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The Huron Expositor, 1994-05-04, Page 3
Local THE HURON EXPOSITOR, May 4, 1994-3 PUBLIC NOTICE SEAFORTH FIRE AREA PROPERTY OWNERS Ontario Building Code O.Reg. 627/92 "RETROFIT" Sec. 9.5 and 9.6 This legislation applies to all property owners with buildings containing 3 or more residential units. Deadline for compliance with legislation is October 9, 1994. INFORMATION MEETING will be held Thursday, May 12, 1994, 2:00 p.m. Seaforth Council Chambers Representative from Fire Marshall's Office will be present to offer advice and answer questions. Please call the Seaforth Clerk's Office, 527-0160 to register. Jim Crocker, Clerk -Treasurer George Garrick, Fire Chief • HALIBUT STEAKS SALMON STEAKS 6.99 LB. 6.99 LB. NEW ZEALAND MUSSELS (On the Half Shell) 2.2 lbs. MINUTE STEAK 6.95 BOX 4.49 LB. :as<:aa.x { Rump, Steak or Sirloin Tip ROASTS Oven Ready SAUSAGE ROLLS Deli Sliced COOKED HAM 3.89 LB. 3.29 LB. 2.19 LB. Deli Sliced - Bruce Packers SUMMER.. 6.99 SAUSAGE ts:" GIVE MOM A BREAK LET US BAKE! GONE FISHIN' - Ryan Powell of Seaforth perched himself on one of the bridges at Lions Park for the annual trout derby on Fair Queen contest planned Hensall Kinettes' Annual Mother's Day Pancake and Sausage Breakfast and Bakesale will be held Saturday, May 7. This event will take place at the Hensall Arena from 8 a.m. until 12 noon. The Hensall Kinettes are once again proud to be sponsoring the Queen of the Fair Competition. The Kinettes are looking for people who will be 17 years of age by August 1 to help them with this project. This ' is an opportunity for anyone who is interested in representing the Hensall South Huron Agricultural Society for the upcoming year. The Kinettes would like to hear from anyone who is interested in compet- ing, sponsoring, or donating for this event or anyone you would recom- mend the Kinettes contact. Please contact: Sheila Corbett, 263-6218; Barb Dalrymple, 263-5212; Kathie Neilands, 262-2438 or Deb Timmermans, 263-5504, The Hensall Kinsmen recently celebrated their 40th Anniversary. On April 28, 1954 the Kinsman Club of Hensall was chartered by the Kinsmen Club of Exeter, led by President Les Parker. On April 23, 1994, 40 years later the Kinsmen Club of Hensall and District cel- ebrated. Nine of the original charter mem- bers were present, Hensall Charter Pres., Doug McKelvie; Exeter Past Pres., Les Parker; 26 Past Hensall members; 25 Hensall Kinsmen members, Kinettes, and Kinwives. John Olsen of the Flesherton Kinsmen was the guest speaker for the evening. He spoke about Cystic Fibrosis which is a major charity of the Hensall Kinsmen and Kinsmen across Canada. The Club History and tales from the past were presented by life members, Coog Knight and Steve Knight, which brought back many memories to past and present mem- bers. The April 28, 1954 member- ship: President Doug McKelvie; Will Collett, Bill Mickle, John Thompson, Don Cowan, Bob Cook, Jake Marks, Bill Fuss, John Heal, Harold Bonthron, Rill Rowcliffe, Mike Quinlan, Jack Drysdale, Don Joynt, Bill Clement, Coog Knight, Ross Jinks, and Jim Clark. The April 23, 1994 membership: J Hensall by Liz Sangster 262-2715 President - Mark Kennedy; Scott Bell, Dave Collins, Tom Dickens, Mike Hoffman, Ron McTaggart, Tom Neilands, Doug Small, Ken Clarke, Mark Consitt, Ken Firman, Grant Jones, Gerhardt Metzger, Jeff Racburn, Marvin Taylor, Jason Clarke, Charlie Dalrymple, Bryan Fink, Chuck Mallette, Darren Moir, John Rooseboom, and Neil McAllister. Life Members - Coog Knight, Bill Fuss, Steve Knight, Bill Mickle, Wayne Reid, Jack Drysdale, and Dave Smale. At the Hensall United Church, this past Sunday, the day's message was "To Care for the Earth". The Junior ministers were Meagan Preszcator, Allan Mallette, and Panayese Fragiskatos. On May 5, Pastor Henry Annen will be conducting worship service at the Bluewater Nursing Home at 2 p.m. If you are able to come and assist the residents, your help will be appreciated. Anyone wishing to have their child baptized on May 8 (Mother's Day) should contact Pastor Henry Annen to make the necessary arrangements. As part of their fundraising activ- ities for the year, the Hensall Horti- cultural Society will be participating in the village's 10th Annual Yard Sale. Every year the village -wide yard sale gets bigger and better so mark May 28 on your calendar now. Be sure to register your sale with the Municipal office by May 6, to be included on placemat map. On Monday, May 9, the Hensall Horticultural Society will be meet- ing at the Hensall United Church at 8 p.m. It will be the Hensall Society's turn to play host to other local horticultural societies. Don't forget to bring an article for the Chinese Auction! The guest speaker, for the evening, will be from McMillen Irish Gardens in Norwich. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late Bill Ingram. Non -Surgical Treatment of Varicose Veins and Spider Veins with Sclerotherapy Injections done by Mario M. Cauchi M.D. Lorraine M. Cauchi, R.N. Doctor Referral not necessary Initial consultation - Free For appointment call 27 Bruce St., West, Goderich 524-4121 Q.�wG,ri:G.G4�4`(i.4`4vw�G�G�i�4�.v.w4rwG4`GQ ww`4`�"w4�4`G�r�,�^wrw4`4.`GC.�+4�! DAVID SCOTT PHOTO Saturday. Almost 200 children under 14 participated. Bait used by anglers included com, cheese and the old stand-by: worms. Delicious Butter or Lemon Tarts g/♦ .g9 1 Wholesome Seven Grain (Seibenfelder) Bread � �� 450 g. ■ Chop Suey. Loaf Loaf 1 ■ 99 Lemon Cranberry g ♦ Muffins � 1 .99 Special Donut Tea Balls Pkg. of 16 1.29 "AVAILABLE AT TASTY NU ONLY TAVISTOCK PROCESS CHEESE SLICES 2.99 Ib. NORWEGIAN VARLSBURG 4.991 FRESH HOT COFFEE & DONUTS - SOUP, SANDWICHES & SALADS HOT ENTREES, TASTY DESSERTS Prices in effect until closing Saturday, May 7 TASTY -NU BREAD, FINEST QUALITY, FRESH DAILY DAVID SCOTT PHOTO FISHING DERBY WINNER - Trout derby organizer Larry Dolmage, left, presents Joshua Stewart, 8, of Hensall with his first -place prize of a rod, reel and tackle box for catching the biggest fish (17 inches) on Saturday at Lions Park in Seaforth. Entrants in the under -14 derby totalled 182 this year. Joshua used cheese as bait to land the winner. Event organizers are Archie's UCO and Huron Sports Outfitters. GRAND OPENING OF CANADIAN TIRE'S NEW GREEN HOUSE FRIDAY, MAY 6th VISIT OUR NEW DEPARTMENT Arriving Just in time for Mother's Dayx HANGING PLANTS & BEDDING PLANTS CANADIAN TIRE NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 12-4PM 126 Main St. S., 527-1350 , '. ' rostyNu Ask.ry4C1 I V il.w.' M 1 MATIOM•1 OV.d11V iwCE 11/71 11"11!. S [MCA M Nf.I DEERE SEASON NOW OPEN COST CUTTING ALL ROUND ONLY $2,499 STX38 Gear -Drive Lawn Tractor Take advantage of our special year round low prices on our John Deere STX38 Lawn Tractors - only S2.499 for the gear drive and 52,999 for the hydrostatic model. Both feature a gutsy 12.5 hp engine, 38 -inch cutting width and tight turning radius. And both are backed by the John Deere Promise. Buy an STX38 Lawn Tractor and try it for thirty days. If you aren't satisfied with it, bring it back for repair, another lawn tractor, or a full refund. SALE ENDS © JUNE 30 NOTHING RUNS LIKE A I/F:F:Kt:* Aft us A triOyder Rag, Discharge or Mulch all with one attachment+ OPEN SAT. 8:00 - 5:30 Aak Mwfa.rr FLEXIBLE FINANCE 1 ook LOGAN MOHlflt• rNAIxr PArluEw s AS I Ow As $ 91 • 90 wit)* 3MONnts NTERFST rnrr bvtn91M(NInfSOAc Jam ONn C 'c . of Exc Mknc. O..M* A 5 MILES NORTH OF MITCHELL County Rd. 11 - Bornholm /3472281 FARivl LOUIPN1LNT (1988) LTD.