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The Huron Expositor, 1994-09-14, Page 15
Residents enjoy movie Residents of Queensway Nursing Home gathered together last week- end and enjoyed the movie called Homeward Bound. After the busy holiday weekend the Volunteer Auxiliary held their monthly meet- 1 1 ing. Plans are well underway for groups who each word ;d on one the annual craft and bake sale. It recipe. One group worked on choc- will be held on Wednesday, Octo- olate chip cookies while the others ber 19 from 2 - 4 p.m. Any dona- made peanut butter cookies. All the tions of crafts and baking would be residents were able to enjoy the greatly appreciated for the sale. The cookies as they were on the evening money goes to the Residents' Coun- snack cart Friday evening. cil for their use. Upcoming Events: September 15 - While there is still some nice 2 p.m. - Jack and Irene Vincent weather the residents were able to entertaining; September 20 - 4 p.m. have a barbecue outside last Thurs- - Supper Club; September 21 - 7 day. Fortunately everyone finished p.m. - Outing to Grand Cove Show; the picnic before the rain began. September 27 - 7 p.m. - Mennonite Friday afternoon Queensway held Singers; September 29 - 7 p.m. - a baking club. There were two Birthday Party with Marie Flynn. Queensway Beef competition today By John Pickering The Huron County Beef Herd Improvement Association will be holding their 4th Annual Beef Car- cass Competition this September 14 and 28. This two-part program is com- prised of a live evaluation night on September 14, followed by a wrap- up night in Seaforth at the Fair- grounds starting about 7 p.m. There are thirty-three entries in this year's event and each one will be photo- graphed in live and carcass form to show beef producers what lies under the hide. The slide presenta- tion will be part of the wrap up • night on September 28. The guest speaker will be Dennis Laycraft, General Manager of the Canadian Cattlemen's Association, who will present some for the results of the recent Beef Carcass Cutout Study that was completed last winter. Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers in each of the steer and heifer classes. There will be an exhibit area featuring the represen- tatives that serve the beef industry, along with their products. Roast beef on a bun will be served. All beef producers are welcome. There is no admission charge. Western Fair 4-H award Each year, Western Fair Asso- ciation in co-operation with 4-H Associations in the counties of Elgin, Essex, Huron, Lambton, Oxford and Perth, recognize one member for his or her excellence in community leadership, aca- demic achievement and extra- curricular activities. A $1,000 4- H Bursary is awarded and the selected member is named 'Western Fair 4-H Achiever of the Year.' Seventeen year-old Pamela Smelski, the Perth County repre- sentative, has been chosen as the 1994 recipient and will represent all 4-H members at the Western Fair. During the ten day exhibi- tion, Pamela will act as 4-H ambassador. She will attend several official functions and will be on hand to award prizes to the winners of the various agricultural competitions. Pamela will also serve as a connection between the rural and urban communities promoting a better understanding of the importance of agriculture today and in the future. Senior cards on Monday All Seniors are welcome to the' Seaforth Legion for Monday afternoon cards again this fall. The first Monday will be Sep- tember 19 at 1:30 p.m. The Terry Fox Run, walk, bike and roller blade will be held on Sunday, September 18 beginning at the Seaforth and District Community Centres at 10:00 a.m. All participants are asked to register between 10:00 and 12:00 IAEA trainee on local farm Christian Sieh of Germany, a trainee on the International Agricul- tural Exchange Association (IAEA) program, was one of a dozen IAEA trainees who participated in a train- ing weekend of farm and agri-busi- ness tours in the Seaforth area at the end of August. Christian is staying at the farm of Cor and Gerda Vanden Hoven at RR 4, Seaforth. A story about the IAEA trainees appeared in the August 31 edition of the Huron Expositor. SPARKY'S PLACE , rFAMILY q�l , i DINING SUNDAY SPECIAL 3 PIECE CHICKEN DINNER SIA 95 • Includes Coffee or Tea and Dessert SUNDAY, SEPT. 18, 5 - 7 pm 90 Main St., Seaforth 527-1964 Entertainment i J �.It.ea i© 1 c. by Marty Bedard 5 -pin bowling The Seaforth Senior Games Committee would like to invite all Seniors who participated in the Seaforth Games, or any Senior 55 years of age or older to their potluck banquet. The potluck will be held at Seaforth and District Community Centres arena on Tuesday, September 20 at 6:00 p.m. Bring your own dishes and cutlery, as well as your favourite potluck dish. Cards will follow. Last week's Senior Shuffleboard winners were: Women: Ina Scoins 396 Isabel Gardiner 350 Inge Lindemann 318 Men: Bruce McLean 407 Bill Kelley 337 Ken Preszcator 318 The Seaforth Senior 5 -Pin Bowling League will begin on Friday, September 23 with a fun, get -acquainted afternoon of bowling, at 1:15 p.m. at Starlight Lanes. For more information please contact Betty at 527-1744, or Olave at 527-0188. Notice to all Seaforth minor house league soccer players. If you still have a T-shirt, please hand it in at the recreation office today. Come out and enjoy an even- ing of karate. The Seaforth and district arena is the venue for karate on Monday evenings. Youth (ages 6-11) from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., and adults (ages 12 and up) from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. In the Fall of every year the Seaforth Recreation and Parks Committee presents three valu- able citizens of Scaforth with awards. Service to Sports, Civic Service and Humanitarian Ser- vice are recognized. If you know of anybody who would fit into the above category, fill out the nomination form inside today's paper and mail it to P.O. Box 885, Seaforth, Ont. NOK IWO or call 527-0882 for more infor- mation. Deadline for nomina- tions will be October 14, 1994. Scaforth and Area Dining for any Senior or physically -disabled adult will be held at the Seaforth and District Community Centres every third Thursday of the month, beginning at 12:00 noon. Things to enjoy while you are out will be: entertainment, cards, bingo, speakers, social, meet new and old friends. Call 482- 9264 to register. This program is sponsored by the Town and Country Homemakers. For more information or if you would like to volunteer, please call 482- 9264 or 1-800-265-3039. Northside United Church will be hosting a Morning Market on Saturday, September 24, 1994 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Come enjoy children's entertain- ment, fish pond, bake table, deli, plants and produce, hot dog stand, toys, books, used clothing, usable treasures, and refresh- ments. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mrs. Barbara Scott, wife of the late Gordon Scott is.pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of her daughter Allyson Mary to Robert John Cardiff, son of Jack and Audrey Cardiff, Brussels. the wedding will take place Se t. 24, 1994 at 3:311p.m. at St. nrnas ArnARfien 011111 t; Seaforth. Reception to follow at Brussels Community Centre. noon, at the Seaforth District arena. Pledge forms are available at the Town Hall, Recreation Department, the Post Office or any Seaforth Bank. For informa- tion you can call the Recreation Office at 527-0882. n HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY DAVE & HEATHER (Potvin) Hook LOVE: FROM YOUR FAMILY NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Listen, Toe Tap or Dance... Friday & Saturday September 16 & 17 - 9 to 1 TERRY CONNOLLY 50's & 60's to MODERN plus TRADITIONAL IRISH 4 DARTS Every Tuesday from 8 OPEN STAGE Every Wednesday Nite KARAOKE Every Thursday from 9 Plus! Plus! *Best Steaks Around Striploins - 6 oz. & 8 oz. *Daily Lunch & Dinner SPECIALS *Kitchen Open '111 1 am *Open Sundays 4-10 *Imported & Domestic BEERS LICENSED UNDER THE L.L.B.0 The Blarney Stone PUB & RESTAURANT CIEMEIMBEED Where Good Friends /lave Good Times' Congratulations Again! Barbara :llkcmade & Elseyn Cameo Gold Medal Tcanl 1lrinners at the Canadian Competitive Championship Sept. 1994 Penetang, (hit. FITNESS IS FUN -FALL SCHEDULE Seaforth District Community Centres TUESDAY & THURSDAY MORNINGS 9 AM to 10 AM Tuesday Morning Line Dancing - 10 to 11 am Wednesday Evenings Step Training - 7 to 8 pm Aerobic Fitness 8 to 9 pm CLASSES BEGIN SEPTEMBER 13, 1994 Please pre -register by calling the Recreation Office at 527-0882 Registration Fee - 155m for twice per week $37"' for once All classes conducted by: DRUSILLA LEITCH, CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR for the Ontario Fitness Council, the American Council on Fitness, the Aquatic Exercise Association GODFHICH 52i 'II HARRISON fORD CLEAR PRESENT DAI NGER FRI- THURS. SEPT. 16.22 FRI & SAT. 6:45 & 9:15 P.M. SUN • THURS. 8 P.M. "jj_ _ .. ;. LONG DISTANCE, CALI 1.800.265-3438 FOR TOIL FREE MOVIE INFO -� THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Sopt.mbor 14. 1994-15 SEPT. 16-17 "LAYDEN RIFF" COMMERCIAL HOTEL SEAFORTH 527-0980 BUCK AND DOE for Jim Vulders and Ruth Ann Boonstra Saturday, Sept. 24 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. For ticket information phone: 348-9703 or 393-5587 0 t, 1 A li 1 U Our recent 1st Annual Co-ed Slow Pitch Tournament was a great success. Our many thanks to our sponsors: The Seaforth Raiders, the Lion's Club, Smith Construction, Sun -Life, London; Sun - Life & Tony Arts, Prudential Insurance, Seaforth Grocery, Weston's Bakery, Archie's UCO, Seaforth Meat Market, Custom Art Designers and Seaforth Insurance. Thanks again to our Child Find volun- teers and face painters Angie and Melissa, who loaned that extra hand when it was needed. A special thanks to Georgina, Sherry, Marilyn, Alynn, Rick, Don, Dave, Rob, Dale, Kevin, Dave, Jim, Jeff and Sue. If it wasn't for folks like you, things would not have gone as smooth as they did. Thanks again! Colleen Dale F.R.C. l: You're invited to in Maplewood Manor for a Fashion Show by Geri Fashions of London Friday, Sept. 30 12-4 p.m. Fashion Show at 2 p.m. Refreshments to follow Door Prizes Everyone Welcome J BUCK & DOE for BONNIE PALIN Ot DWAYNE PRYCE FRI. SEPT. 23 For more info call: 527-2546 or 527-1247 LADIES AUXILIARY TEA "FOR LEGION WEEK" Sept. 21st 2-4 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME 'You are invited to the r • 9th Annual Count4. Ft 4tival Formerly held at Holmesville naCattavt at the Columbus Centre, Goderich 390 Parsons Crt. (just off Suncoast Dr. E.) Friday, September 30 -- 12 noon to 9 p.m. Saturday, October 1 -- 10 am to 5 pm Sunday, October 2 — 10 am to 4 pm isp ay an Sale o Crafts - SEAFORTH CITIZENSHIP AWARDS THE SEAFORTH RECREATION AND PARKS COMMITTEE IS NOW ACCEPTING NOMINATIONS FOR THE CITIZENSHIP AWARDS FOR 1994 IN THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: SERVICE TO SPORTS - A person that volunteers his or her time to sports organizations, or sports in gener- al in Seaforth. CIVIC SERVICE - A person who belongs to a service club or community organization in which he or she contributes many hours of time for the betterment of the community. HUMANITARIAN SERVICE - A person who is considerate of mankind, and is willing to give his or her time to help other people. THESE AWARDS ARE CHOSEN BASED ON THE INDIVIDUAL'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE COMMUNITY IN A VOLUNTEER CAPACITY. IF YOU KNOW OF SOMEONE THAT FITS THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION, FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW AND MAIL IT TO: THE SEAFORTH RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT, P.O. BOX 885, SEAFORTH, ONT., NOK 1 WO. DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS IS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1994. I would like to nominate: for his/her contribution to Seoforth in (circle one) a) Service to Sports b) Civic Service c) Humanitarian Service Some background information on this person is: My reason for nominating this person is: Signature of Nominator