HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-1-8, Page 1•
on=a-,lagnitaga,=x1, ,aro""
o. 111.11.
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• .
COUltiSi 0. P. 009per ,anal rros. ''''-.4.91Zt nine Wee:A itypo: 4
cou,, Ilewars .01910:cat:evd:,.....::::::, . , ipwint ,an tilkos, 17:10" , ' 4'40;. flq,c):,,qgvocitilal;Ze.c4.5:w' 4i!°en‘P'` i';,hv ieryillidliegresaTeld.t t1:11fda4SYt
IRVEVu °R:111°4.4 4'..a'));: -i;:''' aT;;;;Illi
, ,.....___, )30114340y, eLt„orns ,4).4.1a,_ 1 'ert Ma -v:.:: 'the F,Xeter 0•KA, Interinediates
:0, 111AIVVINtImiii:ni.,0,14tu, .f.,31.,vi
, ti... 3,...y .,....,....................„.0ti:Ea:visE/:::i tborev,o, tinili.ks3,aiitv:ii..13 d
.: , , ,
:I."'" ....,
e ,p,efitl! Series this season,. The Exeter .team
t.,4e41,-00,,t.S.t.f:34itrYtOh:esefixiit.sPtttgeatL tohl ish%o'.*:.t.oit.:.
o a
4.11.11•11 E xTet:hoexr, eztnwdaf4a alarsgpierivtipetde• cwOantsepstolfi,eoar wile- re he ,I,t.4„c,a f.,q,,,. .,,....,Eutinlbe, 1,d -of „."1,nadti8,10;litridge..?Itleeeinii th,f,,hireyupuritelttruisise
municipal aftic,---e .trcr the town of ,e,:elo:ids,s:iiaill.w.n. tSai:iiit.1)%, :rhie.tending?rtart;;74:%11,4,7::iy... insiaaiceenaaiPill:bbiad,hrelo: tobf eYge lir 0: Phl aoYn:
• .
= on Monday. , ,The tOtat vote polled, Years corning to`Plxiitere:abont ten tstr,...eathoeiegfaalnn: thMaoLuidrayth:vteenalmng40a:s-
...g Clearing o Odd Lines, Broken Ranges ArReninants
, ......= itiel,,,,iiiyeii:ae:N.Ila'svii-Itsb.yee6a11.1 IP: elng .28 Votes laYeearbsasagbenl'ael'intiht...liefuPiasetmelieiv:xnee3-..1;Isi dpw.ti they win do so fighting hardt,
y one change in the 0, N. B. depot, ,•.Mr. „Nig:whin- Most of. the PluYer$ are young,
-...., he personal of the Board -Jos ney was of a quiet isposition and Seine of them breaking into hockey
= many odd lineS, broken ranges of lines and reninants. These will be • = Southcott. ------------------------
We have jest completed „pur ann.ual stoeh-talting, WO find we have . s' ..--..v.-.. Hawkins. taking the place of '.1' 'iv(' ghaadn'eaothobsacoi: ocri,etz„ides,gl'cl'ileue alliodvew.da fa_poric:sitbeliseetfliertsmhtetaingelete.TirTfiliseety;47:meeiriee,yrtsPeoltwte:r
= ' The chief interest, central in the eilej cl! the hest 'hell:V-11er; or the EX-. .h:
seld‘• at -greatlY reduced' 1)1".1"ces' =1..7 reevechtp anti, the c ctest between ter Club. having won many of the their", Credit. The game Monday
(„. ,
. .......re.,, w. D. sanaerz and 6, 13,. sneli was local pri:zes,.. He -is su.;vived: by his night was Just es fine an, exhibition
'• * ,•7 It 'l ver close 'Ilr Sinderstworeceiyed bereaved 'wide"?' whose -maiden name of hOckey as has been seen, at the
7= C earing a e o a les isses --an ..... large majorities in tln. was aly'Martyn and one daughter, Donna Rink. The boys lacked a little
.. • .. •
while Mr Snell „reeeiv6d a Mrs. Ralph Brand, of Alvinston who at the combination that comes with
Children' Winter (oats - ' —'-'1. .
, . ... brotbers also- less mdiviclual aild °Pen, The vis '
MINIM iberal support'. in the- tWo sOuth has been, with him during his illness practice and the game was more or
"111 )1141'ilrligili4f1111:411111'10111110filittii011111,11111.1011110110!01,00110,001101010111001111110111/01/1101014111111101 VV.. D.
>411,Elt .i.nyTt.mmorAvoas',,
»j1119,4 •
--.... : There was a lajge fiel.d iii, the run_ survive, Mrs. Win. Yearley,- of ,crede l.ters had the edge whea, it came to
^—. ning for council- jos Davis of Exeter iten; Mrs- Rebei't 'ICeyes, 'of 'Park- teanl PlaY ,I'lild this' helped them
Ir. ,Eli Coultis runming, Item . a. close
secand, • .
- The vote in the raorni-rig vas quite,
. . , .
light but about two, :o'elock in the
afternoon* .they st.arted , coming in
. -= pa,eie, se& 197 s7,-.110, 59,...363 ffen. Morley of. Blanchard Tp. near the Univ. and drew* two Minutes, In
= Snell, C., B. 1140120. 65' 14-313
.Councillers— -- '.
. = Coul:tig,- Eli: 113 117 105 23358'
= Giiiesbie, „iiirna,,oi. so: si, _1,1_213,, Whalen. Mrs, Long was ill about ten »the."first period Truer, got through = sa'nRdeeelz.—w., D. 712. 86.1,.,2 .t8_323 in tucan en December 2901,13e.s4i: St:^41arys 1. d. 'drew the firSt 'penalty ' • 1. 7-,.
=, poll 2 at the Town.* .r.,a11; poll 3 at
.-.;.- End fire hall: , '.
= 1Vlitchell'S offide; .pell 4 at the North Tirfl „DEATH OF MRS, 11.4ONG
your seriee
i *The results .were as follows: -Poll
1 was at.lVIrs. Erale.:'rerd's residence -
better,,, Several rigs,and autos car-
ried the votes to the polls. .
Lang of London 'lip near Hyde Park scoring, but lie likes to rough it a,
D.,' Nforle3r- relicit . of the late David great rushes and ' assisted, in the
and :youngest daughter of the ' late little. At. one' time he nearly upset
rPhere passed. away at, her home,. Exeter ,t,led. the score. Truer the
, the. Exeter :goal and shortly. after \
. .. . ,, -
-two . ininuteg. Truer inatle • some S. "lit °ill
tlie,efiret . few minutes of plaY St, Office Hoiirs-9.30 to 12 a.m.'
Mtarys. scorkd froin a face-off -near 1.36 to 5.p.in.
leg]stered, Optomettist '
• •
,-- Hooper, C. F. 108 .121 - 92 ' 26-347» it
cirfle;„ dOcto,r
uld'dci'for. le..u...er„. she never respon- 'scored the • second: goal on, a nice Orz 1. r adio'
= 1.-lawkins, Jos. 99 88' 78 '19-2841,
„T. H. 57- , 88,-62 . 15.7222, daYs, ot Paeunmaaniad. atnrdaininedsPnituerseont wthheo'clniefrasee almfit‘alr 'Asvaayse.mesttl!Sri\fiCaol:Oyl:
4,-, t.
= Southcott,..J: NI. 00 73' 55 ', 8.71;66
ones Thos Thos. 33 4-3' 42 . 11..12f. peeacleetteunythtec' trheeia.,,tindenelgi-t haonrede 1.)eastsielf:le Ponled.c,eedo2feiee,ininh,LnyaotTnotansid: ti\h-laer'yPse:ried. , ' • . • • ' , '
. :early hours of Afenday 'mprniug. ,It • Second Period What will be it's trade.' -
= KIRI/TON STORE ,ANDf: , - , pl.
, * .a,tives whoeaea,rcely realiz.,ed she was clip in the -seeond period taking ail ,_ ___.. •__ ____ ____ . years,
in Yiralue in 5 ',
:was a great• shoek to her Many -1%1' . The lodals Started off, at a feet .,
S...1?-ev:Was a very „active ember .:gressive efferisiVe. About _three , .. e. , . . . . ., , ., .
of th'6 Lneall Me„th9dist Chuilil'eh' and ab• I s,...after. the Play bean Stat n it.is a Set.inade by one of the ,
, The general -store' 0, r: , A,4... . ''' ' was EllWaYS 'En Willing :tn. resp.ocindrin'tga .finimall nemde a*.' sensational 'get» away l'arge ',aeid. reliable, manufacturers 1.1..:
•••-•-- 'Moore of. Kirkton, together with4.L't:191.,e ator eall ..f." hell), eP.eiallY b. nwi_. : 8.31‘ ' through ' the • defense L and :Will depreciate :Very little, but , hov, ,
= • Welling apartments' and. barn , the influenza, epidemic and: s ce il .wP.4.4111agneat Slibi:-. 'tied the . Score.
"-- Friday, , morning, . Jan... '2n.d. . he
il:re early°Ii• :ISIlieesi);:,18Y61111lysseeals,bC, f
and had liveq. in LimanefeT the past, .nrS break r were keepcitc.osil:. sped
;far ntdo es. both: Agboo4alt'' 'ffi itiv;eint G. "ywnyahorliesr'lfejaraoahniclei:t'eibl"dlien„. ?I1111, '‘--ST:pbel113.11S110'111;e11 '-. ' 4f:1-1.'"
hinexont• ii;iielf „„ag, aiiil down', the:1.0 the 'bOYs travelled to 1.1,,i.ill_dcaily7,1,,plclhinYh°1zoigiest oa.‘),-Ic.ra aCnrd_olaVppea:1;;;,, ,:,‘,.."1::.7. '4: :,
= totally- .destroYed by
= stare contained .an up-to-date sl, ck
, * = •of groceries, gen.eral (Dry -goods ' `..t1 9 years, since the death ot. her hub- the vmeiddle ...of ,,tii.e period D:, Louch;
---' hardWare and cOmfortable. ,. 117 ., - bait& She lea'ves to 4n°111.11 her lees thoSt. Marys Jett man, took a fair.' , , •
rs., were connected wit' , 't ,
,, 111(4*r before • .three :.„:o'eloire .. .ti.j,,,...131,,aoadhgesc..;ota .,;_taq3oveythhoe:t_..,ve let), p,
t;tal-F;otbii-iiirlei:.1;-3i.1,_ '_.!..1.,,...C...°7°,k,:e.e..!,:ert:y8'
10 tsfrrb:7;be Wing 'and .tlie gets 'in' stock.„A 0...',#-,l':,. ' ,f440r.
Crosiey Westinghonee..eielto .nc,P..1,...i
-* .1-•,.
- '1T111766.4b-a118111C'lae)(1111%.illall'l1111-ttaSe'llTACI:d14;t7'...:gsterii, Mrs,. 'G. and Makes a ,goalie "I'A-ri- :a t. - - ,
• ] vi,,ot the , ,tre..-":They'*suc.;,. • ' ' --
Goiilding_ and -the -grist mill which .....e.eetr e,evr-rxTrrrrie t'arn'T'IVir.. 4410?,: 't 0 Stathath and Lennis O'Brien ' • ' '' '':,,,..t ' '
Period Leroy O'Brien-tiedr tb6 sobre __________..,..,=,__795,"%r-s„)„.t.':?,,t4„.• ,,
' = '-‘.72,41itit:Ri iNee - . .e..a,,,,me...,..te- ,.er„. ,..i.e,,,,e., CreWs of Leainington, and IVirs. 'Will a,, 1 sa, im e o < e ,, .,,,, •
lit 13 -EER 0-
= way through the smoke to safet3r.
= Mr. and Mrs-. iVfoore ' one Selaughter had predeceased her; The service
.= her .'Sister', IVIrs. H. Hanna., Mr.
-...:-..-- Moore.Was able to save his :account = 'Minerva tlie 'Youngest visitin..: with
' while Mrs. 'Chown sank Very sweet- '
ducted by h'er pastor Bei. Gifford .°11 n lone r'ush, ' • : ,
at 12 o clock Wednesday was con-
ly The uomelaild..„ ,flie remains 4 St. Xra;r3TS tOOIC the' offensive ' at
Thiid Period ' 11M11111i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i .,ority ,,
. ,
= and two sonsevere home at the tirae;-
' ..."7=' destroYed .ineludingea piano all of vrere interred at Hyde park cemetery ,tne . start and showed a ,"determin-
Tlie pallbearers being nenhewe, 'Mr- fat—iell, - --to,d,..o_ °.,,Ve,d.eie: The local fi'e-'
books and auto. Everything else was DO1VIE. THEATRE ' , .i'..tTf
=-- their ',Wearing, aPParel With the .eii- Tlionla, William and Wilson 14°r- N'veirto'gertIe'r,,u.0."4friwena'Isl. poilkde pcwlhaivi3jeiceskd:
= ceptiort *of what: ,-they had' M1 and'• a eY of,Whelen, and Delbert Morley of
Granton',and John and joe Morley : ' '
. was very successful But the'
itors broke- throngli at a time
of' flepswerth, ant at ,the 'gra-ve, al- ee , e e ' when gallons 'Of oil. were burned .and ...,
so ItObeon boYs. and *John Long' of ie'''ret thu-oe"-e,gnosael...ral7d-a%loWte,TIlrelel„,p.*maCe.°in4pig ,
Hyde Park: The. flOral 'Sprays'• be_
seolte the.. love of her friends. a wenderfill stol) t.hat' set the ileC- . :, • Lloyd Hamilton . ,..ii , :,
. . tators -cheering in earnest., At the • , • » .fie.. --4-elect-
...eavingthe ,. residence of Mr; . D. . . , • •. - close ..Of..the period with .two minutes • - --eil\T--- r , ' -4.
_....... Were threatened bY firing sParke. Al'UjA.'"'ll '''-'77` '''''''''''''.'" '.'''.,'''''" •SI:()aoyge,d,winning. g45a,1 on a' nice
Forttinately the roofs Were cov-ered " »e' ' 13 - * .- • ' 3- i •piece of • conibination • : '-' ' .. . •
`‘A Self-Made-Failir - .
T see Bette.
Tn.order to render the '..
1 modelled our refract .,
Service Possible, we haV
rooin and added new .
We still have a good stock of Ladies„ Misses and 'Children's winter
== North equipment
to aid 'us in testing and have a corn-
tellable waiting room for you and
"Don't miss thie .agaiu headed, tlev,poils, with hill, Mrs. John Schroeder,:of Staffa;• Many times. to storm tbe local net Ya lir friendn to Inuits Ilse of.
coats.' These are being cleared out regardlees of cost.
........ Yee. Lawson, of Exeter; George, of seVeral. magnificent saves. 'rho , Altogether our Optical
Mrs. Wm. Martyn, of London, 1Virs. but Cebk showed u.p well and 'made , - -
opportunity to get a, real tiP-te-date coat 'at bargain prices- ' -
1.1.011•11 C r editcin: David, of Exeter; Thom- game started snappy and lasted all ,Establishment --
. , .
, •, as and Wil/iani, of Stephen. The the, way .through. O'Brien opened `
, ,
-= Clysdale interment in Exeter Cern- Sime -the St Marys goalie -a chance - •
- A11 Ladies and isses Dresses
... . aniakiml
6.11.• funeral -was held lgonday afternoon iip•with a couple of individual rush- is ,planned to give the best,satisfac- -..---;.•
conducted by his Pastor Bev. F. E. ee that Were spectacular and gave .tion peso -plc; in every way and, is at ._ •„'
' -1 . MUST GO .. tIMININO
1.....1 e err. , '' to Showfwhat. he witS, made of. After •
........„ =
. •
4 tio,
. We have about forty real iip-to-the-min.ute dre`sses .in Silk, Crepes, „
Wool Serges, Tricotines, Etc., which will he cleared at ver:7 low prices.
2 only French beaded dresses for evening wear, regularly $30 each.
Clearing at $20 each.
Fur Sets at $12.95( each
We have a few good fur sets left in Fox and Wolf to be cleared
at $12.95 set. Odd muffs clearing at $5.00 ea.ch.
Clearing Fancy Turkish Towels
:We are rather ,over -stocked with fancy Turkish 'towels left' over'
froth the Christm.as trade. We offer this week our regular $1.25» towels
extra heavy weight at 98c each and regular $1.00, 'towels at 79c each.
,Alsci- clearing of pure linen work towels at reduced prices.
Men's 7.,Odd Winter
. Caps at 50c. ea.
We have a. few. men's good heavy AviLiter paps in odd line. and sizes' -
' • eltgar,,71 „ ,
----- _tip -
We are offering this .week all men's and boy's winter overcoats at
greatly reduced prices. It will pay You to look these over.
Jonesg- PHONE 82
= quantitY of hay' in the barn. About
,january the 9th and 10th
FRIDAY and SATURDAY y- reeve
ler the
= the gasoline pump destroyed.
PHONE 32 = hors were soon on the scene and
with a bucket brigade succeeded in
A Good New Year's Resolution
By making Hearriati's your Store to buy
your flardvvare Supplies
YUkOil Auto
Falcon Auto 'Skates $2.50
Ladies Auto Sitates ...,$3.50
The BoYs ' and Girls Want
Automobile Skates
Men's Auto Skates
Tube Auto Skates
IVIodel . . ..
Perfection Ankle Supports .$1
Skate Straps ,, . .. ....,... 26e pr.
HOckey Pucks Reg. ............25c
44.00 Hockey Sticke ...... .... • . -25e 110,
Hockey Sticks good value 85e
45.50 Knee Pads 95c
Stock and Poultry Feeders
7‘13'v,T s the-tiMe to use Royal Purple' Stock » and Poultry Tonics.
Royal. Purple for Poultry Royal Purple'. for Stock la
in 60e and 75c packages 60e and 75e packages
Lice Killer . 60e , Salts 58(1
5 lb for - 25c
Disinfectant. . 350 . .. . ..
Pel,re 15c lb
Oyster shell anci • ,
Tinsttuthing and Plum
.4400Y0t8 aro
MERIOTT—In Stephen on Jan. ,4th.
to Mr. and Mrs. Aiken 1Vieriott a
MACDONALD—In Exeter North, on
January 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. I,.Tor-
ma,n'McDonald, a daughter.
WEIN—In Stephen, on Dec. 31st, to
- Mr. ande,Mrs. Wesley Wein, a son,
HODGINS—In Crediton, on Jan, ...2nd
Claristi.ana Sweet beloved wife of
the'late, 4.111es Hodgins, aged 77
years, 11 months 'and 5 »days.
MAWHINNEY---In Exeter,. on Jan-
nary 3,rd, Robert Ma,whinney, ag-
ed 57 years, 2 nionths and 17 days
HICK8-1-In; Stenen, Coneession 2,
on January 4th, Mahelah Jones
• wife of the late Wm. I-Iicke, in
' her 72nd year. ,
CAMPBELL—In Ilensall, on Tues-
day, Dee. -30th, Wm. Campbell, in
his 72nd Year.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Galbreath of
Stratford announce the engagement
of their daughter, Norine A'cleline to
Gordon Taylor of Los Angeles, Cali-
fornia; son of Mr, and Mrs. I, Ny.,
Taylor, EXete.r, Ont. The marriage
Will take plaCe the latter part ''Of
January' at Riverside, California.",
c.kgo ,
Mr? and Mrs,- Alonzo Ilodklits•,
desire to express their sil#,Peti
thanks to the many neighbors;
friciids for their •Itittdnees 6114):,
Pathy during' the i11ness...an44
of their niotli'er, the.iatot
. 7-
ldre*R. M'
, - .• Godericli— . •C. Curn,mings, ,,• . ' - ' „_, „, _ ' •,..
'with. snow, •Ilad the wind heen. Aleser.:
blowing' in, the opposite direCtion ' -- ' - Tbe'snbs' were used .2requenti QY • FEATTIRE COMEDY :-, '... 1
.the Maisons Bank 'tired much -valua- Clinton—C. J. Middleton both- teams, Hap, -W'rells got a ilastY , - :, ' ' '''.."."
daligered' It As niidereteed that mr, ,Wiiigliani---'-j. W.:. Kibhon
S f .0 —J M.... B tt* . , crack before the game started that . . . ,.
, ea ol 1 . ea ie,
big. property would. have Inieri. en- . . took gome of the pep out of ,Iiini. at ,.-,
ancee The origin. of the ,firec'.is bele,
$12,00.0 ins ar... IEixeentseac.i:LW0.. GD.1..ie,gaenrdere ' the beginning. Dot Beid of Sea.:
' .h 1 i died the :genie and gave 'NEXT WEEK
, ......_....,.... ....--.
Moore carried about ,
ieved to have been canSed by an -
. . . Blytii—Jas -; : good satisfaeloti. . , -
B. ss Is A C Bniter " ` ' "
fait la a . .
fhe Line up.; JAINTITARY 16th AND 11111
. ,
overheated furnace. -
. „
, , , ,
• Bayfield—R, Wegton " • .31, Marys • ' Exeter . . - ., - ..
FINGERS IN,TOTIED - 7 , tsl'°rhe—NVM. Hanna _ . -Sims , , Goal ' ti.' • Cook Constance T,,::,,Ittividge
,... :' . , Stenlien—A Neeb aii(1 joohn Hay- Truer , , LD. • . •M. Hey 0' • ,, . -
, .
td•ward , Neil -;, ,:On of . weli.ingten . es - *. , IVritchell B.... I). ' Leroy O'Brien ' ' —fl---- ' ' . ''''' '. e*.. •
Neil, near I(irktelnr:wiii.le, crnshing , I-laY—F.l. p. Klopp '.1- ' Ruch ' Centre Shaddocit' ' - . - .
gp,i,n, had three,,IPArt- his fingers so Stapley ----.1. 13. Hanley , L, W. :11 Wells "GOLD, FISH" -'
badly injured tliIt was found nee- C4(>4'erielfe--Gewol'd, Ginn re R. W.. L. StathAin'
'tebsSeamry* to amputate the eude ACosihhioi;i1a-lhale. btosZ,bt,irtiir
A. five teain,:iliockey lea,gup has
been fbrated in, town, andAre' boys
are looking forward. to »sionie»» good
games on. the ice, • ,The firti-gaind
will beeplayed -next Ttiesdar''' ening.
TJie eams Itetaep
Alerts, E: e,
Harness:. Stars/N NorrY'J:
.• ' .
AlesSrs Re' rvOir
have -been 'cOnclueting:
stores in town
over.< the down-toWn'sto
continue to. c011
sarno nap/ e,',„while,
ialtee:tiver the'"gtore,4
»poliJpn ':to
. .
-E. Wawatiesilze-P.
WWawandah A ,1* hn t
,;Tit,rnintry.--e.e.reihne% '
- ' "» L01ts OF 'IJ-S13()13,10"E ' •
el:JO:wing i0 „the re.sitit of the polls: , 1 2 3 . 4 r -) t,,,6 7-
*JaS. 4,8 60- -45-• 95 75 37--L-.402
-------------------32 29,1' 7 57 77t48 90--340-
.40 41,58 37 8
.4 13- 227 2 8- 4 ,---;-18.2
'Id' 38 '27 481I2 to 5 -2 0.2'
48 30 1.1,42"`A/ 2 44
la a. an b" • 'Ito.
niitaistlendidnyb a efq;dt-
,l, , ietterci in
1 1.14' °Oa Lydia
.„ to stop
licino an -
oho or a
nin ,
4 .1„, , n • ;
„ el V „ • 9 ill • '
AT10451-*-a,4:1;?r ' aoio