HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-1-8, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE
Are You Dissatisfied?
Do you want a Better Training to
command a Bigger Salary
School, of Commerce
Clinton, Ontario
EXTRA, 'TUITION given because of short
school day
Stenographic -- Commercial -- Secretarial -
Speoial Courses
Vice Principal Principal
Students May Enter at Any Time.
DR. A. MOIR, L. M. C. C.
Phone 70 HENSALL
Barristors, Sac.
Office on the Square, -2nd door
from Hamilton St., Goderieh.
Felvate funds to loan at lowest rates.
W. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran,
D. E. Holme
Mr. Holmes will be in Hensell
celery Friday from 9 until 6.
• DR. J. W. PECK
Graduate ot Facultk of Medicine,
McGill University, Montreal; Member
of College ef Physicianand Surgeons
of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical
, Council of Canada; Post Graduate'
pi.,einher of ,Resident Medical staff of
• Illeneral Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15 ;
Oillee, 3 doors east of Post Office.
lahoxe 56, Hensall, Ontario.
Residence Property
For Sale
The undersigned have been in-
istructed to sell Lot 261 on the north
side of Richmond St., Hensall, the
property of the late Catharine Vic-
toria Smith. Apply to Gladman and
/Banbury, Hensall and Exeter.
lionor Graduate Carey JonesAu-
*Mn School, Special course „taken. In
Illegistered Live Stock (all Breeds,)
Merchandise, -Real' Estate, Farm
Jades,. etc. „ Rates la keeping with
prevailing prices. Satisfaction as -
awed, write Oscar Mopp, Zurich, or
;Wire 18-93, Zurich.
Aviator's Companion:, "What city
,are we over now?'
Aviator: "Look down and tell me
what you see."
Two Holdups."
*** * '**.** ***
Whiz Bang: "What's the differ-
ence between the Single Of the Amer
.can dollar and the ChineSe yen?"
Sky Rocket: "One is the chink of
the coin and the ether' is the coin
,of the chink, •
*** *** *** ***
Son: Where to, the kaint remover?
IVIother: Why, what do you want
it for? ,
Son: Sister Wants something to
Wash her face With.
.*** *** *** ***
They Say if Yon feel itchy that's a
.sure sign you're going to get some-
No. That means you already haste
sio,000.00 ,c,A,s0 PRIZES
Some reader of the Family Herald
and lAteekly Star will be the lucky
'winner of a prize of .five thousand
dollars and scores of others will re-
ceive cash awards ranging in value
from $2,500.00 to five dollars in an
interesting contest now being, con-
ducted by that popular weekly. We
hear that each subscriber whoze sub-
scription is received in time will be
given, a free entry to the contest as
well as a beautiful art calender and
picture. Tho Iran:lily Herald and
'Weekly Ster by itself is worth Many
times the Subscription price Of Tare
Dollars, and aelth these extra in-
ducements, the tush of orders
ahould break all records. Tho pub_
Ushers atel.Varning their 01(1'1:Tinders
to retMW early and thus aVaid gee,
tuition and delay, On ;Re line/ate
alio Family Herald. is a great paper
reatly appreciated.
The death took place in Hensall
on Tuesday last of WM. Campbell in
his 72nd year. The deceased, to
gether with his brother Chris. mov-
ed to tow a a aureher of years -ago
and purchasea the Hensall planing
mill which they oPerated einc. Mr.
Campbell had not been in good
health for some time, having suf-
fered from Bright's decease. Much
sympathy is felt for his sorrowing
brothers and sisters ill this commun-
ity. The funeeal was held on Fri-
day afternoon, interment in the Ex-
eter cemetery. ,
Councillors—T. Hudson, R. Mc-
Arthur, G. C. Petty, Cluis.
A municipal election, •keen and
full of interest was held in Hensall
on Monday last, Jan. 5th, .when the
citizens saw Owen Geiger re-elected
reeve for 1925 by a majority of 42
over Robt. Higgins. Of- the five
nominated for councillor's, Mr. W.
E. Pfaff failed to be elected. The
morning 'saw lively interest around
the polling booths by horse and cut
tele iii the afternoon the activities
were not quite so marked. Below
is a result of the polls:
Owen Geiger • 217
Robert Higgins 175
Majerity for Geiger
For Councillors—
Thos. Hudson
R. McArthur
G. C. Petty '
C, Campbell
W. E. Pfaff
Don't forget the charity dance in
the town hall 'len Monday evening
next. Your patronage will be ap-
Mr. Sid. Clark made a trip to
London on Tuesday.
Mrs, Logan visited friends in
Clinton on Monday.
Mrs. Thos. Millian visited over
the week -end in Goderich.
Mr. Donald-Hoggarth left for To-
ronto on Wednesday morning.
Mr. Js. Watson, of Seaforth was
in town Monday on business.
Mr. Wm. Wilson of Goderich vis-
ited with friends on Monday.
1Vir. T. Nesbitt, of London, was in
town Monday on business.
Mr. Zerbuck, of Listowel was in
town Wednesday on business. •
alr. John McDonald visited over
the week end with friends in Sarnia.
Mr. W. G. Wilson Of Goderich was
in town the fore paii of the week.
IMiss Ethel Murdock has return-
Mr. Thos. Palmer, Sr., is visiting
just now with his daughter, Mrs. A.
Mrs. John Elder is spending a few
days with her daughter Mrs„. Bert
Peck. in Stanley.
.Mrs. Jas. Coxworth of Strathroy is
visiting for a time with her daughter
_Mrs. A. Scruton.
Mr. Edwin Doan, 'of Morrin, Alta,
is this week the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. McEwen.
Mr. W. Baker of. Memphis, Mich„
spent the week end, the guest of Mr.
Thos. Shadcrock.
A number team -town attended the
hockey match between St. Marys and
Exeter in Exeter on Monday night.
Renew your subscriptions to daily
or weekly papers at the Observer
Printing Office. We can save you
Mr. H. Pfile last week moved his
stock a boats and shoes iuto the
building formerlyOccupied by our
dentist Dr. Knapp.
The students from London and
Stratford school's, ,who were home
foe the Christmas vacation, this week
returned to their respective schools.
Mr. John Fluker is visiting with
friends in Dungannon this week.
He drove up his fine new driver re-
cently purchased from Mr. ,Geo.
42 Gram. .
, Mr. Alfred alcTaggart is lying at
263 his home seriously ill with pneu-
224' monia. Mr. McTaggart is one of
.192 our ,oldest residents being over 90
177 years of age.
ed from a visit with friends in
163 Mr. MacDougall has opened up a
,tailor shop in the building recently
vaeated by Mr. Thos. Wren. We
take pleasure in welcoming Mr. Mac-
Dougall to town.
Mrs. Thos. Berry, who has been
visiting in Windsor arrived nome
Saturday eveaing alma Mrs. Hugh
McDonald who has been visiting iie
sister in St. Catharines.
Mr. and 1VIrs. Joe Essenhoffer, of
Kitchener' who have been visiting
their daughter, Mrs. Harry Price
are spending a few days with friends
in Zurich this week.
Mr. Knipe of Listowel, arrived in
town last week to take possession of
the baking business formerly oper-
ated by Mr. R. E. Cook. All the
staff are still with the new employ -
A mass meeting ill the,interests of
Church Union was held, in the Town
Hall on Monday evening. The hall
was filled to the doore with a very
iaterested audience to listen to the
three speakers, Rev. Mt: Telford, of
Blyth, Rev. Mr. Hogg of Clinton and
Dr. D. C. McGregor of St. Andrew's
church, London Also Mrs. Jas Bon-
thron sang a very appropriate and
much appreciated solo.
The chair was taken by RSV. Mr.
Telford who in a short address told
of Union movements in Scotland
where he formerly lived. He show-
ed how Canada was 50 years in ad-
vance of the Scottish church—which
is just now carrying on a campaign
far union similar to the none con-
summated an Canada in .1875.
Rev. Hogg of Clinton, gave an ac-
count of his' experience as a Western
Missionary. ' He'L. told about the Co-
operative Union which is being work-
ed out there at present.- Already some years ago.
3,000 congregations are , enjoying
tins union—and he made a plea •for
the people In tile east to keep faith
with the weetern people, and move
9aaritaidthe greater uniofl. eale cited
thb ease of the Preebyterian, Union
ill 1.875,•avhe1i some churches'''Voted
nonconeurrence, Of all the churdhea
that voted out then, not one„ eXisas
today. He illustrated this by telling
what happeried in Brucefield.,
Rev. Dr. McGregor was nextantro-
aimed, and in an eloqueat, lengthe usual commotion, fire bell -and
and convincing address he diseussed whistles but when the scene of
the question from every angle. He danger was reached the blaze, which
said the presbyterial). church had proved to be small, had been •put
out. It caused a slight damage to
clothes on the upper floor mid
proved exalting for a short while.
The funeral of the late Margaret
Sititt'who died in London was held
from` the residence of her nephew
Mr. Thos. Hudson on Monday after-
noon at Hillsgreen Cemetery. Mrs.
Smith was a resident of Hensall
School opened up ou Monday Jan.
5th with Miss Johnston, of -Clifford
and Miss Scarlet, of Seaforth, in
charge of the continuation classes
and Mr, Mclaay, Miss Ellis and Mies
Bacheuanetaleing clia•rge of the pub-
iicfschool ales.
,Shortly afteeene,O'clock on Tues-
day 'afternooin fire broke out in the
upper part of ' Mr. Geo. Smale's
home: on. Queen St. There was the
advocated a union of Presbyterianism
from ' her very • beginning. lie ex-
plained how it would he a tragedy
for a church to vote non -concur-
rence. A church "voting out would
be a separate unit cut off from her
parent alhureh, and like all other
churches that acted similarly in the
past—her end wthila not long be de-
layed. He Showed also that the
union movement in the Presbyterian
church ' was absolutely carrying out
the expressed, will of the people, the
Presbyteries andnthe Geu'l Assem-
bly. I•le urged the people to vote
for a movement which memit pro-
grese not only in church life but also
in building up the best citizenship
in this young nation. The mission
fields wantetl the Gospel of Christ
and not the perpetuation of dexualn-
laations'and diVisions. The heathen
lands cannot understand the mutt- supt., Mr. W. C. Pearcea secretary,
ber dit detiotainations that carry the Mr, C. Passmore; assist, sec's?. Mr.
gespel to their shores. All heathens M, Janke; treae„ Mr. E. Mcgaeeft;
dein wants theegospel, bet tbeY want missionary etipt•, Miss N.' FelliCle;
it in one form. Renee the need to- see'a' mine, dept.,,Mias Z, PaSsinntP1
day of a progressive and a united treas.,
Miss, dept,, Mr, J. Pepper;
.Protesantiem, Dr. McGregor ale° pianist, I11 G. Luker; assist.
conducted a queetioa drawer ariswere pinaiist, Miss A. Litidenfield; Imam
ing' Some mach discuezed problenm dept. eupt., Mw. ,T, Henry; Cradle
to the satisfaction of all. roll elipt,, Mee. Mernor.a
Ca landa,y evening last the teach-
ers' and officer a of the Methodiet
Sunday- School convened in the .Ti
13ible Classroom of 'the gehurch for
the perpoee of 'electing officers for
the eoming' year. After the minutes
of the last annual meeting were read
in adopted,' Mr. .1. W.' Ortwein,
Supt „ gave a short address, stating
that he had been Superintendent for
a lengthy term, and althotigh will
nag to Serve suggested that h chaiige
might be a good thing fel tbe echoal.
The following ie the list of 'officers
elected for the year 1925a Superin-
•tendent, Mr, J. •Passmore, 'assist.
I)r II, Cowen,. L,
At *ceormicles Block, Zurich, every
Thursday and Saturday.
flartielb's Week Daeliwondi Ont.
Mr. and Mrs, Felix Wilds and dau-
ghter Edna have returned 'home
after a six weeks visit aratMg frieada
and relatives in Wincleor, Detroit
and Pttsburgh, Pa.
Mr. Bert. Wein was called to De-
troit last week owing to the death
of ais brother.
1Vliss Elizabeth Hartleib of Lon-
don spent New Years with lier par-
ents. •
Miss Letta Guenther entertained a
number of her friends on New Years
, 'At the annual school meeting last
Wednesday, Mr, Ed. Beaver was
elected as trustee, Mr, R. Goetz hav-
ing resigned: '
Miss Hazel Snell of Toronto spent
the week end with Iter parents.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Fassold of Lon-
don spent New Years with .,Mr. and
Mrs. P, Fassold.
1Mr. Geo. Kellerman visited in
Chesley last week. r
Wilber Ehlers of Detroit is visit-
ing his parents.
Mr. Ed. Kraft has a number of
men eng-aged in cutting ice.
Mrs. EL Ziunner of Stratford is
visiting friends in town this week.
Sarah Geiger died at her hoine on
Janlst at the age of 66 years, 4
months and 21 days. The funeral
took place on Sunday afteraoon, Rev.
Yager Officiating.
Mr. Walliain Nichols is spending
the winter months with his son in
London.. -
Mrs. Francis Flynn is ,confined to
her bed through illness.
Miss Alma ,Ratz who is suffering
from Scarletelaever is getting along
as well 'as can be expected.
The Ladies 'Aid will meet at the
home of Mr.' and Mrs. Albert Smith
Wednesday, January 14th. •
Mr. Vern Sharp is under the Doc-
tor's care suffering from the mumps.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter' Fassold of
London spent New Year's at the
home laf Mr. and Mrs. Miltou Ratz.
Miss Rutlal-lanna. of Kirkton visit-
ed with her lageer, Mrs. W. Thomp-
son last weekec
• Mr. and Mrs. John -Morley attend-
ed the funeral Of the former's sister,
Mrs. Long at Liman on Wednesday,
December 31:st. ,
Mise" L. Hackney, of Thames Road
adsited redently with her sister, Mrs.
Ben Wilson of tae Base Line. ,
Miss Pickard: lias*returned to her
school afterspending the holidays
with friends in Exeter.
Mr. John Morley, of Clayering vis-
ited with his uncle Mr. John Morley
one day last week.
The members of the choir were en-
tertained at the parsonage on Fri-
day night. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Shier and fam-
ily spent New 'Year's with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Foster of Greaten.
Mrs. S. Gunning of Whalen spent
last week with relatives here.
The Annual Business Meeting of
the Young Peoples' Endeavour Soc-
iety, was held at the Manse on Fri-
day evening last, After the busi-
ness part of the meeting was disper-
sed with a social time was spent in
playing games and music and other
forms of amusements.
Mr. Daniel McKellar is spending a
few liolidays at home with his par-
ents Mr. and. Mrs. Donald -McKellar.
Daniel very royally entertained a
few of his boy friends to dinner on
New Year's Eve,
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan of Sinicoe
are at present:visiting with their
daughter Mrs. Robert Gardiner.
-..111a. John Erving Of Brussels who
spent a few holidays with his nephew
allr. John Scott returned home the
first part of the week.
A Christmas Tree and Festive
Gathering was held at the home of
Mr, Elincan McKellar in the village
on Christmas Day a good number of
the relatives of both parties being
present. • e
B. Baynham, of St. Thom-
as spent Mehday of this week with
his parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bayn-
ham of the village.
Mr, 'W. Colwill who hae been in
the west for some Months past ar-
rived home last WeOk.
Rev. Mr. Millson took charge of
the services here on Sunday last
and spoke in the interest Of Social
Service and IlVanglistic Work, the
services Wore well attended.
Special serviees will be condneted
throughout this tveele ha Rev, Mr,
Mr. A. Rieke wile has' had an et -
tack of pluerisy is some what im-
The death. °coated, last Stin,day
evening at het aome of Mrs.' W.
Melts, the deceased had been Ser-
iously ill since Caretiriae night, Mrs
Hicks was 'well lealoWn in this coin-
Mtuitae having resided here the
'greater pal of ner life, Was a con-
sistent member et the Methodiet,
Clutteh, she leavee to mOurb. her 101e
familyf ef tv° SOUS and two clan-
glitera, One iii °Angara-, Mrs. Core
Mint of elietta Mitten, Mr. Byre('
Macke •and •Ise at, at benne,
Quite a itpnibr of our folks ere
at piesnt laid up with the La
Grippe. se
IVIr. Jas, L. Airth, jr., spent the
past week at tile home of Mr, and
Mre, Chris. Heist.
Miss Laurette Holtzman, narse=
in -training at Victoria Hospital,
spent New Yeare Day with her pea -
Miss Beatrice I-Iaist, "'Qf Napier -
vibe, Ill., vaaited her parents, Mr.
and Mtn Chris Heist for Christmas
and New Years holidays.
Mr, Aathur N. Holtzman and sou
of Glen Ellyn, 111., have been holi-
daying 'With the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Holtzman.
Miss Pearl Holtzman R.N. ot
Chicago, 111., who has been. holiday-
ing under the parental roof, return-
ed this week accompanied by heia
sister Vera who contemplates taking
a post graduate course.
Mrs. Otto Bro-wn and Miss Esther
Either who have been holidaying
with Mr. and Mrs. I-1. F. Eilber have
returned to the former's home at
Buchanan. Mica., where Esther will
resume her studies.
art, and Mrs. Jack Marr of Cleve-
land, Onio, have spent the past
three weeks with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Eilber.
Mr. Marr returned to Cleveland on
Saturday, •Mrs. Marr will rernaiii for
a few weeks longer.
Mr. (Pat) Melvin Wein had the
misfortune on Moaday evening while
skating to fall and fracture a born
'n his leg which is quite severe and
will lay aim out of the 'sport the
rest of the avinter. We all hope for
a speedy recovery.
The Carnival held en Monday
night was a success both for skating
and weather, a good crowd turned
out and spent a very enjoyable even-
ing. Theeprize 'winners are as fol-
ows: Best dressed lady, Helen Orme
Canada; best dressed gentleman,
Lester 111cIsaac, The Duke; best
diatsed girl, Helen McIsaac 'and
Laura Clark., Tennis Girls; best
comic lady, Miss Cora Schroeder,
Black Cat; best comic gentleman,
H. K. Eilber, Toasted Corn Flakes;
best comic girl, Bernice Eilber and
Gertrude Beaver, Gold Dust Twine;
best comic boy, Gerald Zwicker, visiting in Holly and Detroit, Mach.
Terrns. of Sale Cash or
• Trade
Men's and Boy's Overcoats
Men's Fur Coats
Men's and Boy's Suits
Men's and Boys Ssveaters
Men's and Boy's rine Shirts
Men's Every Day Work Shirts
Men's and Boy's Gloves and Mitts
Dress Goods Greatly Reduced
Ginghams Greatly Reduced
Ladies' Winter Underwear
Ladies' Wool Sweaters
Girl's Wool Sweaters
Ladies' Wool Gloveand Mitts
Ladies' Winter Hose
'Children's Cashmere Wool Hose
,Wonotesen's and Children's all Wool
Ladies' Heavy Coating at less than
Half the Regular Price
Men's and Ladies' Wool Scarfs
Specials in Groceries on Sale
-• Er, Hess Stock Food on Sale
J. C RE11) & CO
- Miss Madeline Meidinger, who• is
attending St. Ann's Academy at
Kitchener, is spending her holida.as
at her home here.
'Mrs. J. C. Iaalbfleisch, who was
Jiggs; boys race, 1st Verne Beaver, for the last four weeks, has return -
and. Ted Mawhinney; girls race, lst' ed to the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Gladys Wolfe, 2nd Helen Orme; R. F. Stade.
backward race, lst Royal Geiser, 2nd l Mr. Rhinold Koch of Detroit, was
a visitor m town.
"n1r.,Ect Deichert of Detroit, spent
' the holiday with Mn Jacob Deichert.
Mrs.A. IVIelick, who has been. at
Kitchener for a few weeks has re-
turned home.
Mies Hahn, of Dresden, N. Dak., is
visiting at the home of .1V1r. and Mrs.
P. Haberer. .
.Mr. Milton_ Johnston of New On-
tarioe will spend the winter with his
parents, Mr. and 'Vire. Thos. Johns-
ton, _Town Line, Hay.
Herb. Fahner.
The proverb: All's well that ends
well was verified in the very splen-
did effect of the Watch Night 'Service
at the Evangelical church, Greaten
on the last evening of the old year:
The addresses by Emery •Fahner,
Pearl Holtzman, Addie Geiser, Clare.
Morlock and Beatrice Heist on ap-
propriate subjects, as well as, the
orchestral music and the other in-
strumental and vocal numbers were
well received and combined in pro-
ducing one of the un5st highlyeap-
preciated services of the entire year.
The lantern slides on "The Star of
Bethlehem" were a fitting climax to
this inspiring and well conducted
service. Divine worship is in the
English language at both of the
services. At the' morning wershap
Rev. W. F. Rrier will preach -on the
subject "4 Better Place than Para-
dise," and in the evening on "Daniel
the Towering Prophet of God:"
"Coin°, thou and we will do thee
good," Numbers 10, 29.
Another of our pioneer residents'
has passed away in the person of
Mrs. James Hodgins, whose husband
predeceased her on December 9th.
The deceased was born on January
29th, 1847, on the farm one quarter
nine south of Exeter, now Owned. by
Mr. Milo Snell, -where she spent her
girlhood days. In February, '1:866
she married her late husband, James
Hodgins. She leaves • •a family of
three, Alonzo of Crediton; Oscar of
Detroit and Mrs, C. L. Ward of ten-
don. One ,brother, James Sweet is
living on a corner of the old home-
stead. After her marriage she mov-
ed with her husband two and one
half utiles south of Crediton and an
1870 moved to Crediton, where she
has continued to live until the time
of her death. The late Mrs.- Hodgins
was noted forethe knowledge she pos-
sessed of the Bible, taking an aetive
part in all church work, especially
in the Sunday School, where she has
taught in all the classes more espee-
Jelly the adult class. She was a
charter member of the first Ladies
Aid; also the W. M. S. The funeral
was held Illonday 'afternoon inter-
ment 111 the Exeter Cemetery
(Intended for last week)
Mrs.. August Kuhn • and family
spent the holiday with her mother,
Mrs. Walter Clark.
Mr. Sylvester Winer is having a
fifty horse power engine installed
this week and will be able to look
atter the increasing business very
Mr. T. Yearley purchased a race
horse the past week of age and speed
renown, lie is ,preparing for the ice
races this winter. We wish you
success Tom. •
Mrs. Win. Fisher and son are vis-
iting in Kitchener over the holidays.
Mr. Jack Gaiser and Mrs. Henry
are visiting friende in Detroit
Over the holidaas.
Mr. Fred. Witerth is able to be
,round again after his recent illness.
Mr. Albert Wolf is on the sick list.
We hope lie will 800n be around.
Mrs. Menerieli and family are, vis-
iting over the holidays in Rjplcy.'
• For police village trustees for
Crediton we have a new Slate eleeted
by acclamation as follows: Mr, .Tee.
Weociall, Mr,. A. E. Witerth and Mr.
G. E. Wetzel.
Mr. Dan Moleaim lias installed 4
Vedic) sot,
Mr. Albert "Wolfe, our genial stage
driver 111313 been an the sick list for
Sortie tiMe.
Tim Christmas prograni givcil an-
ceetly by the Evangelical Sunday
school Was of it high order atiede-
liglited the large nittlienee pretent,
• Sr. IV.—Stewart Campbell, Sack
Jr.a1V—Kathleen Wiseman, Tom.
Alvin Cottle, Ivan Stewart.
Sr a III—Lyda Stewart, Maeguerite
Rhode, Jean RusselL. Bernice Got-
Sr. IL---Jsabel Caidley, Pearl Mc
Nicol Howard Johne, Arthur Rhode,
Thomas Rowbottom.
• Jr, IL—Willie Stewart.
• Sr. L—Jean Chidley, George Row-
bottom, Jessie Monteith, Bert Bor.- D
land, Doreen Campbell.
Sr. Pr.—Jean Duncan. •
rJr. Pr.—Millar Campbell, Loraine
• Rowbottom, Tommy. Campbell;
Pre A.—Mary Johns, Marjorie
Stewart Noreen McNicol, Loreen
:B.—Clifford Allen.
o E. O'Connor, Teacher
, •
The trustees for the Clandeboye
public school for 1925 are: Secre-
tary -Treasurer, Tames McRann;
trustees, W. E. Williams and Wm.
Lewis; janitor, Thos. Smith.
At a well -attended school meeting
-held at the school house of S. S. No.
4, McGillivrary, trustees were elect-
ed for the ensuing year as follows:
Secretary -Treasurer, R. J. Carter,
'trustees, William Darling and Alex
O'Neill; janitor, Earl Paton,
S. S. No. 3 McGillivra,ry held a
sehool treat Christmas tree for the
pupils. Each pupil received =daft
hats and oranges. Miss N. G,raiser
le re-etigaged as teacher for 1925.
Trustees were elected at the sehool
meeting as follows: Scretery-Treas-
urer, George Stevenson; trustees,
Lee, 'William Smith, Omar
Cunningham; janitor, E. Hughes.
91.041.1$,. GOLolika
cununines fq
11::ei .,C.A-X!
D)t)14a3. FailT
ltilleL' eAr't'ecL. ('ole,
hall cearied by a small luaaj'aa
The vote; Munniugs 764
4282,Leo°' M9,1,Sproule e12'‘8°41;Wje4,
652, Turner 614, Cole •5•32,
434, Ryan 396, Humber 39§.
Mayor Arthue Pedlar wae re -el
ed °yea Norman S. Newton with
majority of 112, A fairly bea
vote was polled. Tho vote for
yor was; Pedlar 261, Newton r
Reeve Hugh Brown was also
cossful, in his fight for re -Nee
obtaining a majority of 328 ove
C. Knapton. The vote was: Br
275, Knapton 117. The council
returned by acclamation.
The contest ilE
:11IfToCrtheLlinia•Yor's chat
was an easy victory for Mayor A. D.
Cameron, who has held the office for
the past three years, defeating W.
A. Abray by 279. The conteata,
councillors was keen, the three ea
members i•etuened as follows: Geo
Ratz oled 482 votes. D. Rause
104, F. C. Facey 361. A. F. Rob
bison headed tbe poll with 464, F
McClocklin 305, W.H. Hoilich 294:
Albert Silk., one of the old members
was defeated olny polling 178.
The Blyth acounTel:1 just has a
reeve, James Dodds, and two coun-
cillors, Charles Burling and John
Ileffron and will have to have an-
other nomination.
Reeve, A. C. Bucker (acciama
tion) '- councilors, John Howitt,, 4
W. Armstrong, George Muldoon a
R. Bowmen; utlity commissio
Walter Rose and A. C. Danaes.
Owen Geiger was again- retur
as reeve of Hensall, defeating Rob
Higgins with a inajority of '4
Geiger obtained 217 votes and Hie'
gins 175. The result of the voting
for the Council was: Thomas Hud-
son 261, Robert atIcArtha. 224, G.
C. Petty 192, Chris Cam -,611 17
William E. Pfaff 163. he E
four are elected.
In the only contest 1
Weston was elected( i-eare
la,ge by a majority of 11 q er'Mane
dock Ross, the totals being487 to 76.-
Reeve, Henry Billing, majority
130, deputy reeve, Linwood Cravaana,
Council, William. Dixon, Sidney Era'
ory, Cecil Ellwood. Defeated eala-
dates were Daniel, for the reeveship.
William Allison for the deputy reeve
ship, and George Eceleston, for the.,
Reeve R. T. Raycraft was re-elect-.
ed over Caleb Ryan, by a majority of
47. For the Comical: W. 3. Dewan,
Thomas Armitage, Andrew Isaac,
Henry 1VIcFalls. The vote was Jib "—
close in the Council that there is
talk of a recount.
A. A. Colciuhoun, Reeve tor 12
years, was defeated today by a ma-
jority of 89 by R. Hogarth, COWL-
eillors—Morris, Malcolm, Jeffery
and McDougald.
A close contest was held in East.'
Wavvanosh for the Reeveship P, W.
Scott was elected over R. Coultiee,
by a majority of nine. The council,
were re-elected by. acclamation.
There was election for council
only in McKillop Township, the
reeve having been elected by accla-
mation. The Councillors are, John
Dodds, Bruce Medd, Ed. labran and
Dan Regelee. The deteated canal:
date was Alex. Cuthill. •••
In West Vaaevanosh Albert Solute
son was elected reeve over Ben
Naylor, the vote being 363 to 201.
Councillors, P. B. Taylor, 271; Wil-
liam .Mole, 267; William Carr, 260;
and William Di. McPliersou, 250
(elected); James Foster, 207; Thos.
Medd, 147; ' Thomas Leader, 135.
Reeve, Frank aohnstoa, 387; ,Toe.
Hackett, 230; John Jamieson, 228;
deputy,.Thonme Sullivan, 498; Relit.
McDonald, 267; Council, John Cana,
eron, 591; John D. Farrish, 367;
Isaiah Congram„ 340 (eleced; Sohn
Black, 2'77; S. Sherwood, 254; I.
Campbell, 219,
In Hallett tlie conteet was be.
tween the old veteran Matt. Arnie
stroug and Robt. Olealt, The for-
mer has been reeve for nine rears
land )lad a groat malty fights but
this time he went down to defeat,
UlaNliallaRY Tr.
Reeve, john MCHwa,n, 286 (re:
le cted ) ; Isaac Wright, 263. r.14
counci1 vas elected by 4t,(qattiht1ditr'
Th e road work by-law wna lost;
Clark winning by 2't votos,
Reeve, 1), 1', tricl