Goderich Signal Star, 2017-04-12, Page 66 Signal Star • Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Goderich community
VOL. 26 - ISSUE 10
Signal Star Publishing
120 Huckins St.
Goderich ON N7A 3X8
JOHN BAUMAN Group Manager, Media Sales
jbauman@postmedia.com ext. 232 •
JANET SHRIER Office Manager
jashrier@postmedia.com ext. 220
Members of the
community gather
at Goderich Public
Library to prayer for
the gas attack victims
citizens of Syria, are engrained
on my brain.
The images of human beings
who were so distraught from
losing family members, in a
photo taken to capture the
heartbreak and suffering.
It is easy to forget the every- Some might say the disturb -
day horror that people ing images covering the gas
around the world experi- attack took advantage of others
once, through intolerance and grief, but I truly believe that this
violence, when we live in such a violence in Syria has gone on
free and accepting country. too long and needs to be shown
KATHLEEN SMITH Editor Of course Canada does expe- to the world.
rience issues of racist or reli- People around the world,
SUSAN MCINTOSH sales gious intolerance, but our great especially in peaceful and free
smcintosh@postmedia.com ext. 228 nation is overall recognized countries, need to actually see
around the world as friendly, the truth of the horror that is
accepting, welcoming and most happening in Syria, and hope -
of all, peaceful. fully be able to empathetically
Canadians do not have to feel their suffering.
worry about the threat of vio- Late last week, I was invited
lence in the form of bombs or by Dr. Gezaghn Wordofa, to the
gas attacks. I am sure others will Goderich Public Library, to join
MARY JOHNSTON Accounts Receivable attest to this, but speaking for the community in a public
majohnston@postmedia.com myself, we are quite sheltered, memorial and prayer service,
naive and sometimes take our for the victims of the gas attack
freedom and peace for granted. in Syria.
Watching the news coverage Dr. Gezaghn Wordofa, presi-
last week covering the status of dent of the Multicultural Asso-
Syria and the victims of a ciation of Huron -Perth organi-
deadly and inhumane gas zation, volunteers to help
attack, I was not only devas- newcomers to Canada. Dr.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVANCE: tated, but horrified that human Wordofa, just recently obtained
beings live in such conditions. his Canadian citizenship, but
This is nothing new, but it's has had quite the journey to
happening and it's happening reach this point in his life.
now. From Ethiopia, Dr. Wordofa
The images of human beings has also lived in Russia and
lying on the ground, twitching Syria, and is truly honoured
and struggling to breath dis- and feels lucky to live in .a
CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT turbed me. peaceful country. .
120 Huckins St, Goderich ON N7A3X8 The images of children who Its nice to see the support
suffered and died for no reason, here in our community for
because of blind hatred and an newcomers and refugees. We
attempt to instil fear into the are lucky to be Canadian and to
katsmith@postmedia.com ext. 211
tcorran@postmedia.com ext. 230
sscott@postmedia.com ext. 229
RHONDA BUTT Accounting
Group Director of Media Sales
519 376-2250 ext. 514301 or
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letter to the editor
Dear Editor,
How amazed and hopeful I felt
when several years ago, three
world leaders - President Carter of
the USA, Mr. Sadat of Egypt and
Mr. Begin of Israel came together
and signed a peace pact.
They actually said "No good
comes from war", and that no
mother should have to send her
son to war; now well evidenced by
the men and women who return
from the horrors of war, only to suf-
fer the rest of their lives from phys-
ical disabilities or Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder (PTSD).
What is the answer?
The United Nations is rendered
useless because of the veto powers
of certain powerful nations.
Photos by Kathleen Smith/Goderich Signal Sty
Dr. Gezaghn Wordofa leads the memorial and prayer meeting by discussing
personal experiences with intolerance, violence and hatred.
live in such a peaceful country,"
said Dr. Wordofa.
The memorial service opened
with a prayer, and Dr. Wordofa
spoke on the importance of
community and education to
avoid senseless acts of violence
and intolerance.
"I don't understand how
humans can do this it other
humans. Living here, I am a
humanitarian, I'm a volunteer.
I'm giving something back. My
life was often threatened in
Syria and when volunteering in
Russia, I was sent to Siberia.
There is no sense of commu-
nity. But here, people trust, each
other and help each other,"
explained Dr. Wordofa.
He told several stories of what
life can be like in Syria; and the
fear of literal life and death
Surely it will fall, just as did the
League of Nations, but I do believe
in the idea of a new Common-
wealth of Nations forming.
The new Commonwealth will
have no veto but rather a binding
agreement that wherever there was
oppression or aggression, all would
rise to subdue it, either with sanc-
tions or armed force if necessary.
situations they live through, is
unimaginable to someone like
me, who was raised in a free
and peaceful country.
Maybe there is nothing we
can do here in Canada, so far
removed, and as citizens, in no
seat of power. Perhaps the only
action we can provide is a sense
community, acceptance and
support to the Syrian immi-
grants and refugees here.
The best thing we can do for
ourselves and for humanity is
to educate our selves on differ-
ent cultures, religions, and
political issues around the
world. Without ignorance, there
is little to no room for intoler-
ance, hatred and violence to
grow, and there is more space
for understanding, acceptance,
freedom and peace.
This makes perfect sense to me.
It's not my idea, but one put forth
by a prisoner in Israel 150 years
Why not try it? Or will it take
some unimaginable catastrophe in
the world before we try for peace?
Phyllis Durst
Signal Star welcomes letters to the editor. Letters must include the writer's full name, address, daytime phone number and signature (for verifica-
tion). Anonymous letters will not be published. We reserve the right to edit all editorial submissions including letters for clarification, style and length. Let-
ters must be signed and be in good taste and follow the laws of libel and slander.