HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-11-02, Page 17THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Novoenb r Z, 1.18-17 Entertainment Walton residents enjoy November birthdays November Birthdays: Nov. 1 - Lucas Vick; Nov. 2 - Peggy Humphries; Nov. 5 - Kathleen Williamson, Chris Stevenson; Nov. 7 - Henry Unger, Nov. 8 - Shane Brown; Nov. 11 - Jeanne Kirkby, Darchy McCutcheon; Nov. 14 - Barry Hoegy; Nov. 17: Annie Sebben; Nov. 21 - Sarah Williamson, Isobelle Shortreed; Nov. 22 - Maria Wall, Ian Wilbee, Carl McCallum; Nov. 23 - Donna McClure; Nov. 24 - Linda McDonald, Jo -Anil McDonald; Nov. 26 - Craig Gillis; Nov. 27 - Stephanie Lubbers, Cornellio Unger; Nov. 28 - Erica Dietz; Nov. 29 - Erin Beuerman; Nov. 30 - Jessica Lubbers. November Anniversaries - Nov. 6 - Harvey and Margaret Craig; Nov. 12 - Fred and Heidi McClure; Nov. 20 - Allan and Betty McCall; Nov. 26 - Jack and Janie McEwing. A big thanks to B,J. DeJong for filling in for me for the last couple of months. She did a great job. She wanted to congratulate M. LaCroix who celebrated her birthday on Oct. 25. B.J. hoped that Buddy and the rest of the family all joined in on the special day. On Oct. 19, the Walton PS Sup- port Group was formed. Vice Prin- cipal Helen Crocker chaired the first meeting and talked about what a parent support group was about. With 16 people in attendance a discussion was held about the speci- fic needs for the Walton group. Some of the issues raised were fundraising, student -parent hand- book, code of behaviour, and buss- ing. Several sub -committees were formed. Rita Bowers and Randy Banks agreed to take on the role of Chairpersons. Helen Crocker will NOW SALE STRA TR,►TTFORD FAIRGROUNDS JOHN AT BRITANNIA SAT., NOV. 12, 11-6 SUN., NOV. 13, 11-5 OVER 100 EXHIBITS THIS YEAR! WIN! FREE SHOPPING SPREES! ADMISSION $3.00 12 & under FREE OST Ind CRYDERMAN PRODUCTIONS INC (519) 351-8344 ,J CLAESSENS 40'h Anniversary The family of Mat and Martha Claessens invite all of their friends, neighbours and relatives to a reception being held at the Seaforth Legion, on Saturday, November 12/94 at 9:00 p.m. Your presence is our gift. Walton by Patty Banks 887-6861) 1 be the secretary. The group dis- cussed the purposes of having a parent support group. Anyone inter- ested in being a part of this group can attend the next meeting Mon- day, Nov. 28 at the school. Cassandra and Geoffrey Banks were greeters at Duff's United Church, Oct. 30. A beautiful flower arrangement was placed in the church by the Shortreed family in memory of Wilfred Shortreed who died last week. Our prayers and thoughts go out to the family. Guest speaker for the service today was Rev. Clare Geddes. He announced that Rev. Banks will be back next Sunday which will be Remem- brance Sunday and the reading of the Honour Rolls will take place. He also announced the Turkey supper is this Wed. Nov. 2. Also Cadwallader - Dale In a wedding ceremony Saturday June 4th 1994, at St. George's United Church, Courtney, B.C. Shanda Cadwallader and John Dale were unit- ed in marriage. Rev. David Stevens officiated. Shanda is the daughter of Darlene and Lee Cadwallader of Port McNeill, B.C. John Is the son of Marg Dale of Seaforth Ont, and Larry Date of Millgrove. The matron of honour was Roberta Eckersley, cousin of the bride. Shanda's sister Rhonda was the bridesmaid. John's Best Man was Coop (Derek) Cooper, of Seaforth and guests were ushered by Shanda's brother Clint. A wedding dinner and reception was held at the Fish and Game Club in Courtney B.C. The transient guests enjoyed a wedding Brunch the fol- lowing morning with the Cadwalladers and the Dales, at the Washington Inn in Courtney. John and Shanda reside in Port McNeill B.C. Happy 25th Anniversary Mom & Dad (Pat & Mike MacRae) Nov. 1st HAPPY 40Th ANNIVERSARY - November 6 Ron & Lorraine Dale Love always from your kids Kurt, Marcy, Dee & Joe GRADUATION e Canadian Institute of Chartered ife Underwriters and Chartered 'inancial Consultants has awarded enneth Nesbitt the title and designa- ion of Chartered Life Underwriter of -anada (CLU). The title and designa- ion is attained through the succesahil ompletion of courses such as eco- omics, taxation, accounting, law, usiness finance and human rela- ions. CLU is a symbol of pmfessional ompetence in the field of life insur- nce. Ken is the son of tarry & Mabel Nesbitt, and grandson of George ampbell of McKillop. ************************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Seaforth arena or any executive member. Sponsored by the Seaforth Centenaires ************************************** * * * * Eve Dance SATURDAY DECEMBER 31sT, 1994 * Dancing 9:00 p.m. to ??? * at Seaforth District Community Centres * 45.00 per person includes Party Fa\ ours Lunch and Dancing by D.J. Age of Majority Required -,r►— Tickets Available at Pete's Paper Clip, Silts -Hardware, New Year's 1 the next UCW meeting will be Nov. 9 at 9:15 a.m. featuring basket making. A short devotion and busi- ness meeting to follow. I would like to encourage people to phone me if they have any news to share with the readers. Now many of you .think that nothing newsworthy ever happens in your lives. But for those people who have moved away from the com- munity and still subscribe to the paper, it is nice to read about friends that they left behind. I know that some of you also mail clip- pings to people that used to live here. I guess it is sort of like say- ing, 'I'm alive and well and think- ing about you.' So what may seem unimportant in your life may in fact be very interesting to someone else. Someone who misses good ole' Walton and area. We welcome into the community, Linda and Dale Davidson. They have renovated a house in town and we hope that they will enjoy living in Walton. Moylan -Rodgers Marianne and Jamie were united In marriage on Saturday October 15, 1994 in St. Columban Church. The bride Is the daughter of Don and Rita Moylan of RR#5 Seaforth, and the groom is the son of Harold and Sara Rodgers of North Bay. Catherine MacArthur, friend of the bride was maid of honour and Harold Rodgers, brother of the groom was best man. Bridesmaids were Christine Thompson, friend of the bride and Kathleen Moylan, sister of the bride. Danny Rodgers, brother of the groom and Pat Moylan, brother of the bride were groomsmen. John and Mike Moylan, brothers of the bride ushered guests at the ceremony. Music for the ceremony was per- formed by Patsy Crowley, the St. Columban Choir, and soloists Mary Coyne and Heather MacArthur. Father Gordon Kennedy of Calgary, Alberta, uncle of the bride officiated. *Father Joseph Hardy of St. Columban concelebrated at the cere- mony. The couple now reside in Palmerston, Ont. A pictorian pet, & Preakfaet nub (Sift gfliuppe AtraWifimat' € tglb. jAi erae#n thara 2 sittings - by floservadon -+Strati droops up to 10 BOONSTRA/VULDERS Ruth Ann Boonstra, - daughter of Ron & Ruth Boonstra, Mitchell and Jim Vulders, Seaforth son of Leo and Loretta Vulders, Kinkora were united in marriage at St. Patricks Roman Catholic Church, Dublin at 3 p.m., October 29, by Father A. G. Delciancio. Matron of Honor, Waneeta McGrath, Mitchell, Bridesmaid, Donna MacIntosh, St. Marys Flower Girl, Brittany Maloney, Dublin Best Man, Randy Sommerville, Seaforth, Ushers, Dan Ruston, Mitchell, Willie Cook, Vanastra, Ring Bearer Brad Soleski, Mitchell Reception at the Mitchell Community Centre. The couple will reside in Seaforth. lictarian (!ftft ,Stiajain Beautiful. Victorian Night Gowns Special '&'Unique Gift Ideas ' ' Wedding, Anniversary, Birthday, Christmas St. Andrews United Church SMORGASBORD SUPPER held at Brucefield United Church Wednesday, November 9 5 pm - 7:30 pm Adults '800 Children 12 & Under '3" Preschoolers Free For tickets call 263-6502 or 263-5025 • PARK THEATRE • : i= e GOOLRICH 524-7811 1ilESpltrS ' 1414fft.,.opt., SYLVESTER SHARON STALLONE STONE THE GOVEiit1MVIENT TAUGHT HIM TO KILL. NOW, HE'S USING HIB SKILLS TO HELP ONE WOMAN SEEK REVENGE AGAINST THE MIAMI UNDERWORLD. THE SPECIALIST FRI.-THUR. NOV. 4-10 FRI.&SAT. 7d9PM SUN.-THURS. 8 PM LONG DISTANCE? CAII l-800.265.3438 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO SEAFORTH HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TREE of LIGHTS ekuaratea • Time: following Lighting of the tree Craft Table, Candy Table, Bake Table, Cookies and Hot Mulled Cider. Children's Mystery Prize Table Downstairs in Conference room two VISIT OUR GIFT SHOP no GST or PST on any purchases for this evening only HURON COUNIY KABLE In recent years, the advanced technology has allowed cable TV subscriptions to be delivered to town and country residences any- where via a wireless personal cable system. The expense of run- ning cable lines or installing new fibreoptic lines to each resident in the country is not feasible. Installing a wireless cable unit into each household allows the subscribers to have access to over 120' free channels, with the option of subscribing to speciality channels on an individual basis (thus bypassing the middleman, "the cable company"). 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