HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2017-05-17, Page 9sI A year of anniversaries In Canada's 150th anniversary Air of confederation, Goderich celebrates 190th anniversary Kathleen Smith -Goderich Signal Star The year of 2017 certainly is one of National and local celebrations. As Canada celebrates 150 years since confederation, Goderich has its own special anniversary to celebrate. It has been 190 years since the founding of Goderich and the town not only can claim the title as 'Prettiest town in Canada; but is also one of the oldest communi- ties in the province. "It's the 150th anniversary of the confederation of Can- ada and it's the 190th anni- versary of the founding of Goderich. We have several notable service clubs in the community that are celebrat- ing significant anniversaries this year as we11; said Eco- nomic Development/Tour- ism Coordinator James Cox. The Lion's Club is celebrat- ing its 100th anniversary, as is the Rotary Club and the Kins- men is celebrating its 70th anniversary, to mention a few. Since there are a lot of sig- nificant anniversaries this year, the Town of Goderich would like to promote and assist community events throughout the year, making it one large celebration, under the branding of the Goderich 190 and the Can- ada 150 celebrations. "One thing I have learned through working in this community, working on spe- cial events, working in tour- ism and economic develop- ment,, is that it is our service clubs and community groups that are the strength of this community," explained James Cox. In accordance with two major anniversaries, the Canada 150 and Goderich 190, there was a need to mir- ror the logos, as they will be displayed beside each other. Cox worked with agraphic designer to come up differ- ent concept ideas, which cir- culated through different groups with an interest to participate, including the youth committee. "We want them to have a voice in their community and they felt appreciative in being involved in that selection pro- cess," Councillor Bazinet said in regards to the youth com- mittee participating in select- ing the Goderich 190 logo. The youth committee was able to offer service in the decision for a logo, adding to the countless acts groups in the community have contrib- uted to the Town of Goderich. Being such a major year on not only a local level, but also nationally, it was sug- gested at a previous Council meeting that the 'Town of Goderich should reach out to the national government. A suggestion was made to invite Prime Minister Trudeau to come to the 'Prettiest town in Canada; and one of the oldest com- munities in the province, in year of celebrations. There is a lot to celebrate this year, from Canada's 150th anniversary, to Goderich's 190th anniversary, to service groups, which are the strength of oq ommunity and the youth committee, the future of Council invests in road safety Improving Ar cycling tourism infrastructure Huron County Council believes strongly in promoting safety on our roads and recog- nizes the potential of cycling tourism in our region. The Huron County Cycling Strategy is being imple- mented to make cycling safer and more enjoyable on Ontario's west coast. "The Huron County Cycling Strategy was created bya steer Ing committee that includes stakeholders from the cycling, health, municipal, police, tour- ism ourism and transportation sec- tors," said Laura Dekroon, Chair of the Huron. County Cycling Advisory Committee. "The strategy recommends a number of actions and an implementation plan that will make our communities more bicycle_fiiendlywithin the next 5 years." The total of 60 Share the Road signs are being installed throughout the county to serve as a reminder to all users of the road to share the space safely. Provincial law requires motorists to give 'cyclists at least a 1 metre space when passing and should change lanes whenever possible to ensure safety. Council is implementing a pilot project to pave the shoulders on County Road 31 between Saltford and Benmiller, which is a favour- ite route among cyclists. In addition to the work of the Public Works Department to keep our roads safe all year long, two new infrastructure projects are being imple- mented this season as part of the cycling strategy. "Whether you're a motorist, a cyclist, an operator of heavy farm equipment or a driver of a horse-drawn wagon, we all need to get to our destination safely; said Warden Jim Ginn. •'By investing in this infra- structure we're making our roads safer and increasing the appeal.of Huron County as a cycling destination." In addition to cycling tour- ism assets such as the G2G rail trail, infrastructure that sup- ports safe cycling will draw people to Huron County. With the new signage in place, road users in Huron County are reminded to share the road. SEE PAGE 29 FOR PHOTO our community. Dates to be aware of for community events to cele- brate Canada 150 and Goder- ich 190: June 24 - Children's Wednesday, May 17, 2017 • Signal Star 9 Festival; June 25 - Multicul- tural Festival; June 26 -July 1 - "What Canada Means To Me Art Show" at the Mackay Center; June 29 - Founders Day and Ceremony; June 30 - Fireworks display; July 1 - Canada Day Parade and pro- grams; July 2 - Lion's Club Barbecue. 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