HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-02-23, Page 9• • ALARM • UTILITY : CLOCKS 7,99 KNIFE 1.69f• :SllIpliI,!I!,NS• BOUSES• - • 99° - • ••• • • • News and Views THE HURON EXPOSITOR, February 23, 1994-9 : •••••••••••••••••••••••• • Caregivers support group forming• BY DAVID SCOTT Expositor Staff Caring for the caregiver. That was the message of the Caregiver's Support Program held Feb. 10 at the Woman's Resource Centre in Seaforth. Caregivers are people who look after loved ones with health problems. Public Health Nurse Sandra Feltz, with the Huron County Health Unit, hosted the discussion which included a view- ing of the National Film Board video "When the Day Comes" which portrayed four women caregivers. One in 10 Canadians is currently 65 or over. By the year 2025, one in five will be over 65. And by 2030, one in three people will be over 65, said Sandra Feltz. According to the video, two out of three women will take care Of a loved one with health problems in their life. (The majority of caregivers are female). As early as 18 months after looking after some- one, the personal health of the caregiver can break down. Along with the strain on physical health, grief, guilt, frustration and resent- ment may also be experienced. People who have not been caregivers do not know what it's like, said one of the four women in "When the Day Comes." Caring for a loved one with health problems can range from daily visits to around the clock attention. Beat the winter blues Ken and Leona McDonald greeted those who attended Duff's United Church on Feb. 20. Rev. Banks announced the next session of the Bible Study is called 'The Beloved Disciple'. The Money Jar for the Latin American Project had been passed around earlier and Rev. Banks reminded everyone that next week it will cost t5 cents per hour of T.V. watching. If everyone is like our family I know it will bring a few quarters. JoAnn McDonald and son Scott together read the Lenten Liturgy and Scott unlit one of the purple candles in the Lenten triad. Jim McDonald was scripture reader. Ken McDonald celebrated 65 years of living Feb. 11 at his birthday party put on by his wife, Leona. Ken said he had a great time visiting with his friends and said his next big celebration will be at his 85th birthday party. Neil and Marie McGavin travelled to Barrie, Ont. to attend the Plowman's Association Convention. They took with them Marie and Francis Hicknell (Marie is secretary for the Huron Plowman's Assoc.)_ and Sharon Kelly who is Huron County Queen of the Furrow. March 1 will be the date for the next Country Luncheon and afternoon card games. The Walton United Church Women will be serving a Hot Roast Beef lunch starting at 11:30 - 12:30 with the card games beginning at 1 p.m. The U.C.W. will also be hosting a community friendship coffee morning March 2 starting at 9:15 at the church. There will be baby- sitting provided and ladies are asked to bring a plain t -shirt or Walton by Patty Banks 887-6860 blouse for doing non -sewing applique. There will also be a short video called "How to talk so kids will listen." It has been a long winter for many and the winter blues tend to hit most of us at one time or another. But it is important to try to keep a positive attitude like this young fellow I'm going to tell you about. A little boy was overheard talking to himself as he strutted through the backyard. Baseball cap in place, toting ball and bat. He was heard to say, "I'm the greatest hitter in the world." Then he tossed the ball into the air, swung at it and missed. "Strike One!" Undaunted he picked up the ball, threw it into the air and said to himself..."I'm the greatest baseball hitter ever," and he swung at the ball again. And again he missed. "Strike two!" He paused a moment to examine his bat and ball carefully. Then a third time he threw the ball into the air. "I'm the greatest hitter who ever lived," he said. He swung the bat hard again, missed a third time. He cried out, "Wow! Strike three! What a Pitcher! I'm the greatest pitcher in the World!" Think Positive and hate a good week. - Happy Citizens guest speaker talks about life in Newfoundland The Seaforth Happy Citizens Club held their regular monthly meeting at the Legion on Thursday, Feb. 2. Ariel Wood read a very appropriate reading for this Jan. -Feb. weather entitled "White Magic". Helen McKenzie introduced our guest speaker who was Rev. Jim Lingerfelt from Northside United Church. He explained how the people of Newfoundland live and their ways of life which was all very interesting. Olave Little thanked the guest speaker for his interesting and enlightening speech. Euchre followed with 9 tables in play. Prizes were won as follows: Ladies high - Viola Glanville; Lone hands split between - Mary Dalrymple and Grace Broao1'oot; Ladies low - Pat Bennett; Men's high - Pauline Bennett (playing as a man); Lone hands - Doreen Kelly (playing as a man) and men's low - Marjory Maloney (playing as a man). NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH FOR AN ORDER TO DISPENSE WITH THE VOTE OF THE ELECTORS TO PERMIT THE REDUCTION IN THE NUMBER OF COUNCILLORS TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board pur- suant to Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. 0.28 for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors to permit the passage of a by-law under Section 31 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45 to reduce the number of councillors from nine (9) to seven (7), to be effective for the next municipal election. Any person interested may, within twenty-one (21) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliv- er to the Clerk of the Town of Seaforth notice of his or her otgjection to the approval of said application together with a statement of the grounds of such objection and that if a hearing is held he or his agent will attend such hearing to support such objection. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said application but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the application will be con- sidered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection and who have left with or delivered to the undersigned Clerk the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS will be the 16th day of March, 1994. James Crocker, Clerk -Administrator Town of Seaforth P.O. Box 610 Seaforth, Ontario. NOK 1 WO Despite the difficulties, caregivers beieve they're doing an important job of preserving the quality of life for the people they love. When extra support is needed (Home Care, nurses, etc.), just having people in and out of the house everyday is stressful. "I try not to have as my onl conversation my husband's illness," said one of the caregivers on the video. "It's important to just get out of the house," said Public Health Nurse Sandra Feltz. "Sometimes you don't think of yourself." Yvonne Kitchen, Nursing Coordinator at Seaforth Community Hospital; Louise Sloan, Home Care Coordinator, and the Huron County Health Unit are collaborating to establish a "Caring with Confi- dence" program in the Seaforth area. The first meeting of the caregiver's support group is Thurs- day, Mar. 3 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. at the Seaforth Community Hospital boardroom. There's no cost to attend the meeting. The program usually runs eight weeks with 16 possible themes for sessions. Any- one who is looking after a Loved one with a health problem is wel- come. To register, call the Huron County Health Unit at 1-800-265-5184. DAVID SCOTT PHOTO SCULPTORS - Grade eight students Lome Wemham and Tanner • Banks work together on a snow sculpture of a crocodile coming out of the water. The Friday morning activity was a group workproject by Bill Millson's grade eight class at Seaforth Public. Guitar playing enjoyed by Maplewood residents I was very happy to play my guitar at Maplewood Manor, Seaforth, last Wednesday! I was welcomed by Karen McDonald, Manager, Deb Dillon, and all the Staff and Residents (who sang along with me in a happy prepara- tion for Valentine's Day!) I had an enjoyable meeting with John Jacobs (Vicar at St. Peter's Lutheran Church Brodhagen). It was a real thrill to accompany Ed Andrews on my guitar (as he sang), and also tosing along with him! Thank you allfor such an enjoyable afternoon! Ted Doyle is recovering in Seaforth Community Hospital. We all miss you, Ted, and hope you are home soon. I (Dorothy) especially miss my favourite euchre partner! Joe Eckert had visits from Dublin • • • • • - • • •• ••• DOOR CRASHE •on.: Per customer •Limited 0u.lntrt1t 5 0000•• •• •• • ••• • •• • • •• • I's 1w NALRets �o • • • • i P•••••••••••••••••• THURS. ONLY SAICO TUNA r6°25 250 FRI. ONLY SAT. ONLY • Q.E. LIGHT BULBS WOW! 25¢ WHITE SWAN • TISSUE • Bo s 50 ; COTON ¢ PLASTIC GLOVES 69 HANGERS2 • •••••0 •• •• • •••• • • • MEMO PADS 39¢ KID'S HARMONICA 79 BALL POINT dd PENS 19 EASTER MINI EGGS6.9 CABANA POTATO CHIPS USED BOOKS 1 Q BATTERIES AA C D 20 40 60 socKs 99¢ WINTER HOODED PARKAS 499 1 1/2" BINDERS 3 RINGI ■69 SCRATCH PADS 61'I1% PADS FOR BINDERS 39¢ ASSORTED NECKLACES COMBS s19 SPORT BAGS BOMBER JACKETS S -M -L Assorted Colours 1,29 9 • • 9 9 9 9 • • • ••• •• •• • • • • • • • I� ••• • li I•� • • ••• •• ASSORTED MATS 2.99 ST. PATRICK HATS 1 ■� BOXESJEWELLERY� ■�e 7 BOPPERS K1 ■99 Saturday Night Live T-SHIRTS 3.99 by Dorothy Dillon • QUALITY 345-2883 /" Stephen and Tracy Eckert, Egmondville, and Cecilia Ryan, St. Columban. Congratulations to Mary Lou • HAMMERS Z.99 • • SMALL PHOTO • ALBUMS Small (Kramers) and Brad Ruston who were united in marriage by • PEPSI Father Joe Hardy in St. Patrick's • Church, Dublin, on Saturday, Feb. • 12. Also congratulations to their • parents (Shirley and Louis Kramers • and Lawrence Ruston and friend, • Ann Thompson) THOUGHT FOR TODAY • Believing in yourself is the first • step to success! l✓1 jobsOntario • Training 1994 Huron County Training Fair The Huron County IobsOntario • Training office would like to invite you and your staff to the 1994 Huron County Training Fair. The Training Fair provides an opportunity for employers to obtain Information about the services available to train their employees. The exhibitors are public and private trainers in or around Huron County who offer various services t0 employers. MARCH 2, 1994 (Snow date Mar. 3/94) 11:30 am to 7:30 pm Clinton Townhall Auditorium 23 Albert St., Clinton Small business seminars will he held every hour on a variety of topics. There is nn cost for entry to the Training raiz We look Inrward to seeing you at the 1994 Huron County Training Fairi MARCH 2, 1994 12:00. 12.40 pm 12:50- 1:30pm 1:40-2:20 p.m 2.303:10pm 3'.20-4:00 p m 4.10-4:50p.m. 5.00-540p.m. Seminars Where's Your Business Going? Ontario Skills Development Office Hiring and Firing - Legalty and Properly Melady R Associates Developing Skills for n Competitive Market Place Apprenticeship Board The 90's Edge - Customer Service Scarboro Fair Training How Do You Measure Up? Human Resounce Management Canada Employment Centre ' Reaching Your Customers • Marketing for a Small Business Panel Discussion Radio Stallon, Newspaper, Television, Marketing Consultant Is There Anybody Out There? Help tot Business Business Resource Centre Business Development Corp. (loans up to $80,000) � COLORING BOOKS .99 i CRAYONS • ,6'g NOV HAIR BRUSH/ �MIRROR 1 99 , 3 pc. � ,2 litre TIDE ORIGINAL 4 litre 1.79 1.59 T-SH1RTS- 100% Cotton 2.69 BATH TOWELS 4 (18" x 36°) .99 VIDEO RECORDING TAPE 2 T120 .99 3.69 •• • • DUST PANS .99 PHOTO � ALBUMS 7 99 • 80 pages PAINT • BRUSHES ■99 HARMONICA 3.49: MIRROR w! • HANDLE 1 NOV • LADIES'� PANTYHOSE ■99 41BANDAGES 408 169•.• CLOCKS 9195 : ST. PATRICK., nn BEAR TELEPHONES 6.99 KIDS' 1 .79 •• •• • • • • CHILDREN CLOTHING 1 '.69. JEANS • • • 2.99 ••• • • •••• Downtown Mitchell MITCHELL'S ANSWER TO WAL MART! WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ITEMS WHILE THEY LAST - GST and PST NOT INCLUDED Sale Ends Saturday February 26/94 - •