HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-04-13, Page 15CAMERON - KINAT The families of Jessie Cameron of Hensall and Richard Kinat of Wingham wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their parents. The wedding to take place at Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, on Saturday, May 7, 1994 at 4:30 p.m. Rev. Mark Gaston officiating. 44-15x1 • 46. IN MEMORIAM • r BUTT: In loving memory of our dear father, Keith Gordon Butt who passed away April 14, 1979. We always remembered the way you looked, The way you walked and smiled, The things you always said and did, Are with us all the while. You never failed to do your best, Your heart was warm and tender, You lived your life for those you loved, And those you loved, remembered. Sadly missed, always remembered by daughter Lori and son Dan. 46-15x1 nxe MURRAY: In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Larry —Murray`, akeaseed Apri1-10; -1990. -Dearest God in heaven above, Take special care of him and give him our love.' Always loved and remembered by Mary, Janice, Pat, Dan, Sharon and grandchildren Mike, Shanon and Brendan Murray. 48-16x1 (38. AUCTION SALE THE HURON EXPOSITOR, April 13, 1E94-15 128. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY • SHAKLEE PRODUCTS Health and Nutridonal Co. We need people to market our product line. Call collect for free literature pact on becoming a distributor 519-627-9280. 28-14x2 CORSINI FASHION. Affordable designer silk dothing. Run your own business. Anywhere In Canada. Financially rewarding. Full time or part time. Free information 1-800-269-1699. 28-15xbc START YOUR own home-based business. Watkins is today's best business opportunity. For free information contact Independent Marketing Director, 218 Meglund Cr., Saskatoon, SK, S7H 4Z6 (1-800-263- 2999). 28-15xbc 29. TENDERS 1/-- Huron County \l Board of Education invites tenders for WINDOW REPLACEMENT AND ALTERATIONS AT SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL HENSALL PUBLIC SCHOOL HOLMESVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Sealed tenders addressed to The Huron County Board of Education will be received at the office of Garratt & Marklevitz, 516 Huron Street,' Stratford, 'Ontario; N5A 5T7, until 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 4, 1994. A Bid Bond amount of 10% of the Base Bid must accompany the tender. The successful bidder will be required to provide a 50% Performance Bond and 50% Labour and Material Payment Bond. A limited number of tender docu- ments will be available to General Contractors only at the office of Garratt & Marklevitz, after April 15, 1994, upon deposit of a certi- fied cheque in the amount of $50.00 per set. Lowest or any tender not neces- tarily accepted. Millin,:. � Graeme Craig sF Paul Carroll 1,\Chair h Director 31. SERVICE DIRECTORY• WE DO SPRING CLEANING of scrap iron and old cars from your yard. No stoves or fridges, please. Phone 527- 2114 after 6. 31-15x1 CUSTOM automotive and welding service, auto and truck frames, floors repaired, car trailers, truck bodies, agricultural and Industrial millwrighting. Call 522-0956. 31-15x2 ALUMINUM AND CUSTOM WELDING, ornamental railing, trailers, custom hitches, pig/catde penning, machinery repairs and fabricating. Phone Peter De Jong 523-4816, Londesboro. 31-1411 SEWING MACHINE SERVICE: over 30 years experience, practically all makes, in area weekly, home service on request. Call Seaforth Sewing Centre, 527-1900 or 1-800-265-9176. 31-14-tf PHOTO COPIES Photocopying Service available at the Huron Expositor office, 100 Main St., Seaforth. 8142x 11 copies -.25 cents per sheet, 8Va x 14 copies - .35 cents per sheet. (GST and PST extra). Phone 527-0240. 31-01-tfnxe CLEANING: will do spring cleaning or cleaning on a regular basis. We supply own equipment. Please call Gieny 482- 3540. 31-12x6cc ELECTROLUX VACUUMS, carpet shampooers, mini -vacs, central vac. Systems and supplies. Free pick up and delivery. Repairs to all makes. Call Bob Organ, 348-4410 or drop in at 165 Huron Rd., (B & M Mtg. Office). 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. After hours 348-8796. 31-14xtfcc HORSESHOEING Horseshoeing and trimming. Reliable and reasonable. Call Bob at 357-2599. 31-15x12oc OUICK 'STITCH PLUS: Zipper replacements, alterations, hems and more. Call Myrna Smith, 4824591.31- 15x3oc COTTAGE OWNERS: Let Merry Maids get your cottage ready. Call 524-5658. 31-15x4cc LAWN ROLLING. Call Neil McNichol after 6. 527-0089. Call early to avoid a long wait. 31-15-3 31. SERVICE DIRECTORY FAX SERVICE Have ypur_important documents faxed w at the Huron Elcpositor office, 100 Ma fh St., Seaforth. 1st page - 814 x 11 $4.00, additional pages to same phone number $1.00. To receive a fax at our office the Dost is $1.00 per sheet. (GST extra). For more information phone 527-0240. 31-01xtf REPAIR AND REFINISHING of furniture and antiques, handstripping, also cus- tom made furniture built to your plans. Robert Kerr, RRs1, Seaforth. Phone 527-0786. 31-14-tf Fuel Oil Furnace Repair and Cleaning Paratchek's Maintenance Dublin 345-2235 airier' •TRUCKING *GRAVEL, SAND & STONE *BULLDOZING *EXCAVATING *TOPSOIL...SEPTIC SYSTEMS & FSRHCOEP RR 3 Clinton Res. 482.9212 21/2 ton Vibratory asphalt roller LAWN ROLLING JAMES SYMES PAVING LUCKNOW 528-3047 Bailey's of Hensall Ltd. Heating - Air Conditioning Hwy. 44 N. 262-2020 Hensel' 262-2626 Your Home Comfort People Since 1981 Vi AI S Abattoir and Meat Market 'hwy. 83 - 1 1/2 miles east of Exeter 211 - 12.; ryus Of CUSTOM KILLING and PROCESSING Kill Days Tuesdays OUR NECIALTY Home cured and smoked meats processed exactly the way you like it. SiNCE 1976 arsWng Orsysl•Top 501 JAMES SYMES PAVING & MATERIALS [ASPHALT & CONCRETI 1 DRIVEWAYS • PavinR of • Rawls. Parking Las & Tennis Cant eOX 54 Lucknnw. Ontario No0 2140 528-3047 RENEW iT install o new Reface Kitchen for 1/3 of price of new kitchen cabinets. Dal direct from manufacturer. Also specializ- ing in Hardwood Flooring. Call tar Estimate 670-8268 32. BABYSITTING 4, OUAUTY DAYCARE: Beautiful country atmosphere. Large playroom and fenced backyard. Lunches provided. .Close to Mitchell. References and receipts available. Reasonable rates. Call 345-2043. 32-15x8cc 34. PERSONAL • SEE YOUR MATE before you date - full color video cassette. Hottest video dating service available. Write/call for free details. Neill's Pick -a -Date, Box 94, Dungannon, NOM 1 RO. 529-3141. 34- 14x4cc WEDDINGS PERFORMED, your location or our indoor or outdoor chapel, (non denominational). For personalized arrangements, call Rev. Chris Morgan, The Pastoral Centre, Benmiller, Ont. 524-5724. 34-14x4cc A.A. If you think you have a drinking problem Alcoholics Anonymous has worked for millions. Call 527-1650. 34- 14-tf DIVORCES/PARDONS/NAME CHANGES: no court appearance, reasonable cost, legal aid welcome. Luigi E. Circelli, Peggy Wilson (Parallegaly. Call collect 1-434-1691.34- 13xtfcc WOULD YOU like to correspond with unattached Christian people across Canada for companionship or marriage? S.A.B.E. Free Information. State age. Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C. VOE IMO. 34-16xbc 35. NOTICE TO CREDITORS I 34. PERSONAL • • ARE YOU living with a drinking problem? Al Anon can help. Phone 627- 1650.34-16-1 HEART-TO-HEART Match Maker Club. A safe confidential way to meet that special someone. We have all ages 21- 90. Proven successful. A member of the Better Business Bureau. Opening -In - your -area -special $100.00 tor one year membership. Call collect 794-4691. 34- 15x3cc 36. ANNOUNCEMENTS • AD AND NEWS DEADUNE The deadline for news copy, classified and display advertising for The Huron Expositor, Seaforth is Monday at 1 p.m. Phone 527-0240. 36-01-tfnxe • 38. AUCTION SALE • 1A 19TION CLEARING AUCTION SAT., APRIL 30 10:00 A.M. Hwy. 21 South end of Bayfield. For Bayfield Lumber Ltd. Owner Dave Johnston 565-2990 Selling all hardware, tools, office equip., vehicles and construction equip. AUCTIONEER REG BADLEY 345-2564 39. EDUCATIONAL COUNSELLOR TRAINING institute of Vanoouver offers correspondence courses for the certificate of Counselling Studies to begin the 15th of the month. For brochure phone 1-800-865-7044. 39-16xbc 43. BIRTHS HULLEY Doug and Mary (Maloney) are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their son Braden Eldon Hulley. A little brother for Cole. He was bom Friday, April 8, 1994 at Clinton Public Hospital weighing 6 lbs. 13 oz. la there room at "The Woodcock' for all these boys? 43-16-1 KOEKKOEK April Fool's - I'm here early) Robyn and Dan of Bradford are 'tickled pink' to announce the arrival of Stephanie Lynn born April 1, 1994 weighing 7 lbs. 14 oz. Proud grandparents are Ken and Merle McLellan of Kippen and Frank and Gayle Koekkoek of Cookstown. Third time great grandmother is Ida Dickert of Hensall. 43-15-1 V44. ENGAGEMENTS RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 THURSDAY. APRIL 14 AT 1:30 PM ili 584 with loader. rock equip- ment. rotary hoe. water wagon. cash crop equipment. elk. for Doug and Betty Farquhar, 2 1/2 miles north of Clinton on Highway 4. then 1/2 mile west. 482-9241 FRIDAY. APRIL 15 AT 12 NOON - MF 410 combine with 3 heads. MF 2640 90 IIP tractor only 921 hours, MF 135 with loader. JD 2010 gas tractor. 111 1450 riding mower. farm machinery. antiques. etc. for Lewis Dempsey. go 4 miles west of Clinton on llwy. 8 to Ilolmesvllle. turn Icn go 1/2 mile on County Rd. 18. 482- 3386. SATURDAY, APRIL 16 AT 12 NOON - 1949 Ford 2 ton truck,.1952 GMC 2. -ton muck mm� nrtW dlcsct-treetot_ (10711P), Allis D 17 Series 4. Allis WD. Allis CA. Allis B with Woods mower. Allis 11 HP riding mower for Harold (Shorty) Caldwell. to be held 1/4 mile south at Kappen on Hwy. 4. at Ktppcn Gun Club. 263-2247. See last week's paper for full listing of above auctions. SATURDAY, APRIL 29 AT 9 AM - Antlques and fine furniture at Richard Lobb's Auction Building in Clinton for the Estate of Helen E. Young. Estate of Lilktan Nethery.. Mrs. Wynn 1lattis of Godertch. - NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate Of ETHEL MAY HAIST All persons having claims against the estate of Ethel May Heist, late of the town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 24th day of January 1994 are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of April 1994, atter which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 23rd day of March, 1994. McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux Barristers, &c., 77 Main Street S., Seaforth, Ontario NOK 1W0 Solicitors for the Executors Estate Auction 0 Of Antiques; Appliances & V Household Effects at the Jacob !)) Auction Centre. 185 Herbert St. in 1 Mitchell on THURS., APRIL 14 AT5:00P.M. INCLUDING: Grandfather dock (5 ) yrs. old)! matching Admiral host- ) tree fridge & 24 Inch electric stove; ' Hotpoint deep freeze; Hotpoint microwave; Westinghouse auto - made washer & dryer; Zenith con- sole colour T.V. with remote; three bedroom suites; chesterfield suites; recliner chairs; oak china cabinet glassed on three sides: Victorian style settee; washstand & dresser; press back rocker; wicker fern stand; hooked mats; quilts; bedding; cedar chest; fancy work: coal oil tamps; old benches; crocks; partial commode set; round piano stool; violin and case; four press back chairs; old cradle; oak dining room chairs; oak hall mkror; wooden extension table; chests of drawers; collectible dishes; small electric appliances; dehumidlfer: Simplicity wringer washer; electric dryer; hand and garden tools: 16 nch cast Iron bell; microwave land; electric lawn mower; and much more. OTE: The complete contents of iwo clean estate homes. ROP.: Estate of the Late Mary annon of St. Marys and Estate of he Late Gordon Klstner of licher,. AUCTIONEER Doug Jacob 271-7894 f 0 0 U a 0 I 0 r 4 (4 rJ f 6 r i, f t� f c, r ti ri u B • r AUCTION SALE for Ryan Landscaping at Garden Centre in Winthrop on Sat. May 7, 1994. Everything goes. For more information phone 345-2494. Ask for Tom. 38-13-4 it r DOUG JACOB r AUCTION REGISTER 271-7894 Thurs., Apr. 14 at 5:00 p.m. - Estate auction of appliances; antiques 6 household effects to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. In Mitchel, for the Estate of the Late Mary Bannon of St. Marys & the Estate of the Late Gordon Kistner of Mitchell Sat., Air. 16 at 11:00 a.m. • Auction of tractors; Implements; cattle and antiques, 7 miles east of Hickson and a k5 mile south for Russell Capling. Thurs., Apr. 21 et 5:00 p.m. - Estate auction of appliances; antiques; tools & household effects at the Jacob Auction Centre in Mitchell for the Estate of the Late Earl Squire. Full 1Is1 next week. Fri, Apr. 22 at 10:00 a.m. - Estate auction of trucks; loader; tools & mise. Items to be held 6 miles south of Dublin in the Village of Cromarty for the Estate of the Late Ted Harburn. Full list next week. Tues., Apr. 26 et 11:00 a.m. - Clearing auction of farm equip- ment; milking goat herd & house- hold effects, 1 mile west of Sebringville to Seebach's 11111 Church then 1st mile south and west for Leo Peripas. Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874 Upcoming Auction Calendar SAT.. A�RJL 16_ AT 10 A.M. at SH Rec Centre, dispersing the estate of the late Mrs. Norma Romphf Incl furnishings, appliances, antiques, china and glass plus a good offering of hand and power tools. An ex- tremely well kept offering. APRIL 22 AT - on location Lot 9 Conc. 3, Usborne Twp. 1/4 miles south of Exeter on Hwy. 4 then east 1 1/4 mi.) Clearing arm auction for the estate of Bill Ford incl. a 60 acre farrn (57 acres tillable), subject to reserve, also 1991 GMC pickup selling cert. with 34,600 kms., Ford 4610 tractor with farmhand loader (920 hrs.), Ford 5000 with cab, Allis D-15 with loader, Allis 'B" tractor, misc. farm ma- chinery and a large offering of hand and power tools and misc. Items. See April 12 edition of W/0 Farmer for full listing. SAT.. APRIL 23 AT 19 AS, at Hensall Arena - We will be dispersing the estate of the late Sarah Dick incl. an excellent residential prolrty known as 187 King St. Hensall, on which Is located a well kept 3 bed- room bungalow with many extras. Selling at 10 a.m. sharp on location (subject to reserve), then to the arena for the contents incl. antiques, appliances, furnishings, 1985 Crown Victoria LTD (111,000 kms), Int. Cub Cadet riding mower with snowblower etc. Contact the Auctioneer for Information and terms on the above properties and sales. 47. CARDS OF THANKS• • CAMERON The family of the late Lloyd J. Cameron, who passed away at St. Mary's Hospital on March 30, 1994 would like to thank the doctors and staff at St. Marys Hospital. Also the ambulance drivers. A thank you to VON and Homecare Nursing for all their help and support at home. Thanks ,are expressed to all friends, neighbors and relatives who sent flowers and gave donations to charities in memory of Lloyd. A big thank you goes to the many people who brought food to our home; sent cards; or phoned. We would also like to thank 1st Cromarty Scouts Pack, Gilwellians from Strafford, Ladies at Staffa United Church and Lockhart Funeral Home for their participation in the funeral services. Thank you to Irene Richardson for presiding over a special service. Our thanks to Ed Jack, business associate and friend, for delivering such a wonderful eulogy which will be remembered forever. A special thank you to Sylvia Parsons and Ken Parsons for all their help and support during the past months, especially keeping the driveway ploughed this winter. You were all there for us when we needed you the moat. - Rhea Cameron, Bill Cameron, Mary and Joe Ryan and family, Cathy and Gary Lozier and family, Bath and Fred McCaughey and family, and Richard and Denise Cameron and family. 47-15xlcc HULLEY We would like to express our thanks to everyone who helped us out with Braden's arrival. A special thank you to Dr. Raczycki and the nursing staff at Clinton for all their care. Thanks to everyone who came to visit and sent flowers. We would also like to thank Uncle Cam and Grandma and Papa Maloney for helping take such good care of Cole. We truly appreciate IL - Doug, Mary, Cote and Braden Hulley 47-15-1 HIUSSER I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Malkus and all the nurses and staff for their excellent care I received while a patient at Seaforth Community Hospital. Thanks to my very supportive family, neighbors, and friends for the phone calls, cards, visits, treats and beautiful flowers. - Leona Hiusser 47-15x1 PRESZCATOR The family of the. late Stan -Preszcator want to show our thanks in the Toss of a beloved husband, father and grandfather. Our thanks to friends and relatives for the floral arrangements, donations, food brought to the house, the Legion Branch 140 and 167 for their service, Legion Ladies for the beautiful lunch, Hopper Hockey Funeral Home, and Rev. James Carnes for his comforting words. We will always remember you all and may God bless you all. - Shirley Preszcator and Family 47-15x1 County taxation in Seaforth continued from front page $307,283; Exeter - $615,729; Goderich - $1,049,337; Seaforth - $209,478; Wingham - $308,268; Bayfield - $202,725; Blyth - $87,987; Brussels - $103,579; Hensall - $ 173,409; Zurich - $60,559; Ashfield $385,383; Col- borne - $316,219; Goderich Township - $462,938; Grey $256,648; Hay - $464,429; Howick - $361,993; Mullett - $265,767; McKillop - $271,846, Morris - $230,682; Stanley - $341,722; Stephen - $673,434; Tuckersmith - $338,401; Tumber- ry - $220,259; Usbome - $266,103; East Wawanosh - $134,370; West Wawanosh $130,000. These payments make a total payment of $8,238,549 in revenue from the municipalities. The provincial government is expected to release its budget near the end of the month. Sizzlers represent Seaforth well in provincials With bittersweet emotions the Seaforth Sizzlers returned from the Provincial Ringette Championships in Hamilton on Sunday. They did not, as hoped, bring home a provin- cial medal but placed fourth, play- ing '500' ringette, including a "sizzler" against Thunder Bay, and they won the Sportsmanship Trophy as voted by their opponents and the officials. The Sizzlers were the first Ringette team from the Seaforth Ringette Association to participate in the Provincial 'A' Championship but they certainly won't be the last. The next team to wear the maroon and white of Seaforth will be treated with the respect earned by these girls this weekend. Congratulations go to the Sizzlers, on placing 4th in the Province and on winning the Sportsmanship Trophy. The coaching staff of Joanne Holland, Brad Finlayson, Deb Denys and Jan DelVecchio and all the Sizzler's parents and fans are extremely proud of this team. If --you-see .oneof=these girls, con- gratulate her; in Provincial 'A' Ringeue, Seaforth is now on the map! The first game of the tournament was against Oshawa who later advanced to the championship game. Oshawa gained a two - lead befote • Jedfdtdes`,.Me VanBakel and Lori McKay worked the ring into Jessica Finlayson who scored. Oshawa re -gained their advantage but Seaforth the second with Jessica scoring on a pass from Jeanette Crowley and then Kim Devereaux, assisted by Marsha Denys and Melissa VanBakel, tied the game. RYAN The families of the late Lawrence Ryan would like to express our sincere thanks to Dr. Haines and Dr. Percival and alt the nursing staff of the Seaforth Community Hospital for the excellent care given to our father during his recent illness. Special thanks to Father Henry Cassano and Father Joe Nevitt for their prayers and accompaniment. Thank you to the Huron County Homemakers for your many hours of service. Thanks to all our friends, neighbors, and relatives for all the words of comfort, flowers, food, Mass cards, sympathy cards, and donations given In his memory. Thank you to the Knights of Columbus and the Sisters of St. Joseph for their prayers and support. Thankyou to Father Joe, Miriam, the choir, alter servers, and St. Ambrose parishioners for the beautiful Mass. Thank you to the St. Ambrose C.W.L. for the delicious lunch provided. Thank you to the Betts Funeral Home for your care and concem. Everyone's concern and kindness will always be remembered. - Lawrence Ryan Families 47-15x1 SALVATION ARMY Thank you to all who brought non perishable food items to the Seaforth Agricultural Society Home and Garden Show. - Salvation Army Family Service, 80 King St., Clinton, NOM ILO. 47-15-1 47. CARDS OF THANKS • TURNER We would like to thank Dr. Woldnik, Dr. Markus and the nurses at Seaforth Hospital for their special care of John Turner. Your kindness and medical expertise was truly appreciated. - Marya Turner and Family 47-15x1c YOUNG I would like to thank family and friends for the flowers, cards and treats and to Dr. Rodney, nurses and staff of Seaforth Hospital for their care while recovering from surgery. - Jim 47-15x1 TURNER We would like to say thank you to neighbors and friends for cards, flowers, expressions of sympathy and food brought to our home at the time of the loss of my husband John. Special thanks to my family and to Ross Ribey, and to Rev. G. Redden for his kind words. Everything was greatly appreciated. - Marya Turner and Family 47-15xlc Community WED., APRIL 13 1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard at the Arena 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Karate at the Arena 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. - Water Colour Painting at the Highschool 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Step Training at the Arena 7:30.9:00 p.m. - Minor Ball Meeting at the Arena 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. • Fitness is Fun at the Arena THURS., APRIL 14 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. - Fitness is Fun at the Arena 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Wood Carving at the High School MON., APRIL 18 7:30 -10:30 p.m. - Bingo at Arena Hall opens 816:30 p.m. Calendar TUES., APRIL 19 8:30-9:30 a.m. - Fitness is Fun at the Arena 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Dog Obedience begins at the Arena WED. , APRIL 20 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. -Senior Shuffleboard at the Arena. 6:00. 9:00 p.m. - Karate at the Arena. 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. - Water Colour Painting at the Arena 7:00. 8:00 p.m. - Step Training at the Arena 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.. Minor Hockey Meeting at the Arena 7:30.9:00 p.m. • Homecoming Meeting at the Highschool 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. Fitness is Fun at the Arena If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other Seaforth area residents, phone the recreation office 527- 0882 or the Expositor at 527-0240, or mail the informa- tion to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 'IWO well in advance of the sched- uled date. Free listing includes date, time, nmme of event and location only. Space for the Community Calendar in donated by The Huron Expositor.