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Wednees a , ally 25, 1994.
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Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association,
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Safe cycling needed
All bicycles are required to have functioning bells, brakes and
lights. How many bicycles in Seaforth, Walton, Dublin and area
have all these safety features? The other day a Huron Expositor
employee saw an absent-minded young bicyclist almost hit by a
car in downtown Seaforth. Thankfully, fortune was on the side of
the youngster. Next time, however, there could be a tragic
accident. The absence of safety features is just one serious
omission in young people's safety habits. Bicyclists can be seen
bicycling on sidewalks and frightening pedestrians. In an area
where many Senior Citizens and others enjoy a peaceful walk
they should not have to endure near -misses from bicycles.
Stopping this phenomenon of sloppy bicycling practices requires
two steps: better awareness and stricter enforcement. Schools
and police forces must educate children about proper bicycle use
and rules and the local police departments must not shy away
from enforcing rules about bicycles.
Recently a Toronto city councillor was slapped with a traffic
warning for riding a bike without a bell. This kind of enforcement
is required to get our bicycles up to snuff. - (TBC).
Letters to the Editor
Alternate education
solution sought
Dear Editor, grounds.
On May 2, the Central Huron In addition, the Madawaska
Secondary School (CHSS) approach respects the wishes and
Parents' Liaison Committee made wisdom of the community's tax-
a presentation to the Huron Coun- payers. The costs of the facilities
ty Board of Education at their required to provide the services
regular meeting, asking for their described would be but a fraction
consideration of an alternate of the costs outlined to either
solution, to the CHSS/shared divide CHSS or to build a new
Catholic high school dilemma. Catholic high school in Huron
The presentation was entitled County, dealing more likely in
"Unified School Concept - the thousands of dollars as opposed to
Madawaska Solution", a brief millions of dollars. This is 1994,
summary of which is attached. not 1974, and it Is Huron County,
This proposal outlines a corn- not suburban Toronto.
mon-sense, affordable solution In conclusion, please consider begin soon locally
that has been implemented suc- merits�thatt 1t holds aannd for sal tor the
cthe tax >� Editor, Living - South Huron or delivered
t e Districtfully by the Madawaska Val- dollars that it would free -up, I wish to advise the Community to Jane Walsh at the Seaforth Dis-
ry'sley Highr Schools in Bar- leavingfunds available for health of Seaforth that on Thursday May trict High School.
h Bay Ontano,rCatholic
both care oother much needed ser- 26 the Seaforth District High Community Living - South Huron
athe thnee economic
Cath education vices in Huron communities. It School will be canvassing on behalf is an or nization providing sup -
day Trealities of the would be sad to lose an o of the Flowers of Hope Campaign ports to individuals with develop-
isday, The unifiedmoschool described PPS for Communis Living - South mental challenges to participate in
surely a modern, state-of-the-art tunity to truly harmonize and Y 8 8 P P
secondary school; educating in a strengthen our community and to Huron between the hour of 1:45 all aspects of the community. Your
climate that promotes unity among miss the chance to demonstrate to and 3:10 p.m. contribution stays in your commun-
students and staff of all religions. others that Huron is an innovative This is the second year that Stu- ity.
The opportunity for all students to leader in education. dents under the supervision of Jane Your generous support when the
participate in Religious Education Respectfully, Wash have canvassed on our students call will be greatly appreci-
courses is an excellent addition to Wm. Steenstra, behalf. Last year this group was aced.
the curriculum and should produce Chairperson, able to collect $337.78. If the stn- Fred Simmons
a student with an appreciation of CHSS Parents' dents miss you they will be leaving Fund raising Chairman
all faiths and religious back- Liaison Committee you a mail -in donation slip which Community Living - South Huron
can be returned to Community
Twenty-five mile -per -hour
FROM THE PAGES OF THE next Wednesday night, when there ) \ They will arrive in Seaforth at
HURON EXPOSITOR will also be a half mile, Class B 12:45 noon where a banquet is
JUNE 1, 1894 race, and a match race for five being tendered them at First Presby -
was particularly fortunate miles between G.M. Baldwin and In the Years Algone terian Church, Seaforth, at which
on the Queen's Birthday in the J.W. Livingston. "N r time Mayor J.J. Cluff will officially
matter of weather. While at nearly • * • welcome Their Excellencies. His
every other place where a celebra- The Seaforth Cricket Club has No motor vehicle shall be driven by Mr. Malone, of McKillop, The Royal Highness will reply to the
tion was held it rained at some time been organized for the season. The upon any highway within a city, address was read by T. Melady of welcome. On account of limited
during the day, here we didn't have club begins the season in good town, village or police village at a Hibbert. accommodation, it was found
a drop. shape and with prospects of a good greater rate of speed than twenty JUNE 2, 1942 necessary to limit invitations, which
* * • season's sport. There will be a club miles per hour; nor upon any high- The Governor-General of Canada it must be admitted was difficult to
A very handsome prize has been match every week, and Monday way outside of a city, town, village and Princess Alice will be in do.
offered for a two-mile handicap will be the regular practice night. or police village at a greater rate of Seaforth on June 14 at the Huron • • *
bicycle race to be competed for five MAY 30, 1919 speed than twenty-five miles per Federation of Agriculture's second PO. Francis Gerrard Devereaux,
times at the regular Wednesday Mr. F.S. Savauge, had on exhibi- how. annual field day and picnic. R.C.A.F. is reported missing after
night meets on the recreation tion in the window of his jewellery * * * All arrangements have been fully an operational raid over enemy
grounds track. The handicaps will store this week, twenty-six solid completed for the big day, which territory. Word was received early
be re -arranged every night so that gold medals designed by him forDublin Notes - The many friends of will be one of the most notable Tuesday morning by his parefilts,
all riders have an equal chance and Union Church, Brucefield, which Pte. Leo Holland were at the station gatherings in Huron County this Mr. and Mrs. John L. Devereaux,
the rider making the highest number will present them to the members of last night to bid him welcome year, and the attendance will run R.R. 4, Seaforth, on the Huron
of points in the whole series will its congregation who served with home. Leo was in the right from into many thousands of people from Highway east of town.
receive the prize. This will give a the Canadian forces overseas. Vimy to the triumphant entry into this and the adjoining counties. Pte. Wilfred Scott died of wounds
good chance to every person • * * Mons. In the outskirts of Lens he The most notable attraction for in Italy on May 24th, according to
whether fast or slow, having a light At the 1919 session of the was wounded slightly from shrap- the day will be the presence of His official notice received by his par -
or heavy wheel, as everything will Ontario Legislature the following nel. A reception was held at his Excellency The Earl of Athlone, encs, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott,
be considered in arranging the important changes were made in the father's home at Beechwood where Governor-General of Canada, and Cromarty. Pte. Scott, who was born
handicaps. The first race will be Motor Vehicles Act: he was presented with a club bag Her Royal Highness, Princess Alice. and raised in Cromarty, had been
Baby arrives, sleep disappears
I'm supposed to be having
some time off but I couldn't
keep myself from the keyboard.
I know why they call it labour
now. At 11:32 p.m. on May 17
my wife Kathleen gave birth to
a big baby boy; 9 pounds, 4
ounces at St. Joseph's Hospital
m London amidst a roomful of
peopleyir-green. There were -=—t
i1 ghts, tubes, masks, forceps,
intravenous drips, monitors. And
I was somewhere in there too,
watching it all like time was
frozen so I would never forget
the image in my mind of our
first child being born.
When he first decided to make
his arrival I thought the baby's
entire head was out but all I
could see was his hair. "Oh my
God, he doesn't have a face!
He's not human," I was think-
ing. Then his face came out with
eyes and mouth tightly shut.
After a few tense minutes he
managed to squeeze out those
overgrown shoulders and he was
out. It's still hard to believe.
* * *
What's in a Name
There are too many books on
baby names out there: "2,000
Popular Baby Names," "All New
Baby Names," "All Old Baby
Names," "Traditional Scottish
Baby Names" - (like Angus
McAngus), "Famous Names,"
"Names Kids Will Make Fun of
in the Schoolyard," "Names
Your Child Will Hate You For
the Rest of Your Life For Nam-
ing Them."
Do you want him to be an
athlete? - Mario, Roberto,
DiMaggio, or more local -
How 'bout a brain? - Einstein,
Newton, Aristotle, Mr. Hook -
my high school chemistry
They'll end up being who they
want to be anyway.
* *
Babies change even the Ulti-
mate Warrior into the Ultimate
Worrier. He does what how
many times a day? I just
changed him. Oh, it comes out
that end too.
He could be the poster -child
for Ex-Lax...not that he needs
any help in that department.
He's got a non-stop ticket on the
Poo -Poo Express.
* * *
I better start handing out the
hand -rolled Havanas. So this is
fatherhood. Well I don't seem to
have as much time to write a
column this week. So I'll keep
this one short and...smelly??
Oh, by the way, his name is
Zachary David Scott. If anyone
has any tips how to function on
less sleep please let me know.
Thank you.
Local couple
proud of band
at Skydome
Dear Editor,
How proud we were to look out
our hotel room window on Tuesday
morning at 7:30 to see our Seaforth
and District High School All -Girls
Marching Band practising their
routine at field level at the
Skydome. We watched them greet
the dignitaries as eight white limou-
sines drove across centre field.
Unfortunately our check-out time
was nine -thirty so we couldn't stay
to see their other two performances
but from their practice with
dancers, flag wavers and colour
party it looked very impressive. It
was just an extra bonus to our
golden anniversary gift to see this
and the Blue Jays beat Detroit 7-2.
We should support Charlie and his
band and attend their barbecue on
June 12.
Hazel and Roy McGonigle
Maggie never first lady
Dear Editor,
Margaret Trudeau (`Mellower'
Margaret - Canada's youngest First
Lady - London Free Press, May 14,
1994) was never the First Lady of
Canada. Canadian newspaper
reporters and editors really ought to head of the government of Canada.
know better. Too many of them Since the very beginning many
equate the prime minister of Canada years ago, the head of state of
with the president of the United Canada has been a British aristocrat
States. They are mistaken. The living in London, England. This
president of the United States is the tradition continues today with
head of the American government Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain
and the head of state of the U.S.A. who has been the head of state of
It is in this latter capacity that the Canada since 1953. Believe it or
president's wife is informally not, but according to a recently
known as the First Lady. The prime published newspaper poll, fewer
minister of Canada is not the head than three per cent of the Canadian
of state of Canada but only the people know this.
Flowers of Hope to
Nominally politically - indepen-
dent countries like Australia and
Canada, which maintain the trap-
pings of colonies, are in reality little
more than colonies. Australian
writer Thomas Keneally
("Schindler's List") claims that the
ties that bind Australia to the Brit-
ish monarchy have made Australia
"an emotionally - stunted nation."
The same can be said of Canada.
After Australia becomes an inde-
pendent republic on January 1,
2001, what is left of Canada will
surely follow, Australia within a
few months or be the laughing
stock of the world.
Paul Copeland
Seaforth, Ont.
Katz guest at
literacy festival
Author Welwyn Wilton Katz will
be one of the authors to read at the
Family Literacy Festival which will
take place from June 6-10, 1994 at
the Fair Grounds in Clinton.
Katz has written novels for young
adults as well as magazine and
newspaper articles. She is in the
Canadian Who's Who, World.
Who's Who of Women 1993-1994,
and the Who's Who in Canadian
Literature 1994-1995. In 1988 she
won the Governor General's
Award. Some of the books she has
written are: Whalesinger, False
Face, Come Like Shadows, and The
Third Magic.
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Draws policy,
for The Huron
The Huron Expositor is
MO* <to publish news con-
fund-raising efforts of
non pioft groups or organiz-
adon*-p . ipating in commun-
ity, bent projects with the
eofsi of space restrictions.
U'ftbetunately, due to space
restrktions, the newspaper is
unable to accommodate the
many requests raueivitid to pub-
lish photographltrJffle ticket
drawings and names of prize
whiners as et toripl copy,
Groups wishing 'to atop th.s
typo of publicity should contact
rhodsing department of
the newspaper to learn about its
special rates for this type of
uron Expositor provides
.,40110tild coverage according to
value of fund raising
eirts. Photographs of major
cheque presentations, or other
photographs illustrating use of
funds raised for community
betterment (i.e., installation of
new<;.playground equipment,
deflations of books to libraries,
etc.) will be taken by news
photographers at the discretion
of the news department. Feel
free to contact the editorial
department to arrange coverage.
in 1919
overseas since February, 1943, and
had served in Africa, Sicily and
MAY 29, 1969
A popular attraction last year at
the annual Bavarian Festival at
Frankenmuth, Michigan, the SDHS
Girl's Band has been invited back
for return engagement this year.
The parade takes place on Sun-
day, June 8th.
Ron Mason, varsity hockey coach
at Lake Superior State College, has
been invited to be an instructor at a
national hockey sports training
camp at Centralia College, Huron
Park, Ontario this summer.
The camp, slated June 29 to
August 22, will be headed by Paul
Roach, former Detroit Red Wing
scout and a member of Canada's
Physical Fitness Council. Well-
known in Seaforth, Mr. Mason is
the son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Mason.