HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-05-11, Page 13t t t r t 1 1 1 1 38. AUCTION SALE • SEAFORTH POLICE WILL BE SELLING OFF A QUANTITY OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY & BICYCLES AT LOBB'S AUCTION BARN CLINTON SATURDAY MAY 28TH RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 SATURDAY. MAY 14 AT 9 AM • Car. riding mower. furniture. antiques al Richard Lobh Auction Building In Clinton for Ken Johns. of Exeter and the Estate of Christina Finnigan. THURSDAY. MAY 26 AT 12 NOON - 1985 Chew .1 x 4. John Deere 2955 [tont wheel assist tractor. John Deere 16:10 with loader. mod- ern tillage planting and (haying equipment. 11P- haler with thrower. JD rotuui bidet vieto be held for [leather Young. 5 miles east of Oath -rich on Highway IIA. Ihcn 1 mile south on Concession 7 and R. -Phone 524.41;72 for information. Full listing in next week's paper. SATURDAY. MAY 28 AT 9 AM - Auction sale at Richard 1.obb Auction Building 1n Clinton. Consignments or good Items being accepted for this auction. r'all now. 40. LOST & FOUND LOST: White Gold diamond ring in Lyons Food Food Market, Seaforth, Friday morning May 6. Reward. Contact Box 4033 c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1 WO. 40-19x1 HELPING THE WORLD WRITE NOW • CODE For information call 1 -800 -661 -CODE 38. AUCTION SALE DOUG JACOB AUCTION REGISTER 271-7894 THURS., MAY 12 AT 4:00 P.M. - Large auction at the Jacob Auction Centre in Mitchell. Full list this Issue. SAT., MAY 14 AT 10:00 A.M. - Estate auction of farm equipment; antiques and collectibles to be held 4 miles west of Sebringviile and Iv, miles south for the Estate of the Late Harold Wickie. SAT., MAY 21 AT 10:00 A.M. - Auction of 10 acre hobby farm; registered hackney ponies 48 inches and under; show equipment & implements; 3 miles south of Embro on the Shorrt Road for the Estate of the Late Donald Walter. SAT., MAY 28 AT 12:30 P.M. - Clearing auction of tractors; Implements; & household effects 1/4 mile east of Rostock for Walter and Agnes Yungblut. THURS., JUNE 2 AT 5:00 P.M. - Estate auction of cars; antiques and household effects at the Jacob Auction Centre in Mitchell for the Estate of the Late Alvin Dodds. THURS., JUNE 2 AT 7:00 P.M. - Property auction of 58 acre farm known as Pt. Lot 32 Conc. 7 of McKillop Township to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. in Mitchell for the Estate of the Late Alvin Dodds. 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 AUCTION SALE Oi antiques, furniture and tools for the Estate of Harry Cochrane to be held at 122 Mary St., Clinton Saturday, May 14, at 10 a.m. Bookcase with glass doors, washstand, buffet, large 2 door wardrobe, captains chair, 3 Ontario chairs, table & four chairs, small desk, magazine table, 4 drawer chest, childs table and chair, bridge lamp, floor lamp, 2 Stromberg Carlson wall phones, 2 John Briddlecombe school clocks, New Haven one day clock, Enfield mantle clock, Adams chicklet crate, 2 cast dogs, oil lamps, several crocks, Royal Doulton Toby Phllpotts, Mr. Pickwick, oriental Ivory carving, toy safe, toy trotter horse, pictures, new RCA 20' color TV w/remote, new sump pump, Woods cheat freezer, fridge, 30' electric range, assortment of old tools, draw knives, etc. ff00r;6 model radio, old table saw, walking plow - plus mise. Items too numerous to men- tion. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. Not responsible for accidents day of sale. Auctioneer Burt Lobb 482-9377 ***************************11 ************* * * GIGANTIC CLEARANCE * * * * * * * * * * * * AND CONSIGNMENT * Approximately 40 tractors, cars & trucks, over 250 pieces of new & * used farm e a ul. ment . lus 30 lawn & • arden tractors, chain saws etc. AUCTION SALE Saturday, May 14th - 10 a.m. SHARP! * * * * * WAYNE WARD FARM EQUIPMENT Hwy. 116, Wiarton, Ontario (519) 534-1638 or 534-2980 * * ***************************************** AUCTION REMINDER THIS THURSDAY EVENING - MAY 12 AT 5:30 P.M. at South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter Dispersing the household of longtime resident Mrs. Dorothy Wildfong along with excellent additions from the Dedn Gibson home of Lucan. This auction Includes. several good antique pcs., fine dining room furni- ture, a full line of appliances, a large offering of china and glass; Min room & bedroom furnishings, 12 h.p. Honielite riding mower (like new and hundreds of useful and collectible items. SEE LAST WEEK' FAPER for a full listing of this fine auction. UPCOMING: THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 19 ATJ:30 P.M. at South Huron Rec Centre: Household, antiques & misc. for Mr. Ted Bowden who has sold his Centralia residence along with an entire Lucan house- hold. AUCTIONEER 80B HEYWOOD 235-0874 LARGE AUCTION SALE Riding mower, car, furniture, tools, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building In Canton for Ken Johns of Exeter, and the Estate of Christina Finnigan of Go derich. Saturday, May 14, at 9 a.m. CAR: 1978 Buick LeSabre, 4 door, 88,000 miles, as Is. RIDING MOWER: Mastercraft 12 HP, 38 Inch cut with bagger, 4 years old. ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, APPLIANCES: Almond 30 Inch stove with black oven door, LOOKS LIKE NEW; Hot Point microwave, antique bedroom suite, chest freezer, wringer washer, apt. size freezer, 3/4 size violin, portable TV with remote, Electrolux vacuum with power head, china cabinet with glass front and sides, oval parlour table, buffet with mirror, chesterfield with a pull out bed, 2 captains chairs, dark pine 5 drawer chest and dresser with mirror, cedar chest, single box spring and mattress with brass head board, night table, maple desk, maple table and 4 chairs, mantle clock, small china cabinet, tin train, 2 old toy tractors, apple peeler, 3 • 1878 bells, oil lamp, 8 gallon crock, antique shelf clock, washstand, trunks, brass beam scale, targe offering bedding, linens, hand made quilts, large offering of dishes and glassware Includes antique pieces. 40 cups and saucers, 400 salt and pepper shakers collection, pictures, plus much more. TOOLS: Table saw, cattle clippers, 15 Inch scroll saw, (new); anvil, 2 chalnsaws, floor Jack, chain fall, battery charger, Miklta disc grinder, electric drips, small drill press, hyd. lack, lack all Jack; 32 ft , 38 fl. aluminum ladders, sockets, hand wrenches, 2 cross cut sews plus many other Items. NOTE: Large offering - 2 auctioneers. Selling at 9 n m TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. -Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 143. BIRTHS 43. BIRTHS • . ECKERT Stephen Jr. and Tracey are proud to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Kelsey Dianne, bom April 29, 1994 weighing 7 lbs. 1214 oz. at Wingham and District Hospital. Spoiling privileges go to grandparents Norah and Stephen Eckert and Gary and Dianne Bennett. Great grandparents are Pauline and. Ron Bennett, and Clara and Bill Brown, Violet Machan and Joe Eckert. Great grandmothers are Pat Bennett and Marie Markley. 43-19-1 VANDENBERK Don and Lana are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, a son, Colton Adrian, born May 4, 1994 at Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital, weighing 8 lbs. 5 oz. Proud grandparents are Eric and Arlene McIntosh of Seaforth and Ted and Wilha Vandenberk of Sarnia. Colton is a great grandson of Lillian Pepper of Seaforth. 43-19x1 1 46. IN MEMORIAM SALDIVAR: In loving memory of Ed who passed away one year ago, May 12, 1993. One sad and lonely year has passed, Since our great sorrow fell, The shock that we received that day, No one can ever tell. But some sweet day we will meet again, Beyond the toil and strife, And clasp each others hands once more. In Heaven that happy life. Always remembered and sadly missed by your stepdaughter Christine and stepson Craig. 46-19-1 SALDIVAR: In loving memory of Edmund (Ed) who passed away one year ago, May 12, 1993. The days are gone that we used to share, But in my heart you will always be there, The gates of my memory will never close, I miss you more than anyone knows. Things are different now, I don't really belong, Each day seems a lifetime but I try to be strong, 1 think of the times that we all had, How could something so good turn out so bad? When I visit your grave I hope you can hear, Just talking like that seems to bring you near, You are never more than a thought away, You are quietly remembered every single day, • Your.partlng was w sudden, I often But Bute t part of all Is I never said good-bye, If I wrote a minion verses It wouldn't be a start, To say how I miss you and what I feel • In my heart. Sadly missed but always loved, your wife Shyrrel. 46.19-1 138. AUCTION. SALE • t LARGE AUCTION Of Appliances; Antiques; Collectibles; Household Effects & Misc. Items to be held et the Jacob Auction Centre from several area estates on Thurs., May 12 at 4:00 P.M. INCLUDING: Kenmore portable dishwasher; two G.E. frost free almond fridges; G.E. electric dryer; O.E. 30 Inch electric stove; portable and console T.V.'s; Sears VCR; flat-to•well cupboard; old chest of drawers; bonnet chest; cherry extension table; Queen Anne china cabinet; oak wash- stand; parlor chairs; formal Victorian style chesterfield; two pall stands; round centre pedestal table (stripped); spinning wheel; gingerbread clock; oak store showcase; press back chairs; pine flour box; Chandler prints; reverse painted pictures; approx. 50 crocks & lugs; Ward end McEwtn, Stratford Jug (damaged); railroad collectibles; hanging and bracket lamp parts; old ceiling .fixtures; leaded glass Items; coal off lamps; kerosene lamps; oak leaded glass 3 door display case; gingerbread clock; bubble gum machine on stand; modern 8 piece pecan din - Ing room suite; tea wagon; chrome kitchen suite; child's size violin with bow & case; Hein! German violin 4 case; cedar chest; antiques In the rough; old show- cases; large offering of depression glass; set of Limoges china; silver plate tea service; eight plate set- ting of Mternatknal Silver; carnival MISS; cornflower; pinwheel; cross and olive; large offering of col. !edible dishes; Kenmore vacuum with powerhead; golf dubs; tools; new pine harvest table; Busy Bee bench style belt sander; combina- tion 4 Inch belt 4 disc sander; skil- saw; J.D. 185 riding mower; Snapper riding mower; Troy built seff.popeted mulch mower (new); IMO mote. Mitchell Police con$lgnm_Mof fix. td :aeries to be sold at 7 p.m. A Wge offering. Two auctioneers. Note early start time. AUCTIONEER: Doug Jacob 271-7894 HUGILL: In memory of Leverne Hugill, May 10, 1985. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day. Lovingly remembered by Alma and Family. 46-19x1 SALDIVAR: In loving memory of Ed who passed away one year ago, May 12, 1993. My eyes are In pain, My body is sorrowed, I wish this was ail a dream, You will be by my side tomorrow, I miss you with sadness, And I miss you with pain, Now that you have gone, I will never see you again. Forever loved and greatly missed by your stepdaughter Lynley and husband Craig. 46-19-1 47. CARDS OF THANKS DOIG I would like to thank Dr. Shepherd, Dr. Woldnik, and Seaforth Hospital. Also Bob and Cub for the lovely ride to the hospital. To my family and friends for visits, cards and treats. - Cam Doig 47-19-1 DUBRICK We would like to express our sincere thanks to all our neighbors, relatives and friends who sent flowers, cards, mass cards and donations in remembrance of a dear mother and grandmother Madelyn Dubrick. To all those who sent food to our home, thank you. Your kindness and support will always be remembered. - Jerry, Heather, David and Michael Cronin. 47- 19-1 GORWILL The husband, mother and family of the late Mary Ellen Williams (Gorwill) would like to thank all the friends for their sympathy and kindness during our - THE HURON EXPOSITOR, May 11, 1994-13 Community Separate board brings in five per cent increase BY MICHELE GREENE A third zero per cent budget increase for the local separate school board was not in the cards this year. At Monday night's special meeting, Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board trustees approved a tax hike of five per cent in its 1994 budget. It includes $500,000 earmarked for the Catholic high school in Huron County which is expected to open in September 1995. Although the board's total budget dropped from $33,540,200 in 1993 to $29,905,120 this year, the increase in taxes was necessary because of a $700,000 reduction in General Legislative Grants (GLG) to the board from the province. An increase in enrolment will bring other provincial to the board funding resulting in an actual loss of $400,000 in funding. "Over the last two years, this board has had a zero per cent increase. There has been less support from the province each year b it the board absorbed the increase. '.lis year, it was too difficult to absorb it," said Gerry Thuss, superintendent of finance. In total, the board will raise an additional $683,489 in taxes this year. About $374,200, or about five per cent, will be raised through an increase in taxes to separate school board ratepayers to compensate for some of the decrease in provincial support absorbed by the board over the past two years. The remaining 5309,223, or four per cent, will be brought in as a result of increased assessment or property values in the two counties. In fact, the board should be increasing taxes by 5.3 per cent to make up for the loss. Dr. James Brown, director of education, said the board will withdraw about $70,000 from its reserves to offset a further tax increase. Ron Marcy, 'chairperson of the management committee, blames the increase squarely on the shoulders of the province and its reduction in funds, or General Legislative Grants (GLG) to the board. "Had it not been for the GLG reduction, we would have easily had a zero per cent increase," he said. The board's expenses in transportation, tuition fees, and operating (including benefits and salaries) all increased. Thuss said the increase in benefits shot up $200,000 because of the eight per cent sales tax on insurance premiums, increased premiums, and increased employer contributions to unemployment insurance. Capital costs dropped dramatically from approximately $6.1 million in 1993 to $1.7 million because the construction at St. Michael Secondary School in Stratford is completed. recent bereavement. 47-19x1 Carroll laments policy MCMILLAN Thanks to all my relatives, friends and neighbors for the flowers, gifts, baking, visits, phone calls and good wishes during my stay in the hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Haines, Dr. Arciszewski, nurses and staff at Seaforth Community Hospital for their special care. Everything is greatly appreciated. - Mary McMillan 47-19x1 RINGETTE I would like to extend my appreciation to this past season's ringette executive and board of directors. My Job was made much easier because of this special group of trustworthy and supportive people. On behalf of the membership I would like to thank Nancy, Judy, Pauline, Mary, Sheila, Wendy, Robena, Dorothy, Patty, Unda and Karen. A Job well donel - Sharon 47-19xinx J Communit WED. , MAY 1 1 9:00 - 5:30 p.m. - Hospital Auxiliary Penny Sale - 34 Main St. 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard at the Arena 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Karate at the Arena 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. - Water Colour Painting at the High School 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Stop Training at the Arena 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. - Men's Fastball at Uons Park 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Fitness is Fun at the Arena THURS., MAY 12 8:30 • 9:30 a.m. - Fitness is Fun at the Arena 9:00 - 5:30 p.m. - Hospital Auxiliary Penny Sale - 34 Main St. 1:30 p m. - Senior Games - Snooker at Gord Murray's FRI., MAY 13 9:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Hospital Auxiliary Penny Sale - 34 Main St. SUN., MAY 15 9:00 - 1:00 p.m. - Junior Development Umpires Clinic et Arena 8:00 - 11:00 p.m. - Men's Slo-Pitch at Lions and Optimist Parks MON., MAY 16 8:30 - 8:30 p.m. - Midget Girls Fastball at the High School 7:30- 10:30.p.m. - Doubles Bingo at Arena Hall. Opens at 5:30 p.m. 7:30. 10:30 p.m. - Men's Fastball at Optimist Park 8:00 • 11:00 p.m. - Men's Sio-Pitch M Uons Park. BY Mona Irwin Signal -Star Staff What's disappointing about the almost certain loss of a shared Roman-Catholic/public secondary school in Huron County is the way it happened, says Huron County director of education Paul Carroll. The Separate School board voted last week to build its own second- ary school in Huron County, regardless of whether it negotiates a sharing agreement with the Huron County Board of Education. Negoti- ations for the shared facility have been going on for several months. Carroll said the separate school board's decision was not surprising. 'If I were the parent of a child in Grade 5 or 6, who had the possibil- ity of being brought into an envi- ronment that was an absolute hornet's nest, I would be rather reluctant to let my trustees make a decision that would cause that to happen,' Carroll said. He was referring to a meeting held in Clinton April 19, at which 200 people turned out to discuss the proposal to split off part of Central Huron Secondary School and turn into a Catholic secondary school. Among the speakers were three people from the Amherstburg public school system. A similar experiment, tried in Amherstburg several years ago, left both sides bitter and angry. Amherstburg speaker Gord Free - Calendar TUES. , MAY 17 8:30 • 9:30 a.m. - Fitness is Fun at the Arena 6:45 - 10:00 p.m. - Ladies' Recreational Ball at the Uons Park 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Dog Obedience begins at the Arena 7:30 p.m. Senior Games - Euchre at the Legion 8:00 - 10:15 p.m. - Harmony Hilites Practice, Clinton Public School 8:00 • 11:00 p.m. - Men's Slo-Pitch at Optimist Park WED. , MAY 18 10:00 a.m. - Senior Games - Horseshoes at the Arena 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. -Senior Shuffleboard at the Arena. 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. - Senior Games - Softball Throw at the Arena 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. - Senior Games • Croklnole at Maplewood Manor 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Karate at the Arepa. 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. - Water Colour Painting at the High School 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Step Training at the Arena 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Midget Boys Game at the Optimist Park 7:30 p.m. • 10:30 p.m. -Men's Fastball at the Uons Arena 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. Fitness is Fun at the Arena 9:00 • 10:30 p.m. • Swingers Sio-Pitch at the Optimist Park If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth area residents, phone the recreation office 527-0882 or the Expositor at 527-0240, or mail the informa- tion to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK MO well in advance of the scheduled date. Free listing includes date, time, name of event and loca- tion only. Space for the Community Calender is donated by The Huron Expositor. ma�(warned local residents that the Catholic school system would "lure" children away from the pub- lic school system with "a very aggressive recruiting drive," and Dianne Pouget talked about how the public school students' extra- curricular activities were severely curtailed, while the separate school students "had everything, including pizza parties and field trips." Representatives from the Essex County separate school system were not invited to the Clinton meeting. Representatives from the Huron public school system and the Huron -Perth separate school Sy m were at the Clinton meeting, "I'm not disappointed with e Huron -Perth separate school board's) reaction. I understand what they've done," Carroll said, - "What I am disappointed about is that we have been reacting in a very emotional fashion to a lot of unsubstantiated rumour, and unnec- essarily negative anxiety produetlon, over matters which aro simply not true. "And that bothers me a lot, because we essentially have two choices here. The reality is, there is going to be a Catholic secondary school and if there's going to be a Catholic secondary school, Is it better to have a Catholic secondary school that is developed in partner- ship with the public school board and the public school system?" "I'm putting my money on the partnership approach. I think we both stand to gain." New 4-H club line -dances BY KELLY RYAN Fitness, health and line dancing are all part of the spring pro- gram for the St. Columban 4-H club. The new executive named at the first meeting on April 21 is: president, Julianne Ryan; vice-president, Tara Flanagan; secretaries, Julie Vogels and Amy Elston and press reporters, Kelly Ryan and Denise Meagher. Club members are Julie O'Rourke, Tracey Van Bakel, Debbie Van Bakel, Michelle Flanagan, Sarah Ryan, Tricia Jansen, Christa Murray, Clare Murray, Amanda Ryan, Shannon O'Rourke, Jackie Cronin, Sarah Murray, Sandce Ryan, Michelle Feeney, Matt Feeney, Johnathon Elston, Amie Dekorron, Mandy Murray and Tanya Selve. At the club's first meeting members learn line dances called The Freeze and Texas Freeze. The next mooting of the St. Columban 4-H club was April 28. Open up the way to everyone. Support NATIONAL ACCESS AWARENESS WEEK May 30 - June 5 Multiple Sclerosis