HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-1-8, Page 8'essommeisim► semmr EWAI Phone 16w JANUARY Stock Taking Bargains This is the anoii,th we take stock and in doing so we are find - trig many lines on which we are putting real bargain prices for Utzick, clearance. A visit to our store this month will certainly prove profitable to those in need of goods at genuine worth the money Prices,, We'll Save You Real Money on LADIES' ANI) MISSES' WINTER COATS, CHILDREN'S COATS, AWN'S OVERCOATS AND SUITS, BOY'S OVERCOATS AND SUITS, UNDERWEAR, SWEATERS, SWEATER COATS, LADIES' ALL WOOL AND SILK AND WOOL: STOCKINGS, MEN'S ALL WOOL SOX, RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, BRUSHED 'WOOL GLOVES, WOOL SKATING CAPS, FLANNELETTE I3LANNIiTS, DRESS FLANNELS, FLANNELETTES, DRESS MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS, Groceries! Groceries! Quality the Highest Prices as Low as the Lowest Kellogg's Corn Flakes .... lOc Shredded Wheat .. 2 pkgs 25c Bran Flakes 2 pkgs. 25c 3 bars of auy Laundry Soap for 20c. Puffed Wheat pkg. 14c Grape Nuts pkg. 18c' 5 lbs., Quality Oatmeal for 25e, 7 cakes Castile Soap ... .. 25c `•i;' Palm Olive Soap ... 25c Good light Brooms .. ,., 49c 3 pkgs. Ammonia Powder 25c Lux — Lux .— Lux 11c Med.-Polished hdle brooms 69c 2 pounds Choice New Dates for 25c. 2 lbs. seedless raisins for 25e Large Muscatel Raisins 173c Large Carnation Milk .. 12',2c Royal Yeast Cadres .... 5c pkg. Small Carnation Milk 6c 3 Jelly Powders 25c All 15c. Plug and Package Tobaccos 2 lbs: for 25c. Large tin Pink Salmon .... 15e M tin Pink Salmon 10e Large tin Red Salmon 25e, i/ tin Red Salmon 15e Large Maple Leaf Salmon 350 tin Maple Leaf Salmon 19e Special Mixed Tea 59c. a pound Tasty Cheese 25c lb. Crispy Soda Biscuits .. 15c pk. Large Box Matches 10c Special Cocoa 15c ib. Special Coffee 40c lb. Choice Dairy Butter 38e ib. J A. Stewart :Stock -Taking Bargains.. 1 est thatcan be had anywhere. e�nFurniture Our furniture is the very new Come in and look it over. We have some great stock -taking bar gains. Lowest Prices Latest Designs g Best Service E. Gardiner &Son= FUNERAL DIRECTORS Day and Night Service OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J: Night "cell `74W Men's'*iS'tore Great3Bargains, .` during Stock -'''akin e 1 A x rchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter er FM THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQcA,T. Exeter Markets Market repert-Tbe following It the. report' of the Exeter Market eorreeted every 'Wednesday. Wheat $1,55• e ro BarjeY 87c, ' Oats 50e. Manitoba . Fleur A5,40 PaStry Flour $4.05 Family Flour $5.15 Feed Flour $2,25 Bran $1.70 Shorts. $L75 ll utter 35c. Creamery Butter 410 Eggs, Extras 6Qc. Eggs, Seconds 85c. Lard 20e Hogs, 'Selects 11c. Hogs, thick smooth 10c. LOCAL- cMer�se •�ea�+�h''; Miss Emma Wills spent the holi- days ,in' Mitchell, Miss Netta Pryde visited in Lon- don over .the week -end. Mrs. Elizabeth Horney is confined. to her bed through illness. Mrs. J. W. Powell is still confined to her bed through illness. Mr. Bertram Gardiner is attend- ing Business College in London. Mr. Geo Windsor left' this week for Toronto to spend the winter with relatives. A number of Zurich and Hensall attended the Hockey Match Monday evening. Miss Mildred Murphy spent the holidays in Clinton and Goderich Townships. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wood of Windsor visited for several days with Miss I. Gillespie. Mr. Humphrey Dayman of White • Wood, Sask is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Green. Mr. Wm. McMahon of Donremy, Sask. is visiting •his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PenhaIe. Mr. Jas. Dearing of London has been, visiting for several days with relatives in this community. ,:School re -opened Monday follow- ing. the Christmas holidlays. The. staff is the same as last year. Mr. and Mrs. C. FI. Sanders and son Borden returned Tuesday -after visiting for two weeks in Cleveland. Mr. ' :AquiIla Sheere, who spent Christmas and New Year's with his mother, returned to Detroit on ,Fri- day last: �.. Mrs.. Chas. Rinshed of Redford, Mich. and Mr. David Hall of Detroit visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Hall over New Year's. Master Ivan White and Miss Mar- iorie Stewart f Farquhar THURSDAY d EtNI1,1U1Y' $tli, ' I,92 S ; aAv�1N PIi1��l3Y+.i'E?�A�N c�CI4rl�li1il[ll�Ilallll llplll I 1 f r t `V ` r r`rrrrr!! `n Ror. d b'oote A lliinister 11 1� 11110.111.11.111110.01111:11 .111tI11I� 0111111.10.11 �114•� 4111�ll��11.01II�II 101,1 1110.1010. l�l 10 a.nai,--Sunday SChaoI and Bible a. Class, 11 ,a.nx,,---"Our Probation." The Minister 7 pan,—"The Slave to Self." The Minister Communion Service, Sunday, Jan. 18th. JAMES S'T'REET METHOD) S'1' CHURCH Rev. W E. Donnelly, ,I3. A., Pastor W. R. Goulding,; A.T.C.11I. Organist and Choir -Leader 1,0 :15—Morning Class. 11.040 -Fanny Crosby end the Silver. Cord. 3:00—Sunday School 7.00—The Worst Bargain a man ever made, EVERYBODY WELCOME Trivitt Memorial Church Rev, A. A. Trumper, L. Th„ Rector. 11 a.m.—PA Religion: that Smiles," 7 p.m—"Towers of Babel., Powell's Bazaar Plain Price Store Last Week we made .mention about. our: past Success and our Future plans. This week we want to. tell YOU that have Phonographs, that we will continue our Sale of Records, Edison Discs at Half price and Blue Ambrbla and Columbiia at reduced prices too. Also several Instru- ments. If you would.l.ke some good records cheap, now is the .time. There are 'all kinds in` the assort- ment. We have attachments to play Edison records on the Victor and Columbia machines. We supply Jewell Needles to play Edison re- cords on Brunswick, McLagan, Ray ola, Stewart, Amplioii, and all other 'machines that claim :to play« all re- cords, for the low price of $1 each. Steep needles, . 10c package. Come while the selection is good, - 13'RIDAY & SA.TURDAY SPECIALS: Big, assortment Graadtewau'e at 10c 15'0 and �L5c. Surprises Surprises Surprises Don't Miss this Sale, if; you de we both Loose Money. -� Cut Flowers, Carnations` and Daffo o arqu ar spent the dills. " Christmas holidays with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Green. hriss Winnie Millar has resigned her ,position at Wilson's Grocery store. Miss Ella Kuntz is relieving After convalescing for some time, Miss Mildred Harvey left for St. Thomas on Monday morning to re- sum e her course in fine arts and art crafts. • Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lewis of"Kil- larney, Man., have •moved to town and have taken up their residence with Mrs. Cottle. Mr. Lewis is a contractor. Mrs Campbell, of Winnipeg, and Mrs. Hill of Parkhill, visited with Mr. and • Mrs. David Mack, Monday and Tuesday. They are sisters of Mrs. Mack. Mr. and Mrs.: Wm. Frayne.and family,.: Mr. and Mrs.Arthur `Kers- lake and Mr. and Mrs: M. Hern spent' New Years day with Mr. 2nd Mrs. Robt. Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs. Pettman, of TiIlson- burg; ;Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martyn, of Conlon, and Mrs, Robert Keyes, of Parkhill, attended the funeral of the late Robert Mawhinney on Mona, day. . The editor of the Times=Advocate is in receipt of an invitation to at- tend the At Home of the Huron Old Boy's Association of Toronto din y� Sovereign., Hall, Thursday; evening, January ,15th. /j 1V Pr. Joseph Amy of London spent Mr.. J."Hunkin who has been con-; the week end with his brother Mr. fined to his home for' a couple oil' weeks,'the result of an accident to his ,foot"` while. working on a' barn near Forest, is able tb he around with the' aid of crutches. ANNUAL MEETING Exeter Agriculturat'Sogiety The annual meeting ,& -the Exeter Agricultural Society will, be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday, January 19th, 1925; at 1. 30 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing President, Vice President and Direc- tors for the ensuing year and trans- acting other important business. All members and interested parties should attend this meeting. The .Directors, are particularly re- quested to meet before the annual meeting at 1 o'clock sharp. Ben. Williams R. -G. Selden President . Secretary �. SEASONABLE GOODS FOR SALE• - Sleighs, cutters,` grain grinders, roller crushers,- pulpers and engines. One 10 -in. Vessott grinder, 2nd hand in' good repair and one three horse power engine, used. WM. WARD UMW MOM 00111110 WINO IMMO Z.. Malian moism ammil MIMS Onions wa Coats Boots Shoes Dresses Hosiery Clothing Towelling Underwear Flannelettes Etc. Etc. Etc. COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES ALL GREATLY -REDUCED o;uthcot-t' `• r• ;1ifi(llNlli!{illtll!!I!l1111 i ! ommi1111Alllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllimill11111111(IllllilllimmuIHminfoifini i1mmitimmi magiiMc .00.00 1/11011111 a • 114 TtIE PUBLIC EYE REPAIRS We . are now prepared to do., all kinds of repairs on broken frames, whereas before, we had to send them to London or elsewhere. HEAVY' SHELL FRAMES TO. YO.T,IR OWN LENSES, WITS E YOU WAIT, $3.00. SPECTACLES, LARGE LENSES, $1.00 and IIP. Dr. John Ward J CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHONE • 70. ANNUAL MEETING HORTICULTURAI SOCIETY Will be held in the; TOWN HALL, EXETER, ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 15th, 1925 at 8.00 o'clock p:m. For the purpose of receiving.. the annual financial report, election of officers and general business. All members and interested par- ties are urged.' to be present. 3. S. Harvey J. G. Stanbury President 'See'y-Treas. Mrs. E. Willis of town, received 'word last week of the death of her brother, Mr. S. Roberston :which -took place it Z ucknow, on December 30th.. Tht deceased had been a resident of LetC cn 1 ow for ' 60 years. IIP' s e ail life � Y wase spent in Gode- rich. Messrs Frank and Robt SWeet of Sarnia and Mr. Fred Sweet of Pene tang, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sweet- for the holidays. 'Mr. ' Fred Sweet has resigned esi n ed his s 'position P on a t Penetang to accept g the principalship :of a large technical school at Sault Ste. Marie. Caven Presbyterian Church Ladies Aid helcl their annual meeting and election of officers :ori January'the 6th at the home of `djrs. Love when the following offiders were, elected; Ron. Pres., Mrs. E. Christie; Pres. M'rs, J. H. .Greive; Vide Pres., Mrs. Horton; Sec., Mrs, G. Manson; frreas,, Mrs. T. Powell; reports show Pie society to be In a flourishing Beginning be a class night ate ch r eplidition; and are increasing M. mem tharn will be a ;class in Teacher 1}ership Training at James St, church' each night for the week. The coarse to .Mrs: K. J. Sines and daughter be.; eovered is an ,intensive study of 3orothy of town visited the former's the "'Pupil" by i'rof. Weigle. Every- randfather; Mr. Moses Mawson of body interested in the work of Sun- .a.rkhil1 for i 'few` clays last week. day -School teaching is in'Vited to iiir. Mawson is 91 years of age and these classes. i:i quite hale and Marty, being eircep- The sehool teaehers Who spent the tfonally smart for one of his years. Christnias and New ,Years Belida Ys He is: the, oldest• resident of Park- in town have returned to their e liill' ha•vilig'` moved there 21 years ago s ective.. s i i e- lf duffs.{. Mr..Reg. Parsons to from the 1 ' 0 19th Y �; r,aii ' ' Ce i ss n .o MCf�'il ILi•ie", ' � TVI; u is I •• s Vera Jonas as t p`0 1 e ray In McGillivray' he helped : to IVriss Gladys Harvey to r�' T 1119; build, the first' chtlrcii •over 72 years Lillian Walker to ' Burlington;a; Miss ago. A photo of the three' genera,- Mis ass tions 'ryas taken. � Vc�t`no Wal1ter,to Toronto; Miss'off'-R W, " Mr. Mawson has othy Kuntz to Essex; ins Irno a0 grandchildren and 62 great" Szreet to Putman;; Miss ar er' ,"41dc hiidren, '40.i.,.,;,.0 Khntz tdi Ci;'it : , g t ifs c.oboyc, , M. Amy., Mrs. T. 0. Southcott returned Monday after spending New"Years in Brantford.. Miss Linda Walper of Romeo, Mich. is visiting with.her mother and brother Theodore, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stone and child- ren of Kirkton spent Saturday with Mrs, Wes. Stone. Miffs s Marion ario n Wood s visited Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Gladman in London during the past week. Mr. David Hall and sister of'1)e troif spent New: Year's with their' parents Mr. and M'rs. hall. Miss" Mabel Wbiegarclen has re- turned home after f er spending 'r two weeks withrelative's andf'riends in Siincoe. The dances that have been held in the Dome, Theatre for the past two, or three months are postponed until spring. Mr. Ca' lr ane e Morley � Friday re f tet y for Winnipeg after ,spending the Christmas aiid'"New Yearns : holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3, Morley. CARD OF THANKS .. Exeter, Jan..6th. 1925 To the ratepayers of Exeter. Ladies and Gentlemen: I again • thank you fore the confi- dence you have placed in; me, in re- electing me as your reeve for 1925 and in return' for your trust I will endeavor to the best' of my` ability, discharge the duties of that office without: fear or favor. I am your obedient servant W. D. SANDERS CARD` Or THANKS I wish to express" my sincere thanks to the ratepayers of Exeter_ for the large vote given me at the polls ' on Monday. It will • be my earnest s endeavor t v o serve the muni- cipality uni- ci li a t to the P Y best ,of°' nay ability. JOSEPH DAVIS CARD OF;•THANES I• take this: opportunity of expres- sing x res -sing my.grateful a ' retia ' tion PP to the ratepayers of Exeter r f r the- o e confi- dence placed in me at - the polls on Monday. I can assure you the town affairs will have my best consider- ation. ELI COULTIS CARD, OP THANKS I wish td thank the electors of the Village of Exeter for their loyal support in electing inc as eptinoillor for the year 1925. C. F. IHOOPER CARD OF THANKS I desire to . express` nay sincere thanks to the ratepayers who sup- ported hie at the pelt; on Monday. -3. M. SOUTICOTT. POUND -L ;A Ladies' ming set with five ,Pearls, Finder' inky leave 'same' b it i Y v n �r i ,4 property g t n 1 and paying p y ii for U Y �i this advertisement, App1Y at Tinies- A:dvocate COAL.--COI{E AND INSURANCE YOUR PATRONAGE ;SOLICITED E. J. CHRI:ST1E OFFICE: North ot;Elliott and Johns Great Bargains in. ,. Furniture during u ng the:next two ® s i month Via,. , .. R. N. R .,. �- o . w,1 E EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20W` PHONE -,20J W.R .Goulding A.,: T. Ci.. M- •, ,. Organist . and. Choirmaster James St. Methodist' ChurCh. Teacher of Piano, Vocal, and The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Sclxoole. TERMS MODERATE Box 67, Lzeter. CLEANING PRESSING.. and REPAIRING ' • SUITS- MADE -TO -MEASURE TO FIT YOU AND, YOUR POCKET WORK CALLED FOR AND DE- LIVERED. ELLIOTT AND JOHNS r RT.. A Ht7 R WEBER Aucteoftex .- R. R No. 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Lam and tock 'IaUes " a : specialty. EtOBSES FOR SALE OR a .YG HANG>r r I have a number of, Drivers and € Work; Horses that 1 Will .sell or sex- a :hang -e PRANK TAYLOR, ,Exeter. HIDE „, HIDES WAN1k,D We pay,~highest Cash 'Price for Hides,—Rivers' Meat Market. STRAY HEIFER 2 -year-old Heifer, strayed on to Lot 5, Con. 2 McGilIi try. Owner can have same by praying expenses.. R. �WEIL. Clandeboy,'e ' P. 0. I am in the 'radio business and. would be pleased to, 'give a demon stration in the house 'of anyone in- terested in _buying a ,radio set, , the best handled and the prices P are ili,S t See g ane before b buying a radio set: • •Grant Sanders, Jaiti'es St. STRAYED ---Froin the premises of. the undersigned, Cdn. 41, nrtcCiilliv ray, red two year old,' steer, Notify J, ka. Antos, Il.. It. No, ;2, Ailsa Craig. T FOTJN1)---.`I'Wo Yale lock keys on n, ring. Owner" may have same by. 1? eying for advertisement.--i°Aplily at flees -Advocate, ANDY IIIASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Co*.a ty of,Huren. Correspondence arrange. menta for sales can. be made by call• Ing np the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. 1. R. CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor," &c., Loans, I T{ s, nveetinents, Insurance, Office, `Carling Block. Mali St. Exeter G. S. Atkinson, L,D.S.,D.D.S 'DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal. College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Wale versity of Toroito. Late District Dental Officer, ` 11.1 . tary Dlstiiet Number _ One, Leadoa Ont., Main Office, Main St. Exeter, -Oat Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 8.00 sem. t� 5.80, p.m. Office hours at ZURICH ONT., Tae/. only', at 10.00 o'clock a.m. to 5.OF o'clock pan. Phone 79. A. a: THNNAlI' Veterinary Surgeon Office -.-McDonnell% ?saves Madge en ". John St. Phone calla receive prompt'' attention. Phone 26w Local Cartage I AM NOW IN A POSITION' TO GIVE OUR LOCAL TRADE AN AIV MOST- IMMEDJATE SERVICE H. Bagshaw RY US Phone 58W ,Cochrane Machine Works � Ford, motors reground, fitted with " is to ns ' Co" . m 1 rte p 1 6.00 $ Every,. r la ke of Car. Motor and Engines se- • round 'with Pistons Complete to tlt lso Trectore: " • kg', FARMS FOR SALE -_A few choieii farms le t he Townships h s fps of IIlrbarait Tuckersmith and »= Hibbert. ..Good buildings aid well 'Cleated as to • t antki"e, kets Priced right. Apply to Thos. Cameron, Atnet." Box 154. Exeter. ERNEST ] LLIOT CONVEYANCER, ETC. HIGH , CLASS INVESTMENTS` (Trustee Tuvestments), Bearing interest at 514 per cent. INSURANCE Office: Main St. . Exeter; Ont, 1. to M ye .i le Nw he i. eye• , yypp I Member , of the Cellege of Phi'- . siciaile and Surgeotle of Ontario. Office opposlte Ro: e' s Steve, Mai.Street.nitix�rn Phone 166 toter, Olt'