HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-11-30, Page 8Page 8 N WANF[IJ Steady Employment G uaranted. Apply to Western Foundry Co. LIMITED WINGBAM, ONTARIO ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Read ten cents a line for drat insertion; live cents for subse. quent insertions, WANTED — Fine Roots and Cord Wood. \VINGI•IAM SALT WORKS HOUSE TO RENT—Eight rooms and conveniences. Apply to ROBT. KNox. TRUNKS AND. VALISES: --Big Stock t0 select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER, Old Furs remodelled to any style de- sired. Charges moderate. MISS ANNIE MCLAL'CTiLIN, 4-4 Box 119. Brussels, LosT—Crank off an automobile, he tween Holmes school house and Wing - ham. Finder leave at A. E. Louttit's butcher shop. To RENT — Comfo able house to rent with garden, cor er of Alfred and Centre ptreets. Apply to Walker & Clegg. tf FISH—Have for ale Thursday and Friday, No. 1 tr Orders promptly attended to at new butcher store. W. J. ARMOUR 1 J. W. DODD Successor to J. G. Stewart Fire, Life, Accident and Health INSURANCE P. 0. Box 306 WINGHAM. 'Phone 198 ONTARIO •' 4 'A( WINTER TOURS SPECIAL. Fares now in effect to resorts in Florida, Georgia, North' and South Carolina, Louis- iana and other Southern States, and to Bermuda and the West Indies, Return Limit May 3 ist, 1911 LIBERAL STOP -OVERS ALLOWED For full information write to C. E. HORNING, D.P.A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Tickets and full information from R. B. ELLIOTT ,town Passenger ai1d Ticket ,Agent, Phone 4. W. F. BURGMA J, Station Agent, Phone G0. Meeting of the Huron Gounty Council The council of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the Town : I of Goderich, on Tuesday the 5th l• day of December siert, a t,' 3 o'clock. W. LANE, Clerk. 1 Dated Nov. 20th, 1910. 1 NUT COAL $8.5O A PER TON SPOT CASH t., , Furnace and Pea Coal at price to correspond, Coal hao snot advanced in price at the relines since Sep- tetnber. 1 ii have been fortunate in being in a poSIti(in -to keep r¢iy ( 1t4onre1s+ supplied. by making 141 small deliveries. 1 have a rJtr -.i to arrive in a few' days and ex - lied others to follow. • Food Wanted 1.3 Dry or Green Soft br hard g Re J. CANT ELO N °Cfice with Dominion lirzpress Cd. �r PHONE 169 =. l �,�,r,,.w A..rr,- .vw..'_`. �xi��il :"d�tr�'id�!'•�Rhaa frei 11 DISTRICT IT MS THE WINGHA:VI TIMES ] IIR.. ■ 0 �,, ■ M r r r Mr. S. Wright an old Kincardine boy, who has been living in Chesley for a number of years, is taking over the Grand Central Hotel at Listowel. The engagement is announced of Rata Alice Hildred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hildred, Bervie, to Mr. E. A. Hillman Cutknife, Sask. The marriage to take place quietly in December. Dr. Quackenbttsh, for several years Medical HE•alth Officer of Exeter, and teacher of toe adult bible class in James street Methodist Church, has ,coved to Wondreau, Ont., where he has accepteda position of full charge of a hospital for a large company of international fame. Pte. William Walters. brother oZ James and Alfred Walters of Exeter, returned to Exeter Saturday, having been invalided home. Mr. Walters lived in. Exeter a number of years ago, and his brothers had not heard from him for vears; in fact did not know he was living until word was received that he was wounded, Mr. Walters was badly wounded. Wm. D. Young, who went from Kin- garf about ten years ago to the Yukon to assist in missionary work, is at present in Vancouver, expecting to reach Kincardine about Christmas. Mr. Young spent his early days on the farm here. He is a brother of John Young, of Kingarf and also of Mrs, John Hedley, of Kincardine, A quiet wedding took place in Toron- to, November 8, when Misp N. M. Hardman, of Toronto, and Frank Johns, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Will Johns, of Exeter, were united in marriage by Rev. A. G. Hudson. They were un- attended. After a dainty supper the couple left for a trip east. Mr. Johns is a printer, having served his time with the Exeter Times. A quiet and pretty marriage took place in St. James' Church, Seaforth, on Tuesday, the 21st. inst., When Mr. John Paul Hopf, of Woodstock, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Margaret Eustatia Keeler of Seaforth, The Rev. P. Corcoran pre- formed the ceremony and sang High Nuptial Mass. The best man was Wm. Keeler, brother of the bride, and the bridesmaid was Miss Marjorie Nolan, of Seaforth. Rev. J. B. Fotheringham, M. A,, rector of St. George's church, Goderich, announced at Sunday morning's service that he had been invited to Grace Church, Brantford, which parish has been vacant, caused by the resignation of Archdeacon McKenzie. Mr. Fotheringham came to Goderich five years ago from St. Matthew's church, Toronto, and during his stay has en- deared himself to his congregation. The matter of accepting the resignation will be decided at a special meeting of the congregation on Monday, December 4th. BORN. MCCAULAY—In Morris Township, on November 17th, to Mr. and Mrs, New- ton McCaulay, a son. CAMPBELL --In the Township of Kin- loss on Nov 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rod- erick Campbell, a son. BRYAN'S—In Howick, on November 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bryans, north of town, a daughter. COLLAR—In Wingham, on November 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. H.J. ;Collar; a son. DIED HOFFMAN—At Kurtzville, on Nov. 18th, John Hoffman, aged 45 years. MCKEE---At Trowbridge, on Nov. 20th Miss Annie McKee, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McKee, of Fordwich. WATTERS—At Military Hospital, Sea - forth, Liverpool, England, on November 15th, Robin Cecil Watters, of the 161st (Huron) Battalion, C. E. F., son of the hate Wm. Watters, Fordwieh, aged 19 years. , TAYLOR— In East Wawanosh, on November 23rd, William Hedley Taylor, infant son of Rev'. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor, of Garafiaca. aged 3 months, MARRIED DtJRRANT—GIBBON—•In Mount Forest, by the Rev. Mr. Cooper, on November` 15th, Miss Frances Gibson to Elmer Durrant, of Newbridge, HARDY-CLOAKEYt'-At the residence of Mr. Simon Mitchell, Wingham, on November 22nd, by Rev. J. W. Hibbert Mr. Wm. J. Hardy, of Dungannon to Miss Lorena E. Cloakey, of Wingham. SALE FARM FOR he following farm propertyisoff,red for rale by tender. Bulk or s .arate tender will he received up to r anuary 1J 2nd, 1917. Lot 12, Con. 8, 00 acres I , half cleared, well fenced a'. in good cultivation. Lot 12, Con,100 acres all cleared. Frame bar 52x60; straW shed 40x5(3; stone o dation, cement flooring; implement ed 24x40: frame house and wood- • ed; neves:-failing spring well (with windmill), water to house and stable by pipe^ two orchards. It is of a mile from school, 1 mile from church, 31 miles from Wingham. The above property m located in one of the most pros'peroasjarmin„ sections in Co. of lima. Owner has joined the overseas forces, the only reason for selling. All tenders to be addressed to Sarlt..itobert .iasting9, Machine Gun Section, 228th .att.r Toronto. Lowest or any tende4's not necessarily accepted. 5.5 peciai ale of manufacturer's Set o Lf S E FURS 1 ON SALE - THURSQAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY THIS is a rare chance to secure a Muff, Stole or Set for at least half it's original value. The lot consists of a traveller's set of samples along with a number oi pieces taken from our regular stock,' Renew your Subscription to the DESIGNER Spbcial Offer 55c, Furs at HALF PRICE and LESS L O T 1 35°"137 Western Persian Fox, White Thibet, Reg. values, $8 $10. Muffs and Stoles in Sable, Mink Marmot, Paw, Sitka Grey Lamb s4 to 615.0 for .75 LOT 2 50 only Mufi's,'Stoles and Sets, Alaska Sable, Persian Lamb, Mink, Canadian Coon, Fox and Wolfe. Regular Values $15, s/� $18.00 to $25 for �VVjj .75 71 Terms of Sale Cash New Laid Eggs 50c. Doz. Produce Wanted Telephone Dairy Batter 40c. Ib. Highest Prices for Dried Apples and Dressed Poultry G BROS. tibaeitvSlirlt ' ilVVOI O0II,W6g6"4/144+11 ,11AVAii/4 001�%11,11,16 1Viv'0.1,' 1,'i0tid Q 1 1 1 .rnrs4am6.1•611=1.M11 e� SA res BARCAIPIS arisemslermosessountomorisisamme ssmmeenves �.mr Groceries FRESH AND CLEAN • 4 Bottles New Extract... .. , .25c 6 Boxes Eddy Matthes 25c 3 Packages Corn Flakes 233 2 Packages Shredded Wheat, 25c 2 Cans Fresh Salmon "good" 35c Best Canadian Cheese only 25c Japan Tea special priee 29e 2 lbs New Fine Quality Raisins . 25c Lamp and Lantern Glasses.... „ ... 6c 3 Packages Corn Starch .., ........ 25c Comfort Soap only 40 11 Cakes Surprise Soap 50e Lard Compound only 19e Men's Wear, Suit§, Over- coats and Underwear Men's genuine good quality Suits, ]attest style regular $20....... . $12.45 Men's New Overcoat, pinch back, large col- lar, $25 line for... , $14.QO Boys' Overcoats Here are 20 Boys' pure Wool Overcoats, 1Jeder sold less than $10 00 some $12.00, Sale Price $4,95 Men's Sweater Coats... .. ... 98c to $7 (Buy these at this store) Men's Ribbed Wool Underwear all sizes, Penmans, regular $1 Su for..., .-,....... 95e Mill Ends, Flannelette and Toweling We were fortunate to get a lot of and We ore selling then] away below prices these goods the regular Ladies' Wear New White Silk 'Waists only, ..... ,... $1.98 Ladies' White Vests special.., ,.... ,,,.25c Ladies' Heavy Grey Vests and Drawers .... 29c Ladies' Pure Cashtner Gloves in black and colors .., 50c, '1°5c, 95c Ladies' Combir . ion Underwear, Penman's all wool r.gular $3.50 for................$1.98 Children's ►,otton and wool Und year at,,, .25c, 35e, 39c Hosiery Hosiery Fleeced lined Heavy Winter Hose, all sizes great value .,. 25e and 35c All Wool Hose Children's All Wool Hose 48c and 55c Ladies' All Wool Hose 58c Dress Goods Possibly not for years will you be able to buy the good quality Dress Goods we are • clearing at 75e, $1 and 1,25 All Mantle Cloth at 1-2 price Boots, Shoes, Rubbers Ladies' Sample Shoos ... .,.......25 percent off Men's .Sample Shoes. . ,25 per cent off All kinds of Shoes a little higher than old prices but far cheaper than we can sell theist at buying today Buy Blankets Now, Best Quality $11.95, 1.89 and 1.39 Hundreds of lines at special prices. It will certainly be profitable to you to buy . heavy right now, TERMS CASH-- Butter and Eggs or Dried Apples taken as cash. WE HAVE ONLY ONE PRICE ra�aassis.etmararsaaotmisie wamikassesamwassaiselmoselmsearool ,My November 3o 191b 611 RISTN14S Only Three Weeks from Monday There never was a time in the world's history when it was more necessary or more appropriate to buy SENSIBLE PRESENTS Impossible to buy anything more sensible than Shoes, Rubbers, s, Hockey Shoes, Overshoes or Overstockings Queen Quality Shoes for women, Murray Shoes for men, in fact there are a host of suitable articles in a shoe store that are worthy of your approval. DO NOT FORGET • We are selling Rubber Footwear at exactly the same prices as last year while the stock we have lasts. Something sensible for women for the cold weather SPATS just like this illustration in different heights. 0 W. 11. WILLIS Sole Agents • .SHOLC' for Ladies and Derby Shoes for Men WINGHAM BAZAAR /�� � . 1. r►� �� ♦� ' i.}+--, .•�J, lire- �--_ .�e This Store is • HEADQUARTERS FOR Xmas Decorations, Toys, Dolls Gaines and Fancy Goods Suitable for Christmas Gifts Wingham never saw a more beautiful collection of such goods suitable for gifts Below are few of the many hundreds of items now on.display on our counters and tables all -,at such prices that will suit every body's pocketbook. Come Early and Get First Choice We will lay aside any article which you choose and remember that your money is nrver ours until you are perfectly satisfied. We have thousands of Christmas Gards at lc each, or 10c per dozen Xmas Booklets , , 2c, 29, 5c and 10c each Framed Pictures make ideal,' Gifts, "We have just received 1000, all beautiful sub- jects, ranging in price from 10c to $1.00 FANCY CHINA We have a large stock of Fancy China, in- cluding Hand Painted Butter Tubs, Spoons and Celery Trays, Hat Pin Holders, on Bon Dishes, Etc., all which make Ideal Gifts. Prices always the lowest OUR DRY GOODS COUNTER Contains some items which should prove interesting and make appropriate gifts, such as Dresser Scarfs, Centre Pieces, Fancy Work Bags, Ladies' Collars, Men's and Boys' Neck Ties, ranging in prices from 25 to 50c COME IN AND LOOK ,AROUND WINGHAM BAZAAR SANTA CLAUS & CO.