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The Kensington Furniture Company, 1896-1913
In January 1896, the
'Huron Signal'
announced that the
Kensington Furniture
Factory was corning to
Goderich. When it began
operations in August
1896, the furniture com-
pany was the sixth manu-
facturing plant to estab-
lish itself in town since
1889. At its peak of pro-
duction, the Kensington
Furniture Company
employed 70-80 hands
working 12 hours shifts to
keep up with the demand
for Goderich made furni-
ture throughout North
America and beyond.
The Kensington Furni-
ture Company was lured to
Goderich from London,
according to 'A Souvenir of
Goderish,' an 1897 promo-
tional booklet for the town,
because of the easy availa-
bility of cheap wood. Wil-
liam Barlow in 'Links to the
Past' describes the Kens-
ington's location as situated
on the southeast comer of
Britannia and Maitland
Roads across from the
Grand Trunk Railway
line. By 1897, the `Souvenir
of Goderich' reported that
the Kensington Furniture
Company's plant occupied
three acres of land,
employed 75 tradesmen
and shipped furniture "by
carload lots all over the
Dominion:' In September
1897, the G.T.R shipped a
forty foot car of Kensington
Furniture factory to British
Columbia. It was the larg-
est rail carload ever
Huron History
David Yates
shipped out of Goderich.
In March 1899, Frederick
Rumball of London bought
the Goderich Kensington
Company. Rumball and
his son, John, ran the com-
pany for the remainder of
its operation. Rumball
approached the Goderich
council for a $10,000 twelve
year loan from the town.
Municipal loans to pri-
vate companies were
seen as `progressive'
thinking in helping towns
attract industry. Any pub-
lic loan had to be voted
upon by Goderich rate-
payers who approved the
Kensington Furniture
Company's request in
September. The only diffi-
culty was that loan repay-
ment never seems to have
been a priority with local
factory owners who, no
matter how successful
their business, were
reluctant to re -pay their
town loans.
Yet, the benefits to the
local shops, housing and
lumber industry, shops
were undeniable. The
Kensington expanded its
line to include bedroom
and dining rooms suites,
rocking chairs, side-
boards, extension tables
and other
household furnishings.
The Kensington donated
furniture to the new Alex-
andra and Marine Hospi-
tal and other community
projects. In 1902, Kens-
ington appointed Rhynas
and Cornell, a furniture
and undertaking business
located on the Square, as
their official retail store.
Customers were asked to
stop by and meet `Pris-
cilla' who would show off
the store's 'fine display' of
Kensington furniture.
In 1902, it was reported
that orders for Kensing-
ton furniture were "far
ahead of the output'; but
the failure of the railroad
to deliver the needed
lumber forced the com-
pany to cut shifts from ten
to eight hours a day. The
slow down was only tem-
porary because the Kens-
ington reported to the
Board of Trade that the
company had paid out
about $45,000 in wages in
1905 with an average
work force of 40 hands
and looked "forward to a
record year."
A fire in September
1906 which "did consid-
erable damage" forced a
factory shut down.
Whether it was a ploy to
cover the fire damage or a
sincere attempt to expand
the factory, owner Fred
RumbalI approached
town council in Decem-
ber for a $25,000 loan to
be repaid over 20 years at
4.5% interest. Rumball
proposed to expand the
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plant and double the
workforce to 100 workers.
Even though the Kens-
ington vas in arrears of
its 1899 loan payments,
the town was asked to
'vote for progress' and
approve the loan. In
exchange, the town held
the company's assets and
insurance policies as
security. The `Signal'
argued the `obvious.
advantages' to the town
by way of greater employ-
ment opportunities, an
expanded tax base and "a
stimulus to business of all
kinds." Rumball assured
voters that the Kensing-
ton "will live up to its
agreement." With high
hopes for its future pros-
perity, Goderich ratepay-
ers, once again, voted for
the loan in January 1907.
In September, the
expansion to the Kens-
ington was completed.
Five buildings contained
over 45,000 square feet of
floor space and, by 1908,
employed one hundred
skilled tradesmen turning
out "first class medium
priced" goods. The `Sig-
nal' described the brick
building as a "thorough,
up-to-date" plant which
doubled the factory's size
and placed the Kensing-
ton "among the largest
furniture manufacturers
in Canada" .and, perhaps,
the town's largest
employer. In the boom
years from 1908 to 1913,
the Kensington employed
80-100 hands working
12.5 hours a day.
Despite its booming
business, by November
1907, the Kensington
dragged its feet in signing
its insurance policies over
to the town. Rumball, in
March 1908, was called
before council to explain
the Kensington's 'past due'
loan repayments. Town
council was informed in
September 1909 that on the
$10,000 loan advanced to
the Kensington in 1899 only
$4,000 had been repaid and
on the 1907 loan for
$25,000, the company had
not repaid anything.
In early 1911, the town
threatened to take out an
insurance policy and
charge it to the company
because the company's
policy was deemed `inade-
quate.' The town insurance
policy was purchased in the
nick of time because a dev-
evastating fire in April caused
$50-70,000 in damage. For-
tunately, the machine
rooms were saved but
some company operations
were temporarily dispersed
through the town and lim-
ited production resumed
by month's end.
Rumball asked the
town to sign over insur-
ance payments to him to
rebuild the Kensington
factory. The town com-
plied and, to Rumball's
credit, the damaged
Kensington factory build-
ings were rebuilt. By
October 1912, it seemed
the Kensington Furniture
Company had
rebounded. The 'Signal'
reported that carloads of
furniture were shipped to
Calgary and Winnipeg.
Once again, tragedy
struck the Kensington. At 2
a.m., on August 21, 1913, a
G.T.R engine whistle blast
signalled the alarm that
flames were spotted at the
Kensington fac-
tory. Within an hour, "the
whole factor was in ruins."
Southerly winds fanned
the flames through the
entire plant area which by
daylight had turned the
complex into smouldering
ruins. The 'Signal' placed
the loss at about $100,00
with only $75,000 of the
company insured.
The Kensington fire was
the first in a series of
industrial fires that turned
the eastern edge of town
into a disaster area. In
1918, the ruins of the Bae-
chler factory, Dietrich
Gristmill, boiler factory
and Kensington buildings
prompted one railway
man to say that Goderich
looked like "some town in
the war zone that has been
heavily damaged."
Although the Rumball
family initially hoped to
rebuild their burned fac-
tory, by November, the
town took possession of
the Kensington's ashes.
As late as 1930, the town
was still trying to settle
the Kensington Furniture
Company account. It was
a tragic end to one of
Goderich's most promis-
ing industries.
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