HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-1-8, Page 7nd Coughs
Of The Children
Quickly Relieved By.
Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine
nty the mothers'' know how hard
its to keep the ehildren from tainne
eold; they will run out of doors not
properly clad, or have on too much
clothing; play too hard and get over.
heated, and cool oir too suddenly; get
their feet Wet; kick the bed clothes
Off at night, and de e dozen things
the mother can't prevent,
There is nothing so good for chin
dren's eolds, coughs, croup, whooping
•nough, or bronchitis as is Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup. It is so pleasant
to the taste the ,youngsteks take it
• without any fuss, and its promptness
effeetiveness in loosening the
Phlegm "end beefing the lungs and
bronchial tubes is such that the
trouble is checked -before any serious
lung trouble can possibly develop.
Mrs. Everett E, Keetch, R.B. No. 2,
Froderictoe, writes:—' 'My little
boy, age nine year had a dreadful
cold which left him:with aver bad'
ebagh, 1 tried 'Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Sirup, end after using throe
bottles he was completelyrelieved. I
Would advise all mothees, to use -this
'remedy for tbeir children as itdis an
exeellent medicine''
The genuine is put up only by The.
.T. Liniited, Toronto, Ont.
Supremacy of Margois -
•Wheat. -
In pteening,the nOrriber 0 ews to
breed, or ill. ether wore's, the pig ereP,
farmers are now lookieg ahead a yeer
as the progeny a the sow e bred neW
Will be on the market next fall. It is,
therefore, of great iinportance in the
interest of a 'wise decision, that the
•situation as it exists at the moment of
breeding sheeld not be allowed too
large a pa ee in the factors considered.
After all, what has to be taken into
consideration is, what are the condi-
tions likely to be next fall, said present
conditions should only be considered
to the extent, that they indicate the
Undoubtedly the biggest single fac-
tor in the price of hog products on the
Wolds markets is production in the
United States. The hog .population
in the United States on January 1;
1921', is given as 56,097,000, in 1923
as 68,427,000, and in 1924 as 65,501,-
000. The pig survey of June, 1924,
indicated that there would be a de-
creesof about 8,000,000. The United
States has an immense 'consuming
population but, of course, like every
-othee country, endeavors to export her
surples, which in 1923 amounted to
1,794,000,000 lbs. of peek products.
The •, comparatively high • price of
grains this year caused the American
farmer to put his hogs on the merket
during the last few weeks in unpre-
cedented numbers, the receipts on the
Chicago market for Monday, Dec. 15,
being about 122,000 hogs. The first
two weeks of December saw the big -
,,011 1110M
F41111 YOir Own Diamonds—By Emily J. Guest, M.
PROSPECTS IN THE HOG eriod last year" UndeebtedlY these No on is nntisnod, with, his en- of the world to the needs of mei
earlditione will have a big efir
fea Ort vonmentuitynent Satt. 2§: G0140
t, • sPhere of actioe,
the number .0,,f sows that will be 'bred •:Everybody -le hungering—for some- , To dissever to whieb, 'elites he -he- •*leCle af•ye e crime it !Ante, r or
t.his fail for next Yeae's market. Den- t eg, ange is the first soblern anyone ray hreathren, ye have done it to
hi , ;
xnerls and Ireland are also feeling the Yet Probably ne One could be feund StUdying himeele or helpIeg another to •
pressure of comparatively high priced who. weeld exchange his coedition a do so, for finding the eight life work
fe inz is entirety for that of an)ssee is a greater feeler in making a sats' L Tac Nees!! It's THRONE, 81-23.
Th. 't ti is of immense inter- else, Parts of it, a bit here and there, feethry enyieoerneet than Any other II, sriekl risig,. SEPARATION oF TUE
est arid importance to Cenadian farm- Yesr certaiul-X. T3at. tiler•e would alwaYs oxeePt• PerhaPs health, From the AIQUTEQ
trg AND 'rEE tINRIGHTki,ous,
ers and packers, After carefully re- be the reservefiees, the conditions or threefold point ef view of hapPinees, se4 46
-viewing the whole situation Canadian POSsessiens about. which each -would success and service, Se importaet. ki-i'TR°:.nuclION'----,I4ul/r entering the
y City as M h le th,
e, . is a. en th task by the
packers feel that next year is going say, "Oh, I Warittolteep that. I Would' We can all summon feten among our tempi d Tsla ' anse5 e
tf • b not iv t I th
to be a "hog year. That is, they e- g q a up anything in e acquamtaeces a mental vision of authorities, and•required to explain
liev,e if producers will improve the other 'Person's power to offer." So: round peg ,trying to fill a scpsarihole, his ,otrunission, or "authority." He
quality and furnish to the peeking when the complete summing up: came' or a square peg striving to adapt does eo, and in a serieg, of discussions.
houses their normal quota of hogs, tobaade' he "L." fin4 that the himself to a, round hole, neither ee)cesePtihrissttehtee•t'al'unde trileelatkiiouriadboenitesoefencxtohde,
properly managed bog production will favorable balance wan on the Side of , them very happy, very :eurcviceesesfuals, or tile nature of the life to come, and
be profitable to farmers. If farmers his own environment.•I rendering
an p
d ackers pull together they should The reason for this would'iper found result ot their encleavoth. d
. , the enprerneli4piettanee of leve to God
, on e r ate° of eallutbinei4 of lioly anger he condemns
be able th make another •considerable in is own peraonality. The reas s for, th impo t (ga . 2). Then, A great
step in establishing our Canadian ba- Individual conditions are largely the i wisely chosenwork
result of individual character, Char- First we like doing it and aS we'lia,ve stood in the way of -Ged's holy
hYPocriiY of the Pharisees, who
I Last year saw very low prices for acter is partly inherited, partly made.
grain and big hog, production; this To a great extent, each person. has ing houra at work this .s
lyear a sudden jump in graiai prices made and 'is making his character by
t o opp ,• city at the app, n e ,
sideration. •• ••
are obvious. ithe
once aga n the deem which awaits the
roachi g judgm nt
con on the British market.
se for the nation (Matt. 23),
:spend a large proportion of our wak- purpose
in breeding operations in the United Which ,he accepts, or rejects.
with consequent prospective reduction h oetueitiee in his daily life a big con- and from this passes on to proclaim
Secoed when it is clone we cantera-!when as Messiah he will come M the
plate the result with satisfaction, for glory of the Father (Matt. 24). .Fin -
States; high c'ost of production in The.. tnoughts each thitiks, with:
k th • d ` • d
countries like Ireland. and Denmar resulting esires an consequent
that have to import a considerable actteutieorii:sthat%aodniley g4nrodwsiunig:elyouats of the
• epnroinp:rtorio,bnreoefdtih4iiinfeewdess,tearnnn caasnliatcd1;.. root,
the blade, the ear of the corn,
Packers strongly believe that this ,just as steadily and eurely produce his
situation is one which should induce 'environmeet Thus that of his own
hog producers in Canada to breed creating, 'because' it is his own, suits
their full number of sows and that an, him better on the whole than that of
increase in Production is perhaps a any other's making, however dazzling',
safer policy than it, was last year it may appear at first glance.
when everYbody was feeding- cheap' • yet the truth reniains that no one
•e.raine peoba,bly sows kept as breed- is satisfied with his environment.
ers never were better property. Largely, this ie. due to the fact that,
gest deliveries of begs in the hieterY I
of the United States. Too big o, per -
Since Marquis wheat was first intro- centage of these hogs are light and
duced, a good many growere and unfinished, which means the fanner --
breeders have been-rna.king selections is liquidating his hogs. The effect is
from it with a view to producing, th decrease the total pounds of pork
possible, an improved strain. From Produced. During the first nine
. • • .
results obtained so far it seems quite months of this year 372,000 more hogs
•'clear that differences of greater or were marketed in the United States,
lesser importeece actually exist. Be_ but about 114,000,000 less pounds of
for it will be possible to recommend Pork was produced than in the same
one, strain of Marquis' over another,
several years testing vvill be neees- 1,-- %
sexy, however. , ,
• While certain new varieties bid fair * TRAINING OUR
.. .
to eeplace Marquis in, the West yet
• until these varieties have been tested• CHILDREN
further, the sizpreinacy of Marquis as
a'-',* general variety for Most parts of en
Western Canada will remain un-
challenged. At the PreSent time, it is Pi- FL°RENCE. BREWER B°ECE
estiinathd that approximately 90 per "I- don't care what you are .training'
cent. of, all the spring wheat ge,own your children to do, but what do you
in Western Canada ' censists of the thiek is the most important thing to of japan. and when she went to bed, same way. Year by year they were
It is uot likely that the Prices °f, being spiritual ns well as physical,
grains will decline to what they were man is „capable of infinite -growth.
he 1923, but one can normally look forj What. w,as satisfying last year is not
Is likely that the
a recession in price -in 1925 because iti enough. for this year.
grain and eorn-eroPs He is vaguely, „ uncomfortablY eon -
of the world will retuen to "1°1 -mal' 'scious of inadequacy—in friends
as we like doing it, we enthr einntoorvit inaliloyd,sihnioadisseorpelses'of f tphaorsaobileemsnhiessurees-
'with zest of heart as well asofficiehey of that. '
judgment, and bids them "be
of hand and head and the
respect and the respect of our fell°ws• the
which conies from this ensures self- irriearlaYt: hh4e0oelat.U. sewTh'toehietihistehh cehyeafpttrunerifebecie,oningte,ss,
This again leads th success both in the (Matt - le of the Sheep and not"
position occupied among men and in a Galas, whichforms our lessoe for
monetary Way, for though -money is`to-nay. i
not the'first nor only point to be con -i It ieoprobable that Jesus often spoke'
sidered in the choice of a career, yet tohfelochveart:ctethreistpir mark
the material returns are riot to be de- disciple.
Mee asked, "Whom will the
s 'ised nor neglected, for the olel Messiah recognize as his own, as his
pioneer farmer said, "Poverty may be loved ones and friends, in the day
no disgrace—hut it's mightY un--' wnen he seta up his ldngdom?" And
handy." l Jesus answers: "Those who have seev. '
Thirdly, the eight work draws ed humanity, who have given them-
abotit the worker persons of similar selyee to deeds of love and mercy." '
tastes and interests, and he finds a I theraomveesstiao hhsunfiliAnonitdys.is3tehsuesmwairilk see!
steadily enlarging circle of congenial
d • T li.-nowledge such before the angels, and
ginning heel'', tic)
leee these faithfu e: -bile
.erd:orno4 of ' Pik
• Vs., 85,36. ..Aud .•W re th
o right isatideeciegesz as the .,
Peceuee, Jessie eaYS', "1 was •111-10
and you gave me feceiethiesty meal
gave niedrinis, naked and- you eiet
!Mes" etas • Loving deede- anne to :•,1 -
will be the test befete thejedgin
throne, Did- ene niXteesese
-Messiah's' hunger, slake . jos,,
shelter him from • the elements; '•
• ehare ,ef hini in sick -fleas, 'visit
in Prison?, ! The are his feies10., his
loved ones, and his aerie A. very siteeee
test, but how searching!
• Vs, 37-39. Naturally thesennen, who
have cerne out of every nation, and
hardly one of wboz-n ever saw Jesus'
face. to fage, will. be astonished beyond
rveasurf,. at this greeting, and will ask
wanderingly "Lprd, when did we see
thee hungry, eth?" It was 4ver their
privilege on earth to see ,Biesus with
the eye of flesh.
! V. 40, Then Jesus will explain. The
Messiah identifies himself with sin-
ning and suffering humanity. The
hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the
siels, the condemned or) earth are his
tepresentatives. On earth Jesu$ 16ved
them, and 'gave himeelf for them, and
now they are to be understood as
standing in Jesus' stead, as thesinesper
objects of Christian love and kindness. ,
The Messiah enakes their cause his
own. His friends sire the friends and
lovers of mankind. This was a thought
which had never crossed the minds of
men until Jesus spoke.
Vs. 41-46. Then comes the dark side
of the picture. Who are the enemies,
of the Messiah, those whom with sor-
row he rejects from his presence and
from his kingdom, and appoints to
everlasting punishmeet with Satan
money, health, education, or in his come of this is almost sure to be
,friendsan acquamtance,s, e 011 -
the make them to sit down in his kingdom
who have not loved men, who have not
and his associates? They are those)
For these reasons peckers believe the
life work. • deepening and broadening • of of salvation. In the present parable
been the •friencle of humanity. These.
Canadian farmer is well advised to
the the same' thought provides a. picture
maintain his production of hogs. But, Also because he does riot see, e
• powers and persOnality of the whole of the
'Judge, because the -y did net show love
-universal judgment. na_ , will be set on the left hand of the
to Christ. Expecting to find a place
man so that he is able to render the tions will be gathered before the
grea.test service of which he is cap- throne of the Messiah, and blessedness
able to the community, e roe- doom will be meaeured out accord -
Clearly then, your Koh-i-noor, tne
' ' have or have not
themselves lo •
mg as men _ . given gry, an:
Ilear the Judge say that b was h
to find hem -e out,Ievscathandt::
in the kingdom, they ere overwhelmed
big one among your dia.monds, is the: t° vmg deeds after the ne un--
- example of Jesus theyse
with this, in in quahty is
Chafing at 'the monotony, limita-
'titms, or poverty of his lot, he has
never 'opened his eyes wide enough to
ner I was fed with rice and various 'take a •,clear survey of the wealth
delicious mysteries. It turned out that awaiting discovery in himself and his
I had arrived on Japanese day! From surroundings.
early morning, this little girls had Some years ago a number of people
lived as nearly as she could like the left England for South Africa. They
little girls of Japan. She had eaten cameout to where they could getla.nd
sonetthing approaching the kind of in plenty and at a low price. They
food they eat; she had learned al expected to make a success of farm -
phrase or two of their language; she hag. But the land was poor, unres-
had invited, her little friends to lunch' ponsive, stony.
and plaYed the games of the children • Year by Year they repeated the
, .
above` variety, while in the United teach, them to •be—?" .... I listened to - a delightful story in disappointed. They grew dishearten
State, statisticians claim that ap- That question, from a Woman whose which cherry blossoms and kites were ed, disgruntled, disgusted with the
proximately 70 per gent. of the spring children are brought. up and estab- mingled. And she, teld me that when -1 country. It *as- no good. Some died,
wheat .growing areae of that country fished. in the world, dropped into the ever 'I came to her house on Saturday i others moved away, the, rest struggled
is devoted to the .production of this midst Of a group Of mothers whose 1 should she, was some other little) On in poverty.
variety. ., ' boys aid girls are in the process of., girl altogether. She expects that by Their children had no luxhries and
being brought , ,, threw -a recentanu. the n of the year she will have lived. scan opPostunessOlan'e-With the merry
. . . able tea-party into dispute --and con- ,arounethe_world.' heart of childhood 7they saw Chance
;All About Stec!' Potatoes. ,
, ,
to play; they invented games and
Should- seed potatoes be planted It was soon clear that not a mother- found their own playthiega en the
whole or becut hi halves -or quarters? had any plan reasoned out m the light The Evil of Permitting Live
, .
This is a subject that has been dis- of the modern world and of what a , , stock to Tramp_p_ver the farm.. ,
One day a traveller with the sympa-
cussed for many years and one whieh man or woman needs to be to live , Manure Pile. thetic heart and seeing eye passed
has been the of widesplead ex- usefullY and happily in it . There- Was Manure from diseased animals,
perinaental study. mu,ch talk of
Sbrength of will, °f especially those suff,ering from tuber- that way and perceived the childreri.
He came near and found them play -
Much of the experimental data ap. love of truth, a power o eoneentra- cuiosis or contagious abortion, is usus
pears to be inconclusive because differ- tion, of loyalty and brave; but of ally heavily infested with the bacteria
ent experimenters Ifave' planned and all .the things- that were said it was responsible for either of these two
eareied --out their experiments differ- the. idea- of the Yolingest Mother of much -dreaded' cattle- diseases . many
ently. - • • 'there. all which interested me most. cattle owners pay very little attention
Such factors as , spacing the sets, "• This young mother said. If 1 n to the manure. as a possible source of
condition of -the soil enenthe quantity how, the thing which I should like, infection: or ,spr,ead. Cattle are fee -
of moisture dering•the growing season more than anything else to give my quently permitted to trample and
affect the results. . _ , children is the Power to, get into real browse- ovee the manure • from the
• For example wheee the soil con- touch with all sorts and kinds of peo- stables which they occuPy, picking up
tains abundance of plant food end Plc in all parts of,the earth; .th feel And. eating pieees of soiled hay Or
there is an abundaece of moisture thernselveS neither hetter
nor worse straw, and carrying back into the
tables on -their feet and legs germ
aden filth, Which May eventually find
ts wey into the cow's stomach or into
heemillt pail.- In the light Of modern
thbie hygiene, progressive cattlemen
re now planning their 'stable, yard
nd manure shed arrangerrients etch
• throughout the-groWing 'seas' On
• sit,e' seed appears to neeld ltlie largest
quantity of inerketable tebers.
. But if the, seeson is dry and the
sail poor medium -Size. seed appears to
'prodece ft bett„ • •
than any other; -to realize how mach s
alike all people are, -and -still to ira.lue
and; eejoy all their superficial differ- 's
enees." t
ihelleye it was' beeause this mother •s
Was young that, she felt aceerately a
the 'great need of the world to -day. a
Sprouted oats San be made by. soak- leae by,year men are being brought a way as to, prevent, in so far as
ing the .oats • in a:Pail of • warm water .closeretogether, hexing, more 'influence' possible, the cattle. coming -in contact
to which has been added about ten and ewielding more power ever :the with:the manure,
e drops of', forinalin to, prevent mold, livei of -•each' other; what happensto •'
_Then the oat's are' spreed out oretrays one happens- to all, and so the It isa shame bank'any house with
inch.to a depth of one e ray
should be. placed in a awns, where -the, ot
temperature 1\111 not go belovv sixty re
degrees, The eats should lie sprinkled is
each el s eet-,,, seised or the ey
first twe e .1.7s while theie no danger ho
of breaking roots. Al the end of a; lis
week they estialiy be in good con- el
ditioe te :feed to the none .at the rate 'de
of a squarein' per hen pee day. •th
. • tv -
men 'toward 'each oth.er can be •chang- seesss it thEse life jewels of yoUrs were. , , What interests yol most at"theFall
ed. The old- attitude toward the bar-, erielHous inigam, arc es Do it. noyt. study,. yourself. Help, Fairs? Where .do you spend most
barian, and the foreigner must give' Are caused, a the boys and girls as they go throug'h to what exhibits do you feel like re -
way to a new. sense' unitsr a• , • , scho,ol to study themselves, ,bocly, and turning oftenest?
world hi which no people ie any trend, ietelligently. At a certain Priso'n farm whose aim
"f°1;e1"" to an°ther• once you allow your, bowel, to be. Rotuheo.:sholYw, Pheoolowleor.fkall,lnoinstto htawpop- „sisortIeosfslo-tos.srptesiatiisohn itshininne to thneelpg;thi
'Thet mothas are coming to realize come constipated you. will be troubled ' es;
the -need of children :to know and !feel, with `bilious and sick headaches. the, woeld of Idea—the -thinkers, Week- to wise direction. During the first
the. books ap,d toys and songs that resume
at home in all the vsor.id is evident in For eenoi yo'IL must eep yonselieor to .tehrsoilistihvetshehmapinpdie;stanidn•ttlihoese,w,wohroidfiioidf i.neroetelikingth,ealprorlivssodne:tec; is requued to do
itsproper fun'etions remov. go wiiei e be will,
are being made for eheldren nowadaye, jag- the bile ilia% is citeidattag. in tee Thinge—the doers, Workey,i the Took at what he pleges of all the
Eaell, Year there Aire More and more blood and noisening the entire stem hand. • ' varied ocCupations and Manufactures
stories of the chndeen of other lands, •` From the first class come the pro- of thesestailishmeet, and erform a
and fairy tales' and games and songs IIIIfeP8c1Orial men and women, preachers, work he chooses ectiuirtariltr. Unknoevn
f other leer's. , teachers, writers, lawyers, physiclane, licavever, a close record is be -
I have even herd a, sort el" little
interriations,1 "Prayer ' for childeen,
svhich, rims like this:
"-rather, bless ailsthe little children
proceed? What to watch for, andl
titre has best fitted you. But how to I.. emHEENT11:1E3S1S-I3A31,'S TR -norm OF
discovery of the work for which Na- 'so. They did not:see that Jesus
• jUDG- i Ws:stip-111e; wthitrhew811fraewriaxIS,kthhimle achanitY' and
pee 0
when, and where? There are four I V. 31. The "Son of man" is the everlasting life. They meant perhaps
main lines of observation: temper-', heavenly one, who, according to Dan- to help the needy, but they forgot. Or
ament, tastes, talents and health.
, llel 7: 18f. is th come before God, arid they thought that concern
osfutfebeneliInsge Or
Make- a sober, impartial study of which shall not pass..sway. Jesus
yourself, being careful neither th overs' so come in his "glory,' that is, no time with themselves. In any case
estimate nor underestimate. Write longer in humiliation and suffering, they did not do the thin li- h I '
to receive an everlasting kingdom others were no cone g w i: esus
will they were simply taken up. all the
down the results. Put them away for as on earth, but in the radiant liglit loves.
three or six months, then take., them able eternal majesty, and with every How solemn is this picture! "Inas_
out and go over them. critically. Do 111
you still agree with your self -esti- ha
mate? Where are you strong? What v.
ors round his throne.
ark of the divine favor. He svill much as. ye did ,itertot to one of the
ve the angels of God as his assess- /east o these brethren of mine, you
did itpanroaththe. Mhaes."In. Lspittleedw
are the weak points? How could the b -
ma e no is
32. Then "all the nations" '1. this I • -
strong ones lie cut and polished, d , be before him. This means, itY, more practical Christianity, than
disciples only, and not the anything else in the literature o
more valuable? How- could thenvek Jesvs only, but the Gentiles -from every xnenity.
, •
ones be strengthened? Do this peri -i jinanddgineAntllirmomustthaet ivliaesstsiravhceoivne otartheihr 1,,
. .
The rctsj:acZsocfl(Wagoo TuEdeed. is to
Is your temperament quick or slow? Y
'the have all been divided in various
have done it. Kind _hearts perform
Irritable or patient? Controlled or ways, but.before the Messiah'6, throne unselfish deeds as a matter of course,
a higher and truer division will take
es -al results from work which demands classes.
of you intense concentrated spurts or V. 33. The division between "sheep"s i
impulsive? Do you get the best gen- peace. Ale will
who'zknci. d withdid tuhnelivror t
be divided into two birds sing. Jesus said of another class
aihmy, and self-righteous
as naturally and uncennss:cigiohutslyofasmtehne,
'.g°atSth"e'llitapnroilisgatreeswP.eocutlidvelselY tfhae- ' •
feom that requiring -calm, steady rou- and
a e u icans should
ing with stones. Ile took a second tine? Ath you an individualist or a elect and , hearers. ., What
. enter the kingdom before them, The
look, went into the, house; and asked co-operationist? „proof that anyone belongs to the king. -
where the children foimd the stones. Tastes reveal themselves at nlay, in .
=liar to Jesus at is new
here is the principle on which the • • • -
dom, is found in the doing under the
• "On the -farm," lie was told."Thatthe favorite boo
g ri.
separation is made.
THE FINAL sEPARATION oF THEi intuitive urge of great-hearted com-
e sort of deeds that
books and ma azines, in
' 'f 1 this land, and
crop was plent u on as ,,
* RIGHTEOUS AND THE UNRIGHTEOUS,. Jesus went about doing whenon earth,
passion, the same the choice of companions, and in the
it was about the only kind.that was. school records. • _
[He was ever helping, healing, comfort- '
"Might he have soineIn play, is it lively games full of ?" ,
. V. 34. At the solemn hour of judg- ing and uplifting both souls and bodies
"Oh, yes, all he dilsed, if he liked," action and companionship, of making, ment, the friends of the Messiah, his of men; and for ever seeing with the
rather contemptuously. * and doing things, which appeal, or the true servants and associates, will keen insight ofloving eyes, capabil-
Selecting a number, be took them to quieter amusements, one or two coin- stand on his right hand. They will be itiee, and possibilities that others fail_
a skilled 'worker to be cut, to another panions, walks, talks, and explora- addressed as the "blessed" of Jesus' ed to find. In the story before us the
Father, because they have God's own, righteous are amazed that the multi -
approval: and the kingdom of God , tide of trifling services they had per. they shall inherit has been pre- I formed and straightway fc;rgotten
th be polished. Finally he ,sailed for tons by stream and in field or wood -
Europe again, carrying with him gems land? What tendencies are revealed
from the world's richest diamond at play? Is the individual a leader, a paled fr them
from the foundation should merit any glorious reward.
mines. ' ' follower, or. a co-operator, ' good at of the world." This meaes that every- Unconscious goodness is the highest
Because they did not know, could them -work? On what occasions and thing that Inc happened from the be- form of goodness.
th f Ki 1 ci
not see e armers a mber ey sai under what circumstances does he
the soli was too stony to yield thein a show initiative? Do the favorite books .
living Plodding blindly along in the and papers deal with facts biographylarge percentage of those sent there
dispiriting ruts of poverty, farming science, the practical side a, life, afresh on the road to a self-respecting
or , „ .,
with -their bodies and -not with their do poetry, romance, a.dventuth, the''lire
minds, they saw only stones, impedi- imaginative writing make the stronger Where the tastes and talents are
ments. appeal? •- not very outstanding, such an investi-
And all thetime their children were The kind of intimates chosen from gaon may mean the expenditure of
ertance of their understandingeach nM.a
maure. as a ne t et
1tee me b f, d of h playing wIth diamonds! among acquaintances is worth seedy considerable tun' e and patience, but it
her, of their being able to get ieto man who does it There are much Everybody has hiddentreasure in, also as an Indtf icaion Otastee,
- is none the less worth doing.
al communication grows greate I ar d talents , . Health is the. setting for your dia--
it It better weys of rnakin° the 1 I I is life awaiting the seeing eye You What taste
g e ce . , e. . , s an , areleveai-
partly because Of thisond G rd 'it if vieprous Build
that People warm. Point the stones up Wein:with have. Your' diamonds are Your '.Un-.,. ed in the . school records? Was ;the m s" ua
erywhen are struggling to find out mortar. Lay the wail over if need discovered, undeveloped, *more or.less student str9110St in , mathematics it up if -weak by an intelligent study
w to do away with wee and estab- be; if h ,
ard pressed gather up forest dormant abilities of hand and brain. science, lanuages and literatizre'
h peace • e world - has become So leaves, or haul -sawdust, but don't for Perhaps you are farming these . as commercial or artistic subjects
osely "knit that war is intolerably pity's sake, use manure. Jt IS not blindly and unskilfully as did the, throughout his course? Aid he ex-
structive• ' And, 'yet, the verY fact healthy, andhow it does look and South African farmers theirs. ,. . press himself with more ease and abin
at the world is close-knit makes liz • ' , '''s - ' possibly you never, even stopped to sty , in ,the practical or imaginative
ars more likely, unless the spirit of , think how many a d , of what s t lines of activit ?
AND 'fliOSa..TRoliBLED: wiTic 1,vh-o, are n,Ow. going to bed., and hel
all. the' little. children:who are ziowP
PalIntatiol'a and. Pillatteri,nk of ...ttie 'playing ie the sunshinawhile We sleep,
Heart, Wkft irr 0101'11'018Po, • to have a 'hapipsr
WILL DO TIMIS 001i you
Vers. Ann.Putney,
' So11
lather1&66d S;nArld not, lonagealhe unekPct-
king4,1011st , g o I e
, „ Winuipeg, UiemO1
writes:--"Fh .kre
or yeara
IMPAY and Faint Spats, Net- eaty to the bons.e of a friend for din.., . 1 'vastroubled with so.voro hiiiom
• vousriess eletif Sleeplessness, nee arid was g-reeted at the door by
, beadaebel bat 4a00 T. hay °, taken
shortness of Breath, etc, .,bor litt1.! daughter in ,ti, gay kimono, your Milbeth's LaxeeLiver Piles 1
For sale Islr- ell druggists and dealess, ` who said something which she 'told have been OOMPIOtob* relieved of my
Put up only by Ago T-, Milbura Coe nee meant "How do you dor iti it trotibio. 1 unmet say enough in theil
Limited Tocollto "Oot• lenge:age I had n.ever heard. Per din,. nroiso.
. . ,
inventors, organizers, statesmen, fin- Mg ltelit of the activities which attract
enders industrial leaders and alt him. most, •those to which , be returns
-those wheee occupation demands as a ofteneet, and about which he displays
first requisite the patience, aloofness, a deeire for „knonriedge, The one ,which
and devotion, to bard, silent w-ork nee- aronses hiS , strongest and mUst re-
essary to thinking the way to clear, current intere8t i then selectedas
conviteleg coeelusions 'rebid) are the that 111 which he is to receive ,q)ectial! 4 g etiongh te do any work, Ilia was
preliminaries to action., training, the ultimaqn bong, important factor m growth and nor,, g
caused from ba,a blood and a c eral
The ,second and larger class giveS to turn out ,CitiZan who ex. peiloy/rt mal development of young alliMals run-dOwn condition.
the prOducers and conservers of ma- -some kind of work well enough to gain sunlight is free le we ere, prepared After taking three bottles of. 111113
terial' wealth, eatveand'•nianufaetured, for hire hie on respect and that of ,to seeelve it .outdoorS, but to have I found thet all ner troubles 'had
food, clothing, shofter., roads, convey- his f,ellOw-rool as an effident works abundant sunlight in the buildings apPeared, and now i eau do my house -
armee, machinery, publication, -diode man, This,' equipment, with a new suit where live stock are housed is some- hold work Ana find it a
whose occupations arise froth. tho a clothes end a fees ,dollars 111. COMAY. twor--bg13
theIees it is well te ,e* '041nUfaet,uredeb°1Y „
adarrsAtion ,of thio natittal resouteres pocket has stetted a gratifyingly worth While All live Ilitonk beildinge hWa")1111/.9:4'47 14,1511141'
.should be planned in, such a manner
that sunlight may enter and reach,
during some part of the day, e,3,:ery
.square foot of floor space possible.
Wide buildings with dark stables have
passed; narrow structeres with large -
windows- have taken their. place.
of the body and its needs and manage:
Booksare keys to wisdom's treasure;
ment. If the setting is not what
Books are gates to lands or pleasure;
, it
should be,. much of the, beantY. and. I3ooks are paths that upward lead;
effectiveness, even the safety 04,soine, Books are friends. CoEulineillieeso
,of yOur. gems, may, be inverilled. __
• When you have 'made. a: SUT
vey. o
your diamonds, big and Iittle,• cut
them, polish then, inveet them in such BALOOD ?
a. way as to get setisfactory returns Pimples
Do your own thinking. It you don't and Boils?
in real life values,
soire one else is going to do it for you. THEN, :FAKE
The one who does the thinking is more
than likely to gather in the rewards.
Farm your own diamonds!
Direct Sunlight a Factor in
Animal Growth.
'Plant phy.siologists have long leiewri
• that sunlight played a most importaet
part in the development of all green
plants-. Animal physiologists have re-
cently adoffed the same view with Mrs, Alt Gurrall, 111t.. No. 1., Se.
regard to theogrowth of animals. 1\ln- mats., writes:—"About yeer
tritionai studies it. which sunlight tied 1L0 ws-S greatly troubled with
iio eunlight were the main considera- PimPleb and b°118 brealting °tit on me.
tions in the feeding eeperimente, have a14°' 6c-1 176TY 'tired feeril'g `c°1-ieh
demoih made ine feel as if Thsdn1teng4h