HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1916-10-05, Page 3October 5, 1916
By Purifying the Blood
You Get Rid of Pain
Mere is the Sworn Statement of a Lady Who Was Cured
by Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
Poison causes pains and aches,
tired, languid feelings and derange-
Bents of the vital organs of the body.
y ridding the human system of poi-
sonous impurities Dr. Chase's Kidney -
Liver Pills cure rheumatism, head-
ache, backache and pains through the
body and limbs.
A.s an illustration, we would refer
you to the sworn statement of Mrs.
73ergland. It 1s Just such experiences
ss this that has made se many thou-
Minda of people enthusiastic about
r. Chase's 1 b1ney-Liver Pills. This
why they are to be found in the
shit majority of homes.
O. Herg?and, Dunkirk. Sank.
"I, kighiY ug
FPHU toen
weak kt
lead bacckk-
I couldet any rest. I had rheuma-
tism and always had a limey teelta6
n the region1s of y 7a Ia
nervous and open f
about Dr. Chaae'e Kidney -Livor Plus
led me to use them., and with the
most highly aatlsfaatorr resalta. 1
I can recommend thttiti to *et;7oste
v.ho wants to be cured of kidney
troublir. W. E. Johnson, Cornlwi l^*ear
to take oaths, writes: "This Is
certify that 1 know Mas. --
and believe her altateroest 3a
to Dr. Chase's Sidney tt'er PiI1f to
be,true and correct."
Put Dr. Charge's
ants eg
ed, Toronto.
(Guelph Herald)
The people of the United States have
received something of a shock by reason
of the large number of applicants
for ar:ny service who have been re-
jected because of being physically unfit.
The percentage of weaklings is certain-
ly very alarming seeing that out of
3,000 applicants 70U only were accepted.
Commenting on the fact the Buffalo
News says:
What this country needs is more
play. And we need to all play.
Baseball is a good game. But
eighteen play and thousands look on.
We go in thousands to witness college
sports, races, regattas, when we too,
should be doing something to round out
our hollow chests, take the charlie
horse away, give us sound limbs and
wind, spring step, sound digestion and
We love outdoor sports. Our athletes
hold many world's records. And we
are naturally proud of their achieve-
But we must look after our own
physique, and make ourselves fit.
Massing supplies is fine, mobolizing
our industries is great, building forti-
fications, ships and guns is absolutely
necessary, teaching the young how to
shoot is essential.
These things are all in the scheme of
preparedness. But preparedness goes
further -it should consider the public
health and stamina, the physical fitness
of the individual.
A sound mind in a sound body -that
is the desideratum.
The Americans are an easy going,
pleasure loving people, who live to eat
and are careless about what they eat.
The result is shown in the large per-
centage of rejections among the
applicants for enlistment. Canadians
have done better, but we live too close
to our American neighbors to be entirely
free from their faults. The war will do
much to develop a splendid physique in
the men of Canada who are trained for
the Canadian expeditionary forces, but
the need of proper athletic training
applies to all classes of Canadians, and
more particularly to the children in our
schools. There are manifest advantages
in the wsy of compulsory military train-
ing quite apart from the advantages it
offers in time of war.
Get "More Money" for your Skunk
Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes,White Weasel, Fisher
and other Fur bearers collected in your section
house in the World dealing exclusively in NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS
a reliable -responsible -safe Fur House with an unblemished rep-
utation existing for more than a third of a century," a long suc-
cessful record of sending Fur Shippers prompt, S ATIS FACTORY
AND PROFITABLE returns. Write for"Me g,yuturt &bipver;
the only reliable. accurate market report and price list published.
Write for it -NOW -it's FREE
Dept.0 314CHICAGO, U.S.A.
r. -
rTTRY the "Times" with your next order of
Job Printing. We do good work always
and all ways.
Lowest prices. Satisfaction guaranteed.
We have put in our office
Stationery and can
a complete stock of Staple
supply your vents in
It has been a favorite plea of the
brewer that in hot weather the laboring
man must have his beer or he will
suffer serious inconvience, and various
alcoholic beverages were greatly lauded
as the ideal drink for the warm summer
days. And any mprtal who was rash
enough to suggestthat alcohol was
not a suitable article of diet for the
warm weather was promptly dubbed
"a temperance crank."
It is true that we had the testimony
of such men as Lord Roberts and
Kitchener that in hot climates strong
drink was an evil rather than a good,
but those whose living is bound up in
the sale of intoxicants were sure that
at least in northern latitudes men
needed their beer. But the facts are
going steadily against this contention.
The more carefully the matter is studied
the more clearly it is seen that alcohol
is not a friend to man.
One of the most recent proofs of this
is furnished from Chicago. This
summer has been remarkable for ex-
ceptionally hot spells, and during three
of the hottest days in July 155 eases of
heat prostration were treated at Cook
County Hospital, and the mortality
was 44 per cent. Dr. Karl Meyer, the
medical warden, in collaboration with
Dr. Harry Gauss, made an exhaustive
study of these cases, and has just
published the conclusion arrived at.
These doctors claim that 98 per cent.
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of
Or anything you may require in the printing line.
Subscriptions taken nfor� all Magazines. Newspapers
The Times Office
W ngham,
"Fruit -a -tires" Made Him Feel
As It Walking On Air
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, } ss
Lucas County,
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co.. doing business in the
City of Toledo, County and State afore-
said, and that said firm will pay the
for each and every case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of December,
A. D. 1886.
(Seal) A. W. GLEASON Notary Public,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. f
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con-
OIILLIA, On., Nov.. 28th. 1914.
"For over two years, I was troubled
with Constipation, Drowsiness, Lack of
Appetite and Headaches. One day I saw
your sign which read "J•'ruit-a-tives
make you feel like walking on air."
This appealed to me, so I decided to
try a box. In a very short time, I
began to feel better, and now Ifeel fine,
I have a good appetite, relish everything
I eat, and the Headaches are gone
entirely. I recommend this pleasant
fruit medicine to all my friends ".
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-
a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
of these cases of sunstroke were trace-
able to alcohol. Dr. Gauss questioned
twenty-five patients who were suffer-
ing from heat prostration. and all but
two had taken some alcoholic beverage
during the day. These twenty-three
persons admitted having taken from
one bottle to a gallon of beer, in ad-
dition to stronger drinks, and most of
the patients admitted that they were
habitual users of alcohol. The doctors
assert that an alcoholic bresth is the
usual accompaniment to heat pros-
Is your poultry house, stable or hog
barn infested with insects? Do you
want to have clean, fresh, attractive
interiors in your buildings? Then try
the following mixture: Slake 5 quarts
of lime with hot water to the consistency
of cream. To this add one pint of zeno-
leum or a coal tar product 'and 1 pint of
kerosene. Dilute until it can be applied
with a brush or spray pump. The coal
tar product kills disease germs, the
kerosene destroys mites and the lime
whitens the walls.
tw hamsgr�rr.'��w:
TFIE port of Vancouver is making
rapid strides towards becoming
• one of the finest on the Ameri-
can continent. Manu improvements
are being made in and along the har-
bor to meet the requirements of the
tremendous and growing commerce
that Is carried across the Pacific
Ocean. Shipbuilding is being taken
up with success and enthusiasm.
Piers already are being extended and
new ones built. The Canadian Paci-
fic O=•ean and Steamships Company is
the leader in the ranks of progress.
Just now they are doing much to add
to the equinnient of the already well
equipped harbor at Vancouver so
that passenger and freight traffic may
be conducted with the utmost speed
and convenience. They have recent-
ly let a contra••t at a huge sum for
the de:poning by :.0 feet of the water-
front b,,twean their sheds Number 3
and '.p This improvement will allow
the most gigantic of ocean going ves-
sels to berth in comfort.
On Saturday, August 26th last, the
Canadian Pacific Liner "Empress of
Asia" docked at Vancouver, after one
of her voyages from the Orient, carry -
46S passengers, a heavy consignment
of mails, and 5,40E) tons of freight,
which included ;.,0105 bales of raw
rill: valued at S4,O6'0,000. This atilt
N ,14 conveyed by epo.dal train to New
York. In addition to what has al-
ready been mentioned the "Empress
of Asia" earricd a lar:;e quantity of.
waste silt, 3,100 cases of rubber, and1
a big Quantity of tea. The cargo,i
which in stated to have been the rich-
est that ever crossed the Pacific, will
rive some idea of the impo'tance of.
Canadian I'aci£'c shipping at Vane'
The derricks and wharves are kept
bt ny Loading and unloading the im-
port and export freight, and realizini;;
the Great utility of these machines,
the Canadian Pacific Company hes
4sLre&ewed the latest and hest into
Its 8 'alma.
Phetbgrd !alt 1 shows a vessel load-
jlisg. Ikte derrick to the left of the
lcture has a capacity for lifting 15
ns, gad twat to lige right has a
paclty for lilting 50 toils. Both
re operated by e$Srtrbcaly tiriveau
inehes.lThe 16 ten derritk, whitli
"S a beam of 50 feet, is capable of
kirrk� l�lit,een ton lifts from the see -
track along the wharf to
the vessel's hold. The 50 'both derrick,
1Wl sbonlofIQi-agt.(a)3►
fiiTg direct �rotn IV:AA any et
three tracks direct to the vetost t3
hold. This derrick has been reeeilli-
ly inetalfeat.
The see�i k „tt% we :t 6
ton Warr
the lb
tvfeitou a o
aeeeusi train t ..,' 1 >w�ite
to ovbr e. tl . co tot
e nott
Mt fel e111npe of awl
un pit wise box car.
tlrasaa`t°r ai�pis i ae 5/3 tiols
a, hex oar sew
ore gips to Vessel. Latts
sa the: • :.. Aims intik pit
elite Maio 0l et Cotton *kt
is OW seem shout M CubW
piotarm ilii will be seer!
tie Oa tan losieliie have pro=
d error Peillible facility of the
malt it/Pio-date tyipe for handling
treki.4,14 its Fa c tprxpt1/411
violin and
'Cello Music
All the whimsical witch-
itchery - haunting restless-
ness-dreamf ul exaltation
of the world's finest violin
and 'cellc innsic caught
for you wit.). an exquisite
sense of reality in
Doubt -,iliac
Kath!exs Have your dealer play thea' for you:
Parlow Kathleen Parlow-A5412-£i St
Humoreske (Dvorak) orelies...a accompani-
Melodie (Tschaikowsky) orcaestra accom.
Pablo Casals-A5649-$1.50 r
Largo (Handel), with orchestra.
Melody in F (Rubinstein), with orchestra.
Jules Falk -A1110-850.
A'e Maria (Schubert) with Traumerei
Charles D'AImaine-A1712--85c.
White Cockade; Jigs and Reels Medley with
Harrigan's Reel (Prince's Orchestra),
Eugene Ysaye-36525-$1.50
Caprice Viennois, Op. 2 (Kreisler).
Eugene Ysaye-36524-$1.50
Hungarian Dance in G (No. 5) (Brahms).
Columbia dealers gladly play these and any other of the
thousands of Columbia records without thought of obligation.
Completo Record List from dealers or mailed by us.
Graphophone Company
Canadian Factory & Headquarters
Toronto, Ont.
Sole Agent Winghaln, Ontario
coo•e♦o♦o••♦o•••♦••••o♦*Goo 000soos♦oa000♦♦•00000000•
• •Clubbirig •
•• e
• .
o Times and Saturday Globe 2 40 ••
• Times and Daisy Globe 4 25 -
• •Times and Daily World 3.60 e
• Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star2 35 ♦
• Times and Toronto Weekly Sun ..-.. 2 25 •
o Times and Toronto Daily Star 3 ri0 •
s Times and Toronto Daily News.. 3 30•
• Times and Daily Mail and Empire. 4.25 •
e Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 2.10
Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.85 •• •
• Times and Canadian Countryman :.'.l0
e Times and Farm and Dairy 2.30 0
•° Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press, . - . 2.10 0
• Times and Daily •Advertiser (morning) 3 35 •
• Times and Daily Advertiser (evening) 3.35 •o
• Times and London Daily Free Press Morning o
• Edition
• 4.00•
Evening Edition 3 40 •
o Times and Montreal Weekly Witness' •
2.35 •
4.Times and World Wide • • • 2 75 e
•Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg..... 2.10 •
• Times and Presbyterian ... - ... - • •2.75 •
• Times and Westminster 2.75 •
• Times, Presbyterian and Westminster 3,75 ♦•
Times and Toronto Saturday Night 3 b5
o Times and McLean's Magazine 3.25 •
e Times and Home Journal, Toronto 53.25 •
• Times and Youth's Companion 3.40•
o Times and Northern Messenger 1.90 •
••• Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly)3.40 ••
•• Times and Canadian Pictorial 2.35 •
• Times and Lippincott's Magazine 3.65 ••
• Times and Woman's Home Companion . 3.20 •
• Times and Delineator 3.10•
• Times and Cosmopolitan . 3.15 0
• Times and Strand 2.95 •
oTimes and Success . 2.95 o
• Times and McCllire's Magazine.............. 2,85 0
• Times and Munsey's Magazine y45 0
•Times and Designer •
o°. Times and Everybody's 2.70 ••
• These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great:
•.•Britain. °
••The above •
publications may be obtained by Times.•
:subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica-••
:tion being the figure given above less $I.00 representing:
:the price of The Times. For instance : •
: The Times and Saturday Globe S2•40
• The Farmer's Advocate (82.85 less $1.50). 1.35 •
•making the price of the three papers $3•75. $3.75• 2
° The Times and the Weekly Sun .. 82,25 Z
•• The Toronto Daily Star (83.30 less 81.50).. 1 ,0
• The Saturday Globe ($2.40 less 81.50) 90
ithe four papers for $4.95'
• •
If the publication you want is not in above list lets
:us know. We can supply almost any well-known Cana -
♦than or American publication. These prices are strictly:
:cash in advance. d
♦ e
♦Or•••♦••••••••••••••t•O♦b♦•••,” .1.0Q•Ov`1 0**o^Ob6*J4♦♦