HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-10-19, Page 7Seaforth Fall Fair results are listed CANNED FRUIT AND VEG Section L Strawbet Ma: L Hodgen, M. Finlayson, D. Hays; Peaches: Geruude Driscoll, Mary FinLayson: L liodgert; Pears: Mary Finlayson, L Hodgen, Susane Dick; Red Cherries: Mary Finlayson; Black Currants: Mary Finlayson, Beryl Reid, L Hodgert; Apple sauce: Beryl Reid, Mary Finlayson, Sherry McCall; Stewed Tomato: Mary Finlayson, Mary Kretzwiser, Beryl Reid; Tomato Juke: Beryl Reid, Teresa Wynja, Dorothy Hays; Chili Sauce: Gail fiugill, Mary Finlayson, Beryl Reid; Bread & Butter pickle (Sitio Salt Special): Susane Dick, Gail Hugill, Lauren Regele; Hot Dog Relish: Dorothy Hays, Gail Ilugill; Pickled Eggs (Heinz Special): Dorothy Hays, Lois Hodgen; Sweet Cucumber Pickle: Donna Bennett, Regina Whyte, Sherry McCall; Corn Relish (Sifto Salt Special): Dorothy Flays, Gertrude Driscoll; Pickled small whole onions; Dorothy Flays, Beryl Reid; Polish Dil Pickles (Bernardlne Special): L Hodgen, Beryl Reid, Dorothy Hays; Rasp- berry & Red Current ,tam (Certo Special): L. Hodgen, Mary Finlayson, Beryl Reid; Peach Jam: L. Hodgen, Litai McClure, Beryl Reid; Strawberry Freezer Jam: Joanne Flanagan, Dorothy Hays, Ilelen Toomstra; Marmelade 3 kinds fruit (Bernardino Special): L. Hodgen, Beryl Reid, Mary Finlayson: Apple Jelly (certo special): Mary Finalyson; Grape Jelly: Dorothy Bays, Joanne Flanagan, Bath Shannon; Collection Canned fruit 4 var- ieties displayed neatly: Mary Finlayson, Gertrude Driscoll; Grape Jelly: Dorothy Hays, Joanne Flanagan, Barb Shannon; Decorated gift 3 jars Jame or jelly "Family Theme": Barb Shannon, Susan Dick, Mary Finlayson. ART & CRAFT Section R Fall Flowers In garden setting: John Mogk, Elsie Mogk, John McLamon; A sun set: Karen McLamon, John McLamon, Mary Finlayson; Picture of your pet animal: John McLamon, Elsie Mogk, Johannah Valenteyn; A winter Scene: Elsie Mogk, Lori Van Wynsbergke, Mary Finlayson; Picture of a child: John Mogk, Johannah Valenteyn, Ruth Beuttenmiller, Picture of fair parade: Karen McLamon, Nancy Stewart, John Mogk; Fun In the snow: Regina Whyte, Elsie Mogk, John Mogh; Several Gener- ation of a family: John McLamon, Karen McLamon, Ruth Beuttenmiller, Fair land- scape: Karen McLamon, Loretta Dolmage, Joanne Flanagan; Picture of a babyshow at the fair: John Mogk, Elsie Mogk; Picture of a camping trip: Johanna Valenteyn, Karen McLamon, John McLamon; Family picture: Karen McLamon, Regina Whyte, Elsie Mogk; Ceramic hem stained: Mary McClure; Ceramic item glazed: Mary McClure; China Painting: Carla Dalton, Mary McClure, Pat Dalton; China Painting flowers any item: Carla Dalton, Pat Dalton, Mary McClure; China painting bird: Pat Dalton, Mary McClure, Carla Dalton; China painting any other article: Pat Dalton, Carol Reinink, Mary McClure; China Paint- ing scenery, building, trees, etc: Pat Dalton, Carol Reinink, Mary McClure; Article of smocking on chlids dress: Lori Van Wynderge; Jeweller any media: Susan Dick; Karen McLaren, Ilelen Toomito; Handmade purse or tote: Helene Tooritro, Teresa Wynja, Susan Dick; Knitted dolly: Helen Toomato; Magnetic frig: Ilelen Toomato, Teresa Wynja, Barb Shannon; Hand painting on sawbiade: Loretta Dolmage, Ann Kling•Furry; Christmas tree decorator (knit or croch): Ruth Beuttenmiller, Susan Dick, Helen Toornato; Christmas tree decoration: Susanne Dick, Ilelen Toomato, Ruth Beuttenmiller; Christ• mas tree centrepiece: Ruth Beuttenmiller, Christmas gift wrapped parcel: Barb Shannon, Ruth Beuttenmiller, Susane Dick; Door Flanging any media: Teresa Wynja, Barb Shannon, Ruth Beuttenmiller, D,'cor- ated article seasonal theme: Ruth Bcuttenrnillcr; Dress colla Teresa Wynja, Ruth Bcuttenmillcr, Ilcler�Toonstra; Folk Art: Ruth Beuttenmiller, Ilelen Toomstra, Elaine Brown; Stuffed Toy: Teresa Wynja, Brenda Ernpy, Ruth Beuttenmiller, Cro- cheted dolly: Teresa Wynja, Nolen Toonstra, Ruth Beuttenmiller; Recycled article: Helen Toomstra, Susane Dick, Ruth I3cuttenmiller; Plastic mesh article: Susane Dick, llcicn 'i'oomstra, Teresa Wynja; Novelty article: Anita McClure, Teresa Wynja, Ruth I3cuttenmiller; Article using a lathe: Boyd Driscoll; Wooden moneybank: Tom Shannon; Any article of wood carving: Charles Perkins, Ruth Beuttenmiller, Tom Shannon; Wood frame for plcture collec- tors plate: Ruth Beuttenmiller, Any other project from wood: Boyd Driscoll, Torn Shannon, Ruth Beuttenmiller. FLORAL Section S Calcndulas, 3 blooms: Anna Dolmage, Mary Finlayson; Chrysanthemums, 3 sprays: Lois Hodgen, Joanne llannigan, Mary Finlayson; Marigold, best display any slze: Helen McNaughton, Wade Broome; Petunia: llcicn McNaughton, Dorothy flays, Gertie Driscoll; Petunia double, 3 stems: Flelen McNaughton, Pansies: Helen McNaughton, Mary Finlayson, Wade Broome; Rose: Helen McNaughton, Mary Finlayson, Wade Broome; Rose 1 bloom: Agnes Lammerant, Helen McNaughton, Wade Broome; Gladlolles, 3 spikes: Wade Broome; African Violet: Anna Dolmage, Donna Bennett, Junetettel; Baby tears: Helen McNaughton; Rare house plant: June Zettel, Helen McNaughton, Gertrude Driscoll; Indoor hanging plans: June Zettcl, Ilelen McNaughton; Outdoor handing plant: Mary Finlayson, Genic Driscoll, Ilelen McNaughton; Cactus collection: Ann Dolmage, Vivian Newnham, lido) McNaughton; Ivy any variety: Jean Drager, Helen McNaughton, George Wilson; Begonia fancy leafed: Helen McNaughton, Jean Drager; Geranium: llcicn McNaughton, Teresa Wynja, Genie Driscoll; Halloween Table Centre: llcicn McNaughton; Tea for two: Llcirn McNaughton, Henle/5rfioo�L3rtiiii [tick; Fos -every Yours: l tclen McNaughton, Genie Driscoll; Flower arrangement In kitchen utenscl: Helen McNaughton; Susan Dick, TIM CUMMING PHOTO AN APPLE A DAY... - Twelve -year-old Tracy LaCroix, of Seaforth, gets her face wet as she bobs for apples at the Hensall District Co-op booth at the Seaforth Fall Fair. Gertie Driscoll; Coffee Break: Ilelen McNaughton, Susan Dick, Loretta Dolmage; Thanksgiving Day: Anna Dolmage, Helen McNaughton; Decorated grapevine wreath: Anna Dolmage, Helen McNaughton; Once around: Ilelen McNaughton, Susan Dick, Anna Dolmage; Basket or large vase for church: Helen McNaughton; Special - Scaforth Horticultural Soc. most points 1-13: Ilelen McNaughton; Special - Flower Magi;, most points 24-32: Ilelen McNaughton; Special - Seaforth Jewellery Most Points: Ilelen McNaughton. ROOTS & VEG. Section K 5 tomato red: Teresa Wynja, Betty Brand, Berrie Driscoll; 5 green tomato: Jean Drager, Denise Kreutzwisor, Regina Whyte; Pint box tomato cherry type: Lois Hedgers; 5 spanlsh onion: Agnes Lammerant, Wade Broome, Regina Whyte; 1 large onion: Wade Broome, Agnes Lammerant, Regina Whyte; 5 yellow onion from dutch sets: Agnes Lammerant, Beryl Reid, George Wilson; Pt. box multipliers: Jean Drager, Wade Broome, George. Wilson; 2 cucum- bers not over 12 inches: Gail Hugill, Gertie Driscoll, Lois 'lodger% 4 cucumbers pickl- Ing not over 6 Inches: Jean Drager, Elsie Mogk, Regina Whyte; 2 ripe cucmbers, yellow: Audrey McLean, Gertie Driscoll, Mary Fotheringham; White beans pt. field variety, shelled: Gail Hugill, Anna Dolmage, Mary Fotheringham; Red Kidney beans, pt Jar drled: George Wilson; 4 pickling beets: Mary Fotheringham, Gertie Driscoll, Susan Dick; 4 table beets: Mary Fotheringham, Wade Broome, Gertie Driscoll; 4 Cyllnda beets: Audrey McLean, George Wilson; 4 long carrots: Mary Fotheringham; 4 short carrots: Mary Fotheringham, Regina Whyte, Susan Dick; 3 green peppers: Marl Fotheringham, Susan Dick, Wade Broome; 1 fall cabbage: Regina Whyte; 1 red cabbage: Mary Fotheringham; 4 cobs of field corn: Mary Fotheringham, Megan Flannigan, Gail Hugill; 1 zucchini squash: Susan Dick, Mary Krutzwiscr, Mary Fotheringham; 1 pepper squash: George Wilson, Mary Fotheringham; 1 hubbard squash: George Wilson, Mary Fotheringham; 1 butternut squash: George Wilson, Mary Fotheringham; 1 A.D.V. squashed named: George Wilson, Mary Fotheringham; 2 pie pumpkins not over 7 inches: George Wilson, Mary Fotheringham; 1 field pumpkin: Regina Whyte; Largest pumpkin: John Mogk, Elsie Mogk; Largest tomato: Audrey McLean, Wade Broome, Shawn Flannagan; Largest potato, smallest potato: Teresa Wynja, Wade Broome, Betty Brand; 1 odd shaped potato: George Wilson, Mary Fotheringham, Teresa Wynja; 1 odd shaped vegetable: Audrey McLean, Mary Kreutzwiser, Elsie Mogk; 4 qt basket red potato unwashed: Agnes Lammerant, Beryl Reid, Audrey McLean; 4 qt basket A.D.V. named: Mary Fotheringham, George Wilson, Wade Broome; Collection of Squash 4 kinds named: Mary 000cccoQcoaconcoc00000000 o Huron County's Complete E VEHICLE � o RENTAL a Headquarters E 3 Q Small & Mid-sized Cars Q Passenger & Cargo Vans, .Pickup 11 Dally; Wekljt,lVlont�ily Q insurance Rentals & More Trucks g p Free Delivery to C7 Ask about our full transportation service • CAR & TRUCK RENTALS DIvlslon of Suncoast Ford 500 Huron Rd., Godertch CALL COLLECT Mk for Helen 524-8347 — _ — — — — — ~' Huseivarna Cnamsaws poulon PRO Outdoor Power Products Oregon Saw Cham Windsor Saw Orion OBVIOUS Alternative SATELLITE SYSTEMS Satellite Systems ' Home Security Off Alt Antennas • N & Stereo Systems Economical Financing JOHN STAHLKE 25McGregaSt. P,•& Fay Stratford, Ontano 5l 9'i 271.4982 N4Z 1( 6 W.D. HOPPER AND SONS 4 Modern Rotary Rigs NEIL DURL 522-1731 271-7860 r4]r IOC sin s MATER G(NA4NTrfD SNC£ Mrtf WERE GOO Ila entsno s• PaF . �i1SEtr Masonry Seaforth Brick, Block, Stonework, ('himney Repairs, Fireplaces, Pointing Call 522-0208 527-2891, 522-0514 '. V Fotheringham, George Wilson; Garden Centre piece of vegetables: Jean Drager, Genie Driscoll; Collection of garden pro- duce 3 of each type: Wade Browne, George Wilson; Most points 1-20 - voucher Pizza Train: Mary Fotheringham; Most points in section K - 1 year sub. Huron Expositor. Mary Fotheringham; 2nd moat points special: George Wilson; Most poinu 21-42 - voucher Pizza Train: Mary Fotheringham; Most points 32-41, Seaforth Co-op: Audrey McLean. HOME ECONOMICS Section N Angel cake unked: Mary McCall, Deena Bennett, Lois Moore; Chocolate layer cake with filling & ked: Mary McCall, Lois liodgert, Donna Bennett; Banana layer cake with filling & ked: Lois Hodgert; Carrot cake Iced (layer, square): Lois Hodgen, Beryl Reid, Donna Bennett; Gumdrop cake: Pegi Perkins; / date nut loaf: Pegi Perkins, Susan Dick, Lois Hodgen; !ri lesnon loaf: Lois Hodgen, Pegi Perkins; M zucchini loaf: Donna Benneu, Susan Dick, Sherry McCall; 3 varieties of fruit bread: Lois Hodgen, Pegi Perkins; 5 chocolate brownies, Iced: Mary McCall, Meghan Flanagan, Donna Bennett; 5 spiced drop cookies with fruit & nuts: Lois Hodgen; 5 ginger cookies: Lois Hodgen; 5 oatmeal date squares: Beryl Reid, Susan Dick; 5 peanut butter cookies: Anna Dolmage, Susan Dick, Randy Gridzak; 4" piece of peach pie, lattice top: Beryl Reid; 4" piece of raisin ple: Beryl Reid; 4" piece of apple ple: Beryl Reid, Nancy Stewart, Mary McCall; 5 butter tarts with fruit: Pegi Perkins, Sherry McCall, Mary Finlayson; 5 coconut tarts: Beryl Reid; 5 scones with frult: Mary Finlayson, Gayle Hugill, Anna Dolmage; 5 bran muffin: Lois Hodgen, Meghan Flanagan, Regina Whyte; 5 oatmeal muffins: Lois Hodgert, Joanne Flanagan, Gayle Hugill; 5 oatmeal cookies: Gayle Hugill, Pegi Perkins, Lois Hodgen; 1 loaf 60% whole wheat bread: Pegi Perkins; Best Dish of Baked Bean: Barb Shannon, Donna Bennett, Dorothy Hays. HOME DEPTARTMENT Section 0 Quilt - reversible suitable for bedspread: Mary Fotheringham, Ruth Beuttenmiller, see More, page eight Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1 (Established in 1876) Provides Full Insurance Coverage tor Farm Properties New Applications Are Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTORS Larry Gardiner, R.R. 2 Staffa 345-2678 Lloyd Morrison, Mitchell 348-4589 Lome Feeney, MRchetl 348-8853 Jack Hodgert, R.R. 1 Krkton 229-6152 Joe Chaffe, R.R. 5 Mitchell 348-9705 Mchael OShea, R.R. 3 Granton 225-2600 AGENTS Bryan Laois, Clinton Wayne Maver, Exeter John Moore, Dublin Joseph Uniac, Machell 482-9310 235-1915 345-2512 348-9012 Head Office, Exeter „..,_„,,,.,--,235-0350 A refund from surplus was declared for all policy holders who qualify, are on record and In good standing as et December 31, 1993. THE HURON EXPOSITOR, October 19, 1994-7 VON NURSING SERVICES The Victorian Order of Nurses, Perth -Huron branch provide a wide range of nursing services in the community, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week! They include, but are not limited to • Assessment • I.V. Therapy • Health Teaching -private or group • Post Operative Care • Ostomy Care • Care for The Disabled and Chronically III • Shift Nursing • Pre and Post Natal Care • Palliative Care • Footcare & Health Counselling The VON Accepts Donations As a voluntary non-profit organization, the VON welcomes donations or bequests, memorials from Individuals or interested groups In the community.I VON CANADA C.III uu1 local \'is turi,ul ( tis•, ul cul P(•rtll-t 11111,11 Brom 11 fur molt. inlur111,11iun. ca ring r.bye PERTH 2nd Floor, 101 Shakespeare St., Stratford 271-7991 (Listowel 291-4611) !he VON is a non-profit and a registered charity. In the matter of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter 0.18, Section 32. NOTICE OF PASSING OF BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth passed By -Law Number 36-1994, on the llth day of October 1994, under The Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18, Section 32. AN EXPLANATION of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the by-law applies, is provided below. The complete by-law is available for inspection at my office during regular office hours. - Dated at the Town of Seaforth, this llth day of October 1994. JAMES CROCKER, AMCT CLERK -TREASURER 72 MAIN STREET SOUTH SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1W0 - THE CORPORATION OF THE • t •tt{1:,: , ,-1_'i ts'norSBl TOWN OF SEAFORTH BY-LAW NO. 36-1994 By-law 36-1994 has the following purpose and effect: 1. By -Law 36 -1994 repeals the designation of the land and buildings owned by Messuage Holdings Limited, and known municipally as "The Walker Residence" -38 High Street. Upon application by the Owner, and after consultation with the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee, the Seaforth Town Council granted their con- sent to repeal the designating by-law, as thCargirliniiitint of designation was on a voluntary basis. This by-law also repeals. by-law number 12-1978 insofar as it affects lot 27 according to Registered Plan No. 387, Subject to Easement, of the said Town of Seaforth. 1 GLEN SAWS RR 1113 Clinton Over 40 Years c Service / DependebrlNjr W. Gordon Glen Home 482-9292 233-3175,j L. McGRATH PLUMBING AND HEATING INC. Seaforth 522-0493 Larry McGrath tcercedNow 8GsFix Call Today! Clean...Efficient ..Natural Gas un,nnra HEATING Installation Service Repairs ears 4.1MIPAn JIM ANDERSON CASEY VAN BAKE. 7.• c. n., -W Inc. 9 PLAN OF THE WEEK PLAN NO. GL -623 13 - IDEAL STARTER HOME This compact home is ideal for those just starting out. At 25'-0" wide and only 42'-0" deep, this home will fit on a variety of lots. As well, low square footage and 2 x 4 exterior construction should help to keep construction costs down. A fashionable stucco exterior with a high arched entranceway and feature windows creates a stately look very popular in today's home market. Enter into a foyer brightened by an overhead window. Two good sized bedrooms share a three piece bath, and are conveniently placed on the same floor as the washer and dryer. Upstairs, a spacious living room features a boxed out palladian window with a window seat, and a cozy gas fireplace. A balcony, just off the living room, is partially covered and therefore a good spot for the barbecue. The kitchen has an efficient working layout with plenty of cupboards, and the eating area provides room for a good sized dining table. The master bedroom has a shower, a railed swirl tub, and a private access to the main bath. Plans for OL -625 may be obtained for 5335.00 for a package of five complete sett of working prints and 529.00 for each additional set of the same plan. Allow 515.00 extra to cover the cost of postage and handling (B.C. residents add applicable sales tax to plan total) (All Canadian residents add 7% OST to plan total plus postage and handling). This is one of our new designs. Many innovative plana ta t'now available --fru— our NEW Basement Entry plan catalogue for 59.58 including postage and handling and 7% OST. money orders; and Visa Or MasterCard authorizations payable to: •I'vnan Features Plan of the Week, 13659 - 108 Avenue, Surrey, B.C., V3T 21(4. 9 t HOME HARDWARE 527-1620 Processor Purewater Available . 'You Just can't make it any better" 'Pelt 'l40s erarAs K3htS — Plumbing Heating Electrical •Glass & Screening Repairs•Teel 'Homs of the Handyman' 69 Main Street, Seaforth Please make all cheques, c/o. The Huron Expositor ELECTRICAL & PLUMBING 522-1558 RESIDENTIAL & FARM EGMONDVILLE SEAFORTH PLUMBING & HEATING AIR CONDITIONING 527-0505 BILL HOLMAN Plumbing, Gas Furnaces, Gas Fireplaces, Gas Appliances, Boilers Sold, Installed, Serviced and Guaranteed SHOWROOM 15 Godertch St. E. Seaforth HOFFMEYER'S MILL BUILDING SUPPLIES • WINDOWS • DOORS • 01 PAINTS • INSULATION • HARDWARE • HARDWOOD • CUSTOM MILLWORK SERVING YOUR COmMt r4rY FOR OVER 80 YFARS ThePrudential • 1 if, • Auto • Health • Home • Group • Financial Servirrs 100 Main St. Seaforth Call Marc Mopforton 527-1927 HEARD _.CONSTRUCT! • EMMAYO N • Wilt MUMS • SCREE11E0101SOfl • OEN1UAl COMMON CALL 522-0307 OR -800-960-1867