HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2017-04-19, Page 2222 Signal Star • Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Photos courtesy of Sheila Pritchard
Marianne Hogan sings Easter hymn Via Dolorosa.
Maddie Van Osch performs an interpretive dance
while Bridget Hayden plays violin.
Youth members depict the Easter Story.
Youth members of the Kingsbridge Community depict the Easter
Story through dramatic tableau.
Youth members of the Kingsbridge Community depict the
Easter Story through dramatic tableau.
The Kingsbridge Choir sings at A Journey To Easter celebration.
Kingsbridge Community Celebrates Easter with tradition, art, and local talent
4) Nearly 250 guests came together at the with the community. front of the stage. Quartet. .
Kingsbridge Centre on Good Friday for A "We, the members of St. Joseph's Next, Holy Thursday was recog- The dramatic tableau contin-
Kingsbridge Community, are nized with a re-enactment of the ued with the depiction of Holy
Journey To Easter, a unique dramatic and excited to share our Easter tradi- washing of the feet. Good Friday Saturday, then concluded as the
artistic presentation by St. Joseph's Kingsbridge tion with you. Tonight we will be was represented through the tradi- stage was cleared for the final
Community celebrating the Easter Story. taking you on the journey of Holy tional reading of the Stations of the celebration of Easter Sunday.
week, beginning at Palm Sunday, Cross, while actors interpreted The choir closed the event with
moving to Holy Thursday, Good each station in a dramatic tableau. a spirited and uplifting perfor-
Sheila Pritchard drew a crowd of nearly 250 people, Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter An inspired interpretive dance was mance, bringing the crowd to
Special to the Goderich Signal Star including community members morning." also performed by Maddie Van their feet, singing and clapping..
and out-of-town visitors. The introduction was followed Osch, featuring violinist Bridget As its Easter program wrapped
A Journey To Easter, the second As attendees arrived, the even- by an expressive vocal perfor- Hayden. up for another year, it became
annual St. Joseph's Kingsbridge ing's sun flooded into the century- mance of the traditional song Via Guests then viewed a thought- clear that Kingsbridge's small
Community (SJKC) Easter celebra- old, historic church through Delarosa—the retelling of the story provoking—and emotion-evok- community knows how to make
tion, told a moving story of loss, stained glass windows while the of Christ's climb to Calvary—by ing—video montage, A Modern a big mark.
hope and renewal through music, Kingsbridge Choir serenaded the Choir Director Marianne Hogan, Easter Story, which related the tra- SIK(: would like to thank every -
theatre and art on Good Friday at crowd with a selection of Easter- accompanied by pianist Laurie ditional Easter Story to the mod- one involved in making A Journey
the Kingsbridge Community inspired chorales and solos. Dalton. ern -day experience of human To Faster a memorable evening.
Centre. Shawn Dalton, the event's mas- Young volunteer members of the struggle, sacrifice, and strength. For information on more upcom-
The ecumenical event, which ter of ceremonies, welcomed Kingsbridge Community depicted The video presentation was paired ing events at Kingsbridge. Centre,
retold the Easter Story, featured guests and invited them to share the Easter Story beginning with a with an Easter rendition of the clas- please visit St. Joseph's Kingsbridge
local musicians, vocalists, dancers, the miraculous journey of Easter dramatic interpretation of Palm sic Leonard Cohen ballad "Hallelu- Corm rn a ti i t y Fac elm() k page or
artists and actors of all ages and and celebrate the season of rebirth Sunday as palms were placed at the jah," as sung by the Kingsbridge www.stjost'phskingshrldge.corn.