HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-05-04, Page 1212 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, May 4, 1994 125A.116/4,11X 4 4 4 R ./A RF/MhX R5A,11,X Feo.i%1PX OPEN HOUSE BAT., MAY 7 - 10:30-12 Noon 139 NELSON ST., DUBLIN This property has curb appeal! Come out and inspect this freshly decorated, 3 bedroom bungalow wrapped in blue vinyl siding with matching storage shed. $94,900. MLS 4-0139R Lot 132 by 264 Feet Workshop with hydro, 3 bedroom bungalow, main floor family room. Ask to see this one. $93,000. Staffa. MLS 4-0395R Moving to Mitchell? Ask to see this 2 bedroom brick bungalow with hardwood floors and newer gas fireplace, in lovely area. $126,500. excl. MARLENE LINDSAY ASSOCIATE BROKER REMAX A -B. REALTY LTD. 273-2821 OR 348-4196 R5'M iSX KNOX Peter Damsma 482-9849 Gordon Hill 233-3307 hicINTEEKen Vanlert 527-2487Mary Vanden Henget 527-0968 Joy Roetcisoender 523-9744 Sr •„ ....,.moo Bill Roy 523-4237 19 Albert Doug Bland 524-5789 John Duddy, Assoc. Broker 482-3652 482-5991 Sharon Medd, Assoc. Broker 527-0560 FAX ,..,..n• Street, CLINTON - 482-9343 oNOkv mak, INN OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 7th•- 12:30-2 p.m. 1,4 MILE WEST OF SEAFORTH FOLLOW SIGNS ON HWY. 8 5 BEDROOMS, master bedroom with 3 pc. ensuite, double patio doors to large deck. plus much more. A must to see. $174,000. 11/2 STOREY, 6 bedroom home featuring large living room, main floor family room, formal dining room Set up for duplex - 2 furnaces, zoned commercial. Survey avail - able List $90,000 SONOS�0? 4 TO 5 BEDROOM brick home, country kitchen done in pine, open staircase, detached garage, featured on 2 acres. $128,000. BEAUTIFUL 11/2 storey home with new main floor family room, oak kitchen cabi- nets, patio doors to new large private deck Home totally rewired, insulated & decorat- ed. Featured w/30' x 35' shop with large double doors List $125,000. 3 BEDROOM RANCH STYLE HOME AFFORDABLE 12 X 56' TRAILER, with hardwood floors, full finished base- very well maintained. Living room 11'-x ment, hi-eff. gas furnace, gas fireplace 20', walls re -insulated. Axle & tongue in rec. room, whirlpool tub, large beauti- attached MUST BE MOVED. List ful porch & more. List $150,000. 518,500. REDUCED TO $98,500.: 3 bedroom EXCELLENT INVESTMENT OPPOR- brick backsplit with large family room, TUNITY: 2 retail outlets plus 2 apart - new eff. gas furnace. An excellent home ments above. Excellent commercial in area of Clinton. building in Seaforth. 599,000. 112. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE H.A. MERO REAL ESTATE TAKE A PEEK THURS., MAY 5 6:30 to 8:30 f11 This lovely 2 bedroom home has main floor laundry - large eat -in kitchen - low maintenance - close to uptown - gas heated with thermo windows - large deck & well land- scaped yard. Perfect for newly- weds or retired couple. 26. HELP WANTED r HELP WANTED FULL TIME POSITION Duties include Auto and Property underwriting and general office duties. Computer and Insurance experience preferred. Send application and resume to: McKillop Mutual Insurance Company, P. 0. Box 819, 91 Main St. South, Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO Att: James Cardiff Secretary, Treasurer, Manager. 30. EMPLOYMENT WANTED r NEEDED: Full time co-op employment, 3-8 months for business course credit. Computer efficient; keyboarding 60 wpm., accounting, ACCPAC; WP; Lotus; Dbase; Windows. CaII Angie Vanderhaar, 482-9923. 30-17x2cc EMPLOYMENT WANTED: Grade twelve student looking for odd jobs or farm work after school. Phone after 4 p.m. 522-1919. 30-17x2c ODD JOBS: Painting, paper hanging, household repairs and renovations. No job too small. Low rates. Phone Charles Geddes, 527-0225. 30-15x4 PLEASANT, courteous, conscientious woman willing to clean your home. References available. Call Heather 527- 1622.30-18x2 112. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE � r Culligan REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR Seaforth Office: 527-1577 8 Main Street OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK! OTHER LISTINGS! ENJOY NATURE AS YOUR NEIGHBOUR when you purchase this scenic hobby farm located on 5 acres next to the Hullett Wildlife Reserve. Call us today! List 5129,900 ! SPRINGTIME LiVING IS EASY in this delightful. 11/2 storey stucco home featuring 3 bedrooms; new 100 amp hydro: new windows; newer furnace & roof ('91); renewed bath with whirlpool tub; extra large. modernized country kitchen! Now only $109,900 ! MLS#B2421 YOU'RE WELCOME TO ENJOY THE CONVENIENCES of this handsome home's 1'.;. baths; 4 bedrooms: gas fireplace; spacious family room with wet bar, central air; attached carport; great location! MLSNB1932 NEW FAMILY NEEDED for this 1', storey, renovated brick home featuring 4 bedrooms; economical gas heat: newer roof; 2 baths; deck off kitchen leading to above ground pool! MLS#132104 CLASSIC, 2 STOREY RED BRiCK family home boasting 4 bedrooms: 11/2 baths; gas heat; detached double garage; original woodwork; refinished hardwood floors; privacy fence! MLSNB1607 INVESTORS! Excellent investment property! Take a look at this triplex containing 2-1 bedroom units & 1-2 bedroom unit & generating an income o1 over 81.000 per month! MIS#81808 FOR RENT - 4 BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE AVAILABLE END OF JUNE. REFERENCES REQUIRED 11 VICTORIA STREET - A place with space! Family sized, 4 or 5 bedroom home featuring gas heat; J.M. siding; 11', baths; newer roof & windows ('92); pine & hardwood flooring! List 584,000.- MLSNB2390 7 CHURCH STREET - Act fast, this won't last! This mint condition, one floor home features 2 bedrooms; family room; newer windows; excellent location close to uptown! Yours for $69,900.1 MLS/132433 OPEN HOUSE! THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1994 6:00-7:00 P.M. 32 LONDON RD., EGMONDVILLE HOST: MIKE HODGINS MLSNB1965 OPEN HOUSE! THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1994 6:00-7:00 P.M. 50 MILL ST., EGMONDVILLE HOSTESS: LORiE ZULAUF MLSNB2361 OPEN HOUSEI THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1994 6:00-7:00 P.M. 47 MILL ST., EGMONDVILLE HOSTESS: MAUREEN WILDFONG 1$0011;561"-- --a ..4011111 OPEN HOUSE! SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1994 1:00-2:00 P.M. HERITAGE ESTATES HOSTESS: LORIE ZULAUF MLS#82245 OPEN HOUSE! THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1994 7:00-8:00 P.M. 118 JAMES STREET HOST- MIKE HODGINS MLSNB1989 OPEN HOUSE! SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1994 1:00-2:30 PM. 111 MARY ST., CLINTON HOSTESS: MAUREEN WILDFONG MLS#82364 MAUREEN WILDFONG DAVID BOYNTON LARRY McGRATH MiKE HODGINS LORIE ZULAUF 482.3224 887-8043 527-2238 527-2885 522-0575 SEAFORTH SALES REPRESENTATIVES 26. HELP WANTED r NEED TO STAFF large jewellery company, be your own boss and work your own hours. Opportunity night, May 11. Call Sally 229-6713 tor more information. 26-17-2 BE YOUR OWN BOSS.%.e1 your own hours. Generous rellerds and compensation, immediate payment. Leading fashion network marketing company seeks consultants. Call Christine 1-800-463-3813 Lantana. 26- 18xbc Don't let your child go to sleep in the dark. Read together tonight. ABC CANADA THE FOUNDATION TO PROMOTE LITERACY IN CANADA. D.stnbubon of th,s message was made possable by the Canadan A0veriung Foundation INSURANCE AGENTS REQUIRED Hay Mutual Insurance Company invites written resumes from applicants for the position of sales agents for the north-east quadrant of the area served by the Company. Applicant's resume must be received by the Company, at the address stated below, by noon on May 25th, 1994. Interviews will be scheduled by the Board of Directors of the Company, for selected applicants, after reviewing the resumes. Hay Mutual insurance Company P.O. Box 130, Zurich, Ontario NOM 2T0 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION will accept applications for the position(s) of TEACHER ASSISTANT for vacancies that might occur during the 1994-1995 school year. Individuals successful in obtaining a Teacher Assistant position will be required to work with exceptional students. Preference will he given to those candidates with post- secondary training and practical experience in sonic of the following areas: Braille tran- scribing; signing; child development with particular emphasis on exceptionalilies. Candidates selected for an interview may be placed in a school setting on a trail basis as part of the selection process. Successful applicants will become members of C.U.P.F.., Local 1428. Interested appli- cants should send a ceovering letter of application and resume outlining expereience and education, including references, to the undersigned by noon, Friday, May 13, 1994. We thank those who submit a resume, and advise only those who are chosen for an interview will receive a reply. - Shelley King, Business Manager Ildron County Board of Education Graeme Craig Chair 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario. NOM 1L0 , ' ttre1 Poblit thong' s h •. Ocelot 5! the ftMt Paul Carroll Director J 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • ♦ I 12, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE r 1 r DISTINCTIVE REALTY LINDA DZiOBA Sales Representative HOME OF DISTINCTION This 4 bedroom home Is Just the one for you. original fireplaces. sunny kitchen, original wood- work and stairway, patio. single ear garage, large lot. Quiet family neighbourhood. John St.. Seaforth. Priced at 8139,000. FIRST TIME OFFERED Build your Dream home on one of the best building lots available. Spectacular view. Lot backs onto Seaforth's prestigious golf course.Don't watt 'til it's gone. CALL NOW! FiRST TIME BUYERS, DON'T MiSS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN! 811011NO AND SPO'ILESS1 3 bedroom home with major renovations inside and out. On large lot featuring new bathroom and kitchen with beautiful oak cupboards & trim Your watt 1s Durr. Seaforth 899,900. A i.ITI7.E DOOOII WILL DO YOU ,,. This handy two + bed- room home Is reason- ably priced for the young couple Just starting out. There's a new shop 20' x 24' heated, Insulated and hydro. Home has new wiring. Insulation and drywall. trim and mor e.Sra1orth 987.900. THINKING OF MOVING UPI, JUST FOR THE TWO OF YOU! 2 bedroom home, with whirlpool tub and new bathroom. Tastefully decorated, low heat costs! Low taxes! On large lot. A place t0 call home.Egmondvllle - 887,900. EGMONDVILLE 5139,900 8 -year-old, 3 bedroom ranch with fireplace. Excellent value. SRAFORTN 8119,000 Newty decorated. 3 bed- room home In choice kratkm. close to school and downtown. SEAFORTH • 8134,000 2-year•old home, 3 1 bedrooms. family room. cathedral ceil- ing with skylight. EOMONDViLLE - 8249,000 11 you purchase this dream horne. One -year- old. custom built with rlvervlew. Hardwood Ooors, cherry cupboards and trim. Fireplace, cathedral ceilings, skylight, dormers. Call now for your personal viewing. - 527-2103 29, TENDERS • I TENDERS 'Fenders will be received by Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System for grass cutting for lots in Kippen, Brucefield & Bayfield. Tender forms available at the business office in Kippen, Ontario. Tenders to be in the hands of the Secretary - Treasurer by May 11, 1994. IteRSMITHMUNICIPAL ELEPHONE SYSTEM Kippen, Ontario NOM 2E0 Huron County Board of Education invites tenders for GRASS CUTTING at VICTORIA PUBLIC SCHOOL ROBERTSON MEMORIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE in Goderich Sealed tenders, properly Identified, will be received prior to 12:00 noon on Friday, May 13th, 1994 by the Plant Services Administrator, The Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario, NOM ILO Tender forms are available at The Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton and at Goderich District Collegiate Institute, 260 South Street, Goderich, atter Wednesday, May 4th, 1994. Lowest or any tender not necessari- ly accepted. Graeme Craig. *) F Paul Carroll Chair 4i1 ,� Director LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER The undersigned solicitors for the Estate of Harold John Bolton invite tenders for the purchase of real property owned by the late Harold John Bolton. The real prop- erty consists of two parcels in the Township of McKillop, County of Huron, as follows: PARCEL 1: Parts of North halves of Lots 14 and 15, Conc. 8, approxi- mately 99 acres; PARCEL 2: South 2/3 of the North 1/2 of Lot 15, Conc. 11, approxi- mately 33 1/3 acres. Tenders in sealed envelopes: plainly 'marked as to the contents will be received by the undersigned solicitors for the Estate of Harold John Bolton until 4:00 o'clock p.m. on the 10th day of May, 1994. Tenders shall be in the form pre- scribed and such forms are avail- able from the undersigned solici- tors. A separate tender must be submitted for each parcel. Each tender must be accompa- nied by a certified cheque or bank draft for $2,000.00 to McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux, in trust, as a deposit. The balance of the bid sub- mitted and accepted shall be paid in cash or by certified cheque on or before the 27th day of May, 1994 which shall brki the date of closing. The successful bidder shall be allowed until the 20th day of May, 1994 to search title and submit req- uisition. All tenders submitted are irrevoca- ble until 5:00 o'clock p.m. on the 11th day of May, 1994. The highest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. For tender forms and other infor- mation please contact the under- signed solicitors for the Estate. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX Barristers and Solicitors, P.O. Box 220, 77 Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 1 WO. Phone: 519-527-0850. 31. SERVICE DIRECTORY ♦ r PERTH COUNTY UPHOLSTERY. Trained with certificate, antiques, restyling, repairs, refinishing and recreation vehicles. All under one roof. In-home estimates. Pick up and delivery. Phone 347-2336. 31-17x4cc FAX SERVICE Have your important documents faxed at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth. 1st page - 8Vr x 11 $4.00, additional pages to same phone number $1.00. To receive a fax at our office the cost is $1.00 per sheet. (GST extra). For more Information phone 527-0240. 31-01 xtf REPAIR AND REFINISHING of furniture and antiques, handstripping, also cus- tom made furniture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RR#1, Seaforth. Phone 627-0786. 31-18-1f ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM WELDING, ornamental railing, trailers, custom hitches, pig/cattle penning, machinery repairs and fabricating. Phone Peter De Jong 623-4818, Londesboro. 31-18-tf SEW SEW SEW - From homing to zippers, alterations to complete outfits. Call Danica 627-2177 after 6:00. 31-18- 1 1