HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2017-05-24, Page 23Port Albert gearing up for a busy summer season Once again Port Albert is gearing up for a busy sum- mer season. It's so nice to go for a stroll and have a chat with the neighbours that have been hibernating all winter. Welcome back to all the cottagers; we know summer has arrived when we see signs of their return. A speedy recovery from recent surgery is wished for Janice Pritchard and Paul Doherty. Monday, night Euchre Parties at the Inn At The Port have changed their starting time to 7:30. People attend from near and far and newcomers are always welcome. Every Wednesday night, until June, a group of ladies meet from 6:30 to 8:30 in the church basement to make sleeping mats, hats and mit- tens for the homeless. The items are distributed to locations in Toronto and London, and are very popu- lar with the people who find themselves in dire situa- tions. All are welcome to come and help out. Christ Church Port Albert is now offering a new Chil- dren's Program during the Sunday 9:30 a.rn. church service. Parents and children will arrive together and the chil- dren will go downstairs for their program and join their parents for Communion. Sunday, April 28, was a special "Blessing of the Bikes" Church Service. Bik- ers of all ages and mode of transportation were invited. Friday, June 2 is the annual Lobster Supper and Beef on a Bun at Christ Church. Takeout is available. 'Ibis is always a very popu- lar event and tickets are on sale at the Port Albert Gen- eral Store, or available through Nancy Corkum at 519-529-3139 or corkum@ hurontel.on.ca_ . Please get your tickets early so that you will not be disappointed. June 24 is the annual Port Albert Citizens Association Meeting held at Christ Church. Come early at 8:30 a.m. for coffee and donuts. The meeting provides an opportunity for local citi- zens to learn of issues and concerns regarding our community. The fee is 510.00 for PACA and 510.00 towards the Ashfield Col- borne Lakeshore Association. Sunday July 9 is the annual Cemetery Service at 1:30 p.m. with a luncheon following at the church. Weather permitting, the ser- vice will be held at the Cemetery. The Breakfast and Silent Auction at Christ Church is cancelled this year. Plans for an alternative get together later in the sum- mer/fall are being dis- cussed. Stay tuned! Sunday August 6 we will celebrate Canada's 150`x' birthday with our annual beef BBQ and parade to the beach lead by the Port Albert Pipes & Drum Band to pipe down the sun. The theme for this year's parade is Beaver and•Moose. We look forward to seeing the results of the partici- pant's imaginations. Tickets for the BBQ will be available at the Port Albert General Store begin- ning July 1. Wednesday, May 24, 2017 • Signal Star 23 Contributed photo A group of ladies meet in the church basement to make sleeping mats, hats and mittens for the homeless. 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