HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-07-06, Page 2120 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, July e, 11,114 BUSINES DIRECTORY ,R. ,.. CARNOCHHAN ELECTRIC Electrical Construction and Maintenance GORD CARNOCHAN RR 2 SEAFORTH 522-2069 Seaforth JEWELLER for •DIAMONDS •WATCHES •JEWELLERY •FINE CHINA •ENGRAVING SERVICE Gifts for occasion All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 REAL ESTATE Broker 96 Main St. S. Seaforth 527-0430 Appliance and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 233-7032 HURON TAX CONSULTING SERVICES Clean ,.. Efficient ... ... Natural Gas L. McGRATH PLUMBING and HEATING Inc. SEAFORTH 522-0493 Larry McGrath Licence Plumber & Gas Fitter - Reasonable rates - Personal service - No Advance payments - Registered Tax Consultant HARRY DENHAAN 527-0557 Call Today! xpe e o Exterior Decorating Wallcoverings Benjamin Moore Paints Window Shades Hildebrand aint & Paper Phone 527-1880 15 Main St., Seaforth Installation Service Repairs ea o Agricultural Society OFFICE NEW LOCATION at the SEAFORTH FAIR GROUNDS 527-1321 MITCHELL CONCH CO, Ltd. R.R. 4 Mitchell 548-8901 •Quality ready mix ...Ready dispatched units •6 day delivery Please coat., r',Joy 5onedoy de4.•ry Evenings Call LUKE 3488303 or CLEM 348-9658 HOME HARDWARE SUPPLIES FOR THE HANDYMAN • Plumbing • Heating • Electrical • Paint CARPET CLEANER RENTAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER Service & Re -Charge Depot GLASS & SCREEN REPAIR For All Your 1[ Hardware Needs J Main St . SEAFORTH 527-1620 Larry Horne Repairs to most major appliances Licensed for gas appliances Reconditioned appliance sales 522-0330 or 1-800-363-3265 HURON -PERTH Refrigeration and Appliance Service Feed, Seed, Fertilizer Farm Supplies, Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils Seaforth Co -Op 527-0770 Dr. L.J. Laplante OPTOMETRIST ki FURNITURE REPAIR REFINISHING — * Careful restoration of your fine heirlooms. * Refinishing classes for the do-it-yourselfer. Call Gary Josling 345-2858 CIiIJRCI1 IfILL !ENTERPRISES - Brodhagen 527.1240 87 Main St., Seaforth - HOURS — Monday CLOSED Tuesday 9:00-12:00 1:00 - 5:30 Wednesday 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:30 Thursday 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:30 6:30 - 9:00 Friday 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:30 Sat. & Sun. CLOSED 4� Repair and Maintenance Commercial & Agrrculnual tiMtp"J Silos - Pipes, Hoods, - - Unloaders - Conveying Equipment - Machinery - Buildings DALE CRESSMAN (519) 233-9270 RR#4 Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0 B.W. SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGHING Siding, Soffit, Fascia Leaf Screening BARRY WILLER? ZURICH 236-7741 eek is e• WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER and Sons 4 Modern Rotary Rigs Neil Durl 522-1737 271-7860 Seaforth Stratford H.S.M. CONSTRUCTION Additions, Renovations, Roofing, Repairs, Siding HENRY MEINEN 527-2518 Seaforth DAVIES ACCOUNTING SERVICES ACCOUNTING & 'TAX PREPARATION Farm,Business, Personal & Corporate 887-9595 CLECTRIC LICENSED ELECTRICIAN & LICENSED GAS FITTER Peireout 'W SEAFORTH 519-527-2895 FARM • HOME • COMMERCIAL WIRING POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION SEAFORTH INSURANCE BROKER LIMITED 41 Main St., S. Seaforth • Home • Business •Farm •Auto •Life •Sickness & Accident •Investments 527-1610 McKILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 91 Main St. South, Seaforth OITtce. 527.141N) I-800.463.92114 Fax 527-2777 HOME, COMMERCIAL FARM, AUTO COVERAGES 11,.1` \1c`N.s1eht0; - 527-1571 (ir.,rnsr (rug 887-9381 Donau Taylor 482-9976 1.ynda A.F. Vincent 527-2204 Banter & MacEiwan & Fcag;n Insurance Brokers 1.611. 524-8376 John Wise Insurance Broker Ltd 482-3401 1seierIns. Brokers 235-2211 ('ockwell Insurance Brokers lid. 356-2216 WH ITNEY•RIBEY FUNERAL HOME CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W. RIBEY DIRECTOR 87 Goderich St., Seaforth 527-1390 VERBERNE APPLIANCES AND REFRIGERATION SERVICE 345-2262 Carolin Shepherd B. Sc. M.D. General Practice & Obstetrics CUSTOM BUILDERS Robert Shepherd PH.D. Clinical Psychologist CONSTRUCTION INC. - HOMES - ADDITIONS - RENOVATIONS - FREE ESTIMATES PAUL OR GARY KRAMERS 661-0394 • Major Appliances • Commercial and Residential Refrigeration • Central Air and Window Units 148 Goderich St. W. Office Hours by appointment Mon. - Fri. Sincere and Courteous Service Frank Verberne 345-2262 Phone 527- 1707 Fax 527-0488 MARION'S PAINTING Free Estimates •Interior/Exterior Painting •Drywall Repair •Repair Screens Windows & Doors •Pointing & Brick Replacement Call Mike Marion 527-0707 (Evenings) JIM COLEMAN CARPENTER 527-1684 Building, Renovations & Woodworking Cabinet Making & Finish Work R.R. M1 Seaforth BOX &; SMITH FUNERAL CHAPEL "We are dedicated to your confidence" at 47 High St. Seaforth 527-1142 - Office 522-0360 - Res. CHRISTOPHER M. SMITH Funeral Director KKN BUILDERS INC. Liquid Manure Tanks Solid or Slatted Tops House Foundations & Finished Floors 1 1/2 Yard Excavator Backhoe Service Fritz Klaver Dublin 345-2042 DAVIS MAINTENANCE SERVICES LAWN ROLLING GRASS CUTTING YARD WORK FERTILIZING ROTOTIL L ING HEDGE TRIMMING EAVES CLEANING 001) K)BS CALL 263-2605 SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LIMITED FIREPLACE SPECIALIST RICHARD HORST WALTON 527 -1362 Sewing Machine Specialists Repairs to all makes •FREE ESTIMATES •ALL WORK GUARANTEED BUS. 527-1242 RES. 522-1942 DR. T.J. DEVEREAUX MILI)MAY TENT RENTAL Tents available for events from weddings, tournaments to hack yard parties. Chairs and tables also available. Call Brussels at 887-6963 DESIGN • BUILD •HOMES •RENOVATIONS •ADDITIONS •CABINETS •TRIM 522-0214 PAINTING & DECORATING * INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING *STAININO * PAPER HANGING * SWIRLED CEILINGS ('AL,I. * DRYWALL. RI PLASTER RF:PAIRS EXETER JEFF McKAY 235-0199 • EXCAVATING • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • SCREENED TOPSOIL 2 • GENERAL pCONTRACTING • COMPUTER DESIGN & DRAFTING lk 64(522-0307 or 1-800-960-1867 SALES Singer. Janome Sewing Machines Singer Knitting Machines LOTS OF USED MACHINES Mastercharge - Visa 149 Downie St (2 doors south of Hudsons) STRATFORD 271-9660 Chiropractor 77 Hain St., Seaforth Ont. NOK 1 WO Mon. 8:00-12 1:30-5:30 Tues., Thurs. 8:00-12 1:30-5:30 6:30.9:00 Fri. 8:00-12 2nd Sal. of month 8:00-12 HURON CONCRETE SUPPLY LTD. Serving The Area With Quality Concrete Since 1956 • READY MIX • PRECAST • CRANE RENTAL • STONE SLINGER For Quality Concrete & Fast Friendly Service Call' Goderich 24-7361 1.800.265-5199 Seaforth 527-0811 Stratford 271-8809 1-800-265-8534 St. Marys 284-2521 NIELSEN BROS. ---.....PAINTING---._--- 527-0603 After 6:00 P.M. Eorit 9.rlosleil£ztotiters Pa!«l1«9 a«d 7Oa!/f,Oart r! FREE ESTIMATES FAST, RELIABLE IN HOME SERVICE FOR ALL BRANDS OF ANTENNAS. T.V.'s• & STEREOS CALL KEVIN 3574173 • 1