HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-11-02, Page 16111 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Novomb•r 2, 19114
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Monday, Nov. 7"' at 7 pm
JEWELLERY AND ESTATE PIECES: As instructed by the executors without
reserve a nice group of 60 pieces of estate jewellery including Art Deco and
Victorian. MODERN JEWELLERY: Ladies' larger diamond solitaire nng. Gents'
dress rings. Gorgeous gemstone and diamond rings. Chains. Over 50 pieces
some of importance. PERSIAN RUGS: A brilliant selection of authentic Persian
and Orientals, rare tribais, bold geometries, all sizers and colours. COINS: From
a local estate • all sorts of silver and other Canadian collectors coins, mint sets
and groups, singles, silver dollars. ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINES. Appr. 30
pieces - half discontinued.
Strafford Knights of Columbus Hall
AUCTIONEER JIM HALL (519) 862-2426
L. Please note: Viewing 6 pm. Terms cash/Visa/Mastercard/personal cheque.
to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building In Clinton for old Blyth home plus
good additions.
Saturday, November 5, at 9 a"m.
Old Malcolm bedroom suite with 2 single beds, antique hall seat with mirror, iron
bed, weaving loom, side board, 5 king and queen pressed chairs, wooden dining
table with 4 leaves, wicker wheel chair, modem wheel chair, single box spring and
mattress, roll top desk, wicker fern stand, washstands, blanket boxes, antique
dressers with mirrors, trunks, rocking chairs, antique tables, floor model Victrola,
table top Sonora phonograph with tin horn, fiat to wall cupboard bottom, 21
antique wooden planes, 13 clocks includes Pequegnat, Hamilton Clock Co.,
French Garniture Clock signed Ruchot, 10 antique all lamps with prisms, 4
Chandler pastels, A. Y. Jackson print, large quantity picture and frames, 2 Royal
Doulton figurines, old tin toys, dolls, childs old wooden wagon, milk bottles with
names, dishes and glassware includes Limoges, Royal Albert Kentish Crockery
pattern, 8 place setting, Nippon, Noritake, Occupied Japan, Bavaria, Germany,
cranberry crocks, handmade quilts, plus many other items.
NOTE: One of our best auctions this fall, plan to attend.
TERMS:L Cash or cheque with proper I.D.
Richard Lobb 482-7898
Of Antiques: Appliances; Firearms; Collectibles; Tools & Household Effects at
the Jacob Auction at the Jacob Auction Centre 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell.
THURSDAY, NOV. 3 at 3:00 P.M.
INCLUDING: Round oak table and 6 chairs; high back oak sideboard; oak
drop front secretary; press back child's rocker; washstands; oak hall rack;
child's wicker rocker; bow front china cabinet; 22 inch cast iron bell; oak double
pedestal desk; oak buffet, cast iron kettle; pump organ (needs work); treadle
sewing machines; organ stools; 3 ft. pendulum wall clock; stuffed birds; old
scales; crocks; autoharp; partial chamber sets; old tools including carpenter's
and blacksmith tools; bedroom suites; Frigidaire built-in oven and countertop
range (new in box); W.W. 30 inch electric stove; Maytag electric dryer; Admiral
automatic washer (like new); deep freezers; fridge; microwave; dehumidifier;
large offering of collectible dishes including Noritake, Nippon, Germany,
cheese boats, depression, 70 cups and saucers, egg cup collection; Honda
HT3813 riding mower; 36 Inch snowblower to fit mower; Honda EG 1500 gen-
erator; Rockwell -Beaver 6 inch jointer (never used); radial arm saw; small
bench top wood lathe; 3/ hp gas mower (new); power and hand tools and
much more.
FIREARMS SELLING AT 7:00 P.M.: Two Winchester 12 gauges; muzzle load-
ers; two Lee Enfield 22 gauge 1918's with bayonets; Lee Enfield 303 1917 with
bayonet; BSA 22 Martini; EPA 303; Lee Enfield 22 48; Stevens 12 ga. DB. M-
311; Lee Enfield 303 q4; U.S. Eddystone 30-06 M1917; Mauser 8 mm M98
with bayonet; two Lee Enfield 303 MK -111 1942 with bayonet; Enfield Snider
577 1871 VR with chrome rod; 3 Lee Enfield 303 #4-MK1; 3 Lee Enfield 303
MK111 with bayonets; Boito 410 ga. D B.; Remington 22-250 M-700; Ruko 20
ga. D B.; Mossburg 22 cal.; Ellwood -Epps Custom 303;•Mossberg 410 ga, M-
183 DC; Hi Standard 20 ga.; Stevens,32.ga-.pump; Browning 9 mm Inglis
6T4355; S & W 45 cal; two Browning 9 mm MK -1 Inglis wood; two S & W 38
cal, Hi Standard 22 cal. target; Unique 7 65 mm; Enfield 38 42-MK1; Webley
38 cal MK -IV; S & W 22 cal model 17; Hi Standard 22 cal. Sport King; S & W
22 cal. #t -3rd issue; two Hi Standard 22 Target Supermatic; S & W 45
NOTE: Early start time Prop & auctioneer not responsible for accident or
PROP.: Sally Scott and the Estate of the Late Dr Robert Bissonnette
AUCTIONEER: Doug Jacob - 519-271-7894
Auction sale of tractors, farm machinery, misc. tools, old car parts & misc.
farm items to be held at Lot 6, Cone. 11 of Grey Twp., 1 1/4 mi. east of
Brussels and 1 Cone. south; first farm on left on
TRACTORS: John Deere Model R, Massey Harris #44; Massey Harris #22;
Allis Chalmers WD45 with loader; Allis Chalmers -WD Rowcrop with loader;
Coekshutt #30; small Allis Chalmers bulldozer - gas.
MACHINERY: McCormick 3 furrow 12" pull -type plow; John Deere 4 fur-
row trail plow; 2 McCormick Doering 3 furrow trail plows; John Deere 12 ft.
cultivator; 10 ft. drag disc; 12 ft. trail cultivator; 5 ft. one way dise;6 section
drag harrow; 3 drum land roller; John Deere 8 ft. pull type disc; John i)eere
one way disc; Massey llarris 13 run single disc seed drill; Corkshutt 15 run
single disc seed drill & grass seeder; New idea 7 ft. trail mower; Allis
Chalmers - i 0. semi mount mower; New harvester #469 - 9 0. haybine; New
Harvester #56 side rake; New Isar -ester #69 haylincr haler; 5 Qat-racks &
wagons; international #50 swather; Ehersol 24 ft. hale elevator; 36 ft. 5"
grain auger; 280 gal. weed spray with handy pump and Wisconsin engine;
dell threshing rant -bine 28" x 45" on steel; Turnco & JF 135 hu. gravity bins
and wagons; Oliver 3 beater manure spreader; 6 farm trailers; hale stooker;
2 V -type 6 ft. snowhlowers; circular saw; 24 ft. bale conveyor; post hole
VEHICLES: 1977 Mercury 600 truck with 18 ft. stock rack; stock car
trailer; Mercury F100 3/4 ton truck with rack; F'ord Pinto stock car; 1969
Chev Malibu car. All vehicles being sold as is.
MiSC. FARM ITEMS: 4 - 40 rod rolls page wire (new); quantity of sheet
metal; used lumber; 200 & 250 gal. fuel tanks; extension & step ladders,
cement mixer; farm gates; water tanks; shovels; forks, etc.; 2 - 16 ft. 4" grain
augers; 2 - 11 ft. 4" grain augers; quantity of plywood, quantity of 1" x 5" x
16 ft. lumber; Police & McCormick hammermills; cedar rails, fanning mill;
hydraulic press; 2 - 1/2" drill presses; 4 Jackal) jacks; acetylene torches; old
signs, lanterns, tool boxes, work benches; lire changer; forge; anvils;
emeries; old cash register; chain falls; 3/4" drive socket set; body grinder; air
compressor; heavy towing cables; Simplicity 7 hp riding mower; Coca Cola
pop machine; drive belts; Dolmar 24" chain saw; tractor umbrellas & heat
homers; Motocraft 3 hp. push mower; heavy duty battery charger; car
ramps; large quantity of scrap metal; copper; old ears & old machinery for
parts, hydraulic bumper jack; large bridge culvert; old car parts; bicycles;
old horse walking chisel plow and other mise. items too numerous to men-
tion. List yet to he uncovered.
NOTE: This is n large sale with lots of interesting small items and tools/
TERMS: Cash or cheque with I.D. day of sale
Estate and Auctioneer not responsible for any accidents day of sale.
Joseph Zehr , 887-9599
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CLINTON 482-7898
A.M. - Large auction. antique
furniture. glassware. collectable., oil
lamps. 4 chandeliers. clocks. Royal
Doulton for old Blyth home. plus
additions at Lobb Auction. Clinton.
Furniture, appliances, household
effects at Richard Lobb Auction In
Clinton for Goderlch and Seaforth
A.M. 125 acres of farm land. selling
In one parcel 100 acres workable with
buildings and 25 acres of bush
located In the Township of Stanley. 1
1/4 miles west of Vanastra then 1/2
mile south on paved road for the
Estate of Stuart McEwen. Phone the
Executors for information, Jtm
Broadfoot 233-7032 or Mervyn
Falconer 482-1572
r Ale I
Southwestern School of Auctioneering.
Next class: Nov. 19-25. Information,
contact: Southwestern Ontario School of
Auctioneering, R.R. 15, Woodstock,
Ontario N4S 7V9. (619) 537-2115. 39-
BE A SUCCESSFUL writer...with our
great home -study course. CaII for a free
book. 1-800-267-1829 The Writing
School, 2211-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa,
Ont. K1 L 6R2. 39-44xbc
POETRY CONTEST: $24,000 in prizes
yearly. Possible publication. Send one
original poem 20 lines or less: National
Library of Poetry, Box 704-1365,
Owings Mills, Md. 21117. 39-44xbc
ROE, Mrs. Selina May, wife of Wesley
H. Roe, formerly of Hullett Twp. and the
Town of Seaforth, passed away
peacefully at Maplevfood Manor int
Seaforth on Wednesday, October 26,
1994 In her 89th year. She was bom in
Essex County, November 3, 1905, the
eldest daughter of the late Alexander
and Mabel Wallace. The family moved
to Tuckersmith Twp. In 1913. May
married Wesley Roe in 1937 and they
raised tour daughters; Lois (Mrs. Wm.
Orr) of Waterloo; Mary Lou (Mrs. Allan
'Justason) of Kitchener; Dianne (Mrs.
John Clements) of Tillsonburg and
Joyce (Mrs. Allan Smiley) of
Mississauga. As well as her husband
'and daughters she is survived by four
sisters; lona Blake of Holmesville;
Jessie Winnamaker of Napanee;
Marion Patterson of Kentville, N.S. and
Ruth Yeandle of Waterloo; seven
grandchildren, Barbara (Mrs. Rick
Walker) of Vancouver, B.C.; Sandra
(Mrs. Peter Stapper), of Lindsay, Ont.;
Richard Orr and wife Deidre of Ottawa;
Stephen Orr of Waterloo and Christine,
David and Cheryl Smiley of
Mississauga. She was predeceased by
four brothers; Carl, Russell, Donald and
Douglas and two sisters, Mildred Walker
and Grace Miller. The Whitney-Ribey
Funeral Home held visitation on Friday
and conducted the funeral service
Saturday, October 20 with Rev. Bruce
Cook officiating, assisted by Pastor Rick
Lucas. Pallbearers were Jim Dalrymple,
Sandy Lamont, Harvey McClure, Jack
McEwing, Charles Reid and Watson
Reid. Grandchildren acted as flower
bearers. Interment was at Maitlandbank
Cemetery after which friends and
relatives gathered at Northside United
Church. Expressions of sympathy were
made to Northside United Church and
the Canadian Cancer Society. The
family appreciates the assistance and
many acts of kindness shown by so
many during May's illness and at her
passing. 42-44-1
MINN, Loretta A. At. St. Mary's
General Hospital, Kitchener on Monday,
October 24, 1994 In her 62nd year.
Loretta (nee Maloney) formerly of
Seaforth. Loving mother to Tom Hewitt
of Kitchener, Teresa and her husband
Phil Israel of Kelowna, B.C. She will be
dearly missed by her grandson Carl
Hewitt. Survived by her sisters Veronica
Overholt of Centralia and Teresa
Bedour of Qoderich. Predeceased by
her sister Helen Aubin, her brother
Frank Maloney and her parents Thomas
and Theresa Maloney. Visitation was
held at the Schreiter-Sandrock Funeral
Home and Chapel, 51 Benton at Church
St. 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Thursday, October
27 and continued until prayers at 9:30
a.m. on Friday, October 28 after which
transfer was made'to St. Joseph's R.C.
Church for Funeral Mass at 10 a.m.
Committal was at St. Columban
Cemetery. As expressions of sympathy
donations to St. Mary's Hospital
Foundation, 911 Queen's Bld.,
Kitchener, N2M 1B2 or the Heart and
Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 8-41
River Road E., Kitchener, N2B 209
would be appreciated by the family.
CLARKE, Eva May, of 60-105 Market
St. Seaforth passed away Sunday,
October 30, 1994 at Seaforth
Community Hospital at the age of 89.
Mrs. Clarke was born in Varna, Ont. on
July 23, 1905 to Emest Epps and the
former Elizabeth Winegarden. She
married Melvin E. Clarke on Sept. 1,
1926. Beloved mother of Rev. Dr.
Ernest Clarke and his wife Ruth of
Toronto; Elizabeth 'Betty' Oldacre and
her husband Kenneth of Seaforth; Elliott
W. Clarke and his wife Kay of Winnipeg,
Manitoba. Also surviving are a brother
Ellwood Epps and his wile Isabela of
Washago, 12 grandchildren and 15
great grandchildren. She was
predeceased by her parents, her
husband Melvin in 1989, a daughter
Mae Watterworth in 1990, and brothers
Lorne and Clifford Epps. Visitation was
held from the Whitney-Ribey Funeral
Home on Monday, October 31 from 2-4
and 7-9 with the funeral being held on
Tues. Nov. 1, 1994 at 3:30. Rev. Bruce
Cook officiated at the service. Interment
will be held in Bayfield Cemetery at a
later date. 42-44-1
Larry and Connie McMichael of
Stratford wish to announce the wedding
of their daughter Tammy McMichael to
Emilo Ramirez in Banl of the Dominican
Republic on October 21, 1994. Her
friend Sheri Twynstra of Stratford was
her bridesmaid. His best man was his
brother Daniel. They will reside in Beni
of the Dominican Republic. Larry and
Connie flew over for the wedding.
Tammy is Lois McMichael's
granddaughter. 45-44x1c
ECKERT: In loving memory of a dear
wife, mother and grandmother, Olga
Eckert, who passed away four years
ago, October 31, 1990.
The depths of sorrow we cannot tell,
Of the loss of one we loved so well,
And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep,
Her memory we shall always keep.
Sadly missed and lovingly remembered
by Joe and Family. 46-44x1
WEBSTER: In loving memory of a dear
wife and mother Elva Webster who
passed away 11 years ago, November
3, 1983.
Loving memories never die,
As years roll on and days pass by,
In our hearts a memory is kept,
Of one we loved and will never forget.
Sadly missed and lovingly remembered
by the Webster family. 46-44x1cc
I wish to thank all those who
remembered me with their prayers,
cards and good wishes while I was a
patient in Victoria Hospital, London and
since returning home. - Mary E. Dantzer
I wish to thank my friends, relatives and
neighbors for their acts of kindness,
cards of sympathy and flowers, during
the recent death of my father Robert
Green. Special thanks to Rev. Cheryl -
Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa for taking me
down to see my father in London's
University Hospital and to James
Sampa and Susan Dale for their
comforting words and support. It was
very much appreciated. - Elaine Fraiser,
William and William Robert Jr. 47-44x1
The family of the late Ralph Fryer
humbly thanks the following good
samaritans in our time of sorrow and
joy: the ambulance attendants and staff
of Seaforth Community Hospital;
Pastors Rick Lucas, Lenny Bowman,
and Don Crowder; the congregation of
Bethel Bible Church in Egmondville; the
Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home in
Seaforth; and to family, relatives,
neighbors and friends. The quick
service, hot meals, flower
arrangements, cards, hugs and prayers
deeply moved us. Above all, thank you
Jesus my Lord and Saviour for a
wonderful family and friends. To God be
the glory for the peace you have given
us. - Betty Fryer 47-44x1
The family of the late Ralph Fryer,
husband of Betty, and former husband
of the late June Fryer wish to express
sincere thanks for the many
expressions of sympathy, floral tributes
and memorial, donations, love and
special kindness. A special thank you
must go to step -son Michael Pennell for
all his efforts in helping his mother,
Betty during this moat difficult time.
Ralph will be greatly missed by
everyone who knew him. We love you
all. - David, Kathy, Brian and Robbi-
Lynn, Stephen, Chatty, Rebecca and
Cody 47-44-1
Thank you to St. Jude, 0 Holy St. Jude,
Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and
rich In miracles, near kinsman of all who
Invoke your special patronage In time of
need. To you I have recourse from the
depth of my heart and humbly beg to
whom God has given such great power,
to come to my assistance. Help me in
my present urgent petition. In return I
promise to make your name known and
cause you to be invoked. Say 3 our
Fathers, Hail Marys and Gloria,.
=Publication must be promised. 81. Jude
pray tor us and all who invoke your aid.
This Novena has never been known to
fall. Say It for 9 consecutive days.
- M.S. 47-43x1
In Grey Township
Armstrong, Leona 10
HAUNTED FUN The Huron Strings played their enthusiastic
brand of music for the entertainment of residents of Maplewood
Manor on Hallowe'en.
1 /
I would like to thank all the nursing staff
for their good care. The kitchen staff for
the good meals. Special thanks to Dr.
Rodney and Dr. Woldnik for their good
care. Rev. James Sloan for his'' visits.
My family, neighbors, friends and
relatives for cards and visits. It was
much appreciated while I was in
hospital - Luella Montgomery 47-44x1
Throughout his life, Dad worked in, and
for, his community and his Church. He
taught us to do the same - that by
giving of yourself you will also receive.
Following his sudden death this past
week we have been reaping the
benefits of our many friends. Thank you
for your many acts of kindness and your
presence that comforts us during this
our time of sorrow. - Bill, Valerie, Jason,
Matthew, Bradley and Krista Shortreed,
Riek and Margaret Mclnroy 47-44x1
A very special thanks to family and
friends who attended our Buck and Doe
on October 15, 1994. A sincere thank
you to the wedding party for all their
hard work. Also to Betty Upshall and
others who helped out in any way.
Thanks again for everyone's support.
- Ron Stevenson and Nicole Olejnik
Walk away from
heart trouble —
a brisk 15 -minute
daily walk
works wonders.
your odds
'11 kills;
Community Caiendar
WED., NOV. 2 SUN., NOV. 6
1:00-3:00 p m - Parents and Tots
1:30-4:00 p m - Senior Shuffleboard
at the Arena
7:30-9:00 p m - Minor Broomball at the
9:00-10:30 p m - Ladies' Broomball at
the Arena
10:30-11:30 p.m. - Men's Broomball at
the Arena
4:00-5:30 p m - Figure Skating at
the Arena
6:30-7:30 p m - Belgrave vs
Seaforth Novice II Hockey
7i00-9'.00 p m - Wood Carving
at the High School
7:30-9:00 p m - Minor Broomball at
the Arena
9:00-11:30 p m - Men's Broomball at
the Arena
10:30-11:30 p m Story Hour at the
1:15-3:00 p m - Seniors Bowling at
Starlight Lanes
4:15-5:15 p m - Houseleague practice
at the Arena
5:15-7:15 p m - Minor Hockey
at the Arena
7:15-8:15 p m - Ringette at the Arena
SAT. , NOV. 5
6:30-7:30 a.m - Sr Houseleague
Hockey - Bruins vs Panthers
7:30-8:30 a m - Blues vs Ducks
8:30-9:30 a m - Jr Houseleague
Hockey - Whalers vs Oilers
9:30-10:30 a m - Leafs vs
10:30-11:30 a m - Sharks vs
11:30.12:30pm -Mites and Tykes
12:30-2:30 p m - Ringette at the Arena
2:30-4:00 p.m - FREE Public Skating
Sponsored by. Seaforth Co -Op
4:00-5:00 p.m. - Novice Hockey
5:00-6:00 p.m. • Listowel vs
Atom II Hockey
6:00-7:15 p.m. - Mt Forest vs.
Atom !Hockey
7:15-8:45 p.m. • Bayfield vs
Pee Wee 11 Hockey
11:00.2:00 p.m - Men's Recreational
2:00-3:00 p m - Junior Houseleague
Hockey practice
3:00-4:00 p m - Wingham vs
Tykes Hockey
4:00-8:15 p.m. • Ringette at the Arena
8:15.9:15 p m. - Bantam II Hockey
9:15-11:00 p.m. - Listowel vs. Midget
MON. , NOV. 7
2:00-3:00 p.m. - Coffee Hour at
Children's Co-op Centre
4:30.9:00 p.m - Figure Skating
at the Arena
6:00-9:00 p m - Karate at the Arena
7:30-10:30 p m - Bingo at Arena
- Hall opens at 6.30 p m
9:00-10:30 p m Woodstock vs
9:00.11:30 a m - Play group at
Northside United Church
1000-12:00 p m - Parents and Tots
Skating at the Arena
1.30 p.m - Seaforth Women Institute
meeting - Helen MacKenzie's
6 30 - 8:00 p.m - Mitchell vs Bantam I
8 00 p m • Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary
meeting in Conference Room #2
8:00-10:15 p.m - Seaforth Harmony
Hi-Lites practice at
Seaforth Public School
WED., NOV. 9
1:00-3.00 p m - Parents and Tots
Skating at the Arena
1.30-4:00 p m - Senior Shuffleboard
at the Arena
6:15 p m - Seaforth Horticultural
Society meeting & Potluck Dinner
at Northside United Church
7:30-9:00 p m • Minor Broomball at
the Arena
8:00 p.m. • Homecraft Division of the
Seaforth Agricultural Society will
meet at the Agricultural Society Hall
9:00.10:30 p m - Ladies' Broomball
at the Arena
10:30-11:30 p.m - Men's Broomball
at the Arena
If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth
area residents, phone the recreation office 527.0882 or the
Expoaitor at 527.0240, or mail the information to Community
Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 139, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK
1W0 well in advance of the scheduled date. Free listing includes
date, time, name of event and location only. Space for the
Community Calendar is donated by The Huron Expositor.