HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2017-04-05, Page 3434 Signal Star • Wednesday, April 5, 2017 Atom Hyundai WOAA Champions With the 2016-2017 now in the books the Atom Hyundai Sailors can finally take a break. The season saw this spe- cial group of playerselose only three games. Marching through the Aaran-Elderslie Atom tour- nament to claim top spot. They also took time out of a busy Christmas break to dominate the Goderich Sailor Atom tournament to win that one as well. At the end of the regular season, the Hyundai kids where geared up and ready for the post season with one thought on their minds, a championship to add to the already impressive haul of hardware. Coaches and parent alike knew the kids had a chance but know could have expected what this team had in store for the competition! Hound robin play found the sailors go undefeated, a perfect 8-0 record disman- tling each team that was put in front of them. They moved on to play the Hanover Falcons in the final and again walked through the competition going unde- feated to complete their run and capture the WOAA championship. The Atom Hyundai Sail- ors would like to thank their sponsor Goderich Hyundai; the coaching staff: Craig, Jeremy, Mark and Tara; Shelley for her management duties; Krista for her work as liaison. A huge thank you to all the parents and fans that supported the team along the way, as well as Brad, Matt and Aaron for the special day with the fire truck (Front row, from left to right): Jacob D., R, Ryan M., Ella W., Devlin R., Brylie C., row, from left to right): Mason P., Colby He joined the Royalite as Secon Officer in 1928 and his first cowman was the Rideaulite in 1931. From the until 1945 he spent most of his tim as master of the Royalite (now Iir Aerial Welland) and was commodor of convoys on several occasions.: Capt. Vickers served in Springban Park, Norwood Park, Trontolite an. Talaralite before taking over Imperia Halifax when she was delivered t the Company in 1946. He continua as her Master until he be -came ill o: Nov. 3 last year. alar.: I.H.e.ld Carleton Haycock and his moth were reunited after 48 years apart. Left to right are Oscar and Jaws Hayward. step -brothers; Jessie Hayward. stepfather; Carleton Haycock and his mother and Mrs. Agnes Crowley, a step sister. all of West Jonesport. Reunion at Christmas Carleton Haycock has been reunited with his mother nearly half a century after they last saw one another. A chance conversation brought about their reunion on Christmas Eve. Forty-eight years ago Mrs. William Winchetter of Westport, N.S., found it impossible to support. her young family after her husband drowned. Four-year-old Carleton was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Haycock, Yar- mouth, and his mother moved to West Jonesport, Maine and later married Jessie Hayward. During World War I Carleton ser- ved with the 85th Battalion and in the shambles at Passchendaele he was reported killed. The Haycocks sadly wrote this news to bis mother. Actual- ly he was wounded but survived. Shortly after, they died. and Carleton believed he was alone in the world, for he knew nothing of his real mother. A chance conversation between a Westport storekeeper and an Ameri- can fisherman resulted in the fisher- man leaving the Hayward's address and when Carleton went on vacation from Imperial Charlottetown be got in touch with his mother immediately to arrange the mating, and to find that instead of being alone, he had a mother, a step -father, a step:sister and two stepbrothers. Carleton Haycock has been sailing in Imperial ships -ever since he joined the Mina Brea Oct. 30, 1923. Wounded in both legs in World War I, he sur- vived the Montrolite torpedoing in World War II, when that ship went down with half her crew on Feb. 4, 1942. He was injured when a fellow crewman, jumping into the lifeboat, landed on hire. At present Carleton Haycodc is off to sea again, for he joined Imperial Toronto at Halifax Jan. 31, but now he's no longer alone. Capt. J. Vickers John Vickers, widely known and well -liked Master of Imperial Halifax, died at Halifax on November 24, after three weeks' illness. He was born at Norwich, England, Feb. 22, 1900, and came to Canada as a boy. When only 15 years old be went overseas with the 71st Battalion during World War I, and later served with the 71st Battalion, 13th Royal Highlanders (Black Watch). Male., o•s. Goder14 Besides his wife he is survived b3 two sons, John Donald, formerll First Officer of Imperial Midland, ani William Samuel, Second Officer of Imperial London; two daughters, Mrs Madeliene Sheppard and Mn. Elaine Ginn; one brother, Arthur Vickers and eight grandchildren. After a Masonic service at Dart mouth, Capt. Vickers' remains wen brought to Goderich where burial wa: made. Mrs. T. V. Ferns Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Ferns, wife of Capt. T. V. Ferns, died suddenly dur- ing an operation in December. Besides her husband, Mrs. Ferns is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Murray, and a son, Thomas Hugh, who was serving as Steward aboard Imperial Charlotte- town at the time of Fier death. Capt. Ferns, who is recuperating from an illness, has the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in his bereavement. Contributed Photo Cohen H., Kaden P., Keon Tyson K., Kaden K. (Back R, Sydney K., Jack L. `frank Graham Bike Ride' Katie McCaig, with her bicycle that she will be using overseas for the 700km round trip, during the `Frank Graham Liberation Tour'. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE (Issued following loss of Permanent Discharge Certificate M.F.W. 39) .1Efjii OS to Certify that No. 1.27419- ;Name in full) ,. _.. — (Rank) - Private yICx3Ba, Jon Enlisted m - 710..Asttaion. �'^nadiaii`Espeditiosxiiy Force, on the -2,5th - -. -day of - - ootober He served in.- C 1,. I 7410) &FAA13 with the = - and was discharged at --- on the - god l3tb..Bat tallou.lr ,3rsl.. C..Ie..Te.Jde 8. ---day of - -July -j918 by reason of - - -Aum a iiitaor -. His conduct and character while in the Service were - Medals and Decorations, etc -- -. BRITISH WAR & VICTORY MEALS - _.._._- Description on Discharge Age -18 Years Height 517" • Eyes -- - Bina - - Hair - Brovn Ottawa H. Q: -..9.1-1.4]9 ............................. A o (Clyde R.Scott), iiaJDr4... Assistant Director of Records - 2,4th -day of - Febraary -152 NOTE—This Certificate of Service if lost will not be replaced. M.F.W. 39d. Isar -1740 n n 1771-39-ea2 34 Contributed Photos Discharge papers for Private John Vickers for reasons of being underage. He A newspaper article highlighting Captain John Vickers accomplishments serving in WWI enlisted at the age of 15, lied about his age, and was caught at the age of 18. and WWII. Vickers later served with the Royalite as Second Officer in 1928.