HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-10-26, Page 3October 26, 1916 THE WZNQHAM TrNIES WINGOAM 20 Years Digo From the Tama of Oct. 23, 1896, Miss Henning has returned from Chic- ago. Mr, George French of Wroxeter lost tree fingers off his right hand and got it otherwise mangled while working in the saw -mill on Tuesday, We are pleased to see that Mr. Ed. Jenkins of Turnberry is able to be round again after his severe shaking up by falling out of an apple tree, R. C. King, of Bluevale, who went west on the harvest exursion as far as Turtle Mountain has returned home with favorable reports from that country. .Miss Mary Johns left on Wednesday for Chicago, where she purposes to remain permanently. Miss Johns is a person of estimable qualities and will be missed here by many friends. One of the oldest men in Bluevale neighbourhood passed away on Sunday after an illness of a few weeks, in the person of Mr. John King. Mr. King never married and made his home with his brother, Duncan, who died over two two years ago. About six weeks ago the seven-year old son of Mr. D. Duncan, Glenannan, fell while playing at school and injured the hone of his leg. It was hoped at first, that he would recover without perman- ent injury, but it was at last found necessary to amputate the limb. Mr. C. E. Williams, druggist, has disposed of his stock to Gorden & Co., of this town. Mr. Williams will take a short holiday after which he intends going to New York. He is perhaps one of the best known druggists in this county having been in business here for 20 years The following officers have been ap- pointed to preside at the distrrict nom- ination for the county council to be held on Monday, Dec. 21:No. 1, W, Stothers No. 2, James Campbell; No. 3, Fred Hess; No 4, Chester Proutry; No. 5, A. G. Smilie; No. 6, Finlay S. Scott; No. 7 P, Porterfield; No. 8, Joseph Cowan. A very quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Thos. Irwin. John St., Wednesday when his daughter Debbie was united in holy bonds of matrimony, to Mr. Alex Montgomery of Orangehill. The ceremony was preform- ed by the Rev. G. A. Glifford. The happy couple left on the afternoon ex- press for Niagara, Toronto and other eastern points, On Friday of last week as Mr. Wm. Sellers, of the 3rd line Morris, was leading a team of colts through a gate- way on the farm they ran away. They were attached to a wagon loaded with rails and one of the rails falling off started them. Mr. Sellers stayed at the head of one of them for about 15 rods, but finding himself powerless to stop them let them go. They ran about ten rods further when they ran astride a thorn bush. The wagon was broken in splinters, but the horses came out unharmed. :MARRIED SMELTZER-SACKER---At the resid- ence of Mr, K. Disney, on Oct. 14th, by the Rev. R. Millyard, Mr. Jes. Smeltzer of East Wawanosh, to Miss Maria Baker, of Clinton. MoNTGOMFRY-IRWIN--On Wednes- day, Oct, 21st, by the Rev. G, A. Gliff- ord, Debbie Irwin, daughter of Thos. Irwin, John St. to Mr. Alex Montgom- ery, of Orangehill. HAUGH-Robinson---On Wednesday, Oct. 21st, by the Rev. Wm. Lowe, Miss Jane Robinson to Thos Haugh, all of Turnberry. MAXWELL-BRYDONNE-In Morning - ton on the 14th inst., by the Rev. E. A. Fear, Mr. W. Maxwell, of Bluevale to Miss Mary Brydonne. DIED JENKINS--In E. Wawanosh, on Sept. 8th, Laura, daughter of Giles Jenkins, aged 13 years. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, BS Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore- said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886, (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and arts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send - tor testimonials, free, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- stipation. Complete satisfaction in business is 'when what he buys looks as good to the purchaser as it did to the salesman, Moving pictures now present the sub- tnarine Bremen beink sunk in the it`ng- lish Channel. becember is the wheat harvest month in New South Wales. What has become of the old fashioned country boy who bad to dig his chewing gum out of a tree? Joseph Montgomery, accused of the murder of his brother Walter, cut his throat in Madue jail and died in Bellevile riospital. Page Drug Story The Plan You pay the regular price fox One Article and then we give you another of t h e Same Article for One Cent '--r".48.aasanamagr THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCTO ':.•iER 26th, 2, 27thand 28th This ONE CENT SALE Plan was originated by the United Drug Company for the Rexall Drug Stores. They are the largest manufacturers and buyers of Toilets, Remedies, and Drug Sundries in the world, and this is an- advertising plan pure and simple, of which they bear most of the expense. Instead of spending money in the regular way, such as Free Samples, etc., it is their desire that we place full sized packages, or articles, in your hands, giving you an opportunity to judge the real value of these goods, the cost of which they charge to advertising. We will only be, permitted to run this sale occasionally. So take advantage of this opportunity. Exapk Buy one tube Rexall yt. nt1kept.ic Tooth b'aste at the reg:ll;ir Il;i:e of 25e. and we will give you :trlotller Tub& for One Cent or 2for.26 Extra Sp 200 Cups of Tea for 1 Cent BREEN'S BRITISH BLEND TEA 50c PER PACKAGE 2 PACKAGES FOR 51C ecia 250 Box. of "Toilet Soap (3 cakes) roc. Official Seal Cigars 2 for. +26 2 for .11 Perfumes and Toilet Waters 25c. bot. Intense Perfumes .... 50e. bot. Intense Perfumes .... $1.50 oz. of Valle de Fleurs Perf, $1.50 oz. of Para- dis Perfume .. $1.50 oz. of Fasci- nette Perfume 75c. oz. of Opt Perf. any odor. 75e. bottle of Toilet Water.. 2 for ,26 2 for .51 2107. 1.51 2for 1.51 2for 1.51 2 for .76 2 for 76 Rubber Goods Red Rambler Hot Water Bottle 2 qt. size Ond guaranteed perfect Regular $2.0O 2 for2.01 2.50 Red Rambler Fountain size .. Syringe, 2 qt. ....., . 2f°r 2.51 2.50 Roxbury Ladies' Bulb ale 2f°r2.51 3.00 American Beauty LadSyg rin a .. 2f6r 3.01 Y 50c. pr. Sunshine51 Rubber Gloves 2 aa • 5c. Rubber Tissue 2f07, •� Finger Cots .... 5c. Baby 2 for .6 Nipples 100, `rsatsparent if; Nipples Sees...... • . 2 for 6 Miscellaneous Specials 2 for .6 5c pk. Sulphur.. 50 Lead Pencil. far , IGC bottle f 2 or 11 Vauilltt.,....• roc pk. Turkish 2 for �'�1 Dyes roc pk. Toilet 2 for 11 267%26 Paper 250 Pennants... Rexall Beef, Wine and Iron Is a favorite Tonic and General Sys- tem Builder. Reg. $1.00 per bottle. 2 for 1.61 25e. Rexall Corn 2 Solvent for • 5 50c. Rexall Kidney Pills will relieve your Backache 2 for .51 25c. Rexall Blackberry Cordial for 2 for Diarrhea • 26 25c. Rexall White Liniment for Aches and 2 far .26 Pains 50c. White Lini- ment 2for .51 50c. Rexall Digestive Tonic will tore up your system 2 for •51 1.00 Rexall Diri - gestive Tonic. for 1.01 25c. Rexall Little 2 f '26 3oe ib. Mint nil il Liver Pills.or ... C• • Candy 2 for .0 25c, Carbolized Zinc Ointment 5oc lb. Choco- 2 for 1 ales 50c Box Cascade ((�� Linen Stationery ,L for.51 for .25 101b. Cattle Salts 6 lbs Sulphur....... for +25 Full line of International Stock and Poultry Specifics at extra special prices Household Needs 75e. bot. Beef Wine and Iron 2 for .76 25c. bot. Syrup 2 of Figs _ , 2 for .26 25c. bot. White Pine and Tar.. 2 f°1" .26 75e. bot. of Syrup of FfypophosphitesZ •7 25c. bottle Linseed, 'Licorice and2 for .26 Turpentine 25c.bot.Extractof.2ftl7 2 «e Wild Stravvbexry � 25c, bot. EIkay's g o Cleaning Fluid vi ,2 fie 25c. Tube Elkay's R a t and Roach Paste 2 for .26 6 25c. Glass Nasal 2 f 26 DA?3the . • ar.., 50c. Elkay's Can ,dorf51„. in Laxed vo . o • 50c. Elkay's Di; 2 5i temper Cure... • • a household need 2for.26 25c. Rexall ye 2 for .q6 Wash2 50c. Analgesic .y ` Balm for .51 50c. Rexall Special for . r1 5 Ointment Z 25c. Rexall Foot 2 for 26 Powder • Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup is a most pleas- ant and effect- ive remedy for Coughs, Colds, and all Bron- chi:Yl ir.:tations 25c. Lottles 50e. Bottles 2for.26 2for.51 $1.00 Bottles... 2for 1.01 25c. Rexall Char- 2 for Char- coal Tablets .. .26 $1.00 Rexall Syrup of Hypo - phosphites, a good Tonic general 2 for 1.01 25c. Rexall Heal- ing Salve 2 f°r .26 25e. Rexall Stomach and Pills Liver 2 for.26 50c. Rexall Nerve Tablets make you G r9 for 51 sleep better ... $1.00 Rexall Tasteless Cod Liv ern 2f0r Oil Com- 2119r om 01 G r 50c. Rexall Blood Tablets put red blood in 251 your veins .... f °r • 25c. Rexall Car- 2 for, .26 boli° Salve. 50c. Gastr relieves distress .. 50c. Rexall Antiseptic Powder is Tablets 2 for .,51 Lesperine 2 for .51 Rexall Violet Talcum Powder is a Velvet, Smooth, Absorb- ing Powder with, a delightful, re- freshing odor, and suitable for either toilet or nursery. •� 2 f°r .26 25c. alWilsoin's Roerse G6 Te Powd2for• .1414 Stationery 25c. box of Inverness Lawn Stationery 2 f°1- .26 25e. box of Balmoral Linen Stationery 2f0r .26 10c. College Green n for Writing Pads.. G • lOc. Royal Linen y Writing Pads.. 2 for • J! 10c. pk. Linen 2 for .1 I Envelopes .. Pearl Tooth Powder Is a fine, fragrant, soft, delightfully flavored powder which cleans the teeth, prevents decay and sweetens the breath. You owe it to the children to teach them the necessity of using Pearl Tooth Powder morning and night, to preserve their teeth which means So much to their health and personal rppearance in later years. Regular 25c. each Drugs 25c. bot. Peroxide for of Hydrogen .. .26 40c. bot. Peroxide 50c. of Hydrogen BiaudL.axa-. 2, for . 4 1g tive Tablets ... f01..51 25c. Bland Laxa- ••�� �. tive Tablets... GY for .26 25c. Blaud and Manganese Tabs.2 for.26 25e. bot. Aromatic 2 Cascara for .26 25c. box Cold Tablets 2 for .26 25c. bot. Wilson's White Liniment 2 for .26 10c. Styptic Pen- cils 2 for .11 10c. Pk. Epsom Salts 2 for 1 IOc. Pk. Soda 2 or .1 1 Bicarb f 10c. Pk. Powdered 2 for 1 Borax 10c. Pk. Powdered Boracic Acid .. 2 for .11 J. W. McKIBBON "EYE SPECIALIST" WINGHAM, = ONT. The Y• e 2 f:,r .26 Toilet Preparations 25c. Harmony Rose Talcum Powd. T,1, sh or 'White f 2 • 25e. Rexall Toot 11fur !. .26 , Paste Y e. s 50 jar lien. 1 p yew Colli ('ream.. for .aJ 25c. Cake `Vt•,li- 9 sated Skin Soap .Y for 25c. jar Nice for perspiration . , 2 for .26 50c. Violet I?ulee Face Powder .. f°J' .511 25c. cake lar .7 or .26 Shampoo ;,'o::.l, 4, ? 25c. Rexall Baby 0 for .26 Talcum 25c. Violet 1`ulre ��., Talcum Food, ; for .26 25c. Witeh Hazel 26 2for. Cream 25c. bot. Almond 2 Cream StOgra ORDER BLANK for .26 Write your order now. Bring it with you when you come. A :s'