HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-05-11, Page 12• COLDWELL BANKER • Expect the best 1• COLDWGLL BAN IUGR DISTINCTIVE REALTY LINDA DZIOBA Sales Representative FIRST TIME BUYERS, DON'T MISS YOUR CHANCE TO OWNI SHINING AND SPOTLESS, Seaforth 599,900. A LiTTLE DOUGH WiLL DO YOU... Seaforth $87,900. JUST FOR THE TWO OF YOU! Egmondville $87,900. STAFFA `93,000. FIRST TIME OFFERED Build your Dream home on one of the best building lots available. Spectacular view. Lot backs onto Seaforth's presti- gious golf course. Don't wait 'til it's gone. CALL NOW! THINKING OF MOVING UPI! EGMONDVIULE $139,900. $119,000. SEAFORTH 3134,000. x • ect the bes cc EG • ' ' LLE 5249,000. _t. SEAFORTH $139,000 �i�l Mon. to Sat. ' : ,,, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. 53 Main St., Seaforth 527-2103 12 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, May 11, 1$94 17. APARTMENTS FOR RENT • r LARGE TWO BEDROOM $460 and one bedroom $375 in Seaforth. Quiet street, appliances, no pets, available immediately. Phone 524-9076. 17- 19xtfcc FOR RENT: One bedroom apartment, $300 per month plus utilities. No pets. Available May 1. Phone 522-1822 after 6. 17-19x4 ONE BEDROOM duplex apartment In Seaforth. Available now. Call 522-0781. 17-17-tf 125. WANTED TO BUY • WANTED TO BUY: Bunk beds, kitchen table and chairs, men's golf clubs. Call 522-0198. 25-17x4 SMALL TELEVISION AC/DC power supply. Call 348-9716 after 5:00 p.m. 25-19x3nxe WANTED TO BUY: Wireless TV converter, ladies size 8 or men's size 7 roller blades, size 41/4 boys roller blades, indoor window shutters 10' wide x 20' high or 10• wide x 36• high. Phone 348-8520. 25-19x3nxe 26. HELP WANTED • r VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDII to work at Charity Casino, Lambton Heritage Museum, Grand Bend, May 20, 21 and 22. Call Karen at 238-2398 for more details. All proceeds to Victorian Order of Nurses - Sarnia Lambton Branch License No. P941451. 26-19x2cc URETHANE foam installer who is self motivated and mechanically inclined. Full time and part time positions available. Call for appointment. H. Van Moorsel Installation Ltd. 348-9376. 26- 19xlcc SALES POSITION AVAILABLE We are an equal opportunity employ- er looking for an enthusiastic person to work at a progressive dealership selling new and used vehicles. Please send resume to: Drawer 4034 c/o The Huron Expositor P.O. Box 69 Seaforth, On. NOK TWO 26. HELP WANTED • PART TIME help for stone picking and haying. Phone 522-1871. 26-19-1 RAWLEIGH'S INCOME PLANT Care about your health, the environment and others. Call collect 519-627-9280 for free literature package on becoming a new Rawteigh distributor. NOWI 26- 18X2 FREE DISCOVERY Toys for hostess. We are seeking consultants in your area. Build a flexible, fun career selling educational toys. Please call Tami Bianco, 396-2138. 26-18x3cc START YOUR OWN home-based business. Watkins is today's best business opportunity. For free information contact - Independent Marketing Director, 218 Meglund Cr., Saskatoon, SK S7H 4Z6 (1-800-263- 2999). 26-19xbc ORGANIST: Thames Road United Church, just east of Exeter on Hwy. 83. To start Sept. 4th. If interested phone 235-0907. 26-18x2cc 128. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY r WANT MONEY? Be your own boss, have fun. Car allowance, clothing allowance. This opportunity could be for you. Large jewellery company wants to show you how easy it is. Also looking to direct hire a manager. Cali 1-800-465- 1699.28-19xlcc EXCEPTIONAL INCOME from gourmet coffee referral program. No selling, inventory or risk. Information package, S.A.S.E., to: E.H.S., Enterprises, P.O. Box 20007, 4839 Leslie St., North York, Ont. M2J 5E5. 28-19x2cc CORSINI FASHIONS. Affordable designer silk clothing. Run your own business. Anywhere in Canada. Financially rewarding. Full time or part time. Free information 1-800-269-1699. 28-19xbc FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY in the re- use recycle field. Geographically protected areas. Proven results. Non- disclosure agreement required. Prices start at $2000. Call 519-438-3970 to enquire. 28-19xbc r ♦ l 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE r r 30. EMPLOYMENT WANTED PLEASANT, courteous, oonadentious woman willing to clean your home. References available. Call Heather 527- 1622. 30-18x2 WILL DO house cleaning, painting, wallpapering and odd jobs. Call 522- 1568. 30-19x1 A FEMALE graduate of Toronto and Wilfrid Laurier Universities with BA looking for work. Will do anything. Phone 527-0813.30-19-1 131. SERVICE DIRECTORY ♦ / UMBRELLA SECURITY: We will protect your vacant investments, while you're away....home, cottage, apartment, trailer, boat. Bonded. Security Background. Call B. Buruma, 233-5380. 31-19xlcc B & 8 Roofing guarantees their work - roofing, siding and renovations. Spring's here, at last. Book your jobs now. 524- 9290,262-2219.31-19xlcc PERTH COUNTY UPHOLSTERY. Trained with certificate, antiques, restyling, repairs, refinishing and recreation vehicles. All under one roof. In-home estimates. Pick up and delivery. Phone 347-2336. 31-17x4cc FAX SERVICE Have your important documents faxed at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth. 1st page - 81/4 x 11 $4.00, additional pages to same phone number $1.00. To receive a fax at our office the cost is $1.00 per sheet. (GST extra). For more information phone 527-0240. 31-01xtf REPAIR AND REFINISHING of furniture and antiques, handstripping, also cus- tom made furniture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR#1, Seaforth. Phone 527-0786. 31-18-tf ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM WELDING, ornamental railing, trailers, custom hitches, pig/cattle penning, machinery repairs and fabricating. Phone Peter De Jong 523-4816, Londesboro. 31-18-tf 112. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Culligan REAL ESTATE MLS REALTOR Seaforth Office: 627-1577 8 Main Street OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK! OTHER LISTINGS! NEW PRICE! - You can now purchase thls petite, but complete one floor home featuring 3 bedrooms; gas heat & recent updates for only $64,900.1 Excellent buy for newlyweds or retirement couple! MLSNB2070 COUNTRY SERENITY comes with this splendid, 4 bedroom brick home - family room; country sized kitchen, whirlpool tub; drilled well; on .70 acre lot! MLS#B2365 PUT YOURSELF FIRST! Try this quality. 4 bedroom brick rancher boasting family room with gas fireplace; 11:2 baths; inground pool; nicely landscaped with beautiful backyard view! MLS#81879 NEW OWNER NEEDED for this great family home featuring 5 bedrooms; economical gas heat; 2 baths; 100 amp hydro; paved drive; above ground pool' MLS#B1935 LAZY, HOT SUMMER DAYS will be more enjoyable when you spend them in this brick home's 18 x 36' inground pool! 4 bedrooms; gas heat; 11/2 baths; side sunporch; modern kitchen; patio; det'd garage! MLS#82318 OUTSTANDING FAMILY HOME! Step up to this spacious, 2 storey home with 3 or 4 bedrooms; fireplace in large family room; play room; attached garage; great location! MLS#82072 FOR RENT - 4 BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE AVAILABLE END OF JUNE REFERENCES REQUIRED. LTD. e8 ELIZADETH STREET - This outstanding home boasts a popular floor plan! 3 bedrooms; central vac.; fireplace in living room; woodstove in family room; deck at rear; 2 baths; office or dent Ust $189,000.1 188 ST. DAVID ST., MITCHELL • Put the welcome mat out when you purchase thls newly, vinyl sided home with 3 bedrooms; gas heat; newer shingles ('93); treated deck; Interlocking brick drivel Ust $89,900.1 57 MAIN ST., SOUTH - Attention Investors! Take a look at this wel located, 2 storey, brick building tha otters one ground floor, commercial uni and 2-2 bedroom apartments above! List $129,900.1 R.R. 15, SEAFORTH - McKillop Township - 97 Acres of cash crop land (82 acres workable) - 15 acres of reforestation, 4 bedroom home and bank barn! For complete Information, call us today! Ust $155,000.1 NEW LISTING! SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1994 10:30 A.M.-12:00 NOON 71 GODERICH ST., WEST HOST. LARRY McGRATH MLS1B2495 OPEN HOUSE! THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1994 6:30-7:30 P.M. 93 HIGH STREET HOSTESS: LORIE ZULAUF MLS#B2104 OPEN HOUSE! THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1994 7:30-8:30 P.M. 51 JARVIS STREET HOSTESS: MAUREEN WILDFONG MIS/132421 OPEN HOUSE? THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1994 6:30-7:30 P.M. 82 HIGH STREET HOST MIKE HODGINS MLS#B2442 A FREE NIGHT OF FUN AND INFORMATION FOR FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS! THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1994 FROM 7:00 TO 8:00 P.M. AT THE SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES (SMALL HALL). SEAT RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE. PLEASE CALL LORIE ZULAUF - OFFICE 527-1577 - HOME - 522-0575 . - MAUREEN WILDFONG DAVID BOYNTON LARRY McGRATH MIKE 11000114S LORIE ZULAUF 482-3224 887-6043 527.2238 627.21138 522-0575 SEAFORTH SALES REPRESENTATIVES 31. SERVICE DIRECTORY r Bailey's of Hensall Ltd. Hosting - Air Conditioning Hwy. 14 N. 282-2020 Hensall 262-2828 Your Home Comfort People Since 1981 SINCE 1976 Grading -Gravel -Top Sad JAMES SYMES PAVING & MATERIALS ASPHALT a CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS • Paving of - Roads. Parking Lots & Tennis Courts BOX 54 Lucknow. Ontario N00 2110 528-304 7 +i.tiosa6,04‘3ar STAA 1 I4N 1S ARE Lawn Maintenance Fertilizing Garden Tilling Contracts Welcome Weed Spraying Available , Call today 527-2280 A 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE r 131. SERVICE DIRECTORY • DAVE'S CAR OILING Now open for Spring and Summer, Wed. afternoon and Sat. mornings. Other times by chance. Weather permitting or call 523-4343. 31-18x4cc PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth. 81/4 x 11 copies -.25 cents per sheet, 81 x 14 copies - .35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra). Phone 527-0240. 31-01-tf nxe ELECTROLUX VACUUMS, carpet shampooers, mini -vacs, central vac. Systems and supplies. Free pick up and delivery. Repairs to all makes. Call Bob Organ, 348-4410 or drop in at 165 Huron Rd., ( B & M Mfg. Office). 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. After hours 348-8796. 31-14xtfcc HORSESHOEINO Horseshoeing and trimming. Reliable and reasonable. Call Bob at 357-2599. 31-15x12cc CUSTOM AUTOMOTIVE and Welding Service. Auto and truck frames, floors repaired, car trailers, truck bodies, agricultural and industrial millwrighting. Silvercreek Automotive, 522-0956. 31- 18x2 Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 J 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ti r Peter Damsma 482-9849 Gordon Hill 233-3307 Bachert 527-2487 Mary Vanden Henget 527-0968 Joy Roetcisoender 523-9744 joisINTEEKen .60.1.11•111•110 • a ., .o. Bill Roy 523-4237 19 Albert Street, CLINTON Doug Bland 524-5789 John Duddy, Assoc. Broker 482-3652 482-5991 Sharon Medd, Assoc. Broker 527-0560 FAX - 482-9343 e .JSP,....,. O � OQ� `_ b Yn 5� OJ � Qlfy,� O ( OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 14th - 10 am -1 pm 18 KIRK ST., CLINTON: Great location, great value: 2 b/r older bungalow. Large Liv ing room plus den. An eat -in size, sunny bright kitchen. Pine floors. Ideal starter/retirement home or potential Income property. Owner relocating and needs to sell. Ust 572,900. Try your otter. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 14th - 11 am -12:30 pm WEST OF SEAFORTH to County Rd 10, follow signs on Hwy. 8. 15 acre parcel of property backs onto Hultett Wildlife Conservation. Includes 11 storey home w/new addition, large barn, racetrack plus lots more. List 5142,000. *° .S,;6s . VI 1 II LLI leir A5) r-�-- !. ;. LI , fi I 1% STOREY, 3. bedroom home In Belgrave. Kitchen hes new cupboards. Original woodwork. Family room. Glassed• In porch. Above ground pool 2 car garage w/full basement. Property backs onto small creek. List 588,000. NEW LISTING: 137 James St iv) storey, sided, 2.3 bedroom home. Open concept living room/kitchen. Some hardwood floors. Closed -In porch at rear. Full basement. NEW 2 YEAR OLD ERICK UACKEPLIT BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY LOT FOR NOME: 4 bedrooms, kitchen/dlnlnp room EALEIi 122' 65 1 x 85' List 530,000. Located combo, oak cupboards In kitchen, family In Watson Subdivision room, patio doors to large rear yard. Excellent location near school, pool & library. Ust 5122,600. EXCELLENT STARTER HOME: 1 11oor NEWLY SURVEYED LOT. 66' x 185' build. home, 2 blocks from uptown. Large living Ing lot In Seaforth, with all town services room, many available. Ust 27000. possibilities. List 558,800. CALL LINDA COLDWELL BANKER • Expect the best -J 0 U J 31. SERVICE DIRECTORY..4' / LICENSED CARPENTER VANNESTE CARPENTRY • ResklenNal • Commercial • Building & Renovations BUS. 402-9816 Shop 2634446 DAVE VANNESTE General Contractor Abattoir and Meat Market Hwy. 83 - 3 1/2 miles east of Exeter 235-11 23 Try us for CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kilt Days - Tuesdays OUR SPKIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you tike it. erner cONTAACTING LTD. •TRUCKING *GRAVEL, SAND & STONE 'BULLDOZING 'EXCAVATING •TOPSOIL 'SEPTIC SYSTEMS OFFICE 26 RR 3 Clinton Ree. 482-9212 32. BABYSITTING • r QUALITY DAYCARE: Beautiful country atmosphere. Large playroom and fenced backyard. Lunchet provided. Close to Mitchell. References and receipts available. Reasonable rates. Call 345-2043. 32-15x8cc MOTHER OF two available to babysit in my home. Fenced play yard. Full/part time days. John/Ord St. area in Seaforth. Call 527-2369. 32-19x1 34. PERSONAL r ARE YOU LIVING with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help. 527-1650. 34-19-1 WEDDINGS PERFORMED. Your location or our indoor or outdoor chapel, (non denominational). For personalized arrangements call Rev. Chris Morgan, The Pastoral Centre, Benmiller, Ont. 524-5724. 34-18x4cc A.A. If you think you have a drinking problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions. Can 527-1860. 34- 1841 DIVORCES/PARDONS/NAME CHANGES: no court appearanoe, (Parallegal). Call collect 1.434.1691,34• 13xtfoo ADOPTION: An Option. Affectionate, fun couple seek to provide loving home with 'Stay at Home' Mom for your newborn. All legal expenses paid, 1- 800-420-9471, anytime. 34.19xbo WOULD YOU like to correspond with unattached Christian people soros* Canada for companionship or marriage? S.A.S.E. Fret Information. State age, Ashgrove, P.O. Box 206, Chase, B.C„ VOE iMO. 31-l9xbo WHAT MAKES other people tick? Buy Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard and It's home study course ($31.00). Call 1- 800.561-6808. 31-19xbc 35, NOTICE TO CREDITORS \ NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of DONALD EDGAR COLEMAN All persons having claims against the estate of DONALD EDGAR COLEMAN, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceased. who died on the 17th day of March, 1994, are notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of May, 1994, after which date the assets will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 29th day of April, 1994. RALPH SMiTH Barrister and Solicitor 20 Gouinlock Street P. 0. Box 159 SEAFORTH, Ontario NOK IWO 36. ANNOUNCEMENTS f AD AND NEWS DEADUNE The deadline for news copy, classified and display advertising for The Huron Expositor, Seaforth is Monday at 1 p.m. Phone 627-0240. 36-01-tfnxe HELPING THE WORLD WRITE NOW •�_ CODE Self -sufficienty through literacy in the developng work/ For information, cell 1-800-661-2633 4