HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2017-04-05, Page 1616 Signal Star • Wednesday, April 5, 2017
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London Pig Save animal activist group went to Seaforth to protest in honour of the 500 pigs killed in a barn fire last week in
Huron East. They posted out front of the farm where it happened protesting holding signs with animal cruelty quotes.
Protesters come to Seaforth for/t00 pigs killed in barn fire
Shaun Gregory
Postmedia Network
When the London Pig Save heard
news of the 500 pigs killed in a barn
fire near Seaforth within 72 hours
they were on the scene protesting.
A group of 11 animal activists from
London Pig Save accompanied by an
OPP officer for safety precautions
marched from Tim Hortons to the
town's only set of stoplights.
On Goderich Street and Main Street
holding signs with the words "pigs are
not property," printed across them, the
group conversed with locals about the
tragic fanning incident
LPS member, Abby McCuaig
enticed vehicles passing by to be
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involved with a "honk to show
mercy for pigs," sign.
They titled the event on Facebook
"the Emergency Vigil for Seaforth
Pigs -500 Perished in Barn Fire..
"We are there for the animals
who have lost their lives," was
stated in the Facebook group.
McCuaig told the Expositor
March 29 in a phone conversation
that the primary objective of the
LPG is to create awareness in the
community concerning unneces-
sary suffering and death to animals
and said they voice their opinions in
a non -intrusive approach.
"We're not trying to be in anybody's
face about it," McCuaig stated about
her organization that is currently sitting
at about 450 members in and around
the London region.
"We understand that a lot of
these people are closely tied with
these industries, it's their liveli-
hood and their jobs."
Before the protesters met in the
town's core, they travelled to the
specific farm on Hydro Line Road
in the municipality of Huron East.
To honour the 500 pigs that died in
the barn fire which was suspected
to be caused by an electrical fault,
they had a moment of silence.
According to the Ministry of
Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs,
barn fires are currently a key con-
cern and electrical causes are at the
top of the list.
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Shoreline clean up
The Lake Huron
Centre for Coastal
organized a
shoreline clean up
over the weekend
Kathleen Smith
Goderich Signal Star
It is estimated that every year, 10 000
metric tons of plastic enters the Great
"Lakes, impacting water quality and
threatening the well-being of wildlife.
The Lake Huron Centre for Coastal
Conservation organized a shoreline
clean-up event that invited volun-
teers from the community to take
responsibility as 'coastal citizens' to
change our habits for the better.
Coastal Outreach Specialist, Rhi-
annon Moore spoke on why spring
shoreline clean ups are a great way
to remove debris that accumulated
over the winter months.
"Picking up everyday items from
the beach like plastic straws, cut-
lery and plastic water bottles is also
a good reminder to us that we all
have a part to play in reducing our
everyday waste',' said Moore.
Stating that recycling, although
helpful to the environment, is not a
'solution to pollution', Moore
explained that we are consuming
an unsustainable amount of plas-
tics and need to limit that, in order
to change our habits.
Changing our habits and being
knowledgeable on how much
debris and plastics enter freshwater
each year, having that information
at the forefront of our minds would
benefit the community and the
environment we take for granted.
Volunteering and getting
involved with positive events such
as the shoreline clean up provides
a visual of what work actually
needs to be done, in order to main-
tain a healthy and safe environ-
ment for humans and wildlife.
"The clean-up is important in
engaging community members
and helping to connect them to the
lake that we all depend on for
drinking water and recreational
activities" said Moore.
In partnership with the Lake Huron
Centre for Coastal Conservation, local
Zehrs, under the management of Steve
Hewitt, were instrumental in making
the clean up a success.
Zehrs offered their services to
the event, by providing a free lunch
and hot beverages to the volun-
teers that came out for the day to
help clean up the shoreline.
The shoreline clean up was suc-
cessful in removing debris and plas-
tics from the beaches, and did so
with the help of over 100 volunteers.
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