Goderich Signal Star, 2017-05-17, Page 19Ontario Horticultural Association District 8 AGM
May 6 brought both show-
ers and flowers to the Luc -
know Community Centre as
the Lucknow horticultural
Society welcomed over 90
garden enthusiasts to the
110th Anniversary Annual
General Meeting of District 8
of the Ontario Horticultural
Association (O1 1A).
Lucknow president and
District 8 Director, Sharon
Nivins, welcomed District 8
executive, representatives
from OMAFRA and Huron -
Kinloss Township, and horti-
culturalists with a poem by
Billy McCoy, "My Country
Wilf Gamble, Deputy
Mayor of Huron-Kinlbss
Township, welcomed guests
and Ann Finlayson delivered
greetings from Suzanne
Hanna, President of OHA.
Roll call was answered by
17 horticultural societies
from throughout Bruce, Grey
and Huron counties. Each
group took the opportunity
to highlight Canada's 150th
events and other special cel-
ebrations and meetings in
their areas.
In Memorium commem-
orated the passing of society
members through the read-
ing of a poem, listing of
names and a bouquet of
flowers; one for each
District 8 business was
conducted at various times
throughout the day -long
meeting. Procedural items
such as adoption of minutes
of the 2016 AGM, Treasurer's
Report and appointment of
new auditors were dealt with
in the morning.
The first guest speaker was
Helen Scutt, Agriculture
Organization Specialist with
OMAFRA, with the theme,
"Growing Your Membership,
Cultivating Diversity" She
began her presentation with
the observation that just as
diversity in a garden makes it
more interesting and
vibrant; diversity in an
organization has the same
positive effect.
Sharing thoughts on
diversity, inclusion and
accessibility, Helen chal-
lenged her audience to iden-
tify barriers to inclusion in
their respective communi-
ties and encouraged setting
goals to create more sup-
portive environments for
new members.
Following a full morning
program a delicious lunch
was provided by Sharon
Nivins and Andrea Feeley of
the Lucknow Ilorticultural
Society, with serving assis-
tance of the First Lucknow
Scout Troup.
The second guest speaker
was Jacqui Ernpson Laporte
of Auburn on the topic,
"Nature in Our Gardens': Jac-
qui is an Environmental Spe-
cialist with the Ontario Min-
istry of Agriculture, Food
and Rural Affairs and is pas-
sionate about re-establishing
connections to the natural
world. Her presentation
demonstrated how her per-
sonal values and life's jour-
ney are reflected in her gar-
dening style and content.
During her talk, Jacqui
raised eyebrows with her
promotion of the Soil Your
Undies program. This cam-
paign from the Soil Conser-
vation Council of Canada
and Innovative Farmers
Association of Ontario
invites people to test their
soil by burying a pair of 100%
cotton briefs or panties in
the ground. Healthy soil is
full of living organisms that
will eat the fabric in a few
months. A step-by-step
guide is provided at www.
After Jacqui's presenta-
tion, Sharon Nivins revealed
the OHA District 8 Soil Your
Undies Challenge providing
a kit complete with under-
wear, instructions and mark-
ing flags for each horticul-
tural society.
Sharon introduced
another new OHA program,
the Pollinator Project Initia-
tive, with a grant of $200 pro-
vided to a horticultural soci-
ety to plant and maintain a
pollinator -friendly public
garden. The criteria were
read and Goderich & District
Horticultural Society was
winner of a draw chosen
from interested societies.
In two separate sets of rec-
ognition, certificates were
presented to district horti-
cultural societies marking
significant anniversaries
including Markdale, 105
years; Teeswater, 95; Ripley,
90; Hanover, 55; Seaforth
and South Port, both cele-
brating 45th anniversaries.
Sharon Nivins awarded
certificates of outstanding
service to one member of
each society as nominated
by their executive.
Nearing the end of the
meeting and the day, Ann
Finlayson installed the new
District 8 Executive; District
Director Vicky Culbert; Past
District Director Sharon
Nivins; Assistant District
Directors Theresa McLaugh-
lin (Grey), Andrea Feeley
(Bruce) and Karen Redmond
(I luron); Secretary Elly Pen-
nings, Treasurer Susan Wat-
son and Supplies Carl
Ann thanked Sharon for
her years of leadership and
service presenting her with a
gift of appreciation. New
District Director Vicky Cul-
bert thanked Sharon and
expressed her gratitude to
Karen Redmond for her
work as District secretary
and travel companion.
Karen Redmond thanked the
Lucknow Horticultural Soci-
ety for hosting. the day's
Several activities took
place either during, behind
the scenes or prior to the
meeting. They included a
photography contest, poster
competition for youth, door
prizes and silent auction.
Chief among the competi-
tions however, was the
flower show based on the
theme, Oh Canada. In addi-
tion to exhibits assessed by
Judge Laurence Ryman,•
members attending the
AGM voted for a People's
Choice award.
Winners of the photogra-
phy competition were Barb
Fleming and Jeanette Mar-
tin. Ann Andrew of Lucknow
won both the Judge's and
People's Choice awards in
the flower show.
After a full day of presen-
tations, competitions,
awards and new ideas, par-
ticipants of the District 8
AGM looked forward to
returning to their groups to
share their experiences. Next
year's meeting will be hosted
by the Ripley and District
Horticultural Society. See
page 20 for more.
irs190rh Birthday!
Please send in your stories,
history, photos or interesting
tales about Goderich & you
could be published!
Please send by email to:
Or drop off at: The Goderich Signal Star,
120 Huckins Street, Goderich
Don't miss your
chance to be part of
this Special Issue in our
paper on June 21st!
,Signal -Star
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