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The Wingham Times, 1916-12-14, Page 8
, Page – j Penitentiary Population• MSN WANIC THE° WINGI-I,AM TIMES The penitentiary and prison population of the Dominion is nuw smaller than it has been for years. Prohibition, t m- ployment conditions, and the enlistment of the "adventurous spirits" in the war have combined to decrease crime and 1.Y l empty the jails. Practically all peni- tentiaries report to the Department of Justice that the "slack season" for compulsory boarders has been on for months. At stony Mountain Penitent- iary In Manitoba, for instance, there are not enough prisoners at present to keep the prison industries running. Steady Empl©p-nent Guaranted. Apply to Western Foundry Co. LIMITED WINGHAM, ONTARIO ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c, Notices Under This Bead ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for subsea quest insertions. Baby carriage for sale. Apply to Mrs. Z. Lockman, Edward street. HOUSE to RENT -Good house with town water and cistern. Apply to C. Lepard. UMBRELLAS-Umbrellas:of all kinds can now be repaired if left at Lepard's chopping mill. TRUNKS AND VALISES:-BIg stock to select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. To RENT -Comfortable house to rent with garden, corner of Alfred and Centre streets. Apply to Walker & Clegg. tf FISH -Have for sale Thursday and Friday, No. 1 trout. Orders promptly attended to at the new butcher store. W. J ARMOUR J. W. DODD Successor to J. 0. Stewart Fire, Life, Accident and Health INSURANCE P. 0. Box 366 'Phone 198 WINGHAM ONTARIO U m AHS TI IIHiI SYSTWEMY Christmas and New Years Fares SINGLE FARE -Dec. 23-24-25 good for return until Dec. 26th, also Dec. 30-31, 1916 and Jan, lst, 1917. valid for return Jan, 2nd, 1917. ' FARE AND ONE -THIRD -Dec. 21- 23-23-24, good for return until Dec. 27th, also Dec. `2S-29-30 and 31st, . 1916, valid for return until San, 3rd. 1917. Above reduced fares apply between all stations •in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Hur- on, Mich13ufflao, Black Rock, Niag- ara Falls and Suspensisn Bridge,N,Y, For full information write to C. E. HORNING, D.P.A., TJnion Station, Toronto, Ont. • Ticketsand full information from H. B. ELLIOTT Town. Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 4. W,1'. BERGMAN. Station Agent, Phone 50. To the Electors of Wingham 'Your vote and 'nfluence respectfully solici d for L. F. 13 KLEY 5 for Mayor for 1917 Fair Municipal Business, No Discrimination. Election Cards till Kai MOWBRAY In East Wawanosh, on December 2nd, to Mr. and Mis, Fred Mowbray; a son.. CARRIE -At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich on Nov. 24th, Mr, and Mrs. J. 'J Carrie (nee Miss Koenig, formerly of Brussels) a son -Frederick James. McRAE-In Brussels, on Dec. 2nd, to Dr. and Mrs, T. T. McRae, a daughter, (still born.) DAVIDSON-In Morris, on December 8th. to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Davidson; a daughter. LuDWZG-In Wingham, on December 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ludwig; a son, HENDERSON-At Wingham Junction, on December 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henderson, a son. BEATTY --In Toronto, on Monday Dec- ember llth,to Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Beatty (nee Vera Stapleton). a sun. Hlsco3t-In Wingham ,General Hos- pital, on December 12th. to Capt. and Mrs. W. F. Hiscox; a daughter. DIEL, HYNDMAN—In Howick, on Friday, Dec. lst, Samuel Hyndman, con. 5, aged 92 years. HUTCHINSON-In Grey township, on December 3rd, Ann McDonald, beloved wife of Morley H. Hutchison, aged 65 years. LOGAN-In Guelph, on Nov, 20th, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. H. McKinnon, Mrs William Logan, formerly of Grey township, in her 82nd year. BONNETT-In Molesworth, on Decem- ber 5th, Mrs, Henry Bonnett, mother of Mrs. Wm. N. Austin, of Turnberry, aged 72 years. DICxsON-In Seaforth ora Saturday, Dec. 2nd Samuel Dickson, ex -postmast- er, son of the late James Dickson, Re- gistrar of Huron, in his 76th year. MARRIED MATTHEWS-LAMBKIN-At the borne of the bride's parents, on Monday, Dec. 4th, by the Rey. W. A. Walden, Miss Maay Lillian, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lambkin, second con. How - ick, to Pte. John Carlyle Matthews, of the 153rd Batt., St. Thomas. JEUMYN -BATEMAN-At the Parson- age, Ethel. by Rev. J. W. Jthnson, on December 6th, Mr. J. T. Jermyn, Grey, to Miss Laura Batemen, Brussels.. • MONTGOMERY -SPARKLING -At Wes ley Church Saskatoon, on Nov. 25th Mr"! . Manley Montgomery, of Askwith, Sask. to .Miss Ethel M. eldest daughter of the late John A. and Mrs. Sparling, formerly of Brussels and Whitechurch. PowELL-WILSON-At Knox Presby. terian Church, Toronto, on Dee. 6th, by Rev. A. B. Winchester, Mr. Thos. A. Powell, of Swift Current, Sask., to Miss Jean Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson, of Wingham. • Saskatchewan voted by an over- whelming majority for the liquor disPpnsaries. Helen Hadgraft of 141 Macdonnej avenue, a pupil of the Parkdale 'Col- legiate Institute, died suddenly while taking part in an oral examination,, Miss Laura Hughes. of Toronto, niece of Sir Sam Hughes, told the Washing- ton meeting of the woman's peace }arty that the women of Canada now were working to prevent other wars from growing out of the conflict in Europe. The Michigan railroad commission has formally approead the Pere Mar- quette Railroad's reorganization plan. Several minor changes were made. The new corporation will be capitalized at $105,000,000, and its debts will be paid by bond issues. NOTICE The annual meeting of t share. holders and patrons of th Bluevale Cheese and Butter Comp y, Limited, will be held in the resters' Hall, Bluevale, on Th sda , December 21st, 1916, at 1,30 'f,' P. m., for the election of a B d of Directors and the transaction of tiny other business that may come before the meeting. Mr. Frank Hearns, Chief Dairy Instructor FORVE will be present to give an address. All are invited to "attend, Ely order, S. To rte Electors f . Paul, Secretary. the. Town of Wi .rams I have been a citizen of Winghamr for 1 FARM ° 11 twenty-five years and a member of the' �R SALE Council for the last three years and by - request of a number of ratepayers. I rrt fallowing f- property is offered have decided to offer myself as a can- for sale by tender. Bulk or separate tender will be received up to„ January 2nd,1917, Lot 12, Con. 8, 100 acres half cleared, well fenced and in good cultivation. Lot 12, Con. 9, 100 acres ail cleared. Frame barn 52x60; straw shed 40x56; stone foundation, cement flooring; implement shed 24x40; frame Ladies and Gentlemen,-+-Ifaving been house and wood -shed; never -failing requested by a number of ratepayers spring well (with windmill), water to to stand for erection to the oifiee of house and stable by pipe; two orchards. Reeve for 1917. I have decided to do It is 2 of n mile from achoot, 1 mile so, knowing from my long experience from chur.sh, 61 miles from Wingham, municipal life that I can be of value The above 'property is located in one to the town and county in general. If of the most prosperous terrains sections elected I promise you the best that in in Co. of Huron. Owner has ;joined the Me lies and ask for you hearty support overseas forces, the only reason for oil the let day of January, 1917, and selling. Ail tenders to be addressed to same Will be very muchu appreciated,'Sergt. Robert Hastings, Machine Gun' Wishing you the compliments of the Section, 228th Batt., Toronto, or Ii. 41ea8011, Vanstone, Wingham, Ont. highest Yours sincerely, or any tenders not necessarily Yiceepted. WM. MISTER. 5.5 December 4 19t6 "R�suggestions�iVa.•'r'�►',►�'4•'4'�+O+1i'�"4�'►"1f'��►'11/'�r'mr4•�rd "..i shoppers'1v`�1�'�'t��"!�'�ti'��'�'1p lr for Dos Forthose who do their buying l y' g eary they will find it much easier to prepare for Christmas. MAKE THIS A YEAR FOR PRACTICAL GIFTS $ SUG,OEST- ION FOR MEN Neck Scarfs Fancy, plain or kniteded silk Scarfs in all the Latest styles and patterns, price from $1 to $3.50 Silk Ties. The practical gift of a silk tie is some- thing a man appreciates. Special values in new styles, prices 50c, 75c, $1.25 Linen Handkerchiefs Men's pure linen hem stitched Handker- chiefs with or without initial, special values by the dozen, prices each ...25e to 75c Prices per dozen $2 to $5' Sweater Coats The gift that is so useful and practical in till the latest weaves, in weights suitable for outdoor and inside work. Prices ranging` - ..., ....$3, 4, 5, 7.50 Fur Caps Men's Fur Caps in Persian lamb or Otter in wedge or driver styles, sizes 6 7-8, to 7$4, prices ,«.. $6.50 to $18 Umbrellas Men's silk top Umbrella with fancy handle in sterling silver or fancy pearl, $1.50 to $5.00 S000EST- IONS FOR LADIES i s s Crepe Waists Special values in Georgetta Crepe Waists in maize, peach, flesh, rose and ivory, prices ' ««,$4.50, 5.00,and 6.50 `Furs Ladies' Muffs, Stoles or sets in all the latest styles and Furs also fur coats, prices to suit everyone. Kid Gloves Ladies' French Kid Gloves in all the latest styles and colors, prices,...$1,50 to $2.00 Fancy Collars Georgette Crepe and Broadcloth Collars in all the latest styles in deep collars, prices from ........ ........ 50e to $2 Silk Dress Lengths . Ladies' Dress Lengths in black and fancy shot silks in messaline and taffetta, prices per yard$1.25, 1.50, 2.00 Silk Hose Genuine Italian Silk Hose in black, white and colors, special values pair$1.00, 1.50. 2.00 Ladies' Parasols Parasols with guaranteed taffatta silk tops and sterling silver mounted handles, prices $2.50, 3 50 and 5.00 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE KING BROS. 'N1:1.1'tilde.COQ►-�11/0.11.11,WAle•v�11.1.1410'111411ti 11.11. r!'v4101tW6471'1tirlly d <INF4M111112=1M1111•1111 .1.11M•111111 00 BARGAINS LINDSA r' 1 didate for the Reeveship. Your etliPport ' will be much appreciated. W. G. PATTERSON, The Great Watch Doctor. To the Eleetors of Wingham:- Groceries FRESH AND CLEAN 4 Bottles New Extract. . 25c 6' Boxes Eddy Matches 25c 3 Packages Corn Flakes 25c 2 Packages Shredded Wheat 25c 2 Cans Fresh Salmon "good" 35c Best Canadian Cheese only 25c Japan Tea special price 29c 2 lbs New Fine Quality Raisins,..25c Lamp and Lantern Glasses • 3 Packages Corn Starch «.. •• •. -. • c Comfort Soap only "` '« . «" 4c 11 Cakes Surprise Soap 50c Lard Compound only ....19c Men's Wear, Suits, Over- coats and Underwear Men's genuine good quality Suits, latest style regular $20,....... $12.45 Men's New Overcoat, pinch back, large col- lar, $25 line for $14.00 Boys' Overcoats Here are 20 Boys' pure Wool Overcoats, never sold leas than $10.00 some $12.00, Sale Price 41 t , . , $4.95 Men's Sweater O'oats,.. ... 98e to $7 (Buy these at this store) • Men's Ribbed 'Wool' Underwear all sizes, Fermata, .regular $1 50 for.... Mill Ends, Flannelette and Toweling We were fortitnate to geta lot of these, goods and the are selling them away below the 4regular prices Ladies' Wear New White Silk Waists only...... .... $1.98 Ladies' White Vests special ....25c Ladies' Heavy Grey Vests and Drawers..,.29c Ladies' Pure Cashmere Gloves in black and colors .. ..«.t.......5Oc, 75c, 95c Ladies' Combination Underwear, Penman's all wool regular 83.50. for...... .... $1.98 Children's Cotton and wool Underwear at 25c, 35c, 39c Hosiery Hosiery Fleeced lined Heavy. Winter Hose, all sizes great value, ,.., ....25c and 35c All Wool Hose Children's All Wool Hose. :^:, , , . - 480 and 55c Ladies' All Wool Hose , , „;, 580 Dress Goods Possibly not for years will you be able to buy the good quality Dress Goods we are, clearing at. .. 75c, 81 and 1.25 All Mantle Cloth at 1.2 price Boots, Shoes, Rubbers Ladies' Sample Shoes .... ........25 per cent off Men's Sample Shoes.,,..., ....25 per oent.off All kinds of Shoes a little higher than oId prices but far cheaper than we .can sell them at buying today l3uq 131ankets Now, Best Quality $1.95, 1.89• and 1.30 Hundreds of lines at special prices. It will certainly be profitable to you ° to buy heavy right now. TERMS CASH—Butter and Eggs or Dried Apples taken as cash. WE HAVE ONLY ONE PRICE imssienisrimuesimmsamlemia It is coming, cgnling,' coming, Best save something from your pay, You'll have use eforiots of dollars So put all you can away For you'll need them, yes, you'll need them, For it's coming, Christmas Day. Just One Week from - Monday—Christmas Day SUITABLE FOOTWEAR GIFTS Now is the time to select your footwear gifts from our big stock of Dress Shoes Evening Slippers Felt and Leather HouseBoots Hockey Boots Moccasins Hockey Skates Overshoes Rubbers Suit Cases Club Bags In fact. it would keep you guessing to find more suitable articles for Christmas presents than 'the foregoing, Buy early. We feel it is good advise while our stock is unbroken—the selection is better and avoid the rush of the last few days. W. 11. WILLIS Sole Agents sNQ for Ladies and Derby Shoes for Men • jJWIN.GHAM' BAZAAR oil b �4 Co'. poC .• a a ti++l 4„ • it vie NEVER before in the history of Wingham have you seen a more complete range of Toys, Games, Fancy Goods suitable to fill up the stockings for both young and old. Only nine more shopping days till Xmas. Santa Claus says you must get busy. • We have Xmas Decorations of every description, lc to 25c each Xmas Post Cards, - - - 1c each or 10c per dozen Xmas Booklets witb envelopes - 2c, 3c, 5c, and 10c each Games of every description • 5c, 10c, 15c, and 25c each Unbreakable Dressed Dolls, made in Canada, 15c, 25c, 50c each Picture Toy Books in a big variety, 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c each Alger Books for boys and girls - - - 15c each Framed Pictures that make ideal gifts, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75c; $1.00 Serving Trays, Mahogany finish with brass handles, $1.00 each Calendars in a big variety - 10c, 15c, and, 25c each Brown and white fireproof covered Casseroles, 50 and 60c each Ladies' Neckwear, all the latest ,•• - 25c and 35c each Men's and Boys' Neck Ties infancy boxes 25c and 35c each Playing Cards .. -• 1Oc, 15c, and 25c Some New Patriotic Song Hits • a - 15c each We have Fancy China in galore all of which make ideal gifts. Our Dry Goods counter consists of some items which should prove interesting for gifts such as Fancy Handkerchiefs, Centre . Pieces and Dresser Covers etc ranging in prices from - - 25c to 50c each Our Candy Department in unequalled in town. Special prices given to teachers and parties. Fancy boxes being used for this purpose. We've got the goods and have a large army of clerks to wait on you. Follow the crowd and shop early and avoid the big rush of the last few days. OPJN NIGEtTS UNTIL FTER ' OHILIS` IVIAS1. WINGHAM BAZAAR • ' SANTA CLAUS & cO. • The Store that snakes your dollars liave more cents