HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-10-05, Page 4Page 4 THE wl`vGHAM TIME' October, 5 1916 YOUNG MEN! Young men or others who are unable to join for oversea ser- vice can wive their King and Country by helping on Munition work. Ev. ry man should be doing his Lir. Steady work to good men, Apply to The I obt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co. Id. SEAFORTH, ONT. fifi,,�� ,�ArL''�►AY U�S.YST£Nt' THAKSOIVINO UAY ateTAsia tataau ant. Red Cross Contribution C `x'14-1' '1P' -.' .APP VrIF W -1ft 14� UrtlktUr Virt n a �y INNS ?" The Wingham 1 N S mane a special levy of 3 10 of a mill as , " Are You bald 3.B. BLGIOTT. Pt BLU IICa AND FROPIE.T0t, a donation in connection with the campaign for funds which will be held , k "Have You Thin & The East Wawanosh Council has 0 Single Fare Good going and returning on Monday, October 9th on Trafalgar Day, October 19th. This 44 _._ of 4%500.00 from the ratepayers of the t elotice of changes must be left at this township. office not later than Saturday noon.! .1.0 ADVERTISERS will make a donation in the neighborhood Fare and One-third Good going October 7-8-9 1 etirn limit October 10, 1916 Between ell stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to Detroit and Port Huron, Mien., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Fa.is and Suspension Bridge, N. Y. The copy for changes must be left I not later than Monday evening. The Potato Shortage. Casual advertisements accepted up Farmers of Old Ontario and Southern 4 to noon Wednesday of each week Quebec are facing a serious shortage in 0 _ potatoes. The condition of the crop 1916 !throughout North America is such that 4 they would be well advised to purchase 0 now their seed supply for next spring. `; Good healthy stocks of suitable varieties c may be obtained at resonable prices in parts of Eastern Quebec and the Mari- at time provinces.—Seed Branch, Ottawa. a� THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5. Tickets :urd full information from B 8!.•.1 t r' e Lown Passenger and Ticket Agent. h.n r4,W. F. BL;RGMAN, Station .A gent. o EDITORIAL NOTES With the death of another Liberal Senator, Hon. John Costigan, Friday the Liberal majority in the Senate is naw practically wiped out. There are now twelve vacancies in the Upper Chamber, and it is understood that the Government will fill up these vacancies before next session of Parliament. The standing of the parties in the Upper Chamber, even providing no further deaths occur in the meantime, is forty- five Liberals to forty-three Conservat- ives, counting Sir Lyman Melvin Jones on the Conservative side. Two or three of the Liberal Senators, owing to ill - health, are almost certain to be absent during the coming session. AUCTIONEERS McCaaaell & Vandrick y131��s1 Aernoia •e for the Counties of �l Burtm an • Bruce, are prepared to take all kinds of sn,es. We are t ertain we can plea -e You can have either one or both without extra charge. orders can be 1,f, with F. McConnell, or with I . F. Vale trick at the Merchants' Brok,.rac,•,to; s Store, Wingham, Charge,. moderate. 1 CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of lzhg It Pays to Advertise. Last week an error was made in the advt. of the Wingham Bazaar which appeared in the TIMES. Women's overall aprons were quoted at 10 cents and before the TIMES had been publish- ed an hour the Bazaar had several enquiries for the aprons. The price should have been 39 cents. This mis- take again demonstrates the value of newspaper advertising. The Ontario License Board has dec- ided to make a test case of the content- ion of outside liquor interests that they can have an agent or representative in the Province to transmit orders left with him. The Board is investigating a case of a former shopkeeper. who has been acting in this way for an outside firm and an information, will be laid against him in order to make the test. The Board is also notifying holders of export warehouse licences that they cannot sell to anyone in the Province, whether the would-be purchasers are legally entitled to buy liquor or not. Neither can the warehouse sell to out- side firms and hold or deliver the liquor within Ontario, according to their in- structions. I I I Our new samples are here and we ask your inspection before buying either your Fall Suit or Overcoat as we have some of the newest and best clothes on the market today. Our color- ings in these are the very best that can be obtained and our prices are about the same as they were a year ago. Our fall Neckwear, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Underwear etc have arrived, so give us a call. The only exclusive Gent's Furnishing store in town. Frank McLean Successor to W.IA. Catnpbell Died in London. Mrs. Harry Beith, daughter of Mrs. Rosanna Coutts, of this town, who had been ill for some time in Victoria Hospital at London, passed away on Wednesday of last week, Mrs. Beith was born in this town and had lived here up to the time of her marriage, when she moved to London, and her early death is regretted by a large circle of friends. Mrs. Coutts had been with her daughter some days prior to her death and her brother, Mr. Alex. Coutts attended the funeral at London on Friday. CONDITIONS AT FRONT. Another indication of the tremendious popular interest in what is going on in the trenches and another sign that the whole heart and mind of the people is centred unceasingly in Flanders and in France, have been supplied by the character ani extent of the crowds flocking to hear Mr. Rowell tell of his experiences at the front. Piano Donned. The piano recently donated by our townsman, Mr. Geo. McKenzie, to the town for use in the Town Hall, was de- livered on Tuesday. The piano is a good one and this handsome gift from Mr. McKenzie will be appreciated. Mr. McKenzie is one of our oldest and most highly esteemed residents and has always taken an active interest in the welfare of the town. He served a number of years in the Council and held the various positions and was always faithful in the discharge of his duties. A large circle of friends would be sorry to hear of Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Kenzie's removal from town. This week Mr. Rowell has spoken three times: —at Massey Hall to the rel- atives of men at the front; at the Canadian Club to the business men of Toronto and at the banquet of the Trades and Labor Congress to the re- presentatives of the working men of Canada. Mr, Rowell will now visit two or three places in -the province continuing the story of what he saw during his visit to Great Britain and France. The most remarkable of the meetings up to the present undoubtedly was the one in Massey Hall which was arranged by the Women's Emergency Corps to give relatives of Canadian 'soldiers a chance of hearing a message from them. Two hours before the meeting began, women were lined up on the street in front of the ball and a number of them who had brought their babies with them were sitting on the steps and on the curb of the street. During the meeting the immense ball was crowded beyond its capacity with an audience composed three-quarters of women. a large number of them with babies whom they could not leave at home. There was a good deal of talking and crying by these babies during the meeting, but neither the speaker nor anyone else objected to this in the least—rather they welcomed it, for these Iittle children belonged to Canadian fathers at the front and as such were the most welcome guests that could possibly come. The women eagerly listened to every word of tb story of life in the trenches as Mr Rowell had an opportunity of viewing it during bis four days' visit to the Canadian front. Among other messages from the Canadians which Mr. Rowell brought back were these —"Take care of the wounded who come home" and "Send us more and more men as reinforce- ments." 7.1 1 COAL •1 Best D. L. & W Scran- 5 ton Coal. • Every advantage is with the consumer in buy- ing his coal early, better service, less cost, none of the disagreeable features of winter delivery, and the t added satisfaction of hav- S ing your coal in your owns bins. Place your order by the 20th inst. for delivery at June prices Dressed and undressed lum- ber, lath, shingles and wood. J. A. McLEAN DEAL1 Tt 11' LUMBER,. COAL, WOOD AND SHINGLES,. PoroVEs tlesidence 55, (Wee 64a, Mill 64b ta,44q,44h wsa+ 44 Faded Hair ?" Is your appearance not what it should be because of the lack of HAIR? Then come and see, DORENWEND'S Display of FINE HAIR GOODS at the Brunswick Hotel Wingham, on Wednesday, October 181 The latest productions in LA POMPADOURS, WAVES, ETC., and "FOR MEN WHO ARE BALD" THE DORENWEND TOUPEE which represents the highest achievement in the art of hair constructing. i? ea t h e r weight, hygenic, and so natural in appear- ance that the closest observer could not tell it from your own hair. They cannot be disturbed or removed except at the wearer's wish. NOT A FAD BUT AN ABSOLUTE NECESSITY TO EVERY MAN WHO IS BALD. —_—= Have a Demonstration on Wednesday, October 18th jPe "DORENWEND'S" Head Office & Show Rooms 105 Yonge Street, Toronto �.�sss�i.v�.v�.�.�s,�:�,v�.ca%�.at:�,cs�.v�t•'�.c�rs�.rt�,cf-a'�•�i.� [ONE DAY ONLY] !f 1 !1 rt\ Diamond Rings, iii f.e Engagement Rings, n0 rt, Wedding Rings �' (.0 FOR THE JUNE BRIDE 0`. ! Silverware of All Kinds t fe 0 "Community", "Rogers" and "Pearl Handled P t` FancyClocks, Cut Glass, Jewelry j t. 0fiOF ALL KINDS i Fine Wedded in the West. A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Parsonage, Swift Current, Sask., on Sept. 12th, when Ada Jane Smith, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of Park River, North Dakota, was united in marriage to Sergt. William Rowland Henderson, of the 209th Overseas Battalion, C. E. F., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs T. M. Henderson, of White Bear, Sask., formerly of the Bluevale Road. Rev. Quarter -Master Sergeant Taylor, of the 209th Battalion, officiated. The bride looked very charming in her suit of navy blue serge. The happy couple are spending a few days at the Empress Hotel in that city previous to the groom's departure for Camp Hugh s, Manitoba, from whence he is leaving for overseas in the very near future. e Jubilee of Edie's Church The Golden Jubilee of Eadies Presby- terian Church, Turnbert'y will be ob- served next Sabbath Oct. 8th. There will be three services. During the fifty years of its history the church has had seven miniters. Only three of them are now living and each will take charge of one service. The Rev. W. J, West, a former pastor for fifteen years will preach at 11 a., m.. At 3 o'colck in after- noon there will be an "Old Time Ser- vice" conducted by the Rev. Jas Hastie who began his ministry there just fifty years ago. The evening service at 7.: will be in charge of Rev. C. Tate, tl,e present pastor. All are invited to come and enjoy these jubilee services. On the ° following Monday evening, Oct. 9th, an entertainment will be held in the church beginning at 8 o'clock, consisting of recitations, music, songs and addresses by Rev. Jas Hastie, Rev. W. J. West, Rev. T. A. Bell and Rev. D. Perrie, E "MADE IN CANADA" The 1917 Ford Touring Car $495.0Q/ f. o. b. Ford, <at. Streamline effect, taeerd hood, crown fenders, new ratflator with IEEhtger cooling surface,— these are the principal new features of the 1917 model. The demand for this new model has been so great that I am having difficulty in obtaining sufficient cars to satisfy my customers. To insure delivery of your car, I suggest placing an order today. Call and see me— llilll Dealer Wingham 11111 �ar�lll—►=•.tee=�=�-C A. M. CRAWFORD The next serial picture to be shown at the Picture House will be entitled "The Red Circle," featuring Ruth Roland, commencing October 20th. HA WEA tom? Do calla settle an war deist or is roar lata>o&i.1,tixa? Do coughs !sang on, or are yaw abject to throat troubles? Such troubles should have immediate treatment with the rare curative powers of Scott's Emulsion iw guard against comainsption which so assay Sollows. Switch pac.Esa recodliver at the res- p 'era and improves the gtsality til the blood; the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special- ists. *You can get it at any drag store. Scott & mist. TO(OaM. OM. i BISL(RA.VE Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boyce, Mr. Harry Carson and Misses Maud Davis aad Leticia Robinson, of 1'Vingbam, attend- ed the service in Trinity Church on Sunday afternoon. 1�k r Jeweller and Optician 1.0 Eyes Tested Free 773 f. W. Phone 65 Watch Repairing a specialty. All work ;- guaranteed. A. M KNOX \.r. .r•/•.•••r. .r. •.r.•rr••or•�•••.•ow. •orr:osr..amt.Air •or•,••0•r 8Ml1'VALE. Mr. and Mrs. David Jewitt have re- turned home from visiting the latter's father, Mr. Sam's. Anderson, who has been seriously ill et the home of his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Robertson, near Owen Sound. ..__..••• _.rte In Hamilton kindergarten classes and and Sunday Schools are ordered closed by the Medical Officer of Health on ac- count of infantile paralysis. P Paq Yo uv OUT of TOWN ACCOUNTS` bii/- DOMINION DOMINION -EXPRESS ,MONEY ORDERS '$ 6.00 and under costs 3 cents. $ 5.00 to $10.00 6 cents. $10.00 to $30.00 10 cents. $30.00 to $50.00 " 15 cents. Payable at Par Everywhere t►_WET Oa ARLAYRD. YOUR MONEY WILL ai REVU.RDEL R D. CUNNINGHAM Local Agent j �,00•�.OW•IS.AO•/0•/0•�•00•,r�, ..•�•r.•WO.� \••` • 1O PURE BRED ROOSTERS 1.0 1.0 r That Will Improve Your Flock. 1.0 FOR SALE One hundred and fifty Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds See our special prize list and come to our de- monstration of fertilizer and produce. We will show you hatch, house, feed, kill and caponize poultry at Wingham Fall Fair. MEW A. H. WILFORD ft, Phones:—Office 174, Resi Produce Dealer r rpt -lel dance 108 Wingham Ontario fir. MORRIS Dr, and Mrs. McCutcheon, Wiikes- barre, Penn., left for their home last week after a visit with relatives and old friends here. The former enjoyed 2 weeks here but his better half had been here for a couple of months They were welcome. Gordon Morrison, of London, whose health was not extra good, bas been spending a holiday with Elston and Mrs Cardiff. 5th line. He has pulled up splen- didly on the farm and: will goon return to his position in the bank. Mrs. Cardiff is Mr. Morrision's sister. On Saturday Sept. 23rd Miss Mabel D. eldest daughter of Henry and Mrs,Bone, 3rd line, was joined in matrimony with Wm. McMichael, Brantford. Ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Baker, at the Parsonage, Brantford. The bride wore a most becoming costume of blue silk, trimmed with Georgia. crepe. Mr. and Mrs.MeMicheal will Make their home at No. 300 Colborne street, Brant- ford and many relatives and friends join in wishing thein many happy aad pros- perous years. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA The Grand Trunk Railway System issue round trip Homeseekers' tickets at very low fares from stations in Canada to points in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan and Alberta, each Tuesday until Octoher 31st, inclusive via North Bay, Cochrane and Transcontinental Route br via Chicago, St. Paul and Duluth and are good returning two months from date of issue. Through tourist sleeping cars are operated each Tuesday for Winnipeg leaving Toronto 10.45 p. m. via Trans- continental Route without change. Reservations in tourist sleepers may be obtained at nominal charge on application to any Grand Trunk Ticket Office. The Grank Trunk Pacific Rail- way is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton, with smooth roadbed. s electric Lighted sleeping cars, through the newest, most picturesque and most rapidly developing section of Western Canada. Before deciding on your trip ask Grand Trunk Agents to furnish full particulars or write C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont, FALL AND WINTER APPAREL Sweater Coats We have just opened a large range of Men's, Ladies', and Ghildren's Sweater Coats for Fall and Winter, in all the latest styles and colorings. Fall Apparel For Women Who Care Every woman should see the uncom- mon showing of New Fabrics for suits, coats, and dresses we have on display at this store. No matter if you do not want to buy, you should come and see this splendid array. Winter Coats for Men A big range of New Winter Coats, new styles and new cloths ready for you. Underwear Good Fall and Winter Underwear for men and ladies. Men's Suits for Fall and Winter We have a nice stock of Men's Suits in all the latest styles and cloths at special prices. We can't duplicate them at these prices. J. AMILLS Successor to T. A. 1Vlills PHONE 89. WINC'HAM, ONT