The Wingham Times, 1916-10-12, Page 4Paye •i YOUNG MEN! Young men or others who are unable to join for oversea ser• vice can serve their King and Country by helping on Munition work. Every man should be doing his bit. Steady work to good men. Apply to The 1<obt. Bell 'Engine & Thresher Co. Ld. SEAFORTH, ONT. G F%U � UIll� SYSTEM M THANK3IVINO DAY Single Fare G ad • ting and returning on Mond: y October 9th r<� and One-third Good going October 7-8-9 Return limit October 10, 1916 Between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur :old to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo. Black Rock' Niagara Palls and Suspension Bridge, N. Y. Tickets and full it vitiation from E. B. ELLtQTr 'Town Passenger and Ticket Bgent, Phone t• W. F. BURG -MAN. Station Agent. Phui MOW ossitssafforser AUC i1ONEERS McCoanall & Vandrick Aucrkv,eera for the Counties of Huron eiel ]tuts, are prepared to take all kind:. u4.. • es. We are certain we eau pl. u.,• Con can have either one or b. ,1 en• o .,ie extra charge. Orders II can he left with F, McConnell, or with F. V an.•n .k at the Merchants' Brokers:/, U •.'a Store, Wingham, Charges moderate. s 1 e.roa a.oR.-e • P. (). Box 366 'Phone 198 WINGIIAM ONTARIO 111".16,0,11:64•.11.441.4411401,11W14•111•411•111.4 J. 7V. DODD Succ:ssor to J. O. Stewart Fire, Life, Accident rind Health INSURANCE Our new samples are here and we ask your inspection before buying either your Fall Suit or Overcoat as we have some of the newest and best clothes on the market today. Our color- ings in these are the very best that can be obtained and our prices are about the same as they were a year ago. Our fall Neckwear, Hats, Ceps, Shirts, Underwear etc have arrived, so give us a call. The only exclusive Gent's Furnishing store in town. Frank McLean Successor to W.VA. Campbell COAL —o -- Best D. L. & W Scran- ton Coal. Every advantage is with the consumer in buy- ing his coal early, better service, less cost, none of the disagreeable features of winter delivery, and the added satisfaction of hav- ing your coal in your owns bins. Place your order by the 20th inst. for delivery at June prices Dressed and undressed lum- ber, lath, shingles and wood. J. A. McLEAN DEALER IN LUMBER, COAL, WOOD AND SHINGLES. PROM s Residence 55, Office 64a, Mill 64b THE WINGHAM TIMES October, 12 1916 Dressing Station. Firing Lino--Offdal Film, "Battle at the seams: Give and heal! An urgent call for help again goes forth from the Motherland's mighty life- saving agency -- the British Red Cross., The Empire is called upon to give greatly, give lovingly, give quickly, that the sick, wounded and suffering on all the battle fronts may not languish and perish in their hours of deepest need.' Here is a great work in which all can share. The Joint War Committee of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St. John is the only institution which carries voluntary aid to the sick and wounded of the British forces on land and sea in every region of the war. Thousands of lives of our bravest and beet are saved through this splendid work. YOUR gift may save a life. Isn't it worth doing ? It is. GIVE l Make "Our Day" Your Red Cross Gift Day Give on October 19th The Red Cress looks after the transportation et tuck and wounded—it equips thousands of hospitals, rest end convalescent homes, it supplies . countless requisites for hospital work, clothing and other com- forts. Over 2,000 Red Cross Motor .ambulances are at work on the various fronts, while "rest stations," hospital trains, steamers and launches, food for pri- soners, books, special work for the blind, etc., etc., are a few. only. of Red Cross activities. Ontario's princely gift in 19I3 of $1,514,000 rang, a clarion mercy call, throughout the Empire. The British Red Cross were grateful beyond measure, and their appeal through Lord Lansdowne, President, now comes to us as to friends who sympathize and help. The need Is greater to -day than a year ago—it is ever growing. Will Ontario do leas than she did last year? No I GIVE—give a day's pay. give all you can. GIVE. Premier Hearst Has Seen the Work "31y visit to England and France has aroused deeper appre- dation than ever of the splendid work of the Red Cross. It deserves every support, and I trust the people of Ontario will respond with their usual generosity to the British Red Cross Appeal for October 19th," HON. W. H. HEARST, Prime Minister of Ontario. He gives twice who gives quickly. Your help is needed NOW! The Motherland's only direct appeal to us for help in this great war is her great Red Cross mercy work. Ontario's response must and will be quick and generous. Give through the Treasurer of your Local Committee— or, send your subscription to the Clerk of your munici- pality—or, make it payable to Hon. T. W. McGarry. Treasurer British Red Cross Fund for Ontario, Parlia- ment Buildings. Toronto. Don't Let Your Stricken Defenders Call in Vain, but Give and heal! The Sick and Wounded Call For Your Help Give on October 19th Your gift will go entirely to the British Red Cross, where, again, through much voluntary work, the working expenses are out down to only 2 3/e. % of the total revenue. Thus, if you give $10, actually ;9.7 7% goes to the healing and saving of some stricken hero. The expenses of the Ontario Committee, advertising, printing, etc., are being met entirely by the Provincial Government. Mr. N. W. Rowell, K.C.; Brings a Red Cross Message "I bring a message of cheer to those who have relatives at the front and who fear they may be wounded. I believe every. thing human skill can do, that human care and sympathy can provide, is being done and. provided each day and each night throughout the year by the Army Medical Corps and the Red Cross. It is a perfect marvel of efficiency." MR. N. W. ROWELL, B.C., Leader of the Opposition. • Wounded in the Treneke.—OMeial P11 , enattt. at W sant.." BRITISH RED CROSS IN WINGHAM Special committees will make a personal canvas on October 18-19-20, anc solicit; subscriptions.? Every citizen is expected to do his or her duty. If missed by the collectors, leave your donation with any officer or member of the committees. _ --�-=3•:tii;;LG1a A Public Meeting will be held in the opera house on Monday Evening, October 18th. A Field Day on the park, Friday afternoon, October 20th. A Concert will be held in the Opera House on Friday evening, Octoberl20th. L. F. BINKLEY, Chairman. TEESWATJ lt• Teeswater fall fair was held on Wed- nesday of last week and from the standpoint of attendance was a decided success. The weather was ideal, and the exhibits in all departments beyond the average. The gate receipts were $100 in advance of any fair held in the history of the town. More than 90 auto- mobiles were counted on the grounds. The Teeswater detachment of the I6Oth (Bruce) Battalion was home on last leave and gave an exhibition of physical drill. The Lucknow Pipe Band add the Teeswater boy scout band furnished the music. A concert was held in the even- ing. RBUT STRONGER To be healthy at senalty, prepare at forty, is nomad advice, beesase is lyse strength of middles Lie we too often forget that neglected voids. or careless twee- useist of alight -cries sol pies,eemplt underwire atr*aitli amid Omsk weakstas fwd /Mesa yaws. To be ateosiror whoa elli n, boaa yew blood pore said rich sail Wive the si esegth-lasing and tassel-aoarishisig mirtiia ai[ lean'. ,seal - --me whillshia a teals sod sasedirise is bayfwe Wail Wok alleviate riamesetlem silt eAl emir slew Mery EAST WAWANOSH, There died very suddenly at her home one the 4th concession of East Wawa - nosh on Thursday, Sept. 29th, in the 4Sth year of her age, Ann Jane F. Mason. Deceased has been about her household duties and was talking to Mrs. Wm. Bair, when all of a sudden she reeled and fell and when she was picked up life was extinct. She had been subject to such spells, hut they were not considered of so serious a nature. The late Mrs. Mason was born in Morris Township where her early life was spent. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harrison, now of Vankoughnet, Muskoka, and was mar- ried 26 years ago to her now bereft husband. There was no family to this union, but three adopted daughters, namely Bertha and Grace at home. and Mrs. Wm. Blair, of East Wawanosh, remain to mourn her loss. Besides her immediate family, she leaves ber par- ents and four brothers and five sisters. The brothers and two sisters reside in Muskoka, one sister in Saskatewan, one in Strathroy and Mrs. Wm. Howett of East Wawanosh. Deceased was a member of the Anglican Church. but for some years past has been a regular attendant of the Methodist Church, Westfield. A.3G. SMITH, Sec'y-Treas. FartmasHEDA7 THOUGHTFULNESS is appreciated by your family when it takes the form of a practical provision. for the future. A Savings Account in the Bank of Hamilton is the, the best evidence of thoughtfulness. Wingham Branch Capital Authorized =5,000,000 C. P. Smith. Manager Capital Paid-up - ;1,000.000 Surplus - • • 53,475.000 Try our Advertising Columns obi Diamond Rings, kb iii Engagement Rings, iii Wedding Rings 4 10 FOR THE JUNE BRIDE r i 1.0 10 10 Silverware of All Kinds 111 it i.e "Community", "Rogers" and "Pearl Handled" 1.ft ht to e Fancy Clocks, Cut Glass, Jewelry j PF ALL KINDS �0 1.0 to Fine Watch Repairing a specialty. All work f�� IP guaranteed. illi /A 1.0 fhA. M.KNOX 0 10 10 Jeweller and Optician fe APhone 65 Eyes Tested Frees ,fit .0.............,..........,...,........,..,-.....,.,,..a.r ..................4 `.,••.•.•r.•o„•\ ..•'••••••,....,-•o,•%.••.'.....•• r. OW•.00•.6y.Ano, . ANO . II•/•/•Awe •/•/ .•.r.r•r•r•oso• �.v.r•.... . .0 *Stt...- 9.1 n11, IA 1.0 10 1ffi. POULTRY /0 1.0 1.0 10 IA .t.,,, WANTED i. fit is !ft 10 10 eWe need large quantities 10 10 of Poultry daily and are f 0 prepared to pay highest ��• 1 prices. e Make your deliveries any j10 10 M time. 10 1$ 40 10 hi A. H. WILFORD ; • - 10 1. ffi Phones:—Office 174, Residence 108 • /rt rfi Produce Dealer Wingham Ontario..; 11 tut -}. ' jn 1\ li FALL AND WINTER APPAREL i Sweater Coats We have just opened a large range of Men's, Ladies', and Ghildren's Sweater Coats for Fall and Winter, in all the latest styles and colorings. Fall Apparel For Women Who Care Every woman should see the uncom- mon showing of New Fabrics for suits, coats, and dresses we have on display at this store. No matter if you do not want to buy, you should come and see this splendid array. Winter Coats for Men A big range of New Winter Coats, new styles and new cloths ready for you. Underwear Good Fall and Winter Underwear for men and ladies. Men's Suits for Fall and Winter We have a nice stock of Men's Suits in all the latest styles and cloths at special prices. We can't duplicate them at these prices. J. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PRONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT