HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-05-04, Page 14"Lew w. 011,11E.-7....1. - . T. *R.A< -- -- .-- ---—w•••,-ma-.•+m — T r.T 7 -- r wr ...- Y .. 14—THS HURON EXPOSITOR, May 4, 1994 c SEAFORTH & DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY PLfIMT SfILE on Saturday, May 7 10 A.M. - 12 noon at #4 Main St. South (beside Triangle Discount) it FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE VarlLoon - Ai;stelI Garry & Jo Van loon, I hiLlin arc ()lensed 4)) min( mucc the fi rtbcottiittg marriage ottllcit daughter. lli.•resa to Itnynunid •\nsirtt. sett of Ray & 1.aona Senforth. (lee wcd(Iing %viIl takr itlnc.• nt 2:0) p.111. on Inc 14' at St. i'atrick's Church. 1 hthlin. Entertainment NEW JUNIOR FARMERS EXECUTIVE - The new executive of the Huron County Junior Farmers was inducted in a candlelight ceremony on April 30 at the White Carnation in Holmesville. Shown in photo are (front row, left to right) Treasurer, Karen Bakker; Secretary, Gwen Van Brakel; Assistant Provincial Director, Melissa Logtenburg; (back row) Vice-president, Tim Cumming; Provincial Director, Hank Nyman; newsletter editor, Robert Hunking; and President, Fred Peel. leadershipJ F presents awards Huron County's elected represen- director and Sandra Regele, special tatives at the federal and provincial activities committee chair. levels attended the Annual Banquet The April 30 banquet, held at the of the Huron County Junior White Carnation in Holmesville, Farmers. Paul Klopp, MPP for began with Melissa Logtenburg Huron, and Paul Steckle, MP for leading the singing of the national Huron -Bruce, both donated gifts to anthem. Steve Pilon made a toast to the silent auction held as a the Queen and Deb Hakkers made fundraiser during the banquet. Other the toast to Canada. Robert gifts were graciously donated by Hunking delivered a tribute to the area businesses, organizations and Ora Affairs Gracewasl tsaidRanobeindividuals. The Huron County Junior Farmers Melissa Logtenburg. installed their executive for 1994 in In his President's Remarks, Fred a candlelight ceremony at the April 30 banquet. The executive consists Peel proposed a 4-H special club to of Fred Peel, president; Ross be sponsored by the Junior Farmers. McIntosh, past president; Tim The Junior Farmers Association Cumming, vice-president; Gwen of Ontario is celebrating its 50th Van Brakel, secretary; Karen anniversary this year. Bakker, treasurer; Robert Hunking, Attending Saturdays banquet newsletter editor; Hank Nyman, were Provincial President Keith provincial director; Melissa Emery and vice-president Murray Logtenburg, assistant provincial Shaw. Hank Nyman won the Bill Armstrong Award for outstanding leadership during the 1994 Annual Banquet of the Huron County Jun- ior Farmers, held in Holmesville on Saturday. The Clinton -area man has been active organizing sports events for youth and has served as a provin- cial director of the Junior Farmers organization in Ontario. He is chair of the Huron Junior Farmer Sports Committee as well as serving as a zone representative. His award was presented in front of more than 45 people who attended the banquet. The President's Award for Out- standing New Members of the Junior Farmers in Huron were presented to Gwen Van Brakel and Tim Cumming, The Broomball A 'ard was pres- ented this year to Sandra Hunt and Jerry Zwep. recrealftiona preview by Marty Bedard The Seaforth Hospital Auxili- ary would like to invite everyone to their annual penny sale. The sale will be from May 3 to May 13 with all Draws being made on May 14. The hours of oper- ation will be 9:00 am to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Thursdays and Saturday, and 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Fridays. This year's sale will be held at 34 Main Street Seaforth, which is located beside Flower Magic. The Seaforth Happy Citizens will be holding their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, May 5 beginning at 1:30 p.m. at the Seaforth Legion. Euchre will follow. The Seaforth Senior Games will continue in May • with the following events: May 4 - Shuffleboard at the Arena - 1:30 pm. May 5 - Solo at the Legion - 1:30 p.m. May 5 - Cribbage at the Arena - 7:30 pm. May 7 - Darts at the Legion - 2:00 pm. May 10 - Walking at the Arena - 10 a.m. May 10 - Bridge at the Legion - 7:30 p.m. Senior games crokinole will take place May 18 at Maplewood Manor at 2 p.m., instead of at the arena. For more information on the Senior Games you can call the recreation office at 527-0882. Seniors are always welcome to enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship with Senior Shuffleboard on Wednesdays. BUCK & DOE for BRIAN ALCOCK CONNIE McCLURE Friday, May 13Th 9 - 1 am Brussels Arena Age of Majority Required Music by D.J. Lunch Provided call 522-1086 or 887-6907 ENGAGEMENT PARTY JOHN WII>tLIAMSON HEIDI ISRAELS FRIDAY, MAY 13TH, 1994 Must by D.J . �5. P r person or information Phone 887-6695 Program teaches business to youth For the past few months, a com- mitted group of educators, business and community leaders has been working behind the scenes to bring Junior Achievement programs to the youth of Huron County. Established in 1919, Junior Achievement is an international non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing practi- cal and hands-on business education programs for youth. Junior Achievement works with teachers to bring business people into the classroom and share their practical business and economic experience. It plants a seed in students' minds, which can grow in to a lifetime of success for many of them, and a better -prepared workforce for this great country! Junior Achievement of Huron County is being initiated by the Huron Community Futures Corpor- ation, with the support of Junior Achievement of London and Dis- trict. Youth programs promoting the concepts of business management, free enterprise and economics are a critical component of the Corporation's five-year mandate to revitalize the Huron County econ- omy through entrepreneurship and business development. A steering committee representing community development groups, the Huron Board of Education and the local business community has been formed to oversee the local delivery of these programs.. Community Futures is contribut- ing $$,000 to launch programs throughout Huron County, contin- gent upon matching dollars from community groups and the private sector. Over the next few weeks, businesses, industries and service clubs will be approached for their support in getting Junior Achieve- ment up and running. The target date to begin programs in local schools is September 1994. The Junior Achievement Program is a wonderful opportunity to forge stronger partnerships between our educational institutions and the local business community. But more importantly, it helps ensure a prosperous local economy by exposing our youth to a career option they may not have con- sidered. For more information on Junior Achievement of Huron County, contact Paul Nichol, Community Futures Co-ordinator at the Huron Business Centre, 527-0305, or 1- 800-268-2590. Couple is congratulated Saturday was a very special day when Joan Cronin and Jim McMillan were united in marriage at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin by Rev. Joseph Hardy. Mass was concelebrated by former pastor, Rev. J.J. Carrigan. Joan and Jim, all your friends say congratulations and wish you many happy years! Congratulations to Louise and Frank Flanagan (and Kelsey) on the arrival of Nicholas James. Proud grandparents arc Joe and Helen Nolan, St. Columban. Joe Eckert was visited by John Eckert, Waterloo, and Steve and Nora Eckert, Scaforth. Congratulations to Michael '1111: 111114411(.4411111y IIIV/ A1I)S Nclvorlt invites you I44 IIIc wAs, irs On Suntluy, May 15, I99 M.•ct at 2 is us. iii the ulil 11istoric Railway SLuliuu, SI. Christopher's Bench, (�uilcrich: Giddy(' '1i111- by Ilio i\fuillunil Trail Assiwintion f?efi•eslemen is to follow. itniu or. Shim i'Ir11t;c 1;111 rl-i uvuilultic by phoning, (5I)) '182-1 141 Dublin by Dorothy Dillon 345-2883 MacRae from family and friends, on finishing first in his vocal class at Stratford Kiwanis Music Festival, with a mark of 86! Congratulations to Frank and Rosa Van Bergen who celebrated 40 happy years together! Frank and Rosa, all your friends wish you many good years ahead! THOUGHT FOR TODAY 'Somewhere a dream that must be true, waits to be dreamed and ful- filled by you!' ANIMAL HEALTH WEEK May 1-7 Seeferth Veterinary Clinic will be conducting an OPEN HOUSE 04 PETTING ZOO THURSDAY, MAY 5 9:00 A.N. - 5:00 P.M. Please some visit ler ells's. Sae the animals and have some reftoshmeetst link Yell Ilks McMaster Siemon M+ INSURANCE' BROKERS INC. AUTO — NOMS ~lnWFAnll!Rp' 1ypA-TRAVEL C®MySNCIAL pNSURANCp BROKERS BILL SIEMON VICKI SIEMON ANETTE MCTAGGART DAN PROCTOR 68 Ontario Rd Mitchell 348-9150 1-•800-561--0183 • • e y 1 Wednesday LINE DANCING Saturday EUCHRE TOURNEY 2 p.m. then stay around for GLIDE Ontario's Best Cover Act!" '2.00 at the door RAIN OR SHINE EVERYONE WELCOME GIANT YARD SALE SAT., MAY 7 8:00 AM TO? SEAFORTH ARENA CaII 527-1272 TO RESERVE SPACE '1 2.0° Per Space (14' x 14') Includes 8 foot table OPEN HOUSE for BRUCE MORTON & SHAUN HERBERT Sunday, May 15'" 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. SOUTHCOTT PINES CLUBHOUSE GRAND BEND 'A UrIouE PSYCHIC' • laana, A Goad Ps,chc I pd up you nbtauona and is your Naar sure, I ane M4 you unlock tl* roubles rwdeand berg bpprws and peace d mind cone SEAFORTH HOSPITAL AUXILIARY PENNY SALE Datee Tuesday, May 3 to Friday, May 13 • Daily - 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Friday evenings 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 34 Main Street (beside State Farm Insurance and Flower Magic) Draw Date: Saturday, May 14, 1994 (no ticket sales on day of draw) BUCK & DOE FOR Bill Rhynard & Kathy Norris SATURDAY, MAY 7 SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE 9 - 1 ani Age of Majority Tickets '6." CALL 523-4850 or 527-2800 Buck and Doe for Randy Marriage and Bev Campbell FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1994 9:00pm to 1:00 am CUNTON ARENA Music by D.J. Tickets: S5 00 Lunch Provided Age of Majority Required For Info Call...527-1464 or 527-0346 Beuerman Thanks to everyone who shared our 25th Anniversary party with us. Special thanks to those who put on the fashion show. It was great. (So it was). The Lansink family thought it was payback time. But we loved every minute of it. To Sherry and Brad, Raube, Ann -Marie and Mark - you're special kids. You worked so hard planning the party. We'll cherish the photo album you gave us. The evening brought back so many old memories and we know we've created some new ones. Thanks again, Bill and Diane. eeeeeee elEIeeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeee HAPPY 30" DADDY Y Ma 6 (Pat Melady) eeeeeeeeeeeeeee ® HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY ® Brodie Cairns Ma 8th e en en •• Lova Brant S Alax ooOGIGGIQUIGQGIootIXIGI EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH PORK BARBEQUE Wed., May 25/94 5:00 to 7:00 pm Adults '8, Children under 12'3.50 Preschoolers' 2.00 Take outs available CaII 527-0225 after 5 pm for tickets. HONEYMOON SUITE Friday; May 13 $12.00 Advance $15.00 At The Door 482-1234 717 Huron St. (Hwy. 8) CUNTON eve Mommy & Daddy ®' ®eeeeeeeeeeeeee 0 RY AE LE RESTAURANT Sttriday 9 - D Monday 1 I R 'i'tiesday Titttrsday 7 R Friday 7 9 Saturday I1 9 Reserve Early for Mother's Day Sunday, May 8 Brunch 9 - 3 $6.96 Buffet 4 - 9 33.98 Smoked ham, roast beef, scalloped potatoes, Caesar salad, spinach salad, potato salad, coleslaw, fruit trine, assorted squares, pudding, lotto and much more. Enfoy Oro Elspanee...Firrs Dining, Fresh now* o, ulnen rtebleclotho Monday - Frlday - Lunch - Soup or satad, choice of quiche, 1Ish & chips or Reuben. $4.95 Friday & Saturday - 5 p.m. 'lit closing - Soup or salad, choice of 8 oz. rib steak or 8 oz. poached salmon, potatoes, vegetables. $11.95 Saturday - ALL DAY - 2 for 1 Burgers • Children apt for 1/2 price • epnquet Facilltine • Dally spectate • Take out Orders County Rd. N25 Blyth NOM 1110 523-4836