HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-04-27, Page 19BUCK & DOE Kara Van Den Neucker Tom Reed Sotumdoy. Ap it 30. 1994 Spm - tom Stanley lownshtp Complex D.J. Lunch Provided Age of Mo)ority For Tickets Call 482-9935 or 482-5018 (evenings) ra GMELLo't - GA/01(2n it a•W via/ ptt.ttu,t gni 9 ,, u.td �4S,eb . Votaa au,rounce e4, 4 14,,, 1...y4e,, Ltl.„ak u�ttrt t� .fit.+tt co.pf, ,rill' Irc4a119, „•.dd�,y �.r/",�ry. (Allay it . 5 pm. al .;t. ylau[/, ::�-4nyl[Ca,t auto 1, elution. The Huron County HIV/AIDS Network is proud to present ROB NEWMAN from the Robby Care Fund Speaking on children living with HI V/AIDS. To he held at the Clinton Town Hall, Tuesday, May 3, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. ALL WELCOME! WHAT'S YOUR POINT? Featuring Seaforth's Own Brian Smith BUCK & DOE Jim Jane McIver . & Priamo Saturday, April 30/94 For more information Call Bill 345-2489 or Tom 527-1815 STAT "rNME EXT WAIN ENT AY NI S COMMERCIAL HOTEL 527-0890 F .. �.__...._�..- r.-.. -- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, April 27, 194-1• Entertainment DAVID SCOTT PHOTO MAKING MUSIC - Bob Robilliard, conductor of the South Huron District High School's wind ensemble and jazz band, gives Seaforth high school phys-ed teacher Terry Johnston the cue for his whistle- blowing accompaniment to a song entitled "The Stripper." The two Exeter bands entertained students at Seaforth District High School on Friday morning following a formal fashion show. Walton W.I. holds election On April 20 the Walton Women's Institute (W.I.) held its election of officers for the 1994-95 year. Marjory Humphries is the new president and Margaret Mclnroy is the 1st vice president. The secretary job went to Helen Craig who will be assisted by Margaret Craig. Ruth Axtmann is the District Director and Marjory Humphries will be the Alternate. Ruth is also the Public Relations officer. The new Curator is Marion Godkin and Mary Humphries will assist het. Berva Watson is program coordinator and catering will be Leona McDonald's job. Dianne McCallum and son Kenny greeted everyone attending Duff's United April 24. Rev. Banks wel- comed the women of the Huron East District W.I. who are part of the ACWW-Associated Country Women of the World. He then announced that May 1 will be Pulpit exchange and Bruce Cook of Seaforth Northside United will be at Walton and Bluevale. The Unified Beard will meet May 1 at 8 p.m. at the Church. Mandy Mitchell was the Christ candle Lighter. Don McDonald sang solo on 'The Old Rugged Cross'. Mrs. Jean -.Wilson (W.L District__ President) spent time with the young children talking about how important love is. She made the VAN MASSENIIOVEN - TALBOT It is with great pleasure that Russell and,Cheryl 'Talbot announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter .lannifer Lynn to Michael Alpert, son of August and Ma►_vLou Van Massenhoven. The wedding to take place at Brucefield United Church, May 7, 1994. OPEN RECEPTION in Varna Stanley Complex. Walton by Patty Banks , 887-6860 children's day by giving each child a homemade chocolate chip cookie. Margaret Mclnroy, accompanied by Marion Godkin on the piano, tilled the church with her rich voice as she sang her solo. Helen Craig read scripture and Jean Wilson informed people about the ACWW. In his sermon Rev. Banks said that although he grew up near the home of Adelaide Hunter Hoodless, founder of the Women's Institute, he admitted he knew very little about the organization. From 1897 Adelaide devoted her life to the cause of improving the educational resources to assist women in their roles as mothers and as household manager. Happy birthday goes to Don Dalton on April 29. Here are more clues to the young mystery neighbour. Since he was two this child loved to play with Leggo. He has also attended Bea- vers, Cubs and Scouts. He likes -motorcycles,-baseball and isn't too bad at street hockey. He has a younger sister, a cat, and a three- legged dog. Seaforth Legion Ladies Auxiliary Bring Your MOM to our Hot -Cold SMORGASBORD Roast Beef & Gravy, Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Cold Turkey, Salads, Homemade Pies and Desserts SUNDAY, MAY 8 4:30-? Adults $8.00 Children $4.00 Take Out Available Within the past two weeks, Mrs. Bennett's grade one class at Walton Public School has been able to watch six talented students from the school perform. First Kelsey and Kendra Bennewies sang the pieces that they had sung in the Mitchell Music Festival. Kelsey won first prize for hbr song, "Ladybug" and was chosen first overall. Next, Nathan and Adam DeWit who have their yellow belts in Karate, put on a demonstration. This week Kevin and Mark Wilbee played duets on their violins. SEAFORTH HOSPITAL AUXILIARY PENNY SALE Date: Tuesday, May 3 to Friday, May 13 Daily - 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Friday evenings 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 34 Main Street (,Fw •Ide Slate Fern Imurancr and Flower Mapc) Draw Date: Saturday, May 14, 1994 (no ticket .mks on day of draw) RAIN OR SHINE EVERYONE WELCOME GIANT YARD SALE SAT., MAY 7 8:00 AM TO? SEAFORTH ARENA Call 527-1272 TO RESERVE SPACE $1 2.00 Per Space (14' x 14') Includes 8 foot table SPARKY'S PACE FAMILY DINING SUNDAY SPECIAL HAM STEAK DINNER $6" Includes Coffee or Tea and Dessert SUNDAY,MAY1, 5-7pm 90 Main St., Seaforth 527-1964 The more noise you hear today, the less u'll hear omorrow. To find out how you can prevent hearing loss, call us toll-free at 1-800- 465-4327 or contact your local office The Canadian Hearing SocietylFoundation ST. COLUMBAN MEN'S SOCCER NEW PLAYERS WELCOME PRACTICES: Wed., April 27 6:30 pm Sun., May 1 2:00 pm Wed., May 4 6:30 pm LOCATION: SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL FIELD FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 1-668-2081 Seaforth Minor Sports Council DOUB B•I•N•G•O MONDAY, MAY 9, 7:30 P.M. Seaforth Arena DOORS OPEN AT 5:30 P.M. All Game PRIZES Will Be DOUBLED Proceeds to Seaforth Minor Sports Licence # M048235 LINE DANCING Now Wednesday Nites at 8 p.m. Thursday Night Opening' Night for 1994 Ball Hockey Season FREE .COotr CUPS to rM to 2S customers MN p !'ooc//ac/ ?Ar/ Saturday SHACKLE -BOY •25C Hd Do95 "Former members of LaydenRiff. Next Saturday EUCHRE TOURNEY 482-1234 317 Huron St. (Hwy. 8 West) Can Rose get Aylmer out of the barn for the BLYTH FESTIVAL? TICKETS ON SALE NOW 523-9300 ENG' G M The children of Joan Mary Cronin and the children of William Jame6 McMillan-- - are pleased t.o announce the forthcoming marriage of their parentA on Saturday. April 30. 1994 at 2:00 p.m. St. Patrick'.' Roman Catholic Church, Dublin Clinton Intern ack HAT DAY "FREE 11A"I' W1.1'I-i EVERY ADMISSION" Sunday, May 1 Post Time 7:30 p.m. Clinton Arena -:Raci.>IaI_:o:-;..- Mohawk Raceway C"wanNSHowB"nro 34tk Anoc`sail Auk t St .6k SATURDAY MAY 28t1 - 8 PM MEMORIAL • HALL, BLYTH Tickets: 920.00 ca. Advance 925.00 ca. at the door Available at: Carol's Candies & Collectible•s - Blyth. Bluewater Office Supply - Wiughanl. Merle's Coffee Nook - Mitchell Visa/MasterCard phone orders 1-800-465.7829 CUT OUT AND SAVE Ili, 111111 BO 710 7110 7, MO 3111111,1111 M71 AI 1 1994 SEAFORTH SENIOR GAMES rb Calendar of Events i w w w w EVENT 5 Pin Bowling Carpet Bowling Shuffleboard Solo Cribbage Darts Walking Bridge Snooker Euchre CONVENOR A. Wood C. Perkins P. Perkins C. Perkins P. Perkins E. Harburn A. Nicholson J. Cairns M. Bedard B. Leonhardt M. Bedard G. Harburn M. Melanson E. Harburn M. Bedard M. Bedard D. Lietch G. Murray Al Nicholson N. Bell D. Leitch V. Newnham DATE RAIN DATE April 8, 1:30 p.m. May 3, 1:30 p.m. May 4, 1:30 p.m. May 5, 1:30 p.m. May 5, 7:30 p.m. May 7, 2:00 p.m. May 10, 10 a.m. May 10, 7:30 p m. May 12, 1:30 p.m. May 17, 7:30 p.m. May 11, 10 am. LOCATION Starlight Lanes S. D. C. C. S. D. C. D. Seaforth Legion S. D. C. C. Seaforth Legion Race Track Seaforth Legion G. Murray Residence Seaforth Legion ctg- V Horseshoes May 18, 10:00 a.m. May 19, 10:00 a.m. S. D. C. C. Grounds II Softball Throw May 18, 1:30 p.m. S. D. C. C. 1010 Crokinole May 18, 7:30 p.m. S. D. C. C Tennis May 20, 10:00 a.m. May 24, 10:00 a.m. High School Boston Pool May 24, 1:30 p.m. Watson Reid Residence Golf May 25, 10:30 a.m. May 26, 10:30 a.m. Golf Course 111 Lawn Bowling May 26, 10:30 a.m. May 27, 10:30 A.M. Lawn Bowl Club Swimming T. B. A. Triathalon T. B. A. WM. tttttttttt4iatttttttatttttttttttilcttt41[ttttttttttei CUT OUT AND SAVE Any senior age 55 years or older may participate in one or as many games as you wish. Participation fee is $3.00. This fee is a ONE TIME FEE. $3.00 will allow you to play as many games as you can. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE SEAFORTH SENIOR GAMES YOU CAN CONTACT THE RECREATION OFFICE AT 527-0882.