HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-1-8, Page 6wW eetetneee . • N TEA H4TIS Qu have a stria►*dardl by' which ' ty $alada i3 tb a finest ���ge ��,�.�.� teas, produced, in the world, -- Try it.. FREE SAMPLE ui (REM TEA UPON REQUEST. "SALADA," TORONTO 4 .4444 44 444.a About the H011EMADE CANDY. Homemade candies, daintily packed, are most welcome gifts and have a personal quality lacking in the things you buy. .e. IIICKORY NUT CARAIVIELS, Place three-fourthsof a cupful of thin cream, three tbsp, of butter, one cup ""of sugar and one cup of molasses 3n a saucepan. Bring the,mixture to the boiling point and add three squares of unsweetened Ghocoiate._Stir it care fully until the chocolate has melted arid continue to let the mixture boil until the syrugforms a firm ball when dropped into cold water. Remove it from the fire and add one-half tsp. of vanille, and one cup of chopped hickory nuts. :Turn the mixture into an oiled pan, When it is cold, cut it into squares and wrap each square in waxed paper. FROSTED PIG FUDGE. Make a chocolate fudge andpour it Into a panto the depth of one inch., Cover it thickly with coarse chopped dried figs. Boil one cupful of sugar and: one-fourth of a cup of water until the syrup will spin a'thread aad'then pour it over 'the white of one -egg beaten stiff. Add one tsp, . of vanilla and continue to beat it until it is stiff., Pour it over the layers of fudge and; +gs and cut it into squares when it is cold: ALMOND SEA FOAM. P g Boil three cups, of li � ht -brown sugar, one cup of water and one'tbsp` House malaelP decorative or more comfortable than huge soft pillows in all shapes, made from heavy black satin and finished with' gold tassel$. "With these use one or two in a color that will fit into the scheme. It has been demonstrated again and again that when a note of black is introduced into a room everything else in it seems to have gained in im- portance, mportance, and this touch of black is so, easily obtained in cushions,,, T thout% ht that was most interesting, and I asked her all mannerof ques- tions about interior decorating. I'ask- ed her what else one could use to brighten up a dull room. Of course there were 1an,ps.; If a cornier is dark it seems that nothing brightens it up better than a brilliant lamp shade. The . Chineseones that she showed me were lovely on the lac- quered lamps; the parchment •shades' were done . in any color and style; but the ones that ,interested.me most were the bright, gay plaited ones made from wall paper or glazed chintz. Then it seems that -candlesticks are made in every, color of the rainbow' these days, and there !tie 'candles to match any one of them,'' ' In looking about I saw scrap bas- kets, desk sets, ash, trays, painted box- es, flower bowls—all in gorgeous color- ings. Pictures are framed, too, so they, furnish a note of color in a room.. I had always thought of picture frames as either gilt or some dark.wood. Not so; They are vivid scarlet, soft green, of: vinegar together ;without atirringlbk with a line of red, orange and It until the syrup spins a thread when blacge dropped; from the spoon. Remove it from the fire. and pour the boiling syrup over the:. whites of two eggs ten stiff. Beat the mixture until enough to hold its shaper, en : one-' tsp. of almond ex- tract and one heaping cup -of almonds that have been blanched and broken; Drop it quickly f'ronm a teaspoon on sheets of waxed paper, BUTTERNUT FUDGE. Boil one cup of nneple syrup (or •orte eup of honey), one cup of sugar, one- half cup' of rich milk and one-half cup of wafer until the syrup forms a ball when: dropped into cold wafer. Cool it slightly; then beat it until it is iireamy. Add two-thirds of a cup of broken butternut Meats and turn the Candy into an oiled pan and cut it Into :square pieces. BRAZILIAN 'Luka. 4196. The 1ittle doll1 mother, .maY Cover the bottom of an oiled candy A NEW DOLL SET. TRY THIS ONE ON'YOUR PIANO ' e.,, ,. One of the , daily dozen or handball on akls on the Duffertn Terrace, Y Quebec. The new skijump, erected by the Frontenac Winter Sports Club,- has proved a great attraction to amateur; skiers from all .over th'e continent, andA� P intercollegiate 7 intern do al and in ercolle fate 'umping competitions have been ar- ranged to take •place, in the near future• fr`eshments in boxes o uniform size, wrap and address as for paicel post and stamp with used postage stamps. Have some one carry the :boxes to the front door,then knock or ring, and the hostess could answer and bring in the bores, 'announcing that n package for each guest had just come by parcel post. Ask guests -to adjoun to the dining- room, where coffee should be• served, with fruit gelatine or ice . cream for the last course. :The dining table could be decorated with a -centre -piece Made of crepe paper, to represent a mail -bag. In this bag, you could have letters addressed to the various, guests, each "leiter" to contain a suggestion as to a stunt she is to perform. These suggestions could also be used: for a shower. Pan with marshmallows in which slits -1 not only make doily's'clothes.but also Slip a brazil, nut into wave been cut. ': ,the doll, from :the; models supplied herewith. The body y - ma be of "drill unbleached muslin, oil cloth dr sanitas,. with a stuffing of bran, kopek, or cat - n. " Eyes of shoe buttons, 3' nose and lips of yarn, or, the ;features may be embroidered or painted. Dressed as.: a clown this doll will be very attractive. The :suit may be of calico, 'cretonne or acraps of silk or satin. One or two colors of materials u may be used: :For. the Pompers—cre- of a cup of butter and continue boiling tonne 'or gingham is pleasing. Dolly the syrup until the 'cracking paint" will he so glad o£<the dear little pock each slit and force the.edges together. Pour a rich chocolate fudge over the 'marshmallows and when it is cold cut the candy' into squared dUPREME NUT CANDY. Put one and one-half cups of moles - sen and three-fourths of. a cup" of sugar into a'saucepan;; boil. it until the syrup forms a hard ball when test- ed ed in cold water. Add three-fourths rth s Angels. I too have looked an angels, The, angels of the Lard, .And entertained them unawares, Worn men and women bowed with cares; Pilgrims whose patient eyes were prayers,; Binding rebellious Israel -With love's tenacious oord is reached; then remove it er fire at once. Beat in a pinch .of. ba10 tug soda and add one -,half pound of fine chopped figs and dates, or figs and dates in equal proportion; one cup each of coarse chopped pecan, filbert and Walnut meats, and one-half cue of :Small, 12 inches, Medium, 16 inches; blanched, shredded almonds. Pour the Large, 20 inches in length'. The Doll It xture into an oiled; pan and keep requires for a Medium size Ye yard. The ;Rompers % yard. The Suit and Hat, 11. yard of 27 -inch materia.!.. Pattern mailed to any add'i�ess on receipt of 15e in silver, by the Wilson Publishing Co., 78' West Adelaide St., Toronto. . Send -15c in silver for cur. up-to- date .Fall and Winter 1924-1925 Book of Fashions. oro the ets in : her rompers, artd "Pierrot" the -clown will do all sorts of tricks in his comfortable costume, if Ms arms and legs are fastened -so as to be movable. The Pattern comprising the Doll and the garments;' is cut in :8 Sizes: All (Wetly God's angels Go lifting hearts: that fall, Slipping our prison doors ajar, Shining more softly than a star Where glooms,have been the shadows are, Guileless as Nathaniel, Uiidauntable as Paul; Oh I have .looked on angels,. The angels of the Lord, With none believing their report, Of the Philistines made a sport, Rejected, yet the temple court Of God's own grace,• immanuel it in a cool place overnight. If you. Wish, add a tsp. each of almond and vanilla 'extract just before pouring the candy into the pan. , COLOR IN THE HOME. We cjo ;riot' tied enough color in bur• homes. " Many sitting ; rooms, dining room end, .kitchens though they are furnished in perfect taste as far as they go, lack 'a: certain gayety and spa,rkle "that a,splash of color in the right place gives. T -realized this • when -I''visited a medel home in the city a aabpr, t time back I talked to one of the young ladies in charge about thiel tinct she gave'' the scene very valuable pointer u, "'There never has been a time," ale, .a es, a F said, fluffing up a fiarne,colored sofa g Pees", pillow with long black tassels., that d been placed in a dull tapestry- oova'red' ,Wing chair iti a, rather clad corner•, "Whencushions have been 'so ++� sopillar or when they hai.a been so sorely. Dhai dotes not mean though, that they should be piled, hit or mitt;, on day poles oJ,` in cozy' corners. td - •m. h diose,. very Bare- �y 'Must e `3 lust the tlecessa,r bit of tare -- fay to glee ju �' • White Hands of Winter. White hands -of winter Fragile as snow, Down through the meadows Eerily go, Tucking the roses Warmly to sleep, Teaching the rivers Mutely to creep. ':Under their wrappings Of 'crystal and glass. White hands of winter Silently.. pass,, Love tl i ves Ilse THE STORY OF A B.00D FEUD BY ANNIE S. SWAN. "Love gives itself and is not bought."—Longfellow. CHAPTER jV,—.(Cent'd,} Something' swain • before Peter Gb.r- vock's ..eyes. ---something red end awful, which could have but one -name! On these lands, by 'that very march dyke, there had, in old days, been strifebetween Stairaiid The Lees; Hushing the riot Of fall with their •breathy White bends of winter Beautify death. Irma. Grace Blackburn. King George: DeagencIe l from .DA'VBa. Be •the time: 1924 -Ji npir4 Year- •;43a,1n i toga cJoe: ,,Br4aiii , lend been visited by practically every soveieigu in Europe. It is soothing to our naw tional 'pride, therefore," says, a writer' in Answers, "to be able to reflect that 'in :eai.gtli' of•:cleseeht •oi.i 1 -ins takes erecetlence over .then, _ill;" Indeed, it there is any truth in 1e - ,y goads, be is directly descended from.:. King, David of isracl, one 4f whose ters stand, but'.T,kept the last card no dcseendaits is, reputed: to hove .mar - my sleave=Stair is mule, to all intents Ile.' I+;ochaid'II., a, Scots Ding; seine-:., and purposes, mine! Do you hes -? where about 530 B.C. And I'll °keep it !hard and fast! You ,Echewing. legends, 'however, and can go and cern you: bread 'Vvhere "l.eepnig to history, it is certain that you like—you and Judy and Claud! his Majesty can c:aim an ancestor who - 'And when ho'And•when you are finding it a 'tough. 'succe, stally led the Picts and Soots and where strifhad been'tliere may lob to get food and shelter out there, ,.against, the Ancient Britons as' Zona be' strife again! The old blood feud in the world that, you have eupposed,to -ago as •3$0: B,C,, the; year in which between Stair and The Lees was like exist for you, perhaps you'll find that 'Babylou'feil: o have a fresh' chapter added to its at hardly paid you to make an enemy,- This ‘z„as Fergus, . the son a Fer tP of Peter Garnock!” chard, who is roputed to have been hitter story: - ' Alan Rankine's ' temper was not descended trcin.. Lochaid 11, and the Alan Itankine,,:,not recognizing µhis fiery, and he had: `tried to make allow ,. ei .,1 • ,'�,r mews. . After the defeat of cousin for a few minutes, eanne strid nnces for the frightful proveestion the Britons fire two Celtic races in in one but not blithe! for ,his 'own had received`, but at these " • t .o , leased with Fergus g , Y, his cousin thoughts were too complicated and too scathing ;humiliating.words he bit his that tlrey vowed that- tile, kingdom; overwhelming, but certainly without lip, and „the veins began to stand out should :tifways belong to his descend= the slightest expectation. of meeting ominously. on his temples. :ants, and so far, although spine two - his cousin at such an hour, m `such. •a g , , : thousand years have;now elapsed, thee Seein •this Peter Garvock's first for place. Ile was thinking of him, natur-'vengeance seemed to grow in intensity g oath has been kept. ally picturing Hiro at the Clock House and power, and he went on in the :' The House. of David; • as the des - with Carlotta, trying, perhaps, to im- slow, deliberate. manner of the man 'oondants of Fergus were'called, ruled ,gine what would be transpiring who sets out to wound: and to destroy. Scotland until - the deaths of Alexander there. But a few steps further; which- ; "We'lIsee what she l a's,to'ray to it ITT, and the Maid of Norway. The' t. brought him ince, enough both to•rec- when she finds her bonnie bridegroom crown slrquld then have passed to the.. ognize the figure and to behold' -the shorn of all his glory and estate; seek- :Earl of` Carrick, better known as the: expression " on his cousins lace, left ins `and finding' his level 'din the Bruce;' who was also of the House of: him in no doubt. ;s market- lace'•: It'll be a fairlylow .David, And, . after a ,period of war-; t 'p makegood :his claim The thing had - happened! -Carlotta 'level; I'nr:_thinkin ,and" that kind of : ?are, Bruce 'did , had spoken, and the reckoning was in. e man .for what;' a the throne: Po woman only values a front Rankine took himself in iris, he cangive her!'' The Bruces were succeeded by' thea. .I for the moment was one to try the It was the 'one word needed to fan ill-fated Stewarts,. who became heirs Alan- Ranke' e's anger into the flame through "tire. marriage of Walter Stew-! n g �. of Scotland to which.; equalled. that :burning in,Gar high. 'steward rock's heart! I Dorothy Bruce: Five •Janneses in suc- cess: n. wore the crown' before Mary, He" too saw led and next moment o the = ;were a grips; Queen of 'Scots, changed the spelling. y.w n S ps, Q _. of her • name to the. more ,familiar Stuart. - Then the death of•Queen Elizabeth mettle of, a man, and he was fully alive. and sensitive to the partial dis- honor of .which he had beets guilty. Seeing Carlotta,: he, had.•been lifted, as it were, on the crest.of some tree mendous wave, which had hurled him whither it _would!, ,But there. could be no happiness in Alan Rankine's heart, for . he was : an honorable 'man, and he had • decided already: that life. would have been better without, this. As , Stair approached, Peter . Gar- vock, of 'a set. -purpose, : seemed' to. re- treat until- he reached' the gate in !the. march dyke again, against which he planted his beck and folded his arms: His face was not' good to 'see.: It• was deadly pale,, and._his eyes glowed with an 'unholy; , flea The ` Garvock temper was well known in Ayrshire, and come of the` old legends 'of the countryside were'based' on' the ravages it had made. Stair, alternatelyreddening . and advanced,paling,and resentl: :stood P g, F y. in front of his cousin, a. few., paces back. `,`Well?" he said, in a short, strange voice "I expect you are seeking nue;. CHAPTER V. WHAT DID ITT harts in the'person of :brought the St Judy was waiting for her tea.- For' James VI. to the throne of England, the ;first time- in .many years she had ' :: the marriage of,..an- earlier through g. both her brothers ii�ithher„Claudhav-`James to • a - Tudor, princess, Six ing ':come •from 'Cambridge to `attend, "$tnarts were [ ,owned sovereigns -0f ”. his father's funeral: He•was packing` Scotland and England. Of ,diene, one, up for his rettun on the morrow when Charles. I., was executed; another, the ,tea -bell gang..... n •. l James IL; ' was` driven irlte' exile; a Claud was'a •short, :squat young i ruledJointlywith her bus- third, Mare, r man, not unlike' Judy in some respects, band; "`Dutch 'William.'' On >.the death and there was little :of 'the student of the sixth, 'Queen Anne; the throne about hisappearance. A good deal of was again vacant. ', _determination,- =.however, was to be During this queen's lifetime Scot- again cot found in the square, set of his jaw,` tiah:statesmen queen'successfuily In - and now that his chance had come, he;sisted that her, ,successor must not intended tomake"the`best-of `it. , ',onty be a Protestant;'but one., of the It ;.had come rather bate a mistake - • The British . , ; ,.,.- an- House'df'Davfd•�as.weil. havang been made entili Claud R parliament found that the only person. ,trine's careerein many familiesevery-,who fuifnt fo both thane conditions _ thing ,is sacrificed foe •the eldest son, was' the Elector' of Hanover. ` Ho ,was • and when•funde had'been low at Stair • from Princess 'Claud hsd b.en brought home from'direabetli the descended .'tfr of James L, re"1 ser�as on my"way to Stair," -said school, les father having hastily de= yvho, in 1613,.;had married Frederick;. `i • Peter thickly. "Perhaps it . saidr cided''that, while his brother�:was ab- he Elector Palatine.; we have it "oPe here:: have sent in India trying to retrieve the The_Haeovei'ians, ,as; they were call that :gay for youhere.. Whatgou .: kioinve family fortunes at the rich.Garvock -ed; proved themselves able rulers and ' yetand cur!=to come. sneaking buck `liege springs, Claud`• should ,learn estate worthy representatives of the line of and ,tick your damned.nose in' my management. • - - • Fergus.. affdirs ick steal my ptonose wife?" The lad was willing enough; though Since' the coronation of, George I:, `.`I'haanved steal to say ifsedrr Self,". •net eager. But there. wag • nobody'to.'the succession: has never Veen broken. answered Alan' Rankine y quiet quietly', teach lum his ! business except his ° • q q father, whose ideas were a curious T thorngh.:liis color•sose with the heat' School • for" Hecklers 'Boasts' and passion of his cousin's words. ' I medley; more often than Mit 'without ar I n -may) farm and void. So the lad had drifted , -Many Graduates!; don't. know' what' . Miss C Y o n? y, for a time, without; however, .abandon- . A- recent advertisement iii an ,:Eng, • • y ere: has been no�nng his ambition• "to, go to College: • fish' newspaper for professional heck - treachery told you. Th treachery in the ordinary sense: We At length he got his way, and it was Jere is not'entirely-a: novelty.' Trained - —_ met only `once, that day you took Me Handicapped. Judywho-arrangedhecklers have, been known in the north to her, - and.: again, this morning. , matters and de- h "1 -low's Dick tackling. .this year,. ceded where the meagre hundred and •of England.for ,once time, and many Neither.of these meetings was of our f`ft ' d .w to -c Tmetfr m -labor organisations' have run classes Mabel?,, r Y Pour s a Year as o 0 seeking—though :they had 'to be. " But for Cloud's Iteep. at Cambridge; for teaching their mei :bars the art.of. "I` really, don't know, „mother sits en alife T would give twenty years of my life, for effective r ,�Claud lad now been a year there, ::tnteiruption: around all evening.. tnot happened." ' Peter, that firs had : and was likely :to carry ever•°thin be- The. curriculum includes a close ,Y Y y g The contempt on Peter Garvocka • equalled his rage face r .q g would b they had t decided. "' ' J `d ' t 'and`, careful docketing No More Nightmares. -. fore him. What liis;•ultimate career study :of -past ;anid; current;politioal liis a no e .i en, i orof votes et Y Y, His worship their reward. a •es a Bd unpleasant dreams . "Spareyour mealy-mouthed a olo • , N>ghim z n P F y. P .. _ �,. inclined to di 'lomacy, and had visions and=• vspeeches . of :opponents .rwhech Katherine Lee Bates in Youth•sf Amer• can de • explanations! "The don't flt P• bebanished i � d p y time show d be •: ripe. • .dates, • e: 'students ` aug - "'`—° 'have -cured a woman patient of torr:- the -lowest, meanest action• one man - •- , - But , oun mentor Claud Rankine,s frame pertinent and puzzling :ques- ,lents were highly learn- h 4• inste d , lm Y i; hgyptean p g Y Eying dreams, giving e & can do ta.;anot er. You have cast in write'type do not need. ,ouch bolstering after tions, and there' are practise nights ed men, entrusted with keep g `' bright and happy ones.: _ y e initial,ste e.' Give - them their' when one member will give an address the g ten records.'o" chalice; -and they ,Wake stood;: in every' ' and''the' ethers will •heckle shim or^>er. Always'• strain a'dye, through mus - • life. - Claud lad already made The members •qf'.l "e class• are also lin before adding A FAREWELL PARTY. What kind ' of patty can we give for a neighbor. who is moving to an east- ern province? -'•-Hostess. A P'erccl--Post Party could . be made interesting. In your invitations, say that parcel -post mail for the East will be collected at a certain hour, day and place. Ask the guests to bring peck- ' pro perly wrapped, tied and addressed. These packages could contain joke gifts for the guest of honor, but orle of the gifts might be a sn'iall address :rook in _:which, ettr"h: member of the chub should her name ,and 'post - office address: The guest, could -play games and, just. before refreebixients are served, the packages could be de- 1lvored to the person ,you Wish to n them, iitrnor, wlro could then ope "" ' o :o m- and vox , , , . lorSeedc'i in th 3 o , �'g este at the refreshment. �. 'i`.1' seat'i3'u y, areb'1ack, 2�Tothingisniaie m,tlse 'ctnire1 t -cards for the eril,die•., �n ", .. .:;• talalc, px pos tri: ilio. 1 2 . place -cards; or you could peek the re - -- can an x f "gees an ex ane • of applying to high places when the might be used against •.:rival condi-;.. Companion; • h e y is true. He. claims to the case. You have been uilt � of. tot's t eory b g Y r Th are taught to • some sort of damned.spell over the woman as you have cast it oi•:er ethers I` could name. And all your high: sounding • fine- words won't 'wi e out g, P your black treachery. But, if'I can't marry Carlotta ` Carlyan, • Stair, _you . ll! Pll k it impossible f Minard's for Sprains and Bruises. ° a f a mous 'vi:olit 9, (, Jiitt:its 1,01a11,, n La C.*aliionn,e ,wife of the Gwendolyn , a f.^- ' the pro, :,a altienne .,.nd st:-t �, of p �' f the tielebrirfed poet, Elicharc! I G , ilat.ightei o T , i g -in tier owe right as a 'rri�inent actress, hyo La (iallieii�nc, is seeking -fame ' sculptress. She is wean in her Paris etudlo.. his mark;at Cambridge, though he taught' to, be ready= with apt°'even>`. was far too modest -to tails.about it, though irrelevant interruptions. :'The•:. and he had no _anxiety about his whole`idea being to upset the speaker. never will! make impossi e or t„ future. '- There are regular rete, arsals of certain' you He spoke you hear • ori robe k The fulfilling of 7a; ,long=cherished phases, and' con eeer'able attention. 18 the lastdWord f s if of desire had wrought a ' wonderful paid to the: art, of working in pairs— "' < hiss; and started forward as. if he change in the lad, developing in !rim one heckle). asking:.' an .apparently a sunny tenmperament''• which was aVi' , foolish question in order that his COIL - constant constant joy to Judy. ornanlike, she federate in another ,part of the -room had poured her chiefest devotion on may get in an answer • which' -is more Alan; who won love as easily as he deadly to the candidate than the foal. breathed. Just she had been and truly ish query which -elicited it, kind to both brothers, because it was not her nature to be otherwise, ° bait The .First :Snow.., mow she was slowly learning that he you',&. not a bit excited younger brother had ` lualities When you go "to excited ,night; in the elder. Theii :you wake up in' thae anorning, ('Po continued And tho world's all white: . would be at his cousins throat. An ineffable sadness crept over Rankine's. .face. ., • "Listen, Peter. I don't suppose it is much"use my speaking, but -hut try, to listen while I explain. Did I foresee' or want. this .thins; :which has been .thrust• into my life en'suell•,', strange, - amazing manner? I would have been better wifhout it. 1 ain poor. My hands are tied, We can't mar'ty. •1' have nothing to octet_. any ;woman. Even if she does not marry you, haw , isitpossible that she. can marry me? And I welled point out to you that you! have escaped untold misery by what • • has happened, for apparently Miss Carlyon accepted your offer of mar- riage either under somecompulsion or out of pique: 'There could never ' by the stair have been any h>;ppitess at. The'. Tees . ,r.a�,y,• :;: ,✓`.j�� 1 y g under such conditions,"„,,,e''.7::,,,4711::47, ,B.••�►� "I'll tab”; dare .there• is nor' : r'' ''�� "t e I aIe at / ✓!k ` e may be•knotte _ tair!"'was. the"'retor.•t which-let:"'ed :. t ;/,cr Ttic roe J Stairi?, P ' �,• v, •,�l���E 'rel.' i tet like a ` snarl, from Gervoel's lips, '� 'II' ry And the runners red vtitt rt `You had' better, get out: of my sight; '"' 1 •" But you work on thrt sled— leu just know you mart, Stair, or there: wee be murder Bono: �, 'I've always. hated you --with ' 'our S . out upon the hill ' Then p smooth faee�,and you" sicicetiirrg ways! `"�' �w You've /lever donee day's honest work r With its blanket.of snow, %Ie -'"Wpi ouirt to'bfl'`vory 1 allp'�•- Down upon the sled; in your life;• or justified you exis-'�; have so hinny'tleii gs"In e'3nTrrori." e; tencc! Look•at ne. We had equal: , r ,,And aa�ay 5'�a,n ,,o. d see whatI hac '' in S7e'" Anil, after •,..i rr1 e we'll e -Anile Cooper. chances, an y 3. n ? have crit hrrnk ixccciiltirt'thkt 'way too able dot, .h of T hold i N. With a wild whoop of ;icy; 'oa ti inble out of becl, And dash up do the attic , For your- old blue, sled. You find It tucked awey . -, , -n iz, corner e,' With the old hab •-cai'zia e .'end Some broleei�down: choirs. a , e to nt, atv,, .. year n eh YlrCilsotti'eries l y Plane. the hollow' of My hand, and :1;' •mean_ . trainable 'do eel e o":. gy enc Mtnd • t to ciu5h you. 'ihaxd wAh t k,e ,r/ay toneri silver will riot tarnish if, ti ,< solei :i''etri salts have .: .. •.," - with b�,rrte oP `litue_,, I'p billing and cooing t t Stair f01 a kootl nice? of camphor is 1;at away with it •::; d sea or d' ire Nevada b uae b! many years to c.oine! x told you yes l : . terday, patty: straughtlyy, haw -mat- t�lnard a Liniment for theGrille). V