HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-12-14, Page 7A&
_ 7e
The 'doctor' n4pd(illd a.9spiltingly.
,,noolletLer Jet her alolip, ond r4
pro about it,11lesg ST11, dot"41 fz
said, sagely; and, meeting folly
d0ek, 110 Cautioned het, to refrain 'iron
41ji,estioning the patient,
OAs'lf 1 001314" retorted folly
'With a toss of her pretty head, , .
Put she had to Ask one question
she nailed it -,the next time she
*011t, to the cabin.
"Pon't think I want to bother you
with questions, or that I -m A bit,
-curious, dear," she said, "but 1_X
don't know what to call YOU.),
-Nina hesitated a moment and a
"blysh rose to her face, whiph roily,
- loOking straight before her, affected
not to see. Nina thought: "If I give
MY real name it must be Nine. Man-
lieririg�b`iit I don't, know Whether I
-4Lm properly married, and there Is
my promise," She was 411110st as re-
luctant to give her mal6en name,
send, on the spur of the moment: site
- replied:
"My name is becims, Wood.- It
Nas one belonging to an incestor
--on. her mother's side.
"It's a very pretty name, almost
As Pretty as its owner," remarked
']Polly, With a brisk nod, "And now
Riss Wood, you've got to got wali
43Rd strong and come up on dock a.,
0004 ;is every
. on earl_ L can see
160e had' a -bad time- ,you.
'Nina looked at her a little pits
oosly. "Ali, if you knew!" she breath.
•.4']But I don't know, and 31 don't
MAnt to know, unless you want to
tell me"—Nina drew a long sigh—
you don't. I've uriclerG&-
qA to ask iio questions, deny, and I'm
gure YOU won't' be bothered by "y
be -6,14e; so you needp't took so Aux -
. 'Sus and unhappy.
Ina 'few days Nina was strong
tnollgh to leave the cabin, and the
-doctor and Polly helped her on deck
and ensconced her in one of the long
dock chairs in a corner Warmed by,
the sun and Sheltered from thp, win4i
`Ilie vessel was crowded, , BOO he
appearance ct*ated a, great 1*41
interest and curiosity, Ikut tbo, 4
aefigers with the congidbilation
is Ong of the few good things for
which we have to bless .the mod"
civilization, did not intrude upou.,4�6'
but left her alone in het. noctl� .4
look on dreamily -at the life on 64,
a ship.
Every now and than as she Watch-
cd the promenaders, t1w, gay - and
holsy groups playing -at deck quoits
swd similar games, iter hand stole to
her bosom, 'in which still lay bid-
-41en the oilskin pocket containing
Inoming's diary and her marriage
"lines," as If she were trying to rea-
'Ifze by actual touch the reality of
The Past -
411 -day the theatrical company
*ado the ship gay by laughter and
q of song, and in the evening
-Oere Were Informal concerts in the
Vust saloon, to a corner of which
:Dina sometimes stole to listen and
-look On unobserved, as she listened
Od looked on from the nook on dock
Which. ;had tacitly been reserved for
. -Sometimes the captain approached
sand spoke to her, or one of the pas-
--mengqks offered the stereotyped Acour-
*pSies, but Nina seemed' to shrink
*Orn'thorn all, save Polly, and, rer-
--AOgnizing her reticence and reserve,
they lgra4u4lly ceased to address., be*.
But they were nearing tingland, the
vioyagp was drawing to a close, and
-op the last evening the captain pull-
oeo Up, ijoside her and iii his gruff
j(pice, which his kindly smile fully
-itiscoulited he sal4v.
,We shall be in port to -morrow,
VISS.Vood. Can I Wire to your
.1soople to meet you? You are in my
_40- go, -yon Imow",
Nina colored and looked down for
..g . moment; -then she raised., her -eyes
"X6, thank you," she said,
it,ill not trouble
'Th6 captain tri . ed not to look But-
pliged, and Nina hurried on:
'-illy'. . pomajge—1 must pay for khat,:
:1�-T �u4pt to h4ve Spoken qt it u-
The captain 140ghed and..'shook Ibis
"Never mind the passage money,
my dear young 'lady, The Weldon
IAXW hasn't
t droppeiI down to asking
fallb from a eavtAway. Why, *o,
only too proud to h^ya picked yo.
'LIP and carried you with, us!" I
Nina drew a sigh of gratitude stn
relief, for she kno*'thUit h4r slondW
purse -the small stock
of Money
which She had brought *Ah heir
from the island -would h4v.4ko beop
exhausted by the heavy fare.
The captain hung about for a mo..
moat or two, shuffling from ono les
to the othev awkwardly; then ho
Said, as,gruffly And with als, 1�40or 96
smile as before:
"If -it there's any difficult about
your People meeting you, Miss Wood
I'- sure my wife would be glad ii
you'd come home to us, I've got fi"
girls of my own, and you wouldn' t
feel lonely."
'But Nina pictured those five girls
Plying her with friendly, Sympathetic
questions, And, with moist *yes,
thanked him And declined the ofter.
".'My plans are all =tide out," sho
The next morning Polly came and
Bat down beside her.
It, I suppose -the, 0 - aptain, Will,- wire to
your people to meet you," she said.
"but if anything happens, it they
don't turn up in time, how would
YOU like to come home with we?
I've got diggings in Chelsea. They're
quite the 'humble cot' kind of thing,
far too small and modest for a iwu
like You, Miss Wood-'
Nina smil,64 "at herl`and laid goer
hand -the fever had left it thin And
White, , ifforlr4t t9 the. bro*s
11 1 verf 11
paw' of he island-oa Polly's 4111
affectionately and gratefully.
"Vitt not by any means a swell,
-Polly;" she said. ,.I am very
"A, great many swells aro," inteill,
rupted Polly, "with a )yorlidly-wise
nod o(.10t,,curly h"
for my
living; tiut'e� .;_%the words
with, which slag
'l , 'haif- 44kWined the cap-
tix,io S 'offer- -z .n ,plank
out, an y all made
'"All' right!" broke In Polly, with
'a nod of comprehension. "I didn't
mean to intrude. Anyway. here's my.
address, and it you can You'll look
me '(0, WOJVti Y�U? I rather think
Harcourt Intends taking a London
theatre; if so, I shall be Settled
there" -She Put a card in Ninixle
hand -"for "Ins time; and if I go
into the country with the company
the landlady will gAvI you my ad -
If -IPA glanced at the card, apd, tryl-
Ing, to express her thanks, put it In
her pocket.
And now can I help• you to pack
- She stopped awkwardly, as
Nina, with a laugh and a...blusb,
shook her head.
tb�'You forgot that I h4v
mg-WhY, even this dildiid* and oth-
er -thipga are Xpuirqi ..,I , 1,�ijl Saud
them' t6ljy4DU Wh'Sil- t Some
"That's all right,- said 1,611y.
"But I'd rather you come Yoursolf
then send the things, for -well, Ilia
got fond 9f yq
� M, YoUL Sea, if y0% doli't
ii;Ind my Saillig io", ,
The last .4;ly, of the voyage, was
one of busitle� and confusion' lightoull
ed by the elpctLrit; gpia,
tai olk.t i. cota-
P"Y of actors, who sang from in rn
t.4 faigl�i
con4iC* A which they pmerfort ed
with -..*# Whusiasm far- ��-40mdij ,
Y M,
Yohd that which they Would have dis.
PlAyed on, the- ondlnaryand','-
sional stage.
Whew. tU vessel glided slowly into
port ANina SAN her grateful gpod-bye
to the ftPtlhin diad. Polly •A*P'Shook
hands with some of the Peopip WILO
had been klad , e co*.
fusion flipped &WAX.
�*Wfth;�*i Udswoi,4he
jAn(i1Jt,b0Y were 160903l POIWO-Aid a
SW 1- ks1kdbajj,' 1jabb " - #d&A#- -#*e .
found kfrwf ifs the wb•rl
to 4d
hotel in
0404V%he *Wiitvr-tA
w Strand
$,thlchsi§ho and he'r
fatisr" land Y "%a6uy years atq,
DAUR'n-pa au 4.UJK4L -
illo :0, �,ealuf, to roes*.
7 the rout',
bed nit
woulth 'q I U9l:ft
mcotpk , vthd tb.#
-Veak, Jame 'd add 'acki Ircill *h14
alropli.#,, aila,totq f� tt
f* . 0 -y Win
fl *Ith is
they sutrerhB iuvw etcwl�wfw- IailZ
nuc to
4�:,491A'Sho Ila
-And 5XV11Y Ott Wrong *066'df)fil�,
14dueys. -
moments, 4a, the island for Utio-
on the Aht sign of any *ftkllfts is,
nering had Wit there to on, 10
back Down's Kidney Pills shoo$j.1*
cliff Arid atwour> her.
","the tried to drive all thoughtp tit
-I We.
4 Past Jro#t. Y'r Mind itid to fix it
to$ oat,,' writes. gmt.,
, i I tho ben
in Writing Y40, statint 01-
I have by�,Usi
she had
WA61tod tai)d r6#te d'A;� took c�VV lier
Pills. About thrft was
there V;Ori 'oiby a fow Po"do,' wid
sly' 4ftcttd *1 lame: a
Jet a . moment the reflection fiaslitd
3o, bad I toftNOMW not 6 thL,
:11060 her that there, on the jsla,,W,
I Was Advised to up s, ids
k1s, and Wore
the had left Wealth which, as M&A•
a vt4t imp e it t
Was be_'yonia tbii di'dams of OrUtice.
th 'feir. '#,Way* 1#0
do d!#$,a dreno,
ilt Zkcfts,*0rd Very ho# -
on the carci,,9(1 Percy Street,
sea, 0 # . at, Chef,
T1164 5111 Set out to begin that
most 0111cult, , Of guests, tba,"arelk
for a
. livelihood. It need sc4rcqlyb�,
stated that she looked throtiob tho
udyf,r0soments in tho daily papers.
ThOPQ were Several that Aleepied to
hen' suitable to her case,
?Gotod one -.which I Alto she sol-*
- set -forth"tho 4,osire
Y. "' Address VcsirS�1§loper iz
slYlle, 249 Rutland Street, Wgqi
Street", far 4 y9ung
lady seer4t4ry.
Nina, in. the vivipli black diess size
had bought, And' with her Yell down,
'found- not without some difficulty,
the Rutland Street mentioned In the
advortisoinent, and was somewhat
4urPr1SOd to find that, instead of a
Private house,' which she had expect -
ad it to be, it Was an Office ever a
rathor sqodylllo
OkInIT bonnet shop.
Knocking at the door, which bore
In black Paint the name of Slow &
Slyne, she. inns bidden by a shrill
'voice to 'enter, and, obeying, found
herself in a small room furnished, as
far as a doik and two chairs went,
as an office,
The first thing that struck Nina
was the strong perfume of hair oil,
with which she rightly credited the
sleek, black head of a, young man
who was seated At the desk survey -
Ing hilnSklf,ln� a small, . crooked,ruir-
ror which hung conveniently Above
it. Seeing that he was an oxtremely
Commopploce Youth, wIth,a face spot«
ted likO-.the pardi one would have
thought that tilt glaos, could have At -
forded him little satisfaction. Never-
theless he did not withdrew his eyes
from it a* he drawled in a, rich cock-
ney accent:
"Well, what is it?"
"I wish to see Messrs, rSlopar
Slyne," said Nina, ,
At the ljqq2;d of the musical voice
the Youth Swung round, opened his
mouth --it wAp. likip A gash across his
ill-favored faro -and Stared at her
vith watery eyes.
"Oh." he said at last, as if he
were slowly recovering from the
,shock of her beautiful face and low,
sweet voice, "you want to Sao the
guv'nors? Sorry, they're both Away.
Gone. on special business to, theMar-
14WI3 of Quisby. Wired for this morn.
Ing, Awfully Sorry. P'r'aps I'll do.
I'm their confidential clerk, you
"I came in answer to this adver-
tisement," said Nina, taking it from
her purse and laying it on the desk.
The -youth looked at it curiously,
Critically, aV, if it were a curiosity of
the rarost. kind.
"Ohl') '10 said at last. "All, yes.
Quite j,91 'So Y '.
on, want a situation
as sccrftgLry?.1l
Nina PiP089ed Assent.
"Yea;' will YOU take a chair?" He
11 dragged one forward. Nina sat down
and waited, and the youth stareclat
.her and stroked tb9..1)JA08, Wh
Fps, It
the gods are good t
tache will some tirn'Vrow. "Wil",
he said, when the Sire"hce and" the
stare had become almost intolerable
to win,4.' "this placp has gone,,,
,�'promptly rome p all, I p g, ,I,m
sorry. (lbodoldily.11 ' 'a
I "Oh, here, stop a moment, YOU
know!" exclaimed the Youth in atk�
aggrioved tone. )0
Don't go like -that! ,
There's RQ. Hurry, is there? This
thing's 94e, but thore may be Some -
.thing elite to suit You, Lommosee," t
'Ire -tvrned-his, eyos left Xina's Y
face Slowly And reluctantly -,-to the al
desk, apd •
Opening ' a legggr ran m
through tbe pi
,gess mo.ttopinp
Ulu , in a
.g-SOPg voice to lifinse14 put
glancing the while out of t4 corn; h
of his watery, vulgar 'little -eyes at
Nursery goveyness, L60 a year.' 0
Ali, that's gong: .11* y, help in a b,
.nobleman's 'hinilly.' 11hat's gone,
'Oompaniou to •a clergyman's widow.'
Filled -la:s� week. 'Secrdtary to a
Vemboe Ort4rliamelkt.' Alnd'that'S
90ne. Don't seem, .to,be anything
lott. -to Ault You at present. YOU,#
better let me puo.`'6ir the
�101i, books
"Wd6il," slid -Xina.
"Wood. Right, And addres"?"
`"ITiekley's Hotel, Durham Street,"
said Nitta.
"Right, One gid004, booking-fok
#i ease," he rerna&4fid in � !a 66ipeOl . H
like tone.
, "Is this a AgiStry for iftluitiolis?"
Oked #Vdel' IV': pkTjd A b16 iWpr-iie:
"Of t .1drNe' Vftdnded�,
4riskly. "Wb4�t. Old you tbiqk it
1� . ", a elleeseilonier's? Sloper &
SLYA6aomosorr.t they're not in; they'd
1�6 glad to Zro
r y *#to
Od lot You kab it abytIRGi turns
u Ii - -bk
141Y.-tomuff xyhll� ftanghz
11,pt, "it would be better it you look,
tbd unsophistication,
&olish enough to take a sovereigil
arfllid %��#
Algi4j. fro)n Ik*r p
A thein
0% the'deik. youth
Ciujkt theta %U4 #.� It ho, feared they
thight VY , it hi li&dd pilditip-
Utude, &Ad p*khelib In0da,441"I
,�j,A'Avis Air tiov, he UA44, *is It,
ly *Ao. filoni melptra. Slope
a 'PQ&t of View. "VOU look JA
Ili, oarly arid oft4s, you khp
is to-taorr**-ii the
qlI gilt back from luh& about'.
SeIi? 066d-lifi6rilitig."
got, Off hill neat *14 #p"a4*6
,door 0.1 Stood g tiog" vitu. *16,gaok
ol�ftgq PY
Mrs. Walters,Watak&,
writes-. 111 wish. to Jet You know b
JAuch SQ04 1 have received by Ukk
Mw Heart aa4 Nerve pills. I
Suffering 00M- Palpitation Of the b
and 40iftess of breath. The trap
Vith MY JkWt I!- capped by atom
1 had tried all kinds of medicine,
patent stud doctors', but I found ai
relieve we like Milburn's "Reart a
X a.ve Pills, I believe anyone sufferl
like I did should use theta. I only U
ffillt boxes and I now feel like a differ
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills b
been on the market for the put toren
five years and have a most wonder
reputation 95 a remedy for all heart
verve -troubles,
Price 50 cents, M box, 3 boxes
$1,25, at all dealers, or mailed direct
receipt of price by Tits T. Mimpip
C9., LXXXT40, Toronto, (>tit.
'PI -5 a t-110-sca--Irb:
"My* Blis's greQnl" be ejaculated
he tore himsolf, away from the do
and returned to the desk. -But she
Prime, Prime! Wonder it she'll co
ba,*, or whether she'll spot t
game! "
Nina was not without her suspi
ions; but She did not spot the gain
and the next afternoon -oh, the
solAtIon. and the solitude of that d
44 London, in a place ,Vhioll own
*to A Population of four milfions, a]
not one friend for the solitary gir
-.she again Presented herself
Messrs, Sloper & �91,ynals.
The youth was Ill his accustonic
seat, arid carried a pungent elgarot
-it mingled affably with the scent
hair,oll-in his loose and bibillo
"All, how are you?" he said, with
mixture of impudence and deferen
for the refined, beautiful face, wit
its grave, violet eyes awed even hi
"Glad to see you, "Guv'nor's sti
away. The marquis can't part wi
lain. Important business. Sorry t
slay nothing has turned up.,, He r
ferred to the ledger arid mumble
Over it as b4ifore, "Rather a sin
time just now, Dessity You find tim
hang 'envy on your hands, Do mi
Self 801110tilnes, NOW, what do yo
say --he had sufficient grace t
stammer and look uneasy -"what d
You say to doing, one of the hall
this evenia'? I'm not particular
flush-Sloper & SlYne don't pay in
a princely S4IArY, oh, by no means
-but I can run to a -,couple of dres
circles for the Frivolity. Know th
Frivolity, X S'Pose.? With a leer; -
dessay We CILA manage a, bit o' sup
Per afterwards; eh?"
Nina 'regarded hire with an anlaz
meat which evidently disconcerte
him, for he turned away and eye
the glass,, and Angered the incipien
moustache with some embarrass
Nina leant forward in her chair
her heart boating fast with a sense,
tion of disappointment tempered by
disgusted alnuSement.
"Are you aakJDJK Me to go Witt
You -with You -somewhere?"
"That's SO." be said uneasily
IYOU,d bettef.., L Y.
Nina laughed bitterly, for her eyes
were suddenly'Opened,
"'I'ell ro—tbOtAgh it isn't necessary
-is this preterite Of business, of get -
Ing ins 4, sit "-tlon; only a pretence?
Tell me the truth, pleaso.-
-something in the musical voice, so
ow and yet so clear and command -
ng,' cOulPelled the youth to au. un-
coustomed veracity which after-
wards astonished hint.
"Well, You know." lie said, grud-
gingly, "if you drive me into a corn-
rand thiitls where You are driving
a, don't you know -its something
iko what you call it. We're a regis-
ry office, We take the (coal don!t
OU know. As to the situation,, -Ile
1rugCed his -narrow shoulders -"we
might' get 'am or we mightn't -most
ften ana generally we mightn't,"
Nina rose Pale and statuesque in
er anger,
"But don't you cut up roughl
look hors, you're no good for any
f this `secretary' or 'companion,
SfaOSS, You're A lady; anybody
y -i 02g that with, 'Ali An eye, What
IT hl
74 0.
Of Co
n nal
Vogt 7
14 :70-4 *4ni�* WI -M tbiT
fa or yovo,
IS the tbea.tre or the ails. You ,Como
with, X40 to the vrivolity and, -we'll
talk it over-,,
W144 rose, pale to the lips, but
smiling,"MY good bOYt" Oho said. 1111gvelift
YOU A mother, A Sister? - Is there 40'
One to teach you no, I Will not gol CASTORIA
i With you to this place. Will you.
giYO we back my guinea?'"
"%a youth's face
OW toll.
'ng it Can he ejacul4ted. tinter
in'the books. More than my PI Mot. ens Know, 111at
W04 Is Worth, Sure you won't come With
art =07 Pleasant evepial.11
We As Nina moved tqwgrds the
04 be followed bar. door Genuine Castor!&
bath "Iii!" be said. "Look here, You're NV #2
one AM at this gains. Take my advice Fa I Always
44 And out It, There's no good -in it, ioll A
ng They'll -'3101)" & Slyne oil anyone Oege Ua
sea else, it don't matter --pocket your Beam the
ant coin and do nothing for you. opt 1i the C signo
the Secretaryship business. Better go
ave On the Stage. Why, lor', you're made sad �M
ty. for itt And I E U be nice
.4y, won't �o
(41 and friendly miss? J�,Ori,t you jo s No 0 ef
a in no Of
Ane in a re beno of an evenjil4po nessandRest-CORWI
Nina left him, pleading and ox, oplummorphint nol Ii
for Postulating, and made her way out NOT NARCOTIC'
on Into Regent street.
YX Early 44 the afternooA of a 5,�l
as it was, A,
. -&'@ Smd
t2lo,, well known -throughfare was w'a"'"rm
-Fifowddd, and-ishe Was Jostled andel,dGrd
bowed as She made her way to the
Strand. She went back to the hotel
discouraged and dismayed. She had
an anent A guinea at the sham registry
or office, and saw no prospect of em- 47 Ape* co us- e
, u 10DYMOnt. She was too tired, too 11 P U011. PUMIC.31us sand
no heart -sick to eat, and she spent the
res tic near
he t of the evening in the at 1W
the Sky. At nightfall, weary of her f
solitude natmv 0 For Over
c- and the thoughts that t
weighed upon her like a physical
burden, she went out. The streets NY
were crowded and her solitude in the THE UNTAOR C014PA
ay midst of the multitude was almost Thirty Years
ad intolerable, She mado her way to
d the Embankment and, leaning 1
I! against the stone work which keeps at the slow but mighty Thames in,
bounds, looked listlessly yet longing.
d IY At the brown water sweeping plat -
to idly towards the sea, Exact Copy of Wrapper.
of There, across the ocean, to Which V"X VK#4T^Uft ""PASOV. mum, Vona owv.
Us, the tide was tending, Was the island
Where she had knd*n a happiness be -
A Yohd'tb6 PiJvOerl-zaf words to , express.
0, Was Vane MannoHng, her husband- an -
h her hUsbandt-still there? Was he
n. Mourning for her? No, for there was
11 the unknown woman, Judithl All his
,h thoughts would be of her, of the Woll 7(if"
o Man he loved, and of whom he mur-����TE.
s- inured when be 81 t. MA FASStS
4 She leant her head on the cold n— of Mr. n—
k stone and gave way to the despai�, 1I.Mvid McNkoff.
0 which is so fitting an emotion t6-
- "the finest thoroughfare in Europe," No of the
* and the. most desolate, the most =*at 70
* heartbreaking in its magnitude 10 WaTka b 1 *1
and of the Inany
* solitude to one In Ninats situation.
A footfall rouiu
sed her from bar talaous Men C011-
Ab-, seeted with the
Sorption. A woman in most unwo-
X manly rags crept up to her and Calladlan Pacific
a, in asaw
I Weak and abject teres begged of nor Passed
"Just enough for a night's ledg- 41WILT 90 Sunday
S with tho dole of
Ing, my dear?" she moaned.
'aren't slept in a Christian bed for Mr. David Me.
N19011 at Guelph,
.the last three nfghtsi", ph,
Out- 4) Pro= the
Nina raised her hettil And looked at 1hay, of, h%.,M
theVi6itidn A wave of Pity swept Ov. _11JI, I
or Mr. iow long, oil, rather how &t Asbroath,
(I soon would it be before she herself Scatilrrid, in
t was in a Similar plight? She took 134_119 to the day
out her purse and, in the light of his death, the
Streaming from the Savoy Hotel -the M at the, tato Arst
strains of the supper band floated VAM"dsat of
_ P.
tbo, is
tow4rds her on the night air -she a fief.
was hunting tot- half a crown, when fitatinatifte study.
a Tuall-th1d woman's Accomplice- X"r 30*4 have
'hustled against her, snatched her 41101111tift high as
Purse and, with the WOM . an, disap- Chase that were
geared as suddenly as it they were POSSeGa4d by
'A ftvld MeNicoll,
unsubstantial as the mist that but fejW M*u Can
was rising over the river. Nina ut- 110017 tikenit*lves
tared a cry of dismay and started ja #Ae exertions
after them, lint a Policeman who an
had witnessed tide latter part of the for the de,46P
familiar act stopped her with a NNW of
friendly hand On her shoulder.
28 111DOWled him.
"NO use, to uset They've got clear Mot At 0
off into the Strand. You should 'a early
1110 MW his
never think of taking your purse out
oil the Embankment and, beggingills Work beforeYour pardon" -as he looked Suddenlwin as pastaly as
at her face with Its puts, distraught nijgbt me a
eyes -"this is no place for you. SINeat ladder
"Shall I call a cab, miss?"inc aw'davillat
.,NO, not*" said Nina, bethinking 1 10,4a,
-herself that she had no money left. thZykaftWetIlwakumn •
of ftvid lCeNleWl the Child Hired adbooUY, but In IN"
"It -it does not matter. Thank you Peftiallb IRTA60d Canada from tho.ijpked SUtep--wo oft tolg
-and good -night,', tb* tb* MC th" al" 14 yt&ls, took 00 016 VW Of ekwk with the Nor$*
The theft of her purse h(Ld left her Oft-V%UY In 8"040d Uld la 1972 be Sot a poshim as clot k
Penniless. She tried to.face the'situ- vullmd It"War CONW47.
ation bravely, to In 18114 tit ' d4i
Itligh, but the 6 yo=9 3illvw kOmme to Canada, and at twent`,r.t-wo years old
would not come.oUnconsclously YOMW MeNicoR Was IVA*
lain ep~ t6_Xet &;h4lible Vooltiloton the Nowthorn
h.91t1urned and walked. up the Eni- Raii"Y, WWA V* Avill 2otftto to Col Wood a A the Atte
ointment. it was, at ling, , I Ontario. t 1 r
to, quict Ma"Ood IIWO tame fie W44 11411ft e3wk *w a, yeor, and - thelk want to To.
"rAo *6ft'U as -
and solitary, and she irt�lv*d solitude inaaaser. of bbUt'clark in the o0ce of the geaer#1
and quiet. She had to.,think, to de- the Toronto, Ofty Band groes RAllway, " '. The year Ift
cide where she would, go.�' She was 1prougkt Itim "otlow fA"4*l for Won he botme gmW.%l #aight and p'Ospffll.
penniless, friendless, in t LOr 40"L Abmt, tb4s -W
birl,great city rW Oq Cl P. IL' WAS �U*149 steel acres
is found how DMIKIOn Of C _ 4 the
and alroady he had, fou 444 People were begiftiat to the winiderful
heartless It could, be to the4riendleiss. 2?O"111Mtks Of tb6 Calkadian,p"Ne. XWIeoll Was "4�, of thosawho Imw a
and penniless. -Brent trialed 1W 04. Yallrolad, and in IM b*
, ,
She made her way slowly, meehan- service of 104. '"Mmmy As general frodcht And v4"eliffor wilt for the
icallY to the Che*4 '04d V1 the Em- Zuterll "A da" Division. Promotion come l".y. for In IS89 be was
t Pka" GWM*l PSAWA forall the ex,
bankmotit. She had n6' thought of , .W A&*nt Hit bilMaroadAm Nteamship.
Volly'in her,111111d; Afid. it was wit),Thai* Was a owl further =44" Of his worth In 14hli
- of pas when he ltoolc up
'the datift
A gasp of surprise rather than relief "SAV'r-Tras* "*,bol6tar
that, in the garish 4Atillot, She saw lu"dVa000ftent wo not a4alkit-ov" in Im Vb410X,7wW4# my" 'b* J*
Vic name of Polly's N t Port"t
7010 of AsW*UAt 4MW*I. MwiaW, tot the "W19ving y"r be, foss -
troet' staring at
her from h md,hp�qdo,
rho Lidao00 GaberAl h%ft ftt or C"rftl.
st vi
still mecliapjc,411y, acid half !A* taboo 4 Ily Ma * imp "d in low be WAS WRA& a dlrfttw.
Stiolisly, She Walked up the t'n'"" 0*1 to hi heaft la'Is14 "
street, . 119 diattarafth44 *Aik*d oxvw- -VA loroustit to
And, as if - in a dream, stood before ACoss' XV. DaVId MeNtOoll rt#rek having Wt I*blmd h1vi 4 record that
'the'thehouse with the, number Polly had t , .dint alt tip
given tier. aroth is 'he Aft ft th* 40,400 Of the adVanceiniolits of t% main who tip
DY this ' time _ahAi, IV � C bow
,4 BOV tlO ISO" 1,00kilk
n *Ink ard hbus& he;;�;de__th0."4rX* OA his -cu*br we cau. Only see tbA, uArks of lbo
_loo tt^t
faint , with fatigue �arld, - e*eltetasAt, lWo"llied his rapid mores aatw art Ili""
and she stood, and. fro,from its; o>vl7 tbaft wbolaw*bd W" Win
bjs�Alobltioo, and
A&A Observed 'bit. 46VAft- ediilltw
and gazing at the house" At this Io"
Moment &.1tAnsoth dab,dilo*d up q10 And of taking Butte
a girl alighted:, *paid the tabyriah- b, the, #tEwo of.. Wig aw4luot. "to ktoxwo Of ixok *Obitjon V 70"
after the USU41 dippote-tond, wait en- XCNI4611 Alvr&rs 74qvod Without ilmWat an ate* :bolt.
to -king tho'boulgo, WAn h6f , tyw tell This man, who too,( a WC wort 1h the, looldhe at OL Slikittit #*tftpr1ft
upon the 1i tb*
l&Ur1e,oIJh�Ang1to the rAf1s. osseemwr 60A tat A +*Wwo
W to" of tae h> *ag
Polly -for It Was thd-hesitated' a tokkit fti"fti kialilsoi- it 6twi. In all doda" 101. lot
Illotilent, their 41* *Ott ug" to xiiift. Aoit "10OU014"Jit t6n*d: In quiotufW And ft
"NOW tw6ti"", she 'stilt;' 46 fn&t- *oik or U
tint -toll bit fattift ibiht he h" *00 )i*rd. H4 061)
f4h.'et voice, "What are you do- *00 tl� owlt, 1pultioulav, Ups -b" t, *aated
ter'o All W"
,iag.,hero, whhtlitt the matterl,' -tlon:wlth b'la th Ulii Aii*s OW441l te-bli 6*n. To tbo*
Nina turned heil.,vhIfe face, apd 1410WAiO4 busib'W Id000 wA sx0oarA04:VS that tdigbt kad,
'611Y, liel"
*0 if he wo"
prisi wid,dliiitay. 1t is tfoo t4st p Wdist*wior V"
Oxxblo- t4ver for it, 06(t IkeW , *ft*Aq it 'W**qril4*jW,
"MISS Wood. real 'You and Vftubhw % A A,_
horel J�td, cabby, bot A aJJ1*ntCl fitft- of-whooemL
Moret I kh6* v6ur Mt*1 'Ott V6U $tot '1066 if W, mt9looll *" ow of the WAft. r"i"*t -0 *Oft
*A � ink %blit1`011L *04 th4re t4lost vlost"amift4sm Via 114 0*11*
�ftss Wobilt 4 V dear, what,W"'
happened? 13�6-6, Come in with _W*J* tolvl'
aw Vib�
bear, dearl to think that X 4-46111d
And you hellel And likt thfht'- t0i Wh it lvdlhd_�, 11000t
.40 wo, 0%
ltl*llal�* -Offu *iiu brit &A A•m
tolmo in; 001A6 fill"
AAW - - wio Jh�An I"#
Mot's ge
David Y'ald #1t
0AWr be "tAwonow thotal )its 6**& iAi� *14 *040064 *A*"
"ibo t1w Of thoo,
Almlf#filiM*"*Wit Atv"ftw ***Now