HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-11-02, Page 3November 2, 1916
Page 5
Ottawa,Citizen (Inde-
Oct. 3. -The
pendent) says this morning:
"Sir Wilfrid Laurier possibly never
stood stronger in public esteem than at
the present time, He would seem to
tower above mere party leaders and re-
flects national opinion. He is attacked
by Mr. Henry Bourassa, the Quebec
National leader. and by the purple -faced
press of Ontario at the same time.
Partisan Organs in Ontario, represent-
ing medioerity on Parliament Hill, devote
more space to misrepresenting Sir Wil-
frid Laurier than to any serious criticism
of the incompetence of their own lead-
ers . Mr. Bourassa is reported on Sun-
day to have referred to Sir Wilfrid as
the most nefarious man this Province
las ever had. This presumably, be-
cause Sir Wilfrid is too big to be Provinc-
"There are two brands of National-
ism in Canada, the so-called National-
ism of Quebec and the so-called Nation-
al Policy of Ontario. Both have con-
stantly been played up by partisans to
thwart the Canadian statesmanship of
Wilfred Laurier. National is a misno-
mer when applied to either the cult of
Nationalism in Quebec or the tariff
Nationalism in Ontario. Both are
merely phrases of Paovincialism: the
Quebec group seeking to preserve its
culture and to spread it in the other
Provinces; the Ontario interests striv-
ing to retain their material privileges
through the tariff policy, at the ex-
pense of all the Provinces. Sir Wilfrid
Laurier sees Ontario and Quebec as
Provinces of Canada; but he also sees
Canada as a nation bigger than any one
Province. For this breadth of vision
Sir Wilfrid is the nutsanding public
man, in Canada and the constant object
of attack from the Provincials.
"But, of course, the purple -faced
press of Ontario does not represent
the people of this Province any more
than the Nationlist press represents
Quebec. There is a far better brand of
Canadian citizenship in both Provinces
and throughout the country. Unfortun-
ately for the national progress in
Canada, people, particularly in Ontario,
have been imposed upon by false
loyalty cries Thus politicians have
misrepresented Sir Wilfrid Laurier's
position with regard to the British con-
nection; and the very party to raise the
loyalty cry has itself, during the pre-
sent war demonstrated lack of kinship
for the motherland by increasing the
`National Policy' customs tax against
British trade,
"Sir Wilfrid Laurier took the broader
view of Canada's relation to the moth-
erland when he opposed the 1915 in-
crease of the Dominion tariff against
British trade. He took an equally high
stand last week when he went down to
Quebec, as he has done on several occa-
sions, and championed the British and
French cause in the war. Sir Wilfrid,
criticized by the Nationalist group in
Quebec as being too British, and de-
nounced by that tariff Imperialist group
in Ontario as being too Canadian, is
evidently uncommonly near to the heart
of the whole Canadian people."
Children Cry
G A S T O R r A
It takes more than a wooden head to
produce thoughts that will burn.
Get "More Money" for your Skunk
Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes,White Weasel, Fisher
and other Fur hearers collected in your section
sum. YOUR FURS DIRECT to "SIIIUBERT" tate largest
house in the World dealing exclusively In NORTH AMERICAN RAV FURS
a reliable -responsible -safe Fur house with an unblemished rep-
utation existing for "more than a third of a century," a long suc-
cessful record of sending Fur Shippers prom pt, SATIS FACTO RY
AND PROFITABLE returns. write for "ZS(te a,lprbert arllipper "
the only reliable, accurate market report and price list published.
Write for it -NOW -it's FREE
A. B. SHUBERT, Inc. De t27C WEST
ptt IN . Ir%TG
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your wants in
We will keep the best
and sell at
stock in the respective lines
reasonable prices!
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of
Or anything you may require in the printing line.
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
The Times Office
Wngbatn, -�
The following is the list -of contri-
butors to the British Red Cross Society:
Miss Gowdy.,.. .. 25
Miss Weir ... ,, . .... 2 00
Arch Paterson .. 50
Mrs Geo Wraith ... . 2 00
Miss Fisher.... 5 00
Mrs Bowden 5 00
Wm Field... 12 00
Mrs Kew, sr 3 00
Andrew Linklater 1 00
Mrs Price .... 100
Wm Stokes 1 00
Wm Bradley 1 00
Miss Carson .... 1 00
Mrs J J Elliott... 1 00
Levi Lott,,.. .. .. 100
Mrs Arch Paterson 1 00
Miss Paterson, S S 9, T 2 50
Chas Sutton 2 00
Geo T Robertson 5 00
Gurney's Factory.... 40 00
John Brooks .. 2 00
Miss J Glousher... .... 1 00
Agnes Gray 1 00
Ada Buttrdy,.. 50
Helen Wells .... .... 1 00
Irene Scott 50
Edith W ells .... 50
Louise Horne , ... ... 1 00
Nellie Bannerman . 5 00
Vera Friend . 50
Madge Boardman ........ 50
Hilda Utting . . 25
Phoebe Bloomfield ... 1 00
Wallace Frankum 2 00
Albert Bloomfield 1 00
Robt Groves.... 5 00
Earl Hart ... .. .. 50
Howard McDonald .. 50
Gordon Cruikshank 50
Roy Manuel 50
Harry Wells ... 1 00
Harry Walton.... 50
W D Pringle 10 00
Miss R Bowden 1 00
W H Gurney...... 10 50
• G H Tervit .. 2 00
C Garrett .... 2 00
Murch 50
A Groves ..... 2 00
R Burgess 2 00
W J Bell .... .... ...... 2 00
Mrs Murch 1 00
Mrs Stillwell ........ • . • 1 00
Miss Burgess . 1 00
Luella Campbell ... 1 00
Annie Robertson ...... I 00
Mable Butcher 1 00
Lilian R Lutton ... 1 00
Elsie Bowden ...... 25
Mari E Casemore .. 1 00
Mary Lamont ..... ... 1 00
Evelyn Garrett .... 1 00
Margaret Murch 1 00
Lillie Beirnes 50
Emily Epsom ....... .... 1 00
Ruby Forsyth .. 1 00
Edna Smith...... 1 00
Susie Miller ..... 25
Ethel W Casemore .. .. 1 00
Edith Campbell ......... 50
Hettie Matthews.. 1 00
Pearlie Morden.... ... . 50
J A Morton and wife....,. 25 00
Ed Bradwin .... ... ... 10 00
Mrs J E Bradwin .... 2 00
Mrs Jane Thomson ... 2 00
W Tompkins ............ 5 00
Wm Dore .... ...- 1 00
A H Musgrove .. ... .. 25 00
0 Thompson . ..... .. 5 00
J S Isard.. .. 5 00
Robert Mooney.... ...... 5 00
Herb Jobb ..... .. . ... 2 00
Wm Robertson..... .. 3 00
Laura Ansley 3 00
J A Haugh .. . 2 00
Wm. McPherson 10 00
F Mooney ........... 1 00
A E Smith .. ....... .. 10 00
JAMills 2500
Mrs R W Adams1 00
M E Adams. ..... 9 00
Arthur Adams.. 1 00
Wm Moore........ 2 00
Miss Gilchrist 4 00
Misses Henderson .. 5 00
Reg S Williams 5 00
N J Anthony 3 00
W C Geddes . 1 50
W D Macdonald 1 50
A J Ross 2 00
John McCalluin 5 00
C Swanson ... 2 00
Mrs E M Buchanan 5 00
Miss Perth Butler .... 3 00
Burdetta McCrackin 1 00
' G Carter 50
John Galbraith 5 00
J A Cummings ..... .... 3 00
Mary Currie . ...... 1 00
Elizabeth Templeman .... 1 00
E C White 2 00
Geo Dennis 1 00
Mrs Butcher.... ........ 1 00
0 V Hayden 1 00
L Kennedy.... 10 00
D Galloway 15 00
10 00
2 00
2 00
1 00
F J Hill
Geo Underwood
Mrs Pocock
Mise Densmore
Miss Mulvey
Mrs Ballagh ............ 2 00
Miss Galloway .... ... , .. 2 00
John Amsbury... 1 00
James Gannett
F S Ballagh .. ...
Mrs Adam Simpson
Mrs Maria Putland
J S Dobie
Edward Sherman
A E Disney
J M B.
E Merkley and Mrs
Otto Pollen
M W Telfer ............. 3 00
A M Scully.... .... 10 00
Dudley Holmes 10 00
RM Lindsay10 00
W F VanStone .. 15 00
5 00
10 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
5 00
5 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
3 00
F H Butcher .
A E Fothergill
I J Pattison
J H Mitchell 2 00
Miss L Rutledge..:5 00
L M Ferguson 1 00
Cassie Farquharson3 00
S E Farquharson 1 00
J J Casemore.. 2 00
Joe Hemmingway5 00
Miss Eleanor Cornyn 1 00
Rev Ernest Dymond 1,0 00
J A Fox, D C500
William Taylor ... 25
R M Williams .. 2 00
John F Groves,...... 5 00
J G Stewart... 5 00
Thos Kew..., ...., 5 00
C Donaldson 5 00
A If Arftstrong 2 00
Mrs Joynt . 1 90
Mae Fryfogle .. .......y 2 00
H Brown . 25
James Cloakey .. 5 00
George Phippen 3 00
Edith Sherk .. 1 00
Wm Gannett ....... ,2 00
F M Gannett . 1 00
Nl E Gannett 1 00
T Jt Bennett .. . 5 00
Mrs A Nicholl.. 2 00
Mr Walter Paterson..,2 00
Mr Edgar Harrison 2 00
J Johns 5 00
J Mason 200
J M Graham...,. . 200
TO Graham........ 5 00
Mrs E Bosman. 5 00
Thos Field ........ .. 10 00
C P Smith 10 00
Thos Fells 10 00
Father Fallen .. I0 00
MEZurbrigg .. .,.,10 00
L Hinkley .. 10 00
J Henry Christie • I0 00
Geo Spotton...... ..... 10 00
W H Willis ... , .. 20 00
C Blackhall 5 00
L Bisbee .... 5 00
Fred Davidson .......... 5 00
Miss j' Wilson .. ...... 5 00
Mrs Huntley .... .. 3 00
Mrs Herdsman .. ...... 3 00
Miss E Rush 3 00
Thos Wilson ... 2 00
C Campbell 2 00
Jos Pugh.... ,....... 2 00
A J Walker 2 00
W A Sanderson .. ...... 2 00
Robt Mowbray, 2 00
Mrs Maxwell 2 00
Mrs Todd...,.. 1 00
Mrs Gillespie1 00
Mrs Elder 1 00
Mrs Mitchell 1 00
W J Hutton 1 00
H Lamont ....... : 00
Mrs Robinson and
Miss Miller 1 00
P Baker 1 00
W Ellicott • 1 00
Mrs Currie . 35
Mr R James 25
C Smith.. 100
Elmer ;Mahood .. 3 00
A M Crawford 50 00
Thos Gregory 25 00
Ethel MKing .... 25 00
R H King.......... 25 00
T C King.... .. 25 00
Albert Gregory.. 25 00
C M Walker.. 15 00
Mrs A Shorts.. 1 00
Wm A Fryfogle1 00
.1 P Kennedy.. 5 00
M C Calder ... 5 00
Mrs McGavin 2 00
W J Armour ... 1 00
R H Davidson ....... .. 5 00
P S Nelson . 1 00
Chas Knechtel..... 1 00
Miss J Perrie....... ..... 10 00
I 00
I 00
5 00
1 00
3 00
1 00
2 00
Harry Brown
Wm Saunders..
Robt McKay... .....
P H Deans.. .. .....
H Williams
Mrs Helps ......
AE Coling
Wm Jones...
E J Nash ... ............ 2 00
Ed Forler.... .. 1 00
Fred Fouler 1 00
John Helen.... 2 00
C A Rintoul 4 00
R A Hutchuson 2 00
Wm Isbister 5 00
J W Lockridge 2 00
H Parker 2 00
Rev D Perrie 5 00
Peter McLean 10 00
Mrs J ames Smith 25
John Monk 50
John' Ancetson 10 00
W J Greer...... ... 10 00
H E lsard... .... 20 00
A M Isard ... ...... 5 00
Geo W Carr ' 10 00
Frank R Howson..... 25 00
H J Thompson1 00
Mrs John Glenn 1 00
T S Brandon 1 00
Charlotte McBurney10 00
Mrs R Addison.... 5 00
Mrs N L Fry........ .. 1 00
Mrs J W Dodd .. ... 50
J C Currie................. 10 00
5 00
. 10 00
10 00
2 00
1 00
2 00
1 00
2 00
5 00
6 00
1 00
2 00
2 00
6 00
5 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
5 00
2 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
3 00
25 00
25 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
15 00
25 00
5 00
5 00
2 00
5 00
1 25
4 00
1 00
2 00
2 00
5 00
2 00
1 75
2 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
2 00
2 00
1 50
2 00
L Matthews
B Griffin
C N Griffin....
Alex Campbell
Mrs E Campbell....... ..
Wm Coventry....... ....
Mrs McKinlay
R A Coutts..
W A Currie ... .....
Fred Johnson......... ..
Elva Dodd
J W Dodd
W J Deyell
Mrs W Wellwood
• Miss Lillian Moffatt
T Garrett
J Morritt
Sam Young
Tom Brandon
Jno A Anderson
Joseph Underwood
W F Burgman -
Thos Graham
W J Boyce
L Huntley
Mrs Dear
John Quirk
Miss Davidson
A W Webster
Dr Towler
R Clegg
Jas R Clark
Miss Dinsley
Mr Thornton
A H Wilford
Mrs J E Hetherington
T E Henderson
J W Fortune
, Wallace Hough
W Jos Henderson
W Stokes and children
Geo Allen
Mrs Wm Blatchford
John Martin
John Haines
Jonathan Pattison
Alex Forsyth
Alex Dixon
Murdock McLeod
Alex Young Estate
W H Haines
W A Johns
James Carr
Mr Eastwood
Della Haugh
George Anderson
Mrs A Robertson
R Cunningham
Robt Mason
Jno McCool
A iE IL oyd McCool 20 00
Rev J W and Mrs Hibbert 5 00
Wesley Walters 3 00
Eureka Bible Class Metho-
dist S s 10 00
J J Mitchell 10 00
F Lewis 500
W R Hambiy - 500
A E Louttit 2 00
R Beattie 2 00
J Crandall 2 00
Miss Pyke 1 00
Mrs Thomps041 1 00
E Corbett 2 00
Alex Reid 5 00
Miss Flarity 1 ( 0
Mass Hi•nderson 5•)
Dr R L Stewart 5 00
John . Louttit 10 00
John Weir 2 00
F.r uI ler a 00
J. Wilkinson 2 50
W. Underwood... 100
James Phelan .., 200
John Potter 1 00
A Law ... ... 2 00
John Lockeridge .......... 2 00
Alex Forsyth 2 00
W. Williamson 2 00
Frank Irwin... 2 00
W. H. Murch 2 00
Tom Dickson . ... 1 00
John Sratton 1'"00
R. Webb ....... .... 1 (,0
A. Hingston . 1 00
Lloyd Hingston 1 00
Henry Mason 1 00
Robt. Lockridge . ... 1 00
Wm, Oaks . .. 100
Ed. Hawkins .. 1 00
Wm. Ried ... 1 00
A. Busch 2 00
D. Lediet..... .... .... 1 00
Rich. Tennant .. 1 00
Wm. Murch Jr. 1 50
Geo. Casemore .... ... 1 00
Wm. Casemore 1 00
Frank Smith .... 1 00
Wm. Sherrill ... 1 00
Cecil Elliott ... ... .. . 1 00
Earl Elliott .... ... 1 00
Mr. Birkett 3 00
Mr. W. Fryfogle .. 3 00
Mr. Wagner ... .... 1 00
Roy Finlay . 1 00
Nelson Kargus .. ...... 1 00
0, Newman .. , .. ..... 2 00
S. Phippen ....... ... 1 50
W. Okrafra 2 00
A. Robertson 1 00
Geo. Kargus 1 00
A. Flemming 2 50
E. Holloway ,........ 1 00
R Durnin,... 1 00
... 2 00
D. Dinsley
D. Finlay
H. Finlay ....
C. Phippen
J. Clubb .............
H. Newell
Jas. H. Robertson.... ...
Harry Melunk
J. Horbal.ch ..
J. Metrow ...... ..
E Underwood ...... .. 25
S. Lc ckeridge . ..... . 25
Miss Van Norman ... 1 00
F. Grooves.... .. ...... 2 00
Jack Templeman ..... ... 1 25
Gordon Gannett ... 2 00
E. Barnes .... ' 2 00
Jas. Nichol . .. 1 50
14. Buchanan .... 20 00
A. E Lloyd ..... 20 00
W.J. Howson ....... .. 20 00
Mr. and Miss Fessant.. 10 00
V. Vannorman .. .... .. 5 00
In his name .... , , ... .. 2 00
A. Cosens...... . ... .. 10 00
S. Bennett 25 00
Amos Tipling ...... ... 25 00
Win. D. Pringle 10 00
Miss Reynolds 10 00
Mrs. Halliday 10 01
Fred l-iaru.e 2 50
J. Davidson,2 00
Mrs. May Ei'ans 10 00
Mrs, H. A Smith 5 (0)
J. McKie 10 00
J. Fryfogle 10 (0
Mrs. Tonyhene 1 00
D. Lougheed 1 00
R. Porter 1 00
D. Rae 5 00
T. McDonald 5 00
A. F. Hon uth 5 00
'R. J. Cantelon 5 00
J S. Morgan 5 10
A. Friend 1 00
Wm. Powell 5 00
W. Patti=on 2
Mrs. Geddes 5
Miss Pugsley 1
A Murray 1
S. Dow 5
M. Halliday 5
Mrs. Young 1
Wm. Adair 1
A. Schaefer 5
T. Bennett 1
C. Elliott 1
A. Pilon 1
A. Fralick I 50
Miss Ward 1
Mrs Collar
Mrs J Brock
Mr Pogson
Mrs Posliff
Mr Posliff
Dr Ford
Miss Robertson
J Walton McKibbon
A J Irwin
W G Patterson
John Ritchie
M R Dyer
Geo Mason
Mr A J Nicholls
H Davis
Mrs Peter Fisher
Mg Fisher
Mrs J Hanna
Fred Carter
William Holmes
W J Hilliard
A Mowbray
A G Smith
Mrs D Robertson
Melvin Gould
R A Graham
R A Currie
Miss Struthers
Mundy's Grocery
B Aitken
B Vansickle
Mrs Baptist
Mary Douse
Miss M McLean
Misses Clow
Miss V Smith
Tindall Ritchie
Miss M Fleuty
Mrs 0 Roe
Ernest Dennis
Mrs Stratton
C Burford
Mrs Breen
R S McGee
Mrs Swarts
Ivan Johnston
F Homuth
Frank McLean
V A Miller
Luella McCool
Dave Somers
Annie McLean
W A Miller
Margaret McLean
Mrs Runstedleli!
C Walmsley
Fred Rederus
J J Davis
Charlotte McKay
Lee Jim
Mrs Barrett
Mrs Sneath
Miss -M A Scott
Dave Bell
Mrs Wilkinson
5 00
50 00
50 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
3 00
1 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
1 00
5 00
5 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
I 00
1 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
1 00
3 00
2 00
2 00
2 00
5 00
2 00
1 00
2 00
2 00
5 00
002 505 002 5
10 00
11 00
Felt Wretched Until He Started
To Take "Fruit-a-tives"
• 594 Czm 'MAIN Sr., ATONTRBAL.
"For two years, I was a miserable
sufferer from Rheumatism and Stomach
Trouble. 1 had frequent Dizzy Spells,
and when X took food, felt wretched
and sleepy. I suffered from Rheu-
matism dreadfully, with pains in my
back and joints, and my hands swollen.
A friend advised "Fruit-a-tives" and
from the outset, they did me good.
After the first box, Ifell I was getting
well and I can truthfully say that
"Fruit-a-tives1' is the only medicine
that helped me". LOUIS LABRIE.
50e. a box, 6 for $"2.50, trial size, 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Ftuit-
a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Mrs Jno Wilson 3
John McLean 50
Hanna & Co 25
R C Redmond 25
Canada Furniture Mfg 25
Ladies' Patriotic Society 200
Court Maitland, CO F 25
Maitland Lodge, I 0 0 Y 25
High School 100
Woman's Institute
Sale of cooking 30
Col -9th and 10th T 25 35
A F and A M 50
Proceeds of concert 132 50
Sale of tags 77 84
is sent direct to the diseased parts by the
improved Blower. Heals the ulcers,
clears the air passages, stops drop.
pings in the throat and ermanent.
ly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever.
25c, a box • blower tree. Accept no
substitutes. All dealer or Edmaneon,
Oates & tlo., Limited, Toronto.
Even if you can't win the race you
can at least make the man who does
beat you.
One of the unsolved mysteries is how
two men can exchange umbrellas in the
dark and each invariably get the worst
of it.
Interest in marriage omens is a topic
never worn threadbare for, the average
maid. The following is published by
Married when the Year is new,,
He'll be loving, kiian and true.
When February birds do mate,
You may wed, nor. dread your fate.
If you wed when March winds blow,
Joy and sorrow both you'll show.
Marry in April when you can,
Joy for maiden and for man.
Marry in the month of May.
And you'll surely rue the day,
Marry when June ruses blow,
Over land and sea you'll go.
They who in July do wed
Must always Iabur for their bread.
Whoever wed in August be
Many a change is sure to see.
Marry in September's shine,
Your living will be rich and fine.
If in October you do marry,
Love will come, but riches tarry.
If you wed in bleak November,
Only joy will come, remember.
When December's snows fall fast,
Marry, and true love will last.
So much for the proper months, but
if the bride -elect seeks to know what
color she should choose, these lines may
help her:
Marry in grey, you will go far away;
Married in black, you will wish yourself
Married in brown, you will live out of
Married in red, you will wish yourself
Married in pearl, you will live in a
Married in green, ashamed to be seen;
Married in yellow, ashamed of your
Married in blue, he will always be true;
Married in pink, your spirits will sink;
Married in white, you have chosen
About the only things we really envy
the rich are those ex'ra oath.rooms in
their homes.
Children Cry
The cemeteries are full of people who
had the right of way.
; .7.,4.0>*04•0444)04.00000.11.,).044-o,00,00,0 • n
Cl ,bbing Listi
0 O
0 'Times and Saturday Globe 2 40 0
• Times and Daily Globe 4 25 0
o Times and Daily World ... .. 3.60
s Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star.... 2.35•
0 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 2.25 •e
o Times and Toronto Daily Star - . - . 3 30
o Times and Toronto Daily News,. .. 3 30 0
o Times and Daily Mail and Empire. 4.25 o
• Times and Weekly Mail and Empire..... `2.10 �a,
i Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.85 0
Times and Canadian Countryman 2.t.0 v
• Times and Farm and Dairy 2.30 0
eTimes and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press. 2.10 a
v Times and Daily Advertiser (morning) .... 3 35 0
o Times and Daily Advertiser (eNening) ........ 3.35 a
• Times and London Daily Free Press Morning 6
• •
Edition 4.00 0
o Evening Edition 3 40o
s •
Times and Montreal Weekly Witness 2.35 •
a Times and World Wide 2.75 :
o Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipegg..... 2.10 0
• Times and Presbyterian 2.75 e,
o Times and Westminster 2.75 °*
o Times, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.75 0
• Times and Toronto Saturday Night ........... 3.85 a
• Times and McLean's Magazine. 3.25 0
• Times and Home Journal, Toronto 2.25 •
Times and Youth's Companion 3.40 a
® Times and Northern Messenger 1.90 A
oo Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly)....... 3.40 •<>
s° Times and Canadian Pictorial 2,35 *
o Times and Lippincott's Magazine 3.65 0
• Times and Woman's Home Companion 3.20 y
•Times and Delineator 3.10 0
o Times and Cosmopolitan 3.15 0
o Times and Strand 2.95 0
o Times and Success . 2.95 •
: Times and McClure's Magazine 2.60 ,a
o Ti•mes and Munsey's Magazine 2,85 a
• Times and Designer .. 2.35 y°,
o Times and Everybody's 2.70
• These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great,
• Britain. e
oThe above publications may be obtained by Times:
:subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica-:
:tion. being the figure given above less $1.00 representing.
;the price of The Times, For instance : e
The Tirnes
i The Times and Saturday Globe..... . ... ...*..$2.40 0
: The Farmer's Advocate ($2.85 less $1.50)........ 1.35 a
•making the price of the three papers $3.75. $3.75 •
• The Times and the Weekly Sun.... $2,25
o The Toronto Daily Star 03.30 less $1.50).. 18,0
e The Saturday Globe ($2.40 less $1.50) 90 :
the four papers for $4.95 $x•95
:. If the publication you want is not in above list let
"us know. We can supply almost any well-known Cana
.dian or American publication. These prices are strictly=
:cash in advance, Z
• s
40s44N+t4444e•►•4••4.4••44♦4,0 * :'.ye; ?b *4 000 -00044 04.