HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-12-21, Page 9News and Views Mitchell choice not biased: BY TIM GUMMING Expositor Editor There were no deals made to put the District Health Council (DHC) office in Mitchell, says the chairperson of the site selection committee. "I can say unequivocally there wasn't," said Diane Aitken, of the Clinton area. The suggestion was made at a Seaforth Council meeting that Mitchell was chosen as the host site in exchange for equal representation for Huron and Perth on the District Health Council. (Perth has a higher population but has 10 seats on the DHC, the same as less -populous Huron). There are a number of rumours circulating about the site selection process, said Aitken. Seaforth Council, for instance, wrote a vocal letter criticizing what it perceived to be a hasty decision by the commit- tee when it selected the DHC office site. The committee selected three Perth County sites: Mitchell as first choice, followed by second choice Dublin and third choice Stratford. The chairperson of the site selec- tion committee, however, says Mitchell was not a preordained choice for the location of the DHC. "There was obviously some mis- Council wants site selection process explained Seaforth Council still isn't satisfied the site selection process that led to the Huron -Perth District Health Council's recent decision to locate its new office in Mitchell was on the up and up. Council decided at Tuesday night's regular meeting to take Health Council Chair Jeff Wilbee and site -selection committee Chair Diane Aitken up on the offer to attend the next town council meeting for some explanations. Council is concerned with prevalent rumours of behind -the - scenes political dealing between Perth and Huron representatives on the Health Council that led to the decision, and said it still hasn't received copies of the successfuL-4 Mitchell proposal as requested. "Unprofessional," is how Coun. Brian Ferguson summed up Seaforth's feelings about the process. In response to a testy letter voicing its concerns sent by Seaforth Council after its regular November meeting, Wilbee replied in a letter from the District Health Council that: "At the October 27th meeting the (Health) Council, with onp abstention, unanimously voted to accept the Site Selection Committee's recommendations. "Your letter states, suggesting that the criteria was not the framework for the decision," the health chair's correspondence continues. "Let me assure you, sir, that your statement is not based on fact. Both the Town of Seaforth Council and the Huron District Health Council exist to serve the citizens of our area. I suggest that sometimes in these matters there can be mis- communications and mis- understandings." understanding about what had gone on," she said. "There are bound to be winners and losers (but) we took our responsibilities very seriously." The Site Selection Committee made its decision within a day of receiving the final questionnaire from municipalities seeking the site. Aitken says this final step was 'filling in the blanks' and the com- mittee had enough information to make an informed choice. "We already had 99 per cent of the information we needed," she said. "In most cases it was just a matter of filling in what we didn't already know." She refutes Seaforth's charge that the site selection committee ignored its own selection criteria. After consultation with the public the committee decided its two-page list of selection criteria would require that the host site be along the Highway 8 corridor and be located in an existing facility. The choice of Stratford as a potential alternate site met the committee's criteria, according to Aitken. "It is central in terms of the popu- lation base, for people coming in from outside," she said, adding that it is not necessarily geographically central. "There was a very strong lobby mounted for Stratford as first choice." Mitchell did have identifiable buildings available in their proposal, she said. In November of 1993, at a joint meeting of Huron and Perth DHC Steering Committees, Goderich's Ken Englestad suggested Mitchell would be a good choice to host the DHC because it is fairly central and doesn't have a major health facility (eg., hospital). Aitken said that wasn't the main reason Mitchell was chosen to host the DHC. Aitken "That never came up as a specific point in our deliberations," she said. "It possibly affected how some of the people felt but it didn't become the major point." At a meeting of the Steering Committees former Perth County Warden Bob McTavish proposed an equal split of 10 members each for Perth and Huron, instead of an 11-9 ratio in Perth's favour (due to its greater population). McTavish sug- gested that Mitchell be site of the office since the DHC is officially called Huron -Perth (due to it coin flip). Aitken said she was not aware of the details of Steering Committee meetings which were held prior to her committee's formation and was not influenced by those discussions. Some misunderstandings could have been cleared up, said Aitken, if Seaforth Council had talked to members of the Site Selection Com- mittee. c-DASHWOOD WINDOW AND DOOR CENTRE 904 Happy Holidays Thanks to our customers and friends for your patronage. We look forward to serving you In the New Year Scott Cooper Alpine Plant Foods Limited P.O. Box 730, New Homburg, Ont. Call Scott Cooper 263.6108, Mobile e71.0743 1 t4tit FROM ALLIQF US AT D&D GLASS AND DASHWOdD WINDOW AND DOOR CENTRE FRONT ROW L -R: Marg Dale, Mary Ellen Webster, Beth Consitt, Marg Miller BACK ROW L -R: Rick Parsons, Don Mantey, Dave Miller, John Moore, Clarence Ferguson, Tony Van Dyke, Web Stone INSET LEFT: Scott Ducharme IS DOORS SIDING... Ye 232 . RR S LINTON. ONT NOY ILO 1,, AVENUE, VANA•TUA) ML SERVICE INSTALLATION 482-7869 dIB DAS H WO O D WINDOW AND DOOR CENTRE /90 .43" Thames Rd. East EXETER 235-0390 TME HURON EXPOSITOR, December 21, 19e4-11 HEALTH ON THE HILL SEASON'S GREETINGS FROM ALL THE STAFF AT SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL As the jubilant season of Christmas and the promise of another year .approaches, we wish to extend to the community our warmest good wishes. At this time of year it is good to reflect on the activities of the past months while appreciating the holiday season. Indeed, we thank everyone for the warmth and spirit shown to our hospital and together look forward to a new year of peace, goodwill and happi- ness. Nursing Staff gratefully acknowledge all those who supported the recent Porcelain Doll Draw. The handcrafted doll was made and donated by Marion Kernighan. Proceeds of the draw will go towards the purchase of patient needs. Lucky winner was Hazel Hildebrand. Congratulations Hazel! Perinatal Information Session previously scheduled for Wednesday, December 21 has been cancelled. Please watch for upcoming session details in the New Year. Heart to Heart Program: A new program, sponsored by the Heart & Stroke Association is set to begin. Heart to Heart ,is an eight week learning program for post cardiac patients and their spouse/friend or family member. Each session deals with various aspects of heart disease through informal question and answer sessions. Local authorities deal with diet, exercise, medication, stress and more. When: Thursday, February 9, 1995 Where: Seaforth Community Hospital To Register: Obtain registration form from doctor's office or hospital and return to hospital, Attention: Val Poisson, Facilitator What: eight 2 hour informal question and answer sessions, featuring local authorities. East Huron Long Term Care: Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 26, 1995 in the Board Room at Seaforth Community Hospital. Paul Klopp, MPP will be present to explain Powers of Attorney. Everyone welcome. Paul St Member of Parliament ' MAY THE PEACE AND HAPPINESS THAT CHRISTMAS BRINGS BE YOURS TODAY AND EVERYDAY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR Serving the Constituents of Huron -Bruce 527-0430 OBVIOUS Alternative ai-usgvarna Cha,nuwe Pouton PF10 Oii000r Power Product` Orapon Saw Chan W ndaor Saw Chan GLEN SAWS L. 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