HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2017-06-14, Page 182017 Interprovincial Air Tour
Courtesy of Carol Cooke
There were 40 aircraft that
were registered for this years'
IPAT and so when Thursday
June 1 dawned with sunny
skies, all pilots headed to
Elmhirst Resort CPS2 for the
10th annual air tour.
Some landed at Peterbor-
ough (10 miles north) - to
clear customs; to have lunch,
or to get fuel.
As the afternoon wore on,
the wind increased to such
an extent that 4 aircraft
opted to tie down overnite at
Peterborough rather than
face the strong crosswind at
There are some interesting
pictures of the aircraft land-
ing on the beautifully mani-
cured grass strip at Elmhirst.
The staff and owners of
Elmhirst were really wel-
coming and excited to see
the aircraft arrive.
After registration and get-
ting settled into cottages, a
scrumptious bbq buffet din-
ner was consumed and the
registrants enjoyed an even-
ing of sharing flying stories
and getting caught up on
events over the past winter
During dinner, Carol
Cooke reminisced over how
the Interprovincial Air Tour
came to be - 5 aircraft from
North Bay and Timmins
went on the Michigan Air
Tour in 2006 and started
thinking - we could do this
in Ontario / Quebec - and as
they say "the rest is history"
Carol spent some time
reviewing the registrations
from previous years and was
amazed to discover that 22
pilots had been on 8 or more
of the 10 tours.
These pilots were recog-
nized with gift certificates
from Aircraft. Spruce (10
year) and Home Repot (8
and 9 year), as Carol and
Ron thought the IPAT bank
balance shouldcontinue to
be kept at a minimal level
and those who had contrib-
uted most should get some
return of the unused contin-
gency fund
10 year attendance: John
Beimers; Fred/Marilyn Bru-
insma; Marc Charron; Ron/
Carol Cooke; Ron/ Sherry
Two couples from Michi-
gan registered for all 10
Tours Dick/Nicki Acker;
Nancy/Ron Walters -but.
What if one company could
solve all your business needs?
fractured arm, parent having
stroke; flooded basement
kept them home a couple
years; Mike Woodley
attended 8 tours.
Nine year attendance:
John/Anne Donkers; Jim/
Jane Farrell; Dave Frayne;
Gary Grainger; Don Jones;
Henri/Ginette Monnin; Les-
ley/Jeff Page; Adrian/Ilort-
ense Verburg.
Eight year attendance:
Steve Greenwell, Chris/Anne
McCullough; Kevin Psutka;
Larry Waldie
This year Aircraft Spruce
donated 2 - $50 gift cards -
won by Mike Ash and Bill
Complimentary room in
Brockville - won by Gary
Todd; Complimentary room
in Oshawa- won by Larry
Waldie (COPA 45)
To add to the excitement,
poker hands were added this
year; two cards drawn at
Elmhirst, one at Brockville,
and two at Oshawa.
Steve McDowell big win-
ner with 3 of a kind ($100);
Jamie McCague second best
hand with 2 pr ($75), and
Bob Burns 3rd took home
$50. •
Carol summarized the
monies spent in the past 10
years on these Air Tours.
Municipalities with airports
have realized well over half a
million dollars.
Carol also announced that
this would he her last year of
organizing - after 10 years its
time to get some other folks
involved with their fresh
Before dinner Jeff Page
provided a detailed safety
briefing, and because of the
wet conditions at Morris -
burg, it was decided aircraft
would park totally on the
pavement, and that we .could
probably only park 25 safely.
The next morning dawned
sunny and still windy and 24
aircraft flew into Morrisburg
and walked over to Upper
Canada Village.
If you haven't been - it's
well worth the visit. Heritage
houses depict life as it was in
1860's complete with work-
ing sawmill and grist mill.
Then it was off to Brock-
ville where the volunteers
from the local COPA Flight,
lead by Mike Bowen and
Kent Wharton from Brock
Air welcomed us and
directed us to fuel and
Wednesday, June 14, 2017 • Signal Star 19
Those that skipped Mor-
risburg had a leisurely
departure from Elmhirst and
enjoyed coffee and donuts in
the Brockville Flying Club
building while waiting for
the rest to arrive.
After the plaque presenta-
tion to Mayor Henderson, it
was on the bus to the Com-
fort Inn and then down to
the waterfront for dinner
cruise of 1000 Island's.
Because of the recent
flooding, our reserved boat
was still in dry dock, but the
smaller SeaFox 11 accom-
modated all 85 of us.
Scenic boat cruises are
always popular with the
group, and this was no
exception. It could have
been warmer - but there
were no bugs, and it wasn't
raining. A delicious catered
dinner was enjoyed by all.
The next morning dawned
sunny (three days in a row -
almost a record this spring) so
it was off to Oshawa for the
last stop of this years' IPAT.
Airport Manager Steve
Wilcox was on hand to per-
sonally welcome each pilot,
as they pulled into the park-
ing spots reserved for the
By 12:15 all were on buses
heading to Parkdale Estate -
the heritage museum where
Sam McLaughlin (founder of
McLaughlin Buick) lived.
McLaughlin basically
founded the City of Oshawa
with the GM plantand the
McLaughlin name is every-
where in the City.
A scrumptious catered
lunch - provided by the
Oshawa Airport was enjoyed
by all and we leisurely
strolled through the gardens
after lunch.
The rest of the afternoon
was on your own to visit the
Automotive Museum, Art
Gallery, or enjoy a brew in
local pub.
At 4:00 the first bus arrived
at the hotel to take the group
back to the airport but to
the other side where the 420
Wing is located.
Tours of the tank museum
and Tower tours, which are
both adjacent to the Wing,
had also been arranged.
Thanks to Jeff and Lesley Page
for making all these arrange-
ments, as well as co-ordinat-
ing with the airport all the
parking arrangements.
• *
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