HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-11-02, Page 87
S -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Novsmbor 2, 19114
News and Views
SCHOOL GROUNDBREAKING: The official groundbreaking ceremony at the site of St. Anne's Catholic Secondary
School in Clinton was held last Wednesday. Breaking the ground are Mitchell native Ray Contols (lett), the new
principal of the high school; Dr. James Brown, director of education for the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate
School Board; Louise Martin, chairperson of the board; Paul Klopp, Huron MPP; and Don McRorie, acting regbnal
director for the Ministry of Education and Training, westem Ontario regional office. The school is expected to be open
this fall.
BIO -SECURITY PLUS - Dave O'Rourke, a partner in O'Rourke Transport, stands proudly A inside the
company's, a division of W. Thur and Sons Ltd., new environmentally friendly barn which officially
opened Saturday moming in Dublin. The new bam accommodates truck washing and has the capacity
to hold 750 hogs comfortably in preparation for shipment to market.
Children's Centre
enjoys orchard trip
September and October have been
very busy months at the Seaforth
Co-operative Children's Centre. In
September the centre's activities
centred around apples (they were
dried, painted and made applesauce.
Seaforth Co-operative Children's
Centre entered a float in the
Seaforth Fall Fair and won first
October has brought lots of
witches, ghosts and goblins to the
classroom. Gourds, chestnuts and
pumpkins adorn the science table.
The green room looked very spooky
with the Haunted house.
The centre also had a great field
trip to Blyth Brooke Orchards.
They followed the pumpkin trial to
the pumpkin patch. The field was
orange with large, medium and
small pumpkins. Each one of the
children selected a pumpkin to take
home. Next they visited the apple
storage on the north end of Blyth
and saw all the apples in storage
and had a taste of their empire
apples and apple cider.
Happy Birthday in September to
Julia Bradley, Kyle Cronin,
Nicholas Durrell, Jospeh Currah
and Shawna Duff.
Happy Birthday in October to
Carolyn Murray, Alix Murray,
Devon O'Reilly, Andrew Woldnik,
Jason Stewart, Nicole Van Doornik
and Ethan Currah.
The 'after school gang' has been
busy with crafts and worksheets,
and decorating the yellow room for
Happy Birthday in September to
Terry Gilbank and Amber Feeney
in October.
In last week's Expositor we
had Seaforth Deputy -Reeve BiII
Teall teaching at the wrong
school. He teaches public school
in Brussels.
Also, Ron Murray, a candidate
for Reeve in McKillop
Township, was surprised to learn
one of his sons is named Corey.
His real rtame is Greg.
The Huron Expositor
apologizes for the errors.
Driver's l�nsesharder to get today
I have just got my car licence.
They are more finicky now than
they were in the Thirties. I got
my first license about 1932. We
bought our first car then, at least
my wife did. Shewas getting
tired of being poor. Her father
had a car so she was used to it.
She said she knew she was
going to be poor when she
married me but she thought it
would only be for a couple of
years. She had lots of confidence
in both herself and me but
unfortunately the dirty Thirties
came along. We were at a sale
and there was a car being sold
and they could not get a bid on
it. The owner said the first man
to give $50 could have it so the
temptation was too much, so we
got it. I did not like doing it
because I owed so much money
then, and people were being kind
and not pushing me for it but I
had to keep my wife in good
humour. I had never driven a car
before so the owners offered to
deliver it to our home on con-
cession four and he would come
next day, Sunday, and show me
how to run it. He never showed
up so I got tired of waiting so I
went out and managed to get it
Harry Palin tells fun tale of
cars and driving licenses.
started and drive it around the
bam yard 'til I felt comfortable
with it. Then I went in and got
Nell and told her I had the car
going and would she come for a
ride and she was brave enough
to come, so we went 'round the
5 -mile block a couple of times,
no trouble at all.
I remembered then I had
driven a car before when I was
about 11 or 12. Just before the
first World War 1 had an uncle
by marriage who was an Iron-
monger (hardware store owner to
you) He sold not only hardware
but was agent for car and farm
Separate School board to hold
April meeting in Seaforth
The Huron -Perth Roman Catholic
School Board will take its show on
the road.
On Monday night, trustees
approved a plan to rotate the
location of their monthly meetings
from January to June 1995.
Traditionally, trustees met in the
board room of the board office in
Dr. Brown said the plan would
make ratepayers more aware of how
the board operates. It would also be
an opportunity for trustees to see
some of the board's schools in
another part of the two counties.
The January meeting will be held
at Holy Name of Mary School in
St. Marys at 8 p.m. If trustees like
the change of location for the
January meeting, they will plan the
March meeting at SL Mary's
School, Goderich, the April meeting
at St. James School, Seaforth, and
te- rime meeting at Si. Michael
Seconds► School, in
The Stratford Education and
Recreation Complex (SERC)
executive committee asked the
board for its moral support for a
building that would include
washrooms, chane rooms, showers,
and storage facilities on the site.
The cost of the project would be
S90,000 and the building would be
the responsibility of the City of
Stratford. There would be no cost
to the board as an application for
funds from jobsOntario would be
Stratford Trustee Ron Marcy said
the building would be open for
people using the baseball diamonds,
soccer fields and other outdoor
facilities. It would not be oc�penn
during the school day for student
As owners of the property, the
board must give its approval before
construction can begin.
"The board is acting as a good
corporate citizen by allowing this
building for the use of the people,"
said Dr. James Brown, director of
machinery. I had better tell you
the store was in an old Coach
House and there was a yard and
stable behind it where he had
men working. I had come to
spend my holidays with them
and my cousin who was a year
younger than me. In the yard
was a car, I don't know what
kind of car it was. I had seen
one or two...you were not falling
over them in those days like you
do now. Harold, my cousin,
wanted to start it up one day and
wanted me to help him. It took
two anyway, one to crank it and
one to hold a handkerchief over
the choke. Harold had been
watching the men work on it and
knew how to do it. There was a
switch to turn it on, two levers
on the steering wheel similar to
those on the car I had just
bought. One was the spark
adjuster and one controlled the
gas, so we started one, cranked
it and the other I worked the
choke. If it gave a cough or a
sneeze, we had to jump to the
gas lever and wiggle it to get it
running nicely. We had to take
turns because cranking was hard
work. After getting it going there
was nothing to do but go for a
ride, so we headed for the coach
Usborne &
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Exeter, Ontario NOM ISI
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A refund from surplus we
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qualify, are on 'cord and In good
standing as at Dacanrber 31, 1993.
house door, I think we got a
good hundred yards down High
(Main) Street before we got
stopped. I won't tell you what
happened after but we were on
our good behaviour for a few
days afterwards. _--- --.-
This is getting aways from
what I started out to do. I want
to tell you how I got my first
licence. Now, I had the car, I
thought I had to have licence to
drive it so on Monday I drove
off to town to get it. I went to
see Andy Dunlop, he was the
man handling it then, so he took
me for a ride around the block
to East William St. There we did
a few exercises changing gears,
going ahead and backing up. We
did that for a while, then went in
to the office to do the paper
,work. Things went alright 'til we
came to the last one, 'How many
miles have you driven a car?' I
thought for a moment and said:
"Maybe fifteen or twenty." '0
heck,' he said, 'We can not put
that....[ had better put five hun-
dred,' so he did and I got my
'Harry Palin is a World War I
veteran and an avid reader. He
is a regular contributor to The
Huron Expositor.
✓ Experienced
/ Dedicated
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In the matter of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990
Chapter 0.18, Section 32.
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town
of Seaforth passed By -Law Number 36-1994, on the llth day of
October 1994, under The Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990,
Chapter 0.18, Section 32.
AN EXPLANATION of the purpose and effect of the by-law,
describing the lands to which the by-law applies, is provided
below. The complete by-law is available for inspection at my
office during regular office hours.
Dated at the Town of Seaforth, this llth day of October 1994._.._._
BY-LAW NO. 36-1994
By-law 36-1994 has the following purpose and effect:
1. By -Law 36 -1994 repeals the designation of the land and
buildings owned by Messuage Holdings Limited, and
known municipally as "The Walker Residence" -38 High
Upon application by the Owner, and after consultation
with the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory
Committee, the Seaforth Town Council granted their con-
sent to repeal the designating by-law, as the original intent
of designation was on a voluntary basis.
This by-law also repeals by-law number 12-1978 insofar as
it affects lot 27 according to Registered Plan No. 387,
Subject to Easement, of the said Town of Seaforth.
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