HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-11-09, Page 18McLaughlin Chev-Olde Ltd. 13 Main St Safonh. 527.1140 'Service vings Say rte 'Complete BODY SHOP Service COUNSELLING • Marriage • Family • Teenagers • Learning Disabilities BRIAN O'REILLY, D.S.W. 160 CLINTON St. 482-9249 111 11 111 Il Ili �� PIANO TUNING • REPAIRS • RLBUILDING • KEYS RECOVERED • DAMPP•CHASERS • REGULATING • BENCHES BRUCE PULSIFER 1 S-TH9 MYRON RXPO$ITOR, Mownber f, 1904 Entertainment Local artist featured in new book BY SHELLEY McPHEE HAIST Alf Dale of Seaforth is an unlike- ly artist of international acclaim. He discovered his artistic talents after a life -altering accident. In 1965 Alf was paralyzed in a diving accident at Chesley Lake. An avid swimmer, Alf hit the water the wrong way on a fateful August day, just six weeks after his marriage. Since then, Alf has been confined to a wheelchair, without the use of his arms or legs. With his wife Loreen by his side, Alf has strived to make a new life for himself and a flourishing career as an artist. Alf is now an associate member of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists, a world-wide organization representing 45 coun- tries including its Canadian affiliate, Rehandart Canada affiliate, Rehandart Canada, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the association. This past year 12 of Alfs paint- ings were submitted to a juried panel and one of his landscape works was chosen to be included in a new book, Short Biographies of Mouth and Footpainters, which was published this fall in Ftlrstentum, Liechtenstein. The glossy -paged, large book features some of the best mouth and hand painters, sculptors and potters in the world, from Canada, the United States, Great Britain, Japan, Italy, Israel Taiwan, Australia, Mexico, Finland, among others. A page is devoted to each fea- tured artist, including a photograph of them, a biography and a print of the chosen painting. The Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists was founded in 1956 in Germany. The associ- ation is owned and controlled by its members. The aim of the association is to locate and encourage handicapped artists and help them to achieve recognition and independence through exhibitions of their works and the sale, by mail order, of reproductions. After his accident, Alf remained in hospital for many years. He started working on Paint By Num- bers as part of his therapy and rehabilitation. "A nurse put a pencil is my mouth and it mushroomed from there," Alf says. Encouraged by his doctor, who dabbled in art, Alf began sketching with a pencil held in his mouth. In 1978 he sold a painting to the March of Dimes which was fea- crt=ation ey prw BY MARTY BEDARD Tree of Lights now in third year Plan now to attend the Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary's Tree of Lights celebration. The Auxiliary has been busy planning its 3rd Annual Celebra- tion which will be held on Sun- day, Nov. 20. The celebrations will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. with the lighting ceremony to take place at 7:00 p.m. Other activities you can enjoy will be their bazaar, which will feature craft tables, bake table, mystery table, entertainment, hot mulled cider and cookies. Tickets for a light can be purchased by any Hospital Auxiliary member. For more information call Frances Teatero at 522-1979. Last week's Senior Shuffleboard winners after four games played are: WOMEN: V. Preszcator 307 V. Glanville 278 H. McGonigle 243 MEN: F. Glanville 385 K. Preszcator 275 B. McLean 272 The Seaforth Si. James Cath- olic Women's League (CWL) will be held on Saturday, Nov. 26 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the St. James School Auditorium. Come enjoy a Penny Sale, Bake Table, Mystery Table, Sewing, Crafts and a Tea' Room as well ass draw. The Seaforth and District Ringette Association is hosting a Cash Draw Raffle with weekly and monthly cash prizes. FELE PHOTO FEATURED IN BIOGRAPHY - Alf Dale, of Seaforth, is featured in a new book. He donated copies of the book to area schools. tured on its annual report, and by 1982 he had broadened his artistic horizons to include oil painting. Today he exhibits frequently in local parks, shows and schools, and in 1981 he had several paintings entered in the International Year of the Handicapped Art display which covered all Canada. He joined Rehandart in 1988 as a student member and was promoted two years ago to associate member- ship. He hopes to gain fulitime membership in the future. "At one time I used to get a gov- ernment pension, but now with Rehandart I can earn a living," he says. The association offers artists like Alf the opportunity to sec:!re a livelihood and to dedicate them - Town & Country Bowling League November 1, 19% Sweet Adelines - 32 The Twisters - 38 Boys Named Sue - 191/2 Go-Go's - 22 The Heart Throbs - 27 DJ's - 291/2 Women's High Average Susanne Stokes - 174 Women's High Single Sharon Evans - 197 Women's High Triple Sue Stokes - 524 Men's High Average John Staffen - 243 Men's High Single John Steffen - 293 Men's 'High George Johnston - 704 Personal best forevening: Ruth Duffy (153); Betty Dale (158); Lavern Hoegy (238); Dwain Forrest (219); Mike Glousher (161); Colleen Staffen (142); Greta Hoegy (156); Carol Johnston (174); Terry Smith (200); Wayne Boyd (211)); Jeff Dick (191); Darryl Smith (215); Joe Veenstra (197); Lila Story (171); Arie Van Diepen (216); Gordon Murray (233); Bob Duffy (172); Hazel Beurman (131). selves to art without worries or anxieties. His passion is winter landscapes, because he like to create color and shading with snow. He has also been successful in sketching homes and buildings for individuals. The living room walls in Alf and Loreen's Seaforth home are adorned with many of his paintings. Alf has been a steady contributor to the Rehandart Christmas cards, greeting cards and desk calendars that are shipped out twice a year to households across Canada. They are offered for sale - on approval - with the hope that the recipients, although not obligated to purchase, will appreciate their work and not only remit payment, but order more items such as gift wrap. The paintings are also purchased by corporations and private cus- tomers around the world. Alf has sold 10 additional paintings to private customers. Alf knows that many of the household delivered card packages end up in the trash. "It's not a scam," he says. "At one time there was a company with a similar name selling them, but that wasn't above -board. Look for the name 'Rehandart' on the back of the cards and you know it's legitimate." All the profits from the sale of cards, calendars, stationary and gift wrap go to the artists once the manufacturing, mailing and admin- istrative costs have been paid. "When you get the cards in the mail, don't throw them in the gar- bage," Alf asks. "At least use them even if you don't send us any money. Somebody else might like them. These are original oil paint- ings." ' Alf meets with other disabled people and helps to get them estab- lished. He will be the subject of a new documentary video produced by Rehandart. In the spring of 1995 he hopes to travel to Vancouver to attend the international meeting of the associ- ation. Alf has taken part in art and lifestyle shows and exhibits in the area, London, Toronto and Stratford. He has offered talks and demonstrations in local schools and for various organizations. Recently he has been delivering copies of the new book to Seaforth- area schools and the library. "I wanted to put this in schools. You never know what's ahead in life," he says. Turkey supper successful If you take a small committee of women who get together in August and then again in October, to plan a large meal, and if these same women hand out lists to people in the church of things to bake or buy or where and what time to work, and if you add women, young and old who start coming to the church kitchen two days before the big event and begin the task of peeling potatoes, turnips and shredding cabbage, cutting onions and apples (the list goes on) plus cleaning, stuffing and getting turkeys ready for people to take home and bake, then you will have the makings of a very successful Turkey Smorgas- bord, and that is what happened last Wednesday at Duffs United Church where over 600 people were served. A lot of workers left that evening feeling worn out but very thankful that the people from all over came out to support the Church's main fundraiser. Margaret, Harvey, Helen and Graeme Craig attended the funeral J Walton by Patty Banks 887-686[) 1 of their nephew and cousin, Frank Cook, on November 5 in Mitchell. Our condolences to the families. Tom Leeming and Jo -Ann McDonald were greeters at Duff's United Church on Nov. 6. Sarah McDonald came up with the choir and Rev. Banks and lit the Christ candle. Rev. Banks was greeted with applause as he walked up to the pulpit. He thanked everyone and opened the service with the call to worship. Rev. Banks also thanked everyone who worked so hard at the Turkey supper: He pointed out that there were Advent Meditation books at the back of the church for the upcoming morning Advent bible study which will begin Wed. the 23 at 10:00 a.m. Huron County's Complete VEHICLE RENTAL Headquarters O Small & Mid-sized Cars Q Passenger & Cargo Vans, Pickup Trucks p Daily, Weekly, Monthly O Insurance Rentals & More O Free Delivery O Ask about our full transportation service CAR & TRUCK RENTALS Division of Sunooasl Ford 500 Huron Rd., Goderich CALL COLLBCT Ask for Helen 524-8347 "I Elect on Nov. 14" Elect JUDITH McCUTCHEON for Council Township of Tuckersmith MARY - VanDenllengel for . McKillop Township Council "I on Nov. 14" Elect JUDITH McCUTCHEON for Council Township of Tuckersmith would appreciate Your support NOTICE OF POLL Notice is hereby given to the municipal electors of the TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP More candidates have leen nominated to each of the follow- ing offices than the number required to fill such offices; REEVE COUNCILLOR one to be elected three to be elected ADVANCE POLLS: Advance polls will be held for the purpose of receiving votes of electors who expect to be unable to vote on polling day. Sat., Nov. 5, 1994 and Wed. Nov. 9, 1994, at McKillop Township Garage, Winthrop. Poll to be open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. REGULAR POLIS: Mon., Nov. 14, 1994, at McKillop Township Garage, Winthrop. Poll to be open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. PROXY VOTING: A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon of November 14, 1994, to receive n certificate to vote by proxy for the polling subdivision in which the person appointing the voting proxy is entitled to vote. The Clerk's office will be open from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on November 5, 1994 for the pnurpose of issuing certificates to vote by proxy. Marion McClure Returning Officer 510-527.1916 • • • ELECT MEDD for COUNCIL Business Oriented - seeking jobs for Seaforth c:> Understanding the needs of families in small communities c 25 years in business and resident of Seaforth *sW agiia ge a.c '1twcuc6at Ca11527-0560 or 527-2763 14 well 4 ft'e aud. Fora ride to the polls • • A • 1 RE-ELECT MARIE FIICKNELL REEVE • FOR McKILLOP TWP. ✓ Experienced / Dedicated HOLIDAY1AVINQS cw at ANNA'S DRESS SHOPPE SEAFORTH 0 % OFF ALL WINTER FASHIONS FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS EVEN MORE SAVINGS THROUGHOUT THE STORE -NOW- OPEN SUNDAYS 12 Noon to 5:00 p.m. • he. / w w• �Otl�'��w�♦ • lir, ft r• . rt 'IP £' k• •* •