The Huron Expositor, 1995-02-22, Page 18PAGE 2(' -Wednesday, February 11, 1995
(wfiy you iLE c::=74
• he wedding album I. a treasure that lust seems to bet ol( • valuable to couples as the years
g„ by. R7ua ruler. captures ae nu,e,d and action. lust Hass plwloyraphy cap •s as n:suai
art. 1., be tlouilh(lully savored a1 onus 11(1.1 pace. ge•rteration. alter generation.
Arguably the mem eher:shed keepsake 01 any marriage. (lt< :red<luul album sI id be a photographic
ere ora 444144 44014 re 4)0.4411 1,, drspicu/ 1ha4 -5 0 il4 41 :. urt14a,ra444 h, c 5.51411 501 • 444(11 (ei4 trust 411 (10
t11e•41/0 401 (44(1114
►tourer, ere! (op ///10:04/( 14/4/141'S arra some co-operation As with "diet deatrls 10 planning a ucrdehru5.
114,' album ',wolves 44 !tote 111(111 phalk-u1y (101141 a arposl and young date. (late 11,1111040(4044.
- Equally important IS (hr a .rnl••1f and lnclersl(ulduuq lere•l !a•tu•e•en you and your 1111010.11111114104. }iut.
44.1! 14am r .inti lar1111y rnrntbeis 11 111 cdl be laking cues pons hint 1,1. her (n 15 wedding (lay. so tI is
ernporloIt arae ate molten hail is polu•nt. 4espetyill mid yid 4(1 your 1115114.s.
One' .$ ihr biggest nu.sfakes , .uple•s make 40 working •,rich a photographer 4s not allotting enough time
041 the 1001111111g dry ler der photographer.
(lItim. tit die hustle and bustle and excitement prior to the church sereite. brides u'.Il net be ready to be
ph.r..r raphod. 11155/11/1 0114 1111 11 p • plow oppa,ruulny.lar special •105 with parents. attendants
and 11(•1115
The "mph. should ..Set 054(14• at le(1s4 n couple 0l hours between the church and reception fur formal
slogs. The int inuun shex,(uup 1111e• alone is aril 1 to one anti a haft hours.
Let your pbo(oq a)1lrr 441440 the /as( (lance. so to speak. Guests Inevitably team to pop their ozena plc -
titres. but 11 you're paying n pro to deliver. let l have the first opperuu14ty. Fix your attention towards
his lens 1 he has what he keds. -
Mums tall behind SI 5014 440. rt :5 n$(ea tin photographer who roust 5acryice some (J his allotted
new. Titus iso 1 lair to colter of (5014. 14011.11 have leu1er shots to choose) . and he'll litive• feu'e•r 10 self.
111111 sore tour n other members 111 ate 'refitting party are ready Jor groupings. Enlst a Iriend or r<•fa-
(We' as ,0-e41/411140r 11114 a 11111.14(44 4.11 shot
{l'r11ding dcul photos area 1111•(1ns .I o•-1:rrrtg the• 111051 1r1yagi14rl1 day 01 aur lines Th gh prolessional-
(sn1 ane! (1(115114 1111111111 11.111 41'111 be able 0 took bock o,i !los day 101114 joy (uta loaylrng.
lir wary .t amateur pholrlgrapllets. Veld. (zee goallied w bust 4444444 'yearling ntenu/nes to. !Cs strange
111,11- o y"uug (.1ple or then parents (rill spend $1.000 5441 professionally arranged flouters. $300
401 0:n01,.si.41E11111 f 11101 1111%1 1 aka. and SI .000./...4 an 011.4410 -rack gown. The morning after the ce4e4114-
n1g the !foto, s faire 0.1101!. flu. 1 oke• 11 114 mere ami the gown 15 star•d in a box 1n n dark closet.
Viet. to snow a Ietr dials. pe.ple tura ask an arnruelrr 11, produce s Wang Ila( will last forever and be
one of fhr •..11441.':5 (41054 (1te•r4510 (1 p'ssesaiims.
ke inenlbrr..0 perllt1e 1s 410i 44:51 0 pupae- You are also paying jot. du• 504(4005 of art 11(1151 10110 is
u •
alrled (0 spit(( the s40144 .f your wedding clay. -
11 rine siwuhl 1111(1.51. 11 badyet deal. be• pre•paretl Jor extra costs - or pray your ratan 45•5(411 In business
110011 Ole big day lolls fel 01111(1.
Aria Age i., the p,r.04((44)he1 10 come
prier f0 4401(1 t!'r1lrhncl (lay w 11'•14) select
shor.f4ny 1.,(4(r04s - Incl,ras (15 Wei( (45
0114. bet: rota 411 14014(1 drat poor weather
might 100 e other Nate se44iu5s. .
1'liut this 4.,r to irev•k or so beim r the
write:aro unit at the 141441. 441 day the 'Ato-
ms 1, 411 be 1ake41. to (111eu• the photogra-
pher t. see 11,e possebdim•s u/ (inn attrae-
la•r ararfable-ligll snuatlons. He can size
- up the shots through 1115 camera lens.
5r1r1m1 11,1411 here• ((1111 aggravation of hat. -
my 111 more lurrolur, 140 otter, obstruc-
tions on the day o/ the ci.renteiny. Carry
titromoth such' Mtu141umf for other lot (Mos
11014 44,11 he photayraphed. including
church and banquet hall.
Check in advance with clergy. 5(11144' 115
whore object to photos being taken dur-
ing triune portions e1 the cerement'.
G .1• Nur photograplu•r a fairly neetlrate
Idea of 041.1115 ant! groripi1gs !pal want
Melwlld. 145 11•efl (15 aro apprarinlale time
4(0(11<• 11.111•41 1110: 5 h 011111 lie :lone. •
Your. wedding clay will be
remc'nibere(i forever when y011
have it photographed by some-
one you can trust. These memo-
ries Will be with you for a life-
time. - - -
Angelo &
Janice (Daer)
(photos by
Mac Campbell).
_for your special day, insist on beautiful photographs by...
ac ampg Elf _I Ltoapy
A name synonymous with photography for over 30 years.
164 The Square, (Royal Bank Block) Goderich 524-7532
1414 or(