelpant YOU CAN WIN $1, There Are Three $1,000 Prizes The "P -word" Picture Puzzle Game is a campaign to in- creaso the Popularity of The Mail and Empire. • Itcosts noth- ingtakepartand you•d hot have t send inasingle to o o o sub- scription to win a prize. IL your 11st of "P -Words" ''is award- ed FIRST. SECOND OR THIRD -Prize by .the -judges you will win S35but if you would like to get more than ass a wr snake the following special offer whereby you -can win bigger ", cash prizes by sending 1n ONE or TWO subscriptions to The' Mail and Empire. HERE'S EiOwt If yonr answer to the. "P -Word" Picture' Puzzle wins E'IRST, siCOND OR TIirRD Prize, . and you Tho following is 'a partial list of Prize Winters in ourrecentconte' sits. - a Ont., Mrs. Thos: Mrs, lis us Campbell, rarest, Ont.. , 1,O4G; Mrs. Joe 37pyZe;" 1Viarzrior > 8' p > > > $ Gitxore, Athens, Ont,, g1,000, Mrs.(Rev.) Theo. A. Iseler, Williamsburg, Out., $500; Mrs. Enna Moore, Granton, Ont.,250' Mrs. Mi' Grace Webb 4llii7sle Ont. , 500. Clarence L. lvvl`©r'rieTw :A,llistnn, Ont:,;- $300;ss$ , : • 011 it nt. j :lc!l1) 13trlii ills,., Meafoldl, Ont., $15'b, Mrs. Wm, Yatt:..Sr rw•a,rllil„ Ont., $1.00,. C. II. Cascaden, Cyr' •y, Ont., Sinas, Sarnia. n i 50' lVfxs. A. E. Sz ti a a> $60; - . • ,. I2, in wills ria. , David W.ltl on, Cayuga, Ont. $60; Mies Daisy M. , 1[pea i, I gs , Ont., $ , w ,15; Piss ;D.'.Mae- ., M. , i•a ci Gra,ve=3 '1Dresderi, Ont., $ •''3 • Miss, lktct rll,iWt`t , Glt`tsblli, Lirrt.,::$ 0, .Viva. I~ n s „ vitt,•.; , , a, i': .. , G tharines Outs d'lillilcl Sarnia, Ova., .,15, .i11rh. 11. 1 . .w'or'dy, Wailterarlle> Ont., $15, G. T 1. l3eilteley, St a, , , , , $ 1. Cl `Coutts, St, Catharines, ,Ont,„ $15. .rn.;:,t.,... .y ..0 Pi() TVe .have eat.oall.y given a.t e' n f;otaZ' 'f rive „ovr, TI 0 liars in prices , 7 hr Corner Whet thecashier has. been gbIie Tong it is conceded that he is short, Most self -Made 'nett make them- selves at house. After all, success is just picking out a job your size. It is hard to belive til dreams after you have married. one. 1scril)pis 4?f•,;thE+ Hl}:Y A411-1ic, psi, d"eI Ohmic Sy stent will be held on Sate urclay 31st, at two o'clock, p.m: 1, '1`Tns. k. as instruet- ed" tobe subsowcr.beil) fG1eror sevewn, a pies Qt the Municipal World, one copy for each of the• following: Reeve, Coun- ciilors, Clerk and Asseaso . The Collector •was authorized to continue the levy of all unpaid taxes for 1924, and that the pen,- alty and costs be added to :all un- paid taxes_as a debt tine the zni'ni- cipality on and after March 1st. An _advertisement shall be insert- ed in the 'Zurich' Herald for two in'Sertigns for application for the position of Road Observer for Hay Township for 1926. Applications to be in the hands of, the Tp. Clerk on Or before two o'clock p.m, Jan: 31st 1926. . •The following were aplioitited as officials of the Township, of Hay for the year 1925;; at the' salaries. stated, and that a by-law be pre- pared confirmang.said appointments. 'Clerk and. Treasurer, A. F. Hess, r.e-Township, $360.00; . re Tp. roads 20/00; re .Telephone ,system $180; Assesser, W, H. Edighoffer $120; Collector, R: • Miller $45; Auditors, W. S. Johnston and J. A, Smith, $1.2 :each caretaker of; hall; Mrs: L. Rupp' $10; members of Board of Health, C., C. Schilbe,.• Sanitary In- spectors, 0. Eilber; for Western div- ision,' and. B. C. EdWaz;ds Ora East - .ern division, •• •• The following aeiounts -were pas- sed: Municipal World, .dog tags and `supplies $25.98;'• O'iit. Hospital for. ;Co ,Rupp, 39.00; Nomination expens- es,, 9::00; 11.:Thiel,' haul -'gravel, rd. 16, 145; A. Melich, cement, road 15 18 5= Amu h stile t tax ..tickets, 3.95; D. Diucherme use of scraper 4,00; Children's Aid and: Humane Society, Godericlr;'grant 10.00;M. Oorriveau, filling » in, etc., culvert, road 16, .10.004` N, Sararal, haul tools, 2.00; Bell Tel. Co, tolls; 4.03; A. Melick account, 4.86; M.G. Deitz salary and batteries 414.50; *13. Me- Isaa :.Me- Isaac salary, etc:, 457.0.1; E. Appel, refund telephone tax 12.00. The council, 'adjourned to meet again on Monday,,; Feb. 2nd at 1.30 o'clock A.F. aHESS, Clerk, Too many rich wen's sons begin al the bottom only when standing on the,street corer to "look 'em over." "Souny „'laddie, what makes 'a plan always give a diamond engage- ment ngagenient ring?" )Jaddie (who has been. stung) : "The, lady;' sonny:"; Stephen Council - The newly elected council of the Township of "Stephen met in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, January 12th at 11 a.m. 'Present: A. H. Neeb; Reeve; John ayes;' Deputy -Reeve; and Wm. Sweitzer, Victor Snell and ,. Reuben Goetz, Councillors. After each had , sub- scribed to itis declaration of office, the minutes of the previous meeting were read and .adopted.' Snell -Hayes; That the Reeve and Clerk be,autl>;orized to sign and sub- mit to the Minister of Public Works and Highways of the Province of Ontario, the .petition of, the car 1 Or ation of the .Township of Stephen Showing , ..that during; the. period,' Jan. -1st to Dec, 31,st,. 1924, there was. expended'•upon. township roads the sum of $3,735.85 and"request- ing the statutory- Ighant on that amount as provided by.. the : Ontario Highways ' Act and amendments thereto:. Carried. Snell=Sweitzer, That the clerk :ask for tenders., for the . printing requir- ed by theo0ouncil • and lay the same. before the council :at ;its next meet- ing. Carried. Goetz-Sweitzer, That -- the books and vouchers of the Crediton Com- munity, :Field as filed by Charles Zwicker :with the Treasurer of the township be :audited by the auditors appointed to audit. the ,Township books' and - when such auditors re- port is -filed with- the council'and found satisfactory to thein,. the Reeve may pay over to the chairman of the board -the grant received by the Township :Treasurer from the Treasurer of the Province. Carried. Hayes-Sweitzer, That . when, the township auditors have audited the accounts. as `to. the receipts •.and ex- pendit'hres,- assets and liabilities of the •Crediton :•Community -Field. as submitted byathe chairman, Charles Zwicker, •the same: be printed along with the Township `Auditors' Re- port.::. Carried.. Hayes -Snell, That the following be appointed:: ,Assessor, Jos. Guinan, salary, $1.501-- Caretaker. Ernest' Guettinger, s +.laiy, $25; Auditors., J.. W. Grays e33.."and , J. H. Holtzmann -$1'O :each; ;Member;. of Board, :of Health, Alonzo Hodgns; Sanitory Inspectors sof., Health; Eli' Lawson, Geo. Merrier, W. B. Oliver; Direct- , irect iors `of Community Filed, A: H Neeb ( and John Hayes;:School ..Attendance Officers, Eli Lawson for' Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4,: 5, 14 and Unions 9 and 13; W. B. Oliver for -Nos:: •10 and 12 and Unions. 8, 15, 17 and 18; Thomas Rowland for .`Nos. .6, 7,. 11 and i7nion' '16 and Sep. 6. Pathma,sters a Bruce Mitchell, Jas. Willis, Asa Penhale; George,;Penhale ' John :R.o7:lins, Richand Dav Y, Chris. Hoffman, Ed. Sweitzer, Abr. ,Dear- ing, Dear-ing, Sam Preszcator, Ezra Lampert, Nelson Sinclair, Win "B. Geiser J. F.-. Smith, Jahn - •Roeszler; Thos. Chambers, - Wilfred 'Lawson, William Finkbeiner, Arthur Amy,Henry 1Viartene, Clinton Brown, Edward Hall, Thomas Yearley,' Frank Glan- ville, 'John' Ropier, Jonah Huseil, Jose"lih- • Glavin,- Michael Maden, Dani? Barry, Arthur Willert,, Jacob Henhofer,• William Stade, Alex" Mc- Lellan, Newton Clark, Ernest Keys, Henry Link, Edward. Disjardine, J. Houlahan, Matthew Sweitzer, Milton Rats, Alex. McEachen, Jacob. Keller - mann, Placid Disjardine,•, Samuel Webb, Henry :Hawkes Alex. Fraser; Albert. Devine, Alex. Latta,' William: Hicks, _ Austin 'Hayter, Geo. Webb, `Ed.. Waiper, Ferdinand Disjardine; Edward Gill Jr., Solomon Pollock, Austin Hayter, James Wilson, Jae. liodgins, Byron ron Hicks, Wes Jones, Joseph Ryan, Pat. McCarthy; Dennis Mahoney, Charles Ragier, Henry ift0OHE (Continuos from' page one) livenod', lu the •-seeolyd period and Parkhill got two goals, This woke up. the Exeter defence who had been hanging over• the' goal poste; Pour xl/9re goals 'Were scored ‘.by the visit- ors and the period 'ended 8. to -2. In tlie:' last •period the forward lineof the Exeter team kept Parkhill crowd- ed to their end of the ice, but the both. , teams managed- to score two more goals making tae score' 10 to 4. The Parkhill referee handled ,ft >goon game. The Exeter line up:- Walter Spencer, goal; Hey and P. Case, de feuse; H, Pollen,, centra;, L. Tiernan mad G. Beavers wings; subs„ L. Foote and F. Creech. In a return game at Exeter,'Ties• day evening, 'Parkhill reinforced their line-up but were again defeated by the score, of 7 to 1. Line-up—Exeter . Parkhill Rivers Spencer G Brown s Tiernan R.D. Harriston Case L.D. Matthew • Pollen C. , Creech(f R.W. Scram Beavers' ' L.W. Peterkin Sub Bryant Referee,,L. Statham. ' First goal Pollen, and Pollen, 3rd Beavers, 4th Tienian, 5th Pollen, 6th Pollen, 7th Creech. , IIarriston scored for ' Parkhill in the second. • THAMES ROAD" The January meeting of W.' M. S, was held at the home of Mrs. Robt. Kydd. The -meeting opened by-singr' ing hymn 399; the Scripture' reading was taken by Mrs. Geo. Monteith from the 116 Psalm, after which all joined in prayer led by the presi- dent. The secretary called the roll followed • by the•' -minutes.. of the last meeting: The president : then .' a.n nouneed .the, annual meeting held at. Clinton, followed ' by some'.very sn- teresting items from some of the old secretary books. Miss ;;Anna Turn bull then, read a letter of thanks to Mrs. John Ratcliffe fer :her gift of life ,nleiinbe ship. 'to. the :Society ,and: also appreciation of 'her great • help nand' faithfulness to the Society, to which she responded "in her kindly way. • . IVirs, John. Selves then addressed Mrs. Chidley on behalf of the `,Society asking her -'to• acccept as a gift and slight token of our 'love. and esteem a .life .membership . in scan' society, to Which• Mrs: Chidley responded with p and a ' her thanks preciation. Miss Madge Doupe very kindly favoured us with a solo and Miss Monteith gave us a splendid ,paper 011 one of the chapters of "The Is- land Beautiful", -afterwards ,engag- ing-;; in prayer. -Mrs. Ratcliffe alien gave us' the Treasurer's report the meeting then,'`ciosed and' tea- served. h s and a ver' lty'the Dates Y Pleasant social hour was spent. • Miss'Arabelle Hunkin spent Friday with : her sister Mrs. Jas. Coward Winchelsea. •Mrs Wm: Pollen was in Mitchell with her sister, •Mrs:. Tuhr. Exeter, Ont..; Jan. 8, 1925 Mrs. (Rev.) G. M. Chidley The Manse Thames Road We the members of :the Thames Road Womens' Missionary Society have taken this opportunity to 'show our _good will and -thankfulness of themuch appreciated,servicesof our honored minister's wife amongst "us, and as a band of missionary 'workers that we mightconvey our sincere good wishes for every happiness in your life and work with us We wish You to pleage accept t this Life Mem- bership Certificate to the Women's Missionary "Society, as a ,slight •token Appleton, Wesley Meliin and, Jerry of our esteem and bond of affect- Brophey.,f ion. Pound keepers: Wm. Moffatt, I3.' We hope, that Tong Iife in pleasant, Shapton, W. B. Gasser, Theo. Diet- patois may be the •ble?e'ing .of ,yotz sicii, David Eagleson, . Geo. Walper, and yours; and MAY the 'nresentbap- Alvin Baker, Arthur Ally., 'Chris. py^assoeiations• long remain that,q[ir Finkbeiner, Arthur; Baker, "Jos. Society ;'may •`enjoy the hefpfu iiess Brenner, •Fred Procter, Silas Stan- and ; pThasure "of your 'preSefce ':and lake, Louis Kraft, David Steeper, lirayer`ful Ei deavouri loathes/further-' Jerry Broplhey. ance of the Great WorE'of the King= Fence -viewers: Daniel McCurdy, dom. ,John aloriock, Ezra Haist, Thomas Very Sincerely Keys, John Ragier, Eli King. W. J. Mrs. Robt. Kydd, President. Brown, Geo. Down, Austin Haytor. Miss Helen Monteith, Vice -Pres. ' Cow tag Inspectors: Nelson Baker Signed on, behalf of 'Manias Road Cons. 1 to 7 inc.; Mathew Sweitzer W..M. S. Cons., 8 to 17 inc.; William Hicks ; 16 to western b,drY: Carried, Exeter, Ont., Jan The following orders ' were ' paid: 'Mrs. Jno. N. Ratcliffe, Nelson. Baker, rebate on cow tag ac- Zaxeter, Ont. count '$6.00; Mr, Dunsford, gravel Dear Mss, Ratcliffe':• $11.45; R. J. Lovell & Co., books •Ve, .tire members of • the Thames and assessment r•olis, $38,85; Dr. J. ,Road Womens' ' Missionary Society,. J. Williams, acc. re. Alma Williams, desire to take ' this opportunity of $19.50; C. N• Railway, express thanking You for the gift of Life eharges, 606.; Il, Eilber, salary as Membership to the Well -lens' Tp' Road Supt: 1924.: $10.00. sionary Society, and also' to cone.. The Council adjourned' to Meet gratulate you, on the honor conferr again in the Town Hall, Crediton, edby the same to yourself. on Monday, the 2nd day of Febru- , May we also express our appre- ary,'1925 at 1 i,.m. elation of your efficient and inval- J-Ienry Eilber. Clerk uable services, in our Society, and the ever -readiness, to give of your tale.nt'e. and a helping hand, in this gz'eat field of...labour of tli;e Master's biddihhg. Wetrust- that. •our futiiz•e,;endeav- ours' May long be blessed with your liresehlee and assistance and that health and strength remain with you to continue In ;tl3s same faithful ser - Vice iii the ihteresta of. Missions. Ver'Y Sincerely 8, 1925 HAY COUNCIL The cocuucil of the torvnshi of Hay suet according to the Municipal. Act, on Monday, January 12th in the Townlij Hall,Zurich., whey.. the following'.stibscribed to the de- claration of ffite; Reeve, E. F. Klein), Couuci lore, .W. R. Deegan, L, I1. Rader, ., , Is. Rae and A. Rei- ,; Mrs. Robt; T ydd, Fres, 1 Monteith, i e -Pr s. C.fzcrt. The c.,uncit was ,lien. • or- Miss .ilelen Mot , V C e. ganlized for th', year 1925. Sighed on behalf of Thal Cs :[Road The annual meeting of the `sub- Women's Missionary Society. r ig HICCOUGHS AND THEIR CURE Hiccoughs have become -prevalent in many.cities and toWns throughout Ontario and. during the past • few weeks a number ; in town have, been affected with this distressing trouble, . some ' of- whom • have . hic- coughed coughed • .for two or ;three days al- most unceasingly,, The trouble • is produeed•;by a :spasmodic inspiratory. movement : consisting of a ` sudden' coutractian 'of the diaphragm, 'ac-- companied sby`'elrsutie of the glottis, the rihrtieh •of aii;.:against the dozed glottis; .Producing •a peculiar sound, in :some', cases.' it proving fatal. A drop of creosote` on a teaspoonful of sugar and taken• inwardly scarcely ever -fails to effect a cure. CTION SALE -OF —•" 25 CHOICE DAIRY COTVS W. E. `Nairn, , Auctioneer, has re- ceived instrueticns from the under- sign -ed proprietor to sell by Public Auction, on- Lot- 1; Coif: 9 Twp. o; Tuckersrnith 33/4 miles west of Staffa, Mrs. Alfred Rosa` feria on FRIDAY, JANUARY Lard, 1925 The Following: PURE BREDSLaura Keyes, 2nd No. 14047, due in March; Jean De Kol 1V2erceni , No. 43002, due in March;. Aggie .Keyes Pasch, No. 77,- 867, 7,867, due > in March. ' GRADES -4 „Holstein -; cows fresh with ;calves at foot, .1 • Ayrshire co* fresh with calf at foot,. 1 _Polled ,Angus cow fresh with calf at foot; 1 Holstein cow due Jan. 3,0th. 1' lue,pow d'ue Feb. lst; 3 Holstein cows due inFeb., 1 Hol- stein cow dna in March; 2 Holstein, cows due in -. ril;: 4 Durham cows` fresh with ,calves at foot; 3 Durham' cows due: in 'Feb.,. 1 Pure Bred Dual Purpose; Shorthorn cow` with Heifer. calf at foot 4'Du>;ham,heifers rising two years old Thi is •'a choice lot of extra, fine large cows in ; good condition .and will be , said -without reserve to the. Highest bidder. - Sale to •Commenceat lo00: Sharp TERMS OF,,,:, SALE -Ten months' credit .will be given on furnishing ap- preyed,•join,t notes, with 6•,per cent. interest'.',; . Walter: Stewart , , W. E..IiTairn Proprietor Auctioneer Tl] UX1333iilt Tn n DITOOA E, ' Published ;Every. lelluraday Member of trio Ciulndian 4Veeltl Newspaper Asseplatiton • Subscription Price $1;50 a Year', - Strictly' .ln .A.dvanee, $2.00 1VIay bar ' Charged `if not so Paid, To U. S. Subscribers $2,00 a Year. A JOB TO SUIT Foreman—"Here, now, Murphy, What about carrying some more bricks?" Murphy—"I ain't feeling well,:. guv'nor, .I'm trembling all over." Foreman—'(Well, then, lenda hand with the sieve."—The Contin ent. Someone should invent a suit or clothes that 'would last as long ae- the vest MEETING OF . HURON COUNTY COUNCIL, - Tho• Council of the Corporation o!: the County • of Huron will meet the Council Chamber, Goderich, at. 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Tues- day, the '27th day of January', 1925„ All accounts against the County, must be in the hands of the Clerk: not later • than Monday preceeding. the meeting of Council. Geo. W. Holnan, Coulity Clerk.. Godericll, January .10th, 1925. hite Pine 1x6, v matched dressed on both sides: at • 0 .PER M. ■t! , THIS • IS THE TIME TO STOCIll BP' WITH GOOD COAL WHILE, YOU CAN GET IT AT A LOW PRICE A. J CLATWO`. TIIY GR.AANTON nnirt9(0 ; Calif" Commercial life offers great- er• opportunities -than ldoes any other calling. Central gradu- ates'secure good -positions. We receive more calls for trained held than we have students graduate. Write the col,lege at once' and get its free 'cat- alogue, it may interest you. D. A. McLaughlin, Prin. r oney Orders A.YABLE ,at any bank in Canada can; be p.ur.• chased at our branches for any altn®•unt up to $100. ON Orders ' also sold payable in Great ; Ol:°ataxn , and in the United States.7 sz 'HE,, BANK OF' COMMERCE raPttal Pa . ty F' . 2 QQ .p $ , 000 feses• a :F 120,000,000 ua>id `$2o,U0 M. R. Com li,Manager p n• , - G. G. Maynard, Manager Exeter Branch Crediton Branch - i y USI3ORNE & :}HEBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANOE COAMPANY Il Office, Head O ... , p"'ar uhar Out, Farquhar, President, JOHN ALLISON Vice -President, JAS. MCKENZIE. Hl1ttECTOI1S MHOS. RYAN SIMON DOW R0BT. NORRIS, WM. l3ROCK AGENTS JOHN IiISSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and,l3iddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, MVItinro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. THi4NBULL Secretary -Treasurer Box 98 Exeter, Ontario, QLADMVMAN'' & STA/MIT/3 , Solicitors ,' Eteter. . Tt01CN T DR. G. I LST O , T.r.D.Sy; D.Iy.S: DENTIST Office' ever I. R Carling's Law office. Closed every Wednesday afternoon. DR. A. 14. KINSMAN, L.L.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity DENTIST Office over Gladnan & Stanbury'w office, Main Street Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of .private funds to loan on farm and viillage Properties, at lowest rates of.. in' 10 erect.' GL.t'IDIVIAN ci;; STAN13Uli.Y Ilarristers, Solicitors Main St., Dieter., Ontario Al't4117,s, Mr, ' rAT5.OJ` TuICENSEB a . •.A LTCTI.CNEEP, Sal'es` e hcluetod'allSlor.a y Ferias Stoelc sales ti specialty, Satis- faction guaranteed, Charges '..hod•, 'orate. "Orders left at this ,effice will he promptly attended to, R./Z. No. 1, I irltton. -hone liirktten 54r2: 4