HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Signal Star, 2017-04-05, Page 15Wednesday, April 5, 2017 • Signal Star 15 Cedric Abdays recital to remember David Snyder Special to the Goderich Signal Star If asked to choose between a major sports game on television on Sunday afternoon or going to an Organ Recital, I dare say most likely the sports game would generally win out. However, that was not true on Sunday the 26 of March when many turned down the "Kings of sports" for the" King of Instru ments", with Recitalist Cedric Abday who brought an exciting selec- tion of music. A Free Will donation was made for the excellent cause of defraying the costs of maintaining the excellent condition of the Casavant Pipe Organ. As the Pipe Organ is gen- erally seen as an instrument of the church, there is a lot that really is not know about its ability to serve in other ways. Primarily it serves as an excellent concert instrument capable of performing solo performances or with the major symphony orchestras of the world. Historically, it was actually used as an instrument of war by Roman armies to frighten invading armies, however we certainly have moved through time to enjoy some of the great compositions written for it in its justified position of "King of Instruments': As I awaited the begin- ning of the recital I pon- dered over the instrument itself so I invite you to go with me and visualize going down deep into a special room in the basement of the church to where it all begins. The room is called the `Blower room' because it contains the large turbines that produce massive amounts of the needed wind pressure. This wind, which after passing through large reservoirs and mechanical controls up into large rooms big enough to con- tain your car enter into chambers. The chambers contain the vast amount of pipes that produce the sound. All of them were made by hand specific for this instrument. Each pipe is unique and indispensable. This room is kept as close to clean as is possi- ble, filtering all the air to free it from dust or agents that could, in time, com- promise the life of the thousands of leather com- ponents inside the organ chests. Cedric used every pipe and his performance was excellently enhanced by Colleen Maguires' thought- ful work in setting up a large screen and camera system that made Cedric completely visible to all; his console is a bit off to one side so the camera work did the trick. At the beginning of the recital, the audience was asked to join hire in the singing of an old Hymn number 113 in the Hymn Book of Praise entitled "Comfort, comfort ye my people" We were then thrilled to listen to the composition written by George Boehm, a German composer known as "Variations on Freu dich sehr" from which the I lymn was inspired. Cedric spoke to the audi- ence describing relevant information about his choices in today's perfor- mance which added to the enjoyment and under- standing of the great Mas- ter composer Buxtehude who gave us the Prae- ludium in G minor, which I will'say was performed flawlessly. .It is no wonder Bach at the age of 20 years walked 250 miles just to be able to hear him play. The work of J.S.Bach was the exciting Prelude and Fugue in D major and the mighty Casavant came through bringing that mas- terpiece to life. C.P.E. Bach, the second son of J.S.Bach, gave us his Sonata in F. major - a specific composition I am not per- sonally familiar with but cer- tainly hope to hear again many times more. The last composer per- formed by Abday brought out the best of the best, in both Cedric Abday and the great Casavant Pipe Organ. The "Prayer" by the Alsa- cian French composer Leon Boellman presented colour and demanding choices of registrations and set antici- pation for the Toccata, which I am sure used every amount of wind pressure in the organ, bringing the audi- ence's roaring approval as a standing ovation. Cedric Abday is a warm, talented artist, who, in this recital enhanced his music with commentary as I men- tioned but also spent a great deal of time preparing because a pipe organ has many possible choices in the sounds to be selected. He did exceptional work in finding and using voices most suited to reproduce the artists' works from the 1700 period in time. He is a professional Choir Master and Knox is seeing an exciting growth in the Adult Choir. Recently he began a Chil- dren's Choir and has exciting plans for it I am told. He welcomes new friends for the Adult Choir. So, if you love music or like to sing, come on and be a part of it all. The audience demanded an Encore and he obliged with his transcription, which I found deeply moving, of the composition by Bee- thoven called "Natures Praise" We also acknowledge Bonnie Dunn who spoke for all, thanking Cedric for the magnificent afternoon of unforgettable music and fun. is _— 2�1' SMC SIERRA E.EVAT!Ct. 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