HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-10-05, Page 2vial 000t2i2Qoo4E 0 13 D Huron County's Complete al VEHICLE RENTAL 1 a Headquarters a n Stnall & Mid-sized Cars gn Passenger & Cargo Vans, Pickup Trucks n Daily, Weekly, Monthly El Insurance Rentals & More n Free Delivery n Ask about our full o transportation service CAR & TRUCK RENTALS Division of Suncoast Ford 500 Huron Rd., Goderich CALL COLLECT Ask for Helen 524-8347 2 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, October 5, 1884 J Community Local graduates are honoured The following subject awards, the highest mark in an indivi Ontario Academic course, w presented at Commencement '94 Seaforth District High School Sept. 30: Deloitte & Tou Accounting Award to D Hemingway; Blowes Stationery Award to Bonnie Bann Seaforth Veterinary Clinic MotAward to Bonnie Bannerman Seaforth Creamery Chemis Award to Darren Hemingw Huron Expositor English Award Karen Nigh; Fisher/Hodg Catering Family Studies Award Robyn Carnochan; Box Furnit French Award to Darr Hemingway; Sills Hardw History Award to K McNaughton; Seaforth Insuran Math - Algebra & Geomet Award to Bonnie Bannerm K.J. Etue Math - Calculus Aw to Susan Stewart; Ross Ribey Ma - Finite Mathematics Award Kris McNaughton; Lyons F Market Physics Award to Su Stewart; The Janet & Margre Snell Scholarship - to the studen maintaining high academ achievement in six OAC subjec including English and French, t Bonnie Bannerman, Sasha Hil Kris McNaughton, Karen Nig Cheri Taylor; Mackay Fami Scholarship, to the student showin a keen interest and proficiency Physics, to Steve Greidanus; Lyo Food Market Scholarship - to th student with the highest OA average, to Kris McNaughto Ontario Scholars - presented students having an average of least 80 per cent in six Ontari Academic Courses, to Bonni Bannerman, Karen Nigh, Kri McNaughton, and Susan Stewart Subject Awards: (other grades Town of Seaforth Geograph Award to Keri Bachert; Canadian Tire Co-operative Educatio Award - to an outstanding Co operative Education student, Kevin Coleman; Maplewood Mano Family Studies Award - to a C operative Education studen showing enthusiasm and dedication to Tracey Lowes; McConnell Stewart & Devereaux Law Award to Christina Van Poucke; Haugh McNaughton Memoria Scholarship, to the Grade 1 student having the highest standing taking advanced level courses, Rebecca Broome; Biowe Stationery Art Awards to: Grade 9 - Bruce Griffin; Grade 10 - Andrea Gubelmann; Grade 11 - Martin Attenberger; Grade 12 - Keri Bachert; Most improved overall - Angel Watson; Canadian Parents for French Award (Huron Chapter) - to the grade 9 student having attained the highest standing in French, to Jane Powell; Leeming Memorial Scholarships - to the student with the highest average in each grade: Grade 9 - Sean Ludwig; Grade 10 - Julie Agar; Grade 11 - Rebecca Broome; Grade 12 - Keri Bachert. Hoffineyer's Mill Award, to the senior student who has demonstrated abilities in the field of building construction, to Allan Hopper. James R. Scott Communications Award, to a student who has demonstrated achievement in communications, to Jonathan Bell. Alice Daly McConnell Creative Arts Award, to a student who has shown proficiency in the arts, to Sasha Hills. Ernie Williams Award - presented by the Clinton Community Credit Union to the outstanding student in Computer Studies, to Darren Hemingway. Seaforth Chiropractic Centre Phsical Education Award - to a graduating student who has consistently displayed effort and achievement in both athletics and academics, to Robyn Carnochan. Students' Council Citizenship Award, to a student who has contributed much to the school, to Monica Ryan. Elizabeth Scott Bursaries - to OAC students who have gone on to University: Meagan Alkemade, Jamie Dalton, Sasha Hills, Kris McNaughton, T.J. Rooth, Susan Stewart, Bonnie Bannerman, Steve Greidanus, David McNairn, Karen Nigh, Monica Ryan, Thomas Wheatley. Ladies' Auxiliary, Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion, to the son or daughter of a Legion Member going on to higher education, to Shelly Lansink. Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 156, to the son or daughter of a Legion Member going on to higher education, to Karen Nigh. S.D.H,S Staff Bursary, t0 a student deserving of the chance to go on to higher education to Sasha Bilis. Women's Auxiliary of Seaforth Community Hospital, to a student who is. proceeding on to a hospital -related career, to Kris McNaughton. Crime Stopper's Award, to a student who has made great personal progress, David McNairn. Norma—Jeffrey Memorial Bursary, to assist S.1),ILS. graduates in continuing their education: Shirlee Bachert, Becky Campbell, Julie Carter, Jeff Denys, Kris Gemmell, Angela for Horbanuik, Tracy Malone, Karen dual Nigh, T.J. Rooth, Thomas ere Wheatley, Bonnie Bannerman, Robyn Carnochan, Carla Dalton, Kathleen Dunn, Sasha Hills, Angie Jervis, Kris McNaughton, Mary Predhomme, Susan Stewart. Pepe Klaus Memorial Award, to a graduating student continuing his/her education in the Arts, to Cindy McCallum. Patrick Kenny Family Award, to the most improved student, to Carrie Bradley. Seaforth BIA Award, to an outstanding Co-op Education student who is going on in the field of his/her co-op placement, to Carla Dalton. Edith Nott Memorial Award, to a student going on in childcare education, to Kim Baan. Alumni Memorial Award, to a graduating student who has done well academically and has also been active in school activities, to Monica Ryan. Jean Hildebrand Award, to the outstanding graduating student in business studies, to Kris Gemmell. Susan and Berta Ross Awards, to a student who has shown courage determination and academic standing, to Kathleen Dunn. Edmund Daly Award, to a student aspiring to a career in medicine as a doctor cr nurse, to Kris McNaughton. The Mary Jackson (Hinton) Award, to a student going on to University, to Bonnie Bannerman. Britannia Masonic Lodge #170 Award, to a graduating student who has successfully combined academics with school and community service, to T.J. Rooth. Dr. P.L. Brady Award, to a graduating student going on to a health-related field and who has demonstrated patience, perseverance and dedication, to at on the amen Art Benne ogy try ay; to ins to ure en are ris ce ry an; and th to ood san to is is ts o: Is, h, ly g in ns e n; to at 0 e s ): y n to r o - t 1 1 to s Shirlee Bachert. Huron County Community Child Abuse Coordinating Committee Bursary, to a graduating student going on m the field of childhood education or social service, to Mary Predhomme. First Presbyterian Church Bursary, to a graduating student in pursuit of a career in the field of social service, to Bonnie Bannerman. Dr. Charles Toll Memorial Award, to someone who has been a member of the S.D.H.S. Girls Band proceeding on to post- secondary education, to Angela Horbanuik. Seaforth Automotive & Industrial Supply Technical Studies Award, to a deserving student going on to a technical studies program, to Harold Hugill. Donald MacTavish Award for Merit, to students in pursuit of post secondary school education or training, to Bonnie Bannerrman, Sasha Hills, Karen Nigh. Seaforth Lions Club Business Awards, to an outstanding Business Student who is continuing his/her education in Business studies, to Cheri Taylor. Seaforth Lioness Club Award, to a student going on to post- secondary education who has displayed effort and initiative, to Jeff Denys. Central Huron Junior Famers Agriculture Award, to a student going on in agriculture or related fields, to Becky Campbell. Bill Pinder Memorial Award, to a graduating student who has exhibited good community and school citizenship and who is pursuing post -secondary studies to Robyn Carnochan. Governor General's Medal, to a graduating student who has achieved the highest academic excellence, to Kris McNaughton. Presentation of L.P. Plumsteel Plaque to Valedictorian to T.J. Rooth. Seaforth. Legion -\ by Barbara Scott Legion gives student bursaries Last Friday night at the Seaforth High School Commencement exer- cises bursaries of $500 were pres- ented to Shelley Lansink on behalf of the Auxiliary and to Karen Nigh on behalf of the Branch 156. Saturday afternoon the Ladies' Auxiliary Zone C-1 Bo in tour- nament was hosted by Branch 156 Auxiliary. Winners were Seaforth A Team, second were Exeter and third was Mitchell. It was a good day and Seaforth Legion will be hosting it again next year as winners. Also on Saturday, the Zone C-1 variety show was taken to Parkwood Hospital, London. Seven members went along to help with the veterans. Sunday, The Zone C-1 fall con- vention was held at Mitchell Branch. Eleven members were in attendance from Branch 156. The Provincial Lawn Bowling Trophy was presented to the Branch for the team who won the tournament earlier this fall. The Provincial Service Officer will be at the Branch on October 13 at 9 a.m. Contact Cleave Coombs for an appointment. 'At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remem- ber them.' BOWLING STANDINGS Wolverines - 5; Wannabees - 5; Murray's Marauders - 5; The Buds - 2; F1lling Pins - 2; Boozin Brewer's - 2. SPECIAL OFFER Poulan PRO Tough 49 cc Reliable Chain Saws Model 305 16" Cutting attachment Fall Fair Special GLEN SAWS Over 30 Years of Service & Dependability RR #3 CLINTON 482-9292 HOME 233-3175 r eeeeeeeee SISENE eleeeE, CUT AND SAVE SAVE $2.00 L CLIP THIS AD & RECEIVE $2.00 OFF THE REGULAR PRICE ($34.00 taxes) OF AN OILING ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER THE OIL CAN MAN Robert Glanville Oil Undercoating Mobile Service Individual and Commercial Vehicles RR#4 Walton Call For An Appointment 527-2628 VALEDICTORIAN - T. J. Rooth praised School as Valedictorian on Friday night. Valedictorian praises school Seaforth District High Students from Seaforth District High School have been well- equipped for post -secondary education, said the 1993-'94 valedictorian. "No other school could have prepared me the way SDHS has," said T. J. Rooth at Com- mencement on Sept. 30. The student of Western Uni- versity said that in the imper- sonal surroundings of a large university he is sometimes nos- talgic for SDHS. "I find myself longing to be back here walking these halls, A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A NO STRIKES NO LOCK OUTS A.n_._ (AND NU,7}---- -- A ,bust hard-hitting and entertaining A .Junior !Lockey at its heatlll where everybody knew every- body." valedictorian recalled coming to the school as a stran- ger in grade nine but leaving with good memories and friend- ships. The school instilled confidence in its students, he said. "It has laid a solid foundation for our futures," he said. There were more than $20,000 in awards presented to students at the Sept. 30 Commencement program. „,, a BORED BY THE BIGS??? II CATCH THE CRUNCH!!! Am r.: TN* CENTENAIRES Jn. DEVELOPMENT HOCKEY CLUB Then why not watch some exciting OHA Hockey!!! HOME OPENER NORTH MIDDLESEX STARS at SEAFORTH FRIDAY, OCT. 7 at 8:30 p.m. Single Game Tickets Adults. '3,50 Students '2.50 Seniors '3.00 Public School '1.00 A REAL BARGOON!! Seasons tickets now available (at the door or at Pete's Paper Clip on Main Street) Family $100. or 52.50 per game Adult $60. or $3.00 per game Student $40. or $2.00 per game WE 100% GUARANTEE!!! 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