HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-04-06, Page 13*
For '106008 Ontario Limited, -_ --
Owned & Exceptionally Maintained by
Ross & Loretta Riley.
Sale held at Lot 20, Con. 12, Hibbert Twp.
From Exeter take Hwy. #83, 6 miles E.
to Huron Rd. #11, turn N. to school house, then *
W. 1 mile or 7 miles E of Hensall, 6 miles S.W. of Dublin
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 - 11:00 a.m.
PROPERTY; Will be sold subject to Reserve Bid at 2:30 p.m.
* PARCEL #1 Lot 20, Con. 12, Twp. of Hibbert. Consisting of 100 acres, approx.,
* 95 workable. Modernized house, 2 storey, 5 bedroom, aluminum siding, combi- *
* nation furnace, large implement shed & workshop combined, other out buildings.
* Large bank barn. Metal storage grain bins, M & M grain dryer, 55 acres planted *
in winter, randomly tiled.
* PARCEL #2: W 1/2 Lot 23, Con. 12., Twp. of Hibbert. Consisting of 50 acres, *
* approx. 46 workable. No buildings. Randomly tiled. *
* PARCEL #3; Lot 24, Con. 12 Twp. of Hibbert. Consisting of 100 acres, 95 work-
* able, no buildings, randomly tiled. *
PARCEL #4; Lot 30, Con. 14, Twp.of Hibbert. Consistingof 100 acres,
*92 workable. No buildings. Randomly tiled. 40 acres planted in fall wheat.
* PARCEL #51 Lot 22, Con. 12, Twp. of Hibbert. Consisting of 99 acres, approx. *
* 81 1/2 workable. 4 acres of bush, licensed pit area, approx. 23 acres with a good
* supply of different kinds of gravel. Small shed 29 x 24, 33 acres of fall wheat *
planted, partially systematically tiled. A real opportunity here for someone in the *
* gravel & pit business.
* PARCEL #6; Lot 28, Con. 14, Twp. of Hibbert. Consisting of 99 acres, approx. *
* 94 workable. No buildings. Partially tiled. 30 acres have been treated with Round
* Up. *
*PARCEL #71 Lot 29, Con. 14, Twp. of Hibbert. Consisting of approx. 75 acres, *
* 66 workable, balance bush. 23 acres treated with Round Up. Machine shed 40 x *
* 80. Systematically tiled.
* PARCEL #8; Lot 29, Con. 14 West Side of Twp. of Hibbert. Consisting of 25
* acres, 22 workable. Mostly tiled. *
* TERMS; On property 10% down, balance 30 days. Offered subject to a Reserve
* Bid and if not previously sold by sale date.
* TRACTORS; Steiger KM225 Bearcat, 2600 hrs., cab, duals all round; J.D. 4050, *
* 4 w.d., cab, air, radio; J.D., 2750 with cab; J.O. 2250 4 w.d. with 245 loader; J.D.
* M gas, 2 cyl. The above tractors are all in particularly good condition.G.M. Terex *
* pay loader with 4 yd. bucket Model 72-51 Detroit motor; A.C. 45 gas.
* COMBINES: & HARVESTING EQUIPMENT; J.D. Model 9500, 4 w.d. diesel, *
* only 197 hrs., 32.5 x 32 tires, (like new); J.D. 922 22' header (new); J.D. 643 6 *
* row narrow corn head; J.O. dummy head with 12' Innis pickup; Brent 420 grain
* buggy, 450 bu. (like new); Int. 175 14' self propelled swather; Innis 6 row bean *
* puller; Innis 6 row pickup & windrower; Innis 570 pickup & windrower; older grav-
* ity bin & wagon.
* PLANTING & TILLING EQUIPMENT; J.D. 7200 maxi -merge II, 6 row corn *
* planter, dry fert., insecticides, cross top conveyor; Int. 5100 21 run soy bean
* Special drill with grass seeder; Int. #700 7 fur. 18' plow; Vetter 3415 16' rotary *
* hoe, 3 PTH,; Int. 470 wheel disc with wings; Vibro-Crop Kongskilde cult., 6 row
* with rolling shields; Lukes hydraulic controlled three 12' steel rollers; L -L Rick 42 *
* spring tooth cult. with hydraulics, buster bar & finger harrows; Vogel 36' wick *
* weeder (new).
* SPRAYER: Hardi, complete with electric controls, foam markers, 45' boom (like *
* new).
*GRAIN AUGERS; Westfield W80, 50' 8' PTO auger; Allied 52' 6' on wheels; 50' *
* auger; Market 12' hydraulic brush auger for seed; small auger & motor; fert. *
* MISC; 18.4 X 38 duals; 3000 gal. water tank on truck frame; winch on wheels; *
* PTO with 240' new cable; Kongskilde grain cleaner; Int. rotary mower; chain har-
* rows; McKee 2 auger snow blower; Anderson hydraulic controlled rock picker; *
* Anderson 12' stone windrower; B.S. motor & pump; hydraulic 3 pt. h. wood split- *
* ter; windrower PTO generator; tractor chains; 3 pt.h. blade.
* TRAILERS; 16' platform tandem wheel, wooden floor, (like new); 14' dump box *
* on dual truck frame with PTO; single axle dump 12' with wood floor; small dump
*box for ATV. *
* TRUCKS; 1984 Ford tractor LTL 9000. diesel, tandem, 30' aluminum City Dump *
trail with duals & roll over tarp; 1974 Ford 9000 tractor, tandem, diesel with trail-
* mobile tandem wheel dump trailer 30'; 1974 Ford diesel; tandem with large gray- *
* el dump box, 13 speed, over drive, excellent running condition. All above recent- *
* ly Certified but selling AS IS.
*LAWNMOWER; J.D. 332 Diesel riding, 3 cyl., with mower.
* TOOLS: Big Blue upright air compressor with 5 h.p. motor; Epps power washer;
* electric welder; acetelyne welder; 2 Stihl chain saws; power hack saw, Makita *
*cut-off saw; electric heaters; drill press; lawn sweeper; chicken crates; shop *'
* heater; air tank; other tools found at a clearing farm sale.
* RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT. 1990 Ski -Doo Formula Plus, 1300 miles, with *
* cover (like new); Yamaha 350 4 wheeler A.T.V.
* Plan to attend this large auction of exceptionally well kept equipment that is in *
*field ready condition. Auctioneers are not responsible for deletions or accidents. *
* TERMS; Cash Sale Day or Accepted Cheque. Bank letter of Credit for large *
* sums on Chattels. * i
He's got a pacemaker.
She's got a grandfather.
Your donations help give
someone a second chance.
AND smu
Vehicles, 5 tractors, combine, farm machinery, riding mower, misc. items to be held
1/4 miles south of Kippen on Highway #4, at Kippen Gun Club for Harold (Shorty)
Caldwell. Saturday, April 16, 1994 at 12 Noon
TRACTORS: Allis Chalmers 8010 diesel with cab heater, air, radio, front weights
20.8x38 rear tires, run 2630 hrs. (Looks like new), 20.8x38 bolt on duals. Allis D17
series 4 with 16.9x28 tires, Allis WD, Allis CA, Allis B with Woods mower, Allis 611
LTD. 5 speed, 11 HP riding mower, looks like new.
COMBINE: Allis Gleaner E with rasp bar and spike tooth cylinder, straw chopper,
cutter bar and pick up head.
MACHINERY: Allis 2000 5 furrow 16' semi mount plow, Allis 3 furrow 14 inch plow
with snap coupler, Allis 1200 18 1/2 ft. trail cultivator with harrows, Danish type 12
ft. 5 tine cultivator, Allis 4 row scuffler fits CA Turnco 18 1/2 ft. 3 section land pack-
er, Allis 770 4 row air planter with insecticide, 12 ft. land roller, set wire tooth har-
rows, 3 gravity boxes on wagons, Innes 570 Innes 520 bean windrower with con-
veyor, Geo. White aluminum tank, 200 gal trail sprayer with filler pump, 40 ft. 6 inch,
PTO drive grain auger, small grain auger, John Deere 16 run drill, 3 PT hitch wood
splitter, farming mill with screens, Fairbanks Morse hammermill, AC 500 4 row bean
planter, 3 PT hitch stone bucket. Vogel 6 row wick weeder, old platform scale, six
section diamond harrows and pole, Kongskilde 4 row scuffler with rolling shields, 5
HP Pace transfer sump.
OLD AUTO'S: 1949 Ford 2 ton stake truck, 47,000 original miles, good condition,
1952 GMC 2 ton stake truck, good condition, 1974 Ford XLT pickup, partly restored.
PARTS VEHICLES: 1979 Olds, '78 Cutlass, '74 Pontiac, '65 Ford pickup, 1939
Model A, trans., rear end, and axles.
MISC. ITEMS: Bicycles, 36 ft. aluminum ext. ladder, portable air compressor, set of
WD chains, set of 12 ft. truck racks, MTD 5 HP garden tiller., 2 oak barrels, 4 older
steel gates, table saw forks, scythe, cross cut saw, misc. parts plus many items too
numerous to mention.
SALE ORDER: Misc. small items at 12 Noon. Vehicles at approx. 1 p.m. followed
by the machinery and tractors -
TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D.
Auctioneer, Richard Lobb, 482-7898
Owner: Short Caldwell, 263-2247
Southwestern School of Auctioneering.
Next Class: July 16-22. Information
contact: Southwestern Ontario School of
Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock,
Ont. N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. 39-
BE A SUCCESSFUL writer...with our
great home -study course. Call for a free
book. 1-800-267-1829 The Writing
School, 2112-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa,
Ont. KIL 6R2. 39-14xbc
John and Mary Baan, R.R. #3, Walton
are pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their son,
Donald James to Monique Adriana Van
Ostaaijen, daughter of John and Julia
Van Ostaaijen of R.R. #1, Stayner. The
wedding will take place April 9 at the
Stayner Brethem-In-Christ Church,
Stayner, Ont. 44-14x1
MOYLAN: In loving memory of John
Moylan who died April 06, 1974.
Although 20 years have passed since
you left this world,
We still miss you more than words can
Gone are the days we used to share,
But in our memory you are always
Lovingly remembered and always
missed by Don and Rita, Patrick,
Marianne, John, Mike and Kathleen. 46-
PATRICK: Patricia - In loving memory
of a dear wife and mother who passed
away April 5, 1992.
We who love you, sadly miss you,
As it dawns another year,
In our lonely hours of thinking,
Thoughts of you are ever near.
Lovingly remembered by her family.
REGELE: Harry - In loving memory of a
husband, a father and grandfather who
left us a year ago, April 9th to start his
new life with the Lord.
Missing you deeply are wife Luella, son
Charles and Carol Anne and
grandchildren, Brian, Christian and one
that had no chance to know you,
Alexander. We all miss your guidance
and wisdom. Thinking of you often. -
Your Family 46-14x1
VOCK: In loving memory of our dear
daughter, Cathy, who passed away 6
years ago, April 8, 1988.
There will always be a heartache,
And often a silent tear,
But always precious memories,
Of the days when you were here.
Lovingly remembered, Mum and Gord.
News and Views
OPP investigates Vanastra theft
VANASTRA - The Vanastra
Recreation Centre was the scene
of a break and enter burglary,
making this the fourth time the
centre has been the target of a
break and enter since last Novem-
Sgt. Rick Huiser of the Goderich
OPP reported that the centre was
entered between 10 p.m. on March
24 and 6 a.m. the following mor-
ning. "They went into the office
and attacked the safe," he said.
adding that the thieves broke the
safe open making off with bet-
ween $1,600 and $1,800.
When asked about a possible
relationship between this burglary
and others that have recently taken
place at the centre, the Tuck-
ersmith Township municipal office
and Huron Centennial Public
School, he responded, "It's pos-
I wish to express my sincere thanks to
Dr. Woldnik, Dr. Percival, Seaforth
Ambulance attendants Bob, Dave, Mike
and Gord and all the nurses and staff
for their excellent care given to me
while a patient in Seaforth Hospital.
Thanks to my family, friends and
neighbors for the cards, flowers, visits
and treats that I received in the hospital
and at home. Special thanks to
everyone at Seaforth Grocery for their
patience and understanding. Thanks
again. - Elaine McKellar 47-14x1
I would like to express my appreciation
for all the kindness shown to me in the
past few weeks. Thank you to Dr. Hay,
Clinton, Dr. Marchuk, Stratford and Dr.
Shepherd, Seaforth; to the nurses, the
V.O.N.s, Sandra, my homemaker; to all
who phoned, visited, sent cards, lovely
flowers and treats, and especially to my
very supportive family. - Beryl Reid
I would like to thank the friends who
attended the birthday party. Thank you
for the gifts and the many cards I
received, and the flowers were
beautiful. Thank you so much.
- Mary Robertson 47-14-1
Novena to St. Jude. May the Sacred
Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified,
loved and preserved throughout the
world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of
Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of
miracles, pray for us. Say this prayer 9
times a day, by the 8th day your prayer
will be answered. it has never been
known to fail. Publication must be
promised. Forever grateful. - B.R.
/ 1
* Hugh Filson P. Ag.
Tom Robson
Ray Filson
Phone/Fax (519) 888-0833
Lunch Booth
Antiques, fumiture, appliances, 2 power saws, tent trailer, tools, etc. to be held at
Richard Lobb's Auction Building In Clinton for Estate of Nina Haw of Bayfield plus
additions from Goderich estate.
Saturday, April 9, 1994 at 9 a.m.
POWER SAWS, ETC: Craftsman 10 Inch radial arm saw on stand with blades,
like new; Craftsman 12 Inch bandsaw on stand, like new; small Rockwell drill
press, 1 inch belt sander, skill saws, 2 electric sanders, electric drills, bench
grinder, vise, drill sharpener, hand saws, cross cut saw, planes, clamps, brace
and bits, saw vlse, tap and die set, 40 ft. TV tower, fishing poles and lures,
Walkins plow, propene camp stove.
ANTIQUE FURNITURE: Violin, bow and case, upright piano, 2 flat to wall cup-
board bottoms, 2 open washstands, 3 piece bedroom suite, 2 chest freezers,
annex stove, 40 Inch electric stove, Viking fridge, 2 portable colour TV's, GE
almond fridge, wringer washer, Inglis washer, 30' stove wooden dining table
w/pattern skirt, matching china cabinet and buffet, microwave, 4 dining chairs,
chests of drawers, box springs and mattresses, antique bed, high chair, antique
radio, pillar clock, antique blanket box, antique sleigh, kerosene stove, dishes,
glassware, pots and pans, garden tools, G scale garden train, cost approx. $ 1000.
new, SUBJECT TO RESERVE. Many items too numerous to mention.
TENT TRAILER: 1978 Star Craft, sleeps eight, fridge, stove, 10 x 12 add a room.
Sells at 11:30 a.m.
TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D.
Auctioneer, Richard Lobb, 482-7898
Combine, 2 tractors, farm machinery to be held for Lewis Dempsey, go 4 miles west
of Clinton on Highway 8 to Holmesvblle, turn left go 1/2 mile on County Rd. 18
Friday, April 15, 1994 at 12 Noon
COMBINE: t 969 MF 410 with cab heater, gas engine and quick attach, serial
II 19199, MF 1859, 13 ft. flex head, MF 1143, 4 row narrow corn head, pick up head.
SWATHER: IH 175 10 ft. swather with Wisconsin engine and hay conditioner.
TRACTORS: MF 2640 90 HP diesel with cab heater, air, radio 18.4 x 38 power
adjust rear wheels, 921 hours, subject to reasonable reserve, 18.4 x 38 T bar dual
tires, like new, MF 135 diesel with Allied 390 loader.
MACHINERY: IH 1450 Riding mower hydrostatic drive, JD 2010 Gas Tractor, 13 ft.
land roller with hyd. lift wheels, 4 row scuffler with rolling shields, MF 880 4 furrow
16 Inch plow with auto reset, 111 45 Vibrashank 18 ft. cultivator with harrows, 111 45
Vlbrashank 15 ft. cultivator with harrows, Pico 10 ft. wheel disc, Vic 6 h. stone fork,
MF 3 pt. 3 furrow 12 inch plow, 5 section diamond harrows and pole like new; 4
section diamond harrows; 18 ft. chain harrow, 3 drum roller, Handl 3 PThitch, 100
gal sprayer, 4 yr. old MF 3 PThitch hay mower, post hole digger, Kilbros model 350
gravity box on Elmira wagon (nearly new), 4 gravity boxes on wagons, spare tire for
wagon. JD 24T baler, bale stooker, 40 pipe hay elevator with undercarriage and
motor, old iH side rake, MF 2p1. 2 furrow, 12 inch hail plow; Cockshutt 3 furrow 12
Inch hail plow, 2 old wagons and flat racks, 35 ft. 8 inch auger with gas engine, 3 - 4
inch augers with motors, 4 wheels with tires for IH 1020 tractor, hay loader, antique
Massey wooden wheel wagon, walking plow, 3 cast Iron kettles, cement mixer,
grain cradle, rabbit cages, antique turnip seeder, milk can, 4 cream cans, conk -
stove, box stove, old scale, 12 gauge shot gun, .22 rifle, antique barn beam boring
machine, wagon load of misc. Items, etc.
NOTE: Misc. at 12 Noon, machinery awrox. 1 p m
TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D.
Auctioneer, Richard Lobb, 482-7898, Clinton
Owner - Lewis Dempsey 482-3386, Clinton
Police suggest
possible link to other
sible because they were done the
same way."
He said that because of the way
the burglars force open doors and
break doors, "There's really not
much you can do to protect your-
self from these people except
putting an alarm in."
The township office installed an
alarm last week after their second
break-in this year.
The rectreation centre's director,
Diane Durnin said that along with
the centre's money, there was also
money that was being raised for
the Heart and Stroke Foundation
in the safe at the time. She said
that in entering the building, the
thieves also damaged some door
frames. The door to the office
which contained the safe was
smashed in around the knob. This
door had been replaced following
its being broken in the last break
and enter. "I don't think the
door's been up two weeks yet
(since it was replaced)," she said.
Durnin said she thinks an alarm
system will now have to be
installed to protect against further
incidents of this nature. "I would
think that we would be looking at
the cost of an alarm," she said,
explaining that the money for an
alarm would probably come out of
the centre's operating budget,
meaning there would be less
money for programs which are
run at the centre.
The centre is also the site of the
Tuckersmith Day Care Centre.
The day care centre also reported
theft in their area of the building.
Catholic parents get say
on March break issue
Advocate Staff
Catholic parents will get their say
on how they liked the two-week
March Break.
Dr. James Brown, director of
education at the Huron -Perth
Roman Catholic Separate School
Board, said a survey will be sent to
parents at the end of April to find
out if they liked it.
Trustee Steve Murray, who repre-
sents Mitchell, Hibbert and Logan,
said a couple of parents told him
they were pleased with the extended
March Break.
"They felt it gives them a better
opportunity to go on vacation," he
He said it gives younger families
a chance to drive to Florida instead
of the more expensive option of
_ Although the board already agreed
to have a two-week March Break
next year, that decision can be
reversed if there is enough opposi-
tion from parents.
"If there was a strong response, I
think the board would reconsider,"
said Dr. Brown.
The Ministry of Education and
Training required boards to submit
their 1994/95 school year calendars
for approval by March 1. Because
the deadline was before the March
Break, the board wasn't able to
survey parents on how they liked it.
The survey coming out in the end
of April will help trustees decided
if they want to continue with the
two-week March Break in the fol-
lowing year.
The Huron -Perth Roman Catholic
Separate School Board, the Perth
County Board of Education and the
Huron County Board of Education
are working together to schedule
professional activity days, examin-
ation days, and March Break at the
same._ time. Asimilar. 5,81l3tt(18r.
would reduce transportation coria.
Hospital board members
question OMA commitment
on rural emergency issue -
funding for rural 24-
hour emergency service is not
receiving enough support bythe
Ontario Medical Assocation
(OMA), said members of the
Seaforth Community Hospital
Board of Governors.
"The OMA does not appear inter-
ested in supporting solutions for
rural physicians," said Bob Norris,
chair of the joint finance and prop-
erty committee.
Three -party discussions are taking
place with the Ontario Hospital
Association, the Ministry of Health
and the Ontario Medical Associ-
In discussion board members
mentioned that one small-town
hospital had already cut back its 24-
hour emergency service,
At the March 29 meeting of .the
Seaforth Community Hospital
Board of Governors members dis-
cussed how to attract people to the
next annual meeting, which one
member believed to be the 65th
annual meeting of the hospital.
Clowning Around
2 p.m.
April 16
'1'«o irresi�lihl�
1tmrt`• clown\
str(-ihiltealitm ;Intl
charm. ;t circus ail
In tl0li1t'hl all ;Ire.
Ulyth Memorial Community Ilan
Tickets $7.00 523-9300
J Community Calendar
1:30-4:00 p.m. - Senior Shuffleboard
et the Arena
5:00 - 10:00 p.m. - Home and Garden Show
at the Agriculture Exhibition Building
6:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Karate at the Arena
5:00. 10:00 p.m. - Home and Garden Show
at the Agriculture Exhibition Building
7:00 - 9:00 p.m. - Wood Carving at the
High School
6:30-8:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers at
Egmondville United Church
1:30-3:30 p.m. - Senior Games - Bowling
at Starlight Lanes
7:30-10.30 p.m. • Bingo at Arena Hall
opens at 6:30 p.m.
8:30-9:30 a.m. - Fitness is Fun at the Arena
11:45 - Seaforth Women's Institute
Meeting at the Blue Fountain in
Clinton. Meet at Olave Pappki's at 11:45
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. • Dog Obedience begins
at the Arena.
8:00 p m. - Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary
Meeting in Conference Room 12.
1:30 - 4:00 p.m. -Senior Shuffleboard at the
6:00 - 9:00 p.m - Karate at the Arena.
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Step Training at the
8:00. 9:00 p.m. - Fitness is Fun at the
If you're organizing a non-profit event of interest to other
Seaforth area residents, phone the recreation office 527-
0882 or the Expositor at 527-0240, or mail the informa
tion to Community Calendar, The Huron Expositor, Box 69,
Seaforth, Ontario, NOK 'IWO well in advance of the ached
uled date. Free listing includes date, time, name of event
and location only. Space for the Community Calendar in
donated by The Huron Expositor.