HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1994-02-09, Page 10(7F, SNOWIKIIIIES & EQUIPMENT 1094 WO 000 Fonmea Z low Idle - metres emoeret oo cilion. Phone 233- 7467. 7F -08O1 TiME IIIMON EXPOSITOR, February S. 1104-S Town and Country CLASS DEADLINE: MONDAY, 4:30 PM (C.E. COMING EVENTS ) Cl. ARTICLES FOR SALE, UNE DANCING LESSONS staring Wednesday. February 24. Herat St Patrick's Church Hall, Dubin. begins at 7:30-990 pin. For mom information Car Barb at 527-0262 aper 500 pm. CE-06x2c CARPET and 1 on Squirted/xi12 lel ends from 169.00. x 9' design area tugs. $80.00. Large inventory. Too much to 1st 190 Dusan Sheet, Unit 10. icticardme. 398.4900. 01 S2c8o: IE CALL 527-0240 Play Smart N, rr...sod .... Seel M Buwrn.i..ocal MIN °joule. ft/ Canaan ST PETER'S Lutheran Church OOREX hunting boob. warm. wow- Brodiwpen Annual Shrove Tuesday prod Gann hunting boots. rem (A. PET'S Pancake Supper. Tuesday February 15 $240.00 now $179.00. Lake Hum pod from 5 - cpm. CE -06x1 cc and Out 1-368-7182 01-00x800 COME AND JOIN Seaforth Harmony HiUtes on their perspective membership night, Tuesday, February 15. 8-10pm, Seaforth Public School. Ar ladies who like to sing and world like to experience Barbershop style me welcome. CE- 06x1cc SINGLES DANCE Sunday, February 13, at the Wingham Legion Ham. Dancing 7 to 11 pm. Music by Major Moves. No blue jeans please. CE -06x1 cc PANCAKE SUPPER, Shrove Tuesday. February 15/94, St. Thomas Anglican Church, Seatonti. 5-7pm. Adults $450, Children 12 and under 82.25. CE -06-1 VANASTRA BINGO every Tuesday. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Numbers pop at 7:30 p.m. Prizes btal more than $1000.00 and all must go. CE-054oc PINK FLOYD are coming back For Toronto Hotel or Bus Packages with tickets cat 613 546-5997, 519-439- 5997. We also have Showboat , friss Saigon, Leafs and Jays. CE-06xbc Seaforth Minor Sports BINGO EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 7:30 PM smeweh & destu commutgr G.eM = $2,0110NPiES3Nue SHARE 71E WEALTH $794 JAO1ir0T Must Gm! DOORS OPEN 4:30P.111 fl. ARTICLES FOR SALE FIREWOOD dump truck loads of maple, beech, ash, oak, slab wood and edgings. Car R.J. Dunpey & Sons. 348- 8477 kitchen. 01-06x4bc FOR SALE; BAGPIPES. used and new. Practice Chanter and Tutor book. Also cassettes. C.D.s and videos, featuring Scottish and Irish music and scenery. Phone 364-6846. 01-06xlcc HIGH CHAIR. large oak desk, bot balk pram, two arm chars, 2 bikes. lids desk, small keyboard, troth computer, . bike helmet, two mens suits. 482-1128. 01-06x1 cc DOUBLE SIZE Floatation System waterbed- Box spring with tubes of wafer in top matrass, its a standard bed frame, with or without Cannonball head and footboard Phone evenings 345-2448. 01-06x2c CHAiN SAW DEALS .84 ex: Md 039 Stihl $499. Save $110.; 54 a: Md. 029 SI $449. Save $80. Free: sharpening coupon with every saw -dmi h purchase. While Quantities last Hurex Equipment 6 Toon, 235- 0918 Exeter. 01-06-1 CLEARANCE SALE ALL Exterior Pittsburgh _ Paints PRICE Campbells Home Decorating Centre 11 Man St, Sealorth 527-1420 grif NEVER COMES EARLY ENOUGH LUBE SALE! Save up to 3nc. r litre On Now at... EDWARD OREM GODERICH - 1111414111111 INTON - -EE�M ER - 4 Z-TIS1 REMINGTON COMBO: Remington 12 or 20 gauge shotgun with extra slug barrel, reg. $500.00 now $999.00. Luke Heron Rod and Gun. 1-368-7182. 01- 50oicc MOFFATT AND POWELL Bulking Centres. complete ~rte of lumbar and bulking =Aerials. Free estimates. 88 Highway. Michel. Tor free 1-800-663- 6977.01-064 SEEDLINGS Spring shipping 3 yr. 5' - 1r Pine, Colorado Blue Spruce $39.99 ID $41.99 per 100. Many otters. write Dardtesler Tree Farm, RR 82 Dorchester, Ont. NOL 1G5. 01-06xbc WEE WILLYS BAKING: Look for our products in Seaforth Grocery. We are now taking orders for calces, rolls, pies, breads, etc. Phone 522-2192. 01-06x2 PICTURES Have you left a piece of your past with The Hixon Expositor? We have a num- ber of unclaimed pictures on fie. You can pick them up at our office, 100 Main Si. S. Seekxth Monday trough Friday, 9 am. - 5 p.m. 01 -01 -truce FREE CLASSIFED AD Do you have an item for sale which is less than $20? Place it FREE for one insertion in the Articles for Sale cob= of The Huron Expositor. The ad must be 25 words or less and the Dost of the item must appear in the and This offer does riot apply b businesses.Phone 527-0240 before Monday 1 p.m. b place your ad. 01 -01 -drupe APPLES: Cortland, Empire. Northern Spots, Macs. Mutsu, Red Deiciais, Russet Available at Apple Park Farm Market - 'the farm with the statues". Hwy. 8 E of Goderich, 524-7763. 01- 01 xtfoc CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE: it's last, Ws easy. One car, one bi does it all. Your ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada or any individual province. Space is knitted, so car this newspaper today. 527-0240. 01-02xbc ATTENTION FT3HBIMB4 Super sake on all dowrriggers, ishfrders, Loran -C. G.P.S., V.H.F. marine radios, 'the black box- at Lake Huron Rod and Gun, largest selection - lowest prices guaranteed 1368-7182 01-02x7oc FOX AND WOLF H IUNTERS Save 20-50% on all guns, scopes. ammunition and rebadrg equipment. Lake Huron Rod and Gun, 1368-7182 01-02c7oc APPLES: Ida Red and Red Delicious. $7.00/bushel. Golden Delicious, $5.03/bushel. Phone 527-0622 aIle 4 and weekends, 51 Louisa St, Seaforth. 01-05x2 BEST BUILDING Rices -Steel Staittrar Type - not quonset - 32x54 $7,899; 40x72 $11,024; 5040 816,954; 60x128 825083. Other sizes available. Liscereenots clearance. Paragon. 24 hours. 1-800-263-8499.01-064c ALL STEEL Blslargs. Straight Sided Models. Various sizes. eg. 30V x 501, $7,152.00 including end and door. Car Future 1-000.868-8653.01-06xbc SPAN -TECH Steel Bulkings Specid ofisr for spring orders placed Wore March 1, 1994, industrial, commends. farm, stables/arenas. workshops. Financing avaisde o.n.o. 24 hour. 1- 800-561-2200. 01-064c AFFORDABLE STEEL BU&DINGS. Straight sides. Outmost *kb roust. Clearepen. seely erected. Ends °planet 20x30 $2,eSt1.00. 26x40 $3.828.00. 301140 $4.768.00. 30x50 $6,938.00, 3640 $10.074.00. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. 01.06hbc 5. CARS FOR SALE 1980 Olds Cutlass. las of new parts. LAM lo osAty. $750.00 or bead offer. Cal Larry at 624-1773 anter 5 p.m. 06- 1963 Yamaha 540 SRV. rens ettosient, may bet $1.800 or best offer. Cel 524-1636 Cr 524-8873 err More mess - MM. Mk kw Dame. 7F-02x8ntte prrs PROFESSIONAL Dog Grooming. Experienced groomer. all breeds. By appointment only. Phone 527-1780. 10- ROTTWEILER CKC Reg. Puppies, written health Contract, home raised, suitable for work, show or loyal guard- ian. Vet checked, vaccinated, dewormed. Strong Gerrnan lines, big boned. Pedigree photo information available. Deposit, will hold. Stud service available. C.J's Valiant Rotwelers 519-524-6134. 10-06xloc i 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • (11B. WANTED TO BUY WANTED: Good alfalfa hay. Phone 263- 5706. 115-05-3 (11E. LIVESTOCK ) FRESH REGISTERED 2nd calf Holstein heifer by Algonquin, vaccinated and excellent maker. Call 347-2684. 11E- 06x1bc Q2. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Sharon Medd, Assoc FAX Wry Vanden Henget FAX Ken Bechert Broker �-.527-0560 527-2763 527-2673 19 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario 482-5991 Peter Damsma. 482-9849 Gordon H0 233-3307 Joy Roeicisoerder 523-9744 John Duddy. Assoc. Broker 482-3652 Bal Roy 523-4237 MINT CONDITION is the orgy way b describe this home with major hardwood floors in kinky room and frying room, 2 baths. new survey & much more. Call for more details. EXCELLENT 1 1/2 STOREY frame home just 3 bhodks trom downtown, 2 bedroomsexxrt�iete ' dorte_in wnyue & groove, much interior work done, utilities very good, large rear yard. Cal for more details 1 1R STOREY, 3 bedroom home on 2 arse treed lot. Country kitchen, main Boor laundry & double living room. List $112,000. Located on paved road. CUTE STARTER HOME - 2 bedroom bungalow w/carport. 2 - 4 pc. baths, family room w/glass fireplace. List $85,000. Culli REAL ESTATE MLS REALTOR Seaforth Office: 527-1577 6 Win Street OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK! VISA The fluroi.Expositor's CLASSIFIEDS C.E Oanig Everts 01. Articles For Sale 01 Garaps/Yard Sale 04. Antiques a Art 4A. Crass & Hobbies 05. Cas For Sale 06 Trude For Sale MEM 7A For Sale General 713- Wanted To Buy 7C. Warted To Rent 70. Bicyries 7E Motorcycles, ATV's, Etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 711. Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service Parts & RePairs 74.9wimming Pool & Simples 22 lots For Rent 23. Qormrerrll Property For Rent DEADLINE FOS CLASSIFIED ADS IS MONDAY 4--38 PM For other papers Deadline is MONDAY 11x80 AM AD rates pins GST 25 WORDS - One Week $4.50, two weeks, $4.00 three weeks $3.50. Additional words 18 cents An additional $2.00 will be added if billing is necessary. In Memoriams - $4.50 plus 35 cents per line of verse. Card of Thanks - 25 Words $4.50 Each additional word .06 cents. We are also able to place word ads in the following papers` Goderich, Clinton, Mitchell, l ucknow, Kincardine, Zurich, Walkerton & Port Elgin. By placing an ad in The Huron Expositor we can place the same ad (25 words or leas) in any of the above papers for an additional $200. THESE PRICES ARE PRE -PAID Call 527-0240 Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 500 PM Oa. Compears.lams. Etc. 24. Matted lb Rae Ot. Aulois'Abe 2S Wanted lb Bey 10. Pets 211. Hap Marled 111111111111/1 27. Wanted s Ormolu* IIA. For Sae esewal 29. Sanders 1111 Weald To Bey 11C. Mailed To We 110. Employment Mauled 11E Livestock 11F. Fane Product 11G. Farre Erpipme t 11H. Farah Services 11.. Fenn Lard 11K Fans Rad pleas 12. Rear Estate For Sale 13. Mobile Homes 14. Vacation Properties 16. For Rent 17. Apartments For Rent 11 Houses For Red 19. Rooms For Rent 20. Rooms & Boma 30 Empalme!' Warted 31. Service Directory xi. Babyaaikg 33.66oellrmous 34. Paraoral 35- Notice lb Omaha 31 Announcements 37. Morapess 311. Atmos Sate 39. E>du choreal 40. Last & Found 41. To Give Away 42 Dem1s 41 Gies 44. Ergegemarts 45Marianne 46- In Memoriam 47, Cards of Thanks (11J. FARM i:AND )...(1!oRi�wr I HAVE LAND FOR SHARE CROPPING in Seaforth area. Apply b Box 84023 do The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. Ont. NON 1WO. 11J -04x3 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE•, FOR SALE or rent One year old 2 bedroom semi in Mitchel $96,000. Chillier wi assist with i ianxang. 1-273- 5547. 12-06x4oc R.R.83, KIPPER - E 1 of yesteryear in this 2 storey,yelow b school house! Hi -efficiency propane heat; 4 bedrooms; family room; spacious loth List $114.900. 118 JAMES STREET - Escape from the ordinary! Purdtsae this prestigious. 2 storey, bride home feask. ig gas heat: large. stately rooms; slate roof; - on picturesque resque treed lois! OTHER LISTINGS! FIRST CHOICE FOR STARTERS OR RETIREMENT! Ideal horse with 2. bedrooms; family room; gas haat: akaaimsm slag, aoar i feeds! PERFECT FOR THE GROWING FAMILY! Aluminum clad bungalow altering 4 bedrooms, tamhly room with woodwhve: country -am iariten; aarp«t PUT 1/Ol1RIBF MKT and purchase this quality. 4 bedroom brick rancher, Family worm eralt gas Nrspibom: 1 1n blttK d Pont mole undamped! POWER OF SALE - I M iNO - 1 1/2 storey, vinyl sided horns In Brussels being sold under Pow of Ban! Grew i ve lwsrt for d o-a-ywr/se Worst TRY That FOR SKIM Panty restored. 3 bedroom home wee elph eedency gens heat: 100 qmp hydro; central air; dahwahsr tamp Deems included, tots Claim & claret. .l AI9RT�ITS FOR MIT 2 BEDROOM - $3se/wth. . Heal included. Releencem required. 1 BEDROOM - $31 I . - Heel i hydro ihcbdad. Close to upload 2 0sOR0OM - s4SSAaah plus tallies Relmf1o.. regied. RAWER IIILDFOIE 4623224 CLASSIC. 2 STOREY RED BRICK tarniy home bossing 4 bedrooms; 1 1/2 baths, gas he deft double garage; original woodwork refinished hardwood loons: privacy fano& MLS/8I007 EXCELLENT PfVEST1MfT PROPERTY! Take a look et this triples °cribbing 2- 1 bedroom units & 1-2 bedroom we & generating an income of aver $1.000 per monied Cat today, ISSSB1808 2,000 SO. FT. RANCH with 3 bedrooms; hfeftidency gas heat 1 1/2 baths; electronic air cleaner. woodelo r. war softener: cental air, of itpo0l tub l 82 x 175' Zoll MLS8B1 B13_ - 1 DAVID BOYNTON 057404$ TO ENJOY THE CONVENIENCES of tib handsome home's 1 1/2 baths; 4 t edrooms; gas fireplace; spacious family roam with wet bar; central airs, att'd. carport; great location! MLs t409. LARRY Y01iAAATH 6'27421i MIKE ROOMS 527-alml6 SEAFORTH SALES REPRESENTATIVES, OFRCE SPACE for feat le 9881111. Available now. Phone 527-0301 RSV - 0104. 16-05-2 C19. APAYI111NIS Minn) ONE BEDROOM aperipselt MX aid up plus to les in BstiN$. filum I.31111- 8921. 17-08-1 BACHELOR apnweat, ermine Mode 1. eopsplionsi conero , $??Li per month nth fridge and shown, plus t/ - Nes. Reisman required. Phoria IV - 0043 ar 627-1420. 17-06-2 A TWO BEDROOM apartment in Dubin. No pets. Phone 346-2830. 17-034 AVAILABLE in Seaton* in midJanumry. a two bedroom apartment in a 8iplsrl, $300 monthly. Phone 622-1507.17-064 HENSALL-EUZA8ETH COURT APT/3. one bedroom apartments. fridge. Moan. heat and hydo, laundry facades 0a premises. fist month lose feat For mors rhforatadon and viewing opportun- ity car 262-627 altar 6 pm. 17-054 LARGE NEW aparMett. Rsaeonede rent i x:lurdas heat and appliances. Phare 627-2969. 17-064 ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments in Sesfortt ambi s bow, fridge and ,bye included, extra Car 482- 8902 or aver 5 p.m. 17.064 ONE BEDROOM apartnerK 57 Min Seslort4 newly renovated, $360.00 per month. Ayarebia inwards**. a 1-471.2156 collect or Maureen at Culligan Red Basle. 527-1577 or Balm Restaurant, 527-911. 17-064 TWO BEDROOM apsrbmen includes fridge and clove, lammed ale possession. No pets. CM 524-4994. 17-05-6 A GREAT two bedroom In Seedorth. $328.80Imonth plus utfrs,. Car Reid between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. 273-0666. 17.064 FOR RENT: in downtown Brussels, attach 2 bedroom apt Phone 887- 0007. 17-05-6 ONE BEDROOM duplex apt. fridge and stow. No pets. $300. per month plus ut 11 s. 527-2750 17-00.4 (18. HOUSES FOR RENT ) FOUR BEDROOM Fans house In (trey Twp. includes barn, 40 x 80 shed apprerdesetsly 4 aces of hey and pas- tae. Can be rented with or without 140 wailarble aces. Spring possession. Phone altar cpm. 1674609. 18-06.2 `l9. ROOMS FOR RENT , DOUBLE ROOM and sigh room for rent, both include; beat, hydra, beauty laolasa, furnished including T.V. set Quiet msb a parsons only. 627-0062. *4S-1