HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-11-02, Page 121>a•TNR HURON EXPOSITOR, Novarnbtir Z, 1904 McKillo council race on James Ryan Incumbent councillor hauls Ryan hopes to continue serving McKlllop residents on council. The 44 -year- old has his own plumbing business and is also a farmer. He says he wants to hold the line on taxes if possible,"'With downshifting of costs from the province we're going to have to be even more cost-effective in the future," His wife, Joanne, is a registered nurse and they have two children, Jeff and Jennifer. He has been on McKillop council for seven years and also served on many committees during that time, He is a past president of the St. Columban Soccer Association, He is currently a member of the pariah council, "I have developed a strong inter- est in municipal affair's and will continue to strive•to meet the needs of the community with an open mind," he said. He lives at RR 5 Seaforth. Sharon McClure Sharon McClure is a two -term veteran of McKillop council who is running again. "I have the time it takes to attend council meetings and am interested in the operation of the township,"she says"I will try to keep an open mind and be available to listen to ratepayers' concerns." Mrs. McClure, 47, has lived in McKillop alt her life, and says she will endeavor to keep taxes steady with sensible spending, as well as trying to maintain decent roads. Hor husband is Bill, who farms and also works for an area farm drainage firm, and they have throe children: Connie, Sandy and Mark. They live at RR 1 Soaforth, Mary Vanden Hengel McKillop council candidate Mary Vanden Hengel feels a new outlook on the issues is needed and farmers must be heard. The wife of a dairy farmer is a real estate agent as well as a farmer. She is actively ipvolved in mand ins vice-presidecoaching !te �� teacher's association of St. James' School and a past council member of that church, Mrs, Vanden Hengel lives at RR 5 Seaforth and is married to Tony. They have four children: Karen, Joe, Ben and Lori. " Being an active farmer's wife I am concerned about safety in McKillop, the much needed pro. gression in the township and the preservation of the fine family farm living we all want," she says. Is canola farm's winning ticket? BY MARK CRIPPS former Expositor Tauter Farming can sometimes bo like buying a lottery ticket - you pays your nickel and takes your chance, But if your cash crop choice this season was canola, you could say you had a winning ticket. Ooderich area farmer Achim Stoecker harvested 160 acres of canola this past summer, and couldn't be happier about the return, "There's been aood increase in the. demand for high quality oils • used for human consumption," said Stoecker. "And the price has remained very stable," If you bought vegetable o11 lately, it's very likely it was made from 100 per cent canola oil. Most major vegetable oils contain some level of canola. The oil extracted from the canola plant is conlii-der04 healthier than conventional vegetable ells. -_ The canola plant is member of the mustard family, and flowers yellow when in bloom. In Huron County, roughly 5,000 acres of canola was planted this Volunteer award established The Canada Volunteer Award was established by Health and Welfare Canada in 1977, said Paul Stecklo, M.P. for Huron - Bruce, to recognize and encourage those Canadians who have made outstanding voluntary contributions towards improving the health and social well-being of their fellow citizens, Throughout the years the Award has been presented to over 800 Canadians for their outstanding achievements and Steckle asks everyone to nominate worthy candidates from this area. The Canada Volunteer Award is one award with two levels. The Honour level consists of a medal, a lapel pin and a Certificate of Honour and is presented annually in Ottawa by the Minister of National Health and Welfare. The Merit level consists of a Certificate of Merit. The award ceremony is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization and the award may bo presented by a local official or the sponsoring organization, on behalf of the Minister in the recipient's community. Nominations must be received no later than December 15, 1994 at the Canada Volunteer Award Secretariat Health and Welfare Canada, Communications Branch, Public Relations Division, Tunne 's Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario K 1 A OK9 or call 1-613-957-2977. "Recipients of this award represent only a small percentage of the dedicated men and women who volunteer their services for the benefit of their fellow Canadians", said Steckle. "There are many people in Huron -Bruce who deserve such recognition and I urge citizens to nominate these individuals without delay." year. Manitoba is the largest pro- ducer of canola in Canada. Stoecker, a native of Germany, has boon growingcanola since arriving in Huron ounty 10 years ago. Ho said the decision to grow the crop was based on his experience with growing it in his native coun- 'I like it because it is excellent for crop rotation," said Stoecker, "It suits our program, "It is also very deep rooting, so it conditions the soil very nicely. It loosens it right up." But not of land is conducive for the canola plant. "It will only grow in certain areas," said Stoecker. "It thrives in cool, moist conditions." Growing canola has been a good bet for Stoecker during the past 10 years.' We've been lucky," he said. "Out of the last 10 years, there was only two years when we had to plow -the crop under in the spring, "I say, that s not too bad:" On international markets, the out look for canola is much brighter than its direct competition, namely soybean. Stoecker said the doesn't know why canola has gained so well on the market, and that the future could Just be speculation. But this year, on 160 acres of canola, Stoecker was averaging roughly 53 bushole/por acro. That Wingate' to roughly 1.3 tonnes for each acre. When ho sold tho crop, Stoecker said ho was receiving anywhere from 5320 to 5350 per tonna, The gross revenue for ono acre of canola was roughly $400. Stoecker said canola farmers can pre -sell their 1995 crop from around 5320, The input costs for canola and soybean are roughly the same, said Stoecker, who also grows soybean, wheat and corn. Canola requires more nitrogen fertilizer than soybean, but the trade off is less herbicide. The current market price for a tonne of soybeans is around $230 to 5240, mainly due to a large crop in the United States...... But Stoecker said canola 1s not as easy to grow as soybean, and added that it needs a six-year rotational cycle to be successful, The plant is also susceptible to white mould. Fergus Kelly Dublin -area farmer Fergus Kelly feels the public should be made more aware of what gods on at council meetings. That's one reason he is one of five candidates in the running for three councillor seats in McKlllop Township. Mr. Kelly, 54, also feels now that his children have grown he has more time to devote to the township council. His wife's name is Anne and he has four children: Mike, Anne -Mario, Cathy and Mary - Margaret. Mr. Kelly is a newcomer to municipal politics, but is chairperson of the St. Patrick's Church advisory board, and a member of the Seaforth Knights of Columbus. • The fifth candidate for McKillop Township Council is Irene Roberts. A profile of the candidate wasn't available at press time but will be pub- lished when available, Sign up for ADULT COMPUTER COURSES starting Monday, Nov. 14 • Oulek Books For Windows 6 week course starting Nov. 14 7. 10 p.m. • Simply Accounting For Windows 8 week course starting Nov, 15 7. 10 p.m. BERNARD COMPUTER TRAINING CENTRE 523-9441 Fax 523-9280 Pat Bernard ELECT Fergus KeIIy For Council Township of McKillop 0- If you wish to secure a lifetime income from an RRSP or ore interested in other RRSP Investments o► very competitive rotes, call Arnold J. Stinnissen 527-0410 . SunLife 000000GOGGOCOGO00GGOq Huron County's Complete VEHICLE RENTAL Headquarters J Small & Mid-sized Cars 0 Passenger & Cargo Vans, Pickup Trucks 0 Daily, Weekly, Monthly 0 Insurance Rentals & More 0 Free Delivery Q Ask about our full transportation service CAR & TRUCK RENTALS Division of Suncoest Ford 500 Huron Rd., Goderlch CALL COLUICT Ask for Helen 524-8347 eetemeeeeeseae Th's Christmas..... 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Gordon Glen •Home L482.9292 2334178 L, McGRATH PLUMBING AND HEATING INC, Seaforth 522-0493 Larry McGrath' moat Purer t Ga rite GIi Today! CI an...Efficient...Natural Gas arunnur: OFA ER Installation Service Repairs JIM ANDERSON TREE MOVING SERVICE r 523-4894 Trees bought and Sold PLAN OF THE WEEK PLAN NO. CE -808 EFFICIENT PLAN FOR FAMILY HOME This compact split -entry design provides comfortable roorn sizes and many added features while sdll maintaining a relatively low square footage. An arched window over the front entry provides natural light for the foyer. Two steps down to the leR is a spacious living room with a vaulted ceiling and NO= windows. live steps down from the living room is a large unfinished basement which can be completed when time and finances allow. Nine steps up from the foyer is the main living area. ouesta in the dining room can look down over a railing into the living room, or over a half -wall into the family room. Glass block on either side of the hutch area adds a stylish touch. The kitchen provide, plenty of cupboard and counter space, and features a miry and a handy breakfast bar. Two secondary bedrooms feature boxed -out window seats. The master, like those in large homes, bouts a walk-in closet and a four piece ensuite with a raised swirl tub. Both the nook and the muter bedroom provide access to it Inge rear sundeck. Plan for CB -308 may bfobtained for $365.00 fora package of five complete sets of working prints an $29.00 for each additional set of the same plan. Allow 515.00 extra to Dover the cost of postage and handling (B.C. residents add spplleable sales tax to plat total) (All Candian residents add 7% OST to plan total plus postage and handling). Tho is one of our new designs. Many innovative plans are now available in our NEW Basement Entry plan catalogue for $9.58 including postage and handling and 7% OST. VIMe -MIM 04-r 64.111 - •0 Please make all cheques, money orders; and Vise or MasterCard authorizations payable to: Tynan Features c/o. The Huron Expositor Plan of the Week, 13659 - 108 Avenue, Surrey, B.C., V3T 2K4. ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING 522-1558 RESIDENTIAL & FARM LLE SEAFORTH PLUMBING & HEATING AIR CONDITIONING 527-0505 BILL HOLMAN Plumbing, Oa Pumices, GIs Fireplaces, Gas Appliances, Boilers Sold, installed, Serviced and Guaranteed SHOWROOM 15 Goderlch St. E. Sisforth HOFFMEYER'S MILL BUILDING SUPPUES • WINDOWS • DOORS • Cil PAINTS • INSULATION • HARDWARE • HARDWOOD • CUSTOM MILLWORK SERVING YOue COumut 7Y FOR OVFR 80 YEARS 527-0910''; 71'7 ThePrudentlal • Life • Auto • Health • Home • Group • Flnanctal Services 100 Main St. Seaforth Call Marc Monforton 527-1927 • HEARD CONSTRUCTi • IX YMINt • WillC SYSiENI • S(REEME9 iOliOIL • OENEt'4E (ON1aA61114 CALL 522-0307 OR 1.800.960.1867 al • 5